Im not a theist but srsly guys wtf?

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Im not a theist but srsly guys wtf?

Im not probably what would consider a "theist" i mean i dont adhere to any one religion really, I think its all a bunch of shit with people trying to explain a universe they cant possibly understand. BUT dont you think trying to get "theism" turned into a mental disorder is kinda wrong? I mean theism is a choice, yeah people take it to far, but who the hell are you to try and tell people what they "can and cant beleive?" im probably going to get flamed for this post, but you will just be proving that your as fanatical and dogmatic as any christian fundy. In case you havent noticed alot of countries throughout history have tried to outlaw or erase religious diversity and its never turned out well for both the country and its government. (Germany, China, etc) If somehow you guys succeeded and got theism to be classified as a mental disorder it would be the first step towards a totalitarian state. Pretty soon everyone with an oppinion that didnt adhere to the status quo would be considered to have a "mental disorder." now you can try and change peoples oppinions about religion but actively trying to make a campaign to totally eradicate it seems a tad fanatical? How would you feel if christians suddenly had the ability to go on a crusade against atheism because of some half baked technicality? well thats essentially what some of you idiots are trying to do. You can say "Yeah but where right!" but honestly thats just an oppinion. Im not saying theres a big bearded benevolent old guy up in the sky controlling everything behind the scenes like the wizard of Oz but that doesnt mean there isnt some symetry in the universe, people are just animals with who can only comprehend so much, do you honestly think you can prove that there is no "higher power" simply because of science? Yeah it disproves religious dogma's but then again i dont think afew stories written afew thousand years ago could really comprehend the nature of a higher power...  now you can OMG DELETE THE FUCKING THEIST! but wouldnt that be the cowards way out, prove me wrong?

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Hi, it's me again, god, just

Hi, it's me again, god, just as you, exactly as what you are, just as I am what I am. Now a better question, what are we in scientific godly detail? 

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I don't think I've seen

I don't think I've seen anyone tell someone what they CAN and CAN'T believe... just point out how ridiculous their beliefs are. This site is all about helping people realize their own mistake: Blindly believing in something ridiculous. For instance, many Muslim women probably have no problem covering themselves head to toe, as Ayaan Hirsi Ali has said in videos I've seen. She didn't feel oppressed, she was simply being good Muslim. She would have probably said "let me have my beliefs and leave me alone" back then. Yet from our vantage point, we can see that Muslim women are ridiculously oppressed. Should we or should we not try to teach them? Should we are should we not call such a situation ridiculous? Simply letting people believe what they want to is not right in my opinion, if it is causing them or others harm.

For examples of how religion causes harm, see Sam Harris's books.

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Atheismseriousbuisness wrote:

Im not probably what would consider a "theist" i mean i dont adhere to any one religion really, I think its all a bunch of shit with people trying to explain a universe they cant possibly understand.

Good for you.

Atheismseriousbuisness wrote:
BUT dont you think trying to get "theism" turned into a mental disorder is kinda wrong?

I personally don't see it ever happening. But it is as much a disorder as any addiction. Someone should come up with a 12 step program for freeing oneself of the addiction of a god. Turning it into a hospitalizing experience is something I would not personally recommend, however.

Atheismseriousbuisness wrote:

I mean theism is a choice,

Theism can be a choice. It is not always. If it were, people wouldn't bother home schooling their kids to keep them away from "dangerous" secular institutions such as grade school. If you grow up in this world surrounded by people who tell you there is a god, then you're almost guaranteed to believe the same.

Atheismseriousbuisness wrote:
yeah people take it to far, but who the hell are you to try and tell people what they "can and cant beleive?"

I am Vastet. And I have as much right to tell them that they are full of shit as they have the right to spread that shit. 

Atheismseriousbuisness wrote:
im probably going to get flamed for this post,

Probably. I didn't read all the responses due to a lack of time though.

Atheismseriousbuisness wrote:
but you will just be proving that your as fanatical and dogmatic as any christian fundy.

That's more a human condition than an evangelical one. I have observed that people tend to get angry when their beliefs, or lack thereof, are challenged. Angry people tend to toss around insults.

Atheismseriousbuisness wrote:
In case you havent noticed alot of countries throughout history have tried to outlaw or erase religious diversity and its never turned out well for both the country and its government.

Seems to me that wasn't the only thing they were doing. As a result, you are committing a logic failure in making the assumption that one leads from the other, when other factors are involved. 

Atheismseriousbuisness wrote:
(Germany, China, etc)

Didn't work for China? Have you seen China? They will be the #1 power in the world within 50 years.

Atheismseriousbuisness wrote:
 If somehow you guys succeeded and got theism to be classified as a mental disorder it would be the first step towards a totalitarian state. Pretty soon everyone with an oppinion that didnt adhere to the status quo would be considered to have a "mental disorder." now you can try and change peoples oppinions about religion but actively trying to make a campaign to totally eradicate it seems a tad fanatical?

Sometimes fanatical ideals speed up the spread of moderate ones. I hope you don't actually think that the RRS is going to succeed in classifying theist beliefs as mental disabilities, because I really don't see that happening. 

Atheismseriousbuisness wrote:
How would you feel if christians suddenly had the ability to go on a crusade against atheism because of some half baked technicality?

Oh the irony. You apparently don't realize that we have been a prime target of religions since before your great great great great grandparents were born. We've just started to stand up and fight back within the last couple decades. You want to attack us for fighting back against an oppressive regime? Shame on you.

Atheismseriousbuisness wrote:
well thats essentially what some of you idiots are trying to do. You can say "Yeah but where right!" but honestly thats just an oppinion.

I reckon it is a theory. One that is accurate until proven wrong, like all science that fits with observed reality. At any rate: if the shoe fits, wear it.  

Atheismseriousbuisness wrote:

Im not saying theres a big bearded benevolent old guy up in the sky controlling everything behind the scenes like the wizard of Oz but that doesnt mean there isnt some symetry in the universe, people are just animals with who can only comprehend so much, do you honestly think you can prove that there is no "higher power" simply because of science? Yeah it disproves religious dogma's but then again i dont think afew stories written afew thousand years ago could really comprehend the nature of a higher power...  now you can OMG DELETE THE FUCKING THEIST! but wouldnt that be the cowards way out, prove me wrong?

Why does symmetry allude to a god? The fact is that the symmetry observed merely suggests that symmetry is a natural state. What is it about a spherical object that makes you scream "god" instead of "gravity" anyway?

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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theidiot wrote:Hi, I'm

I'm all big and bad!  I'm theidiot!  Har meh roarz! !!11


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theidiot wrote:Oh shit Rook,

theidiot wrote:
Oh shit Rook, you can go on people accounts and change their post, you're the fucking man. 

Grow the fuck up. You're doing a better job making an ass out of yourself than me. 

And I'll tell you what, next time you have a speaking engagement in the tri-state, I'll come by and check you out. I'll introduce myself to you, and lets see if you think "I'm a loser with no life" lol.

Thinly veiled threats sure do improve your position.

"Anyone can repress a woman, but you need 'dictated' scriptures to feel you're really right in repressing her. In the same way, homophobes thrive everywhere. But you must feel you've got scripture on your side to come up with the tedious 'Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve' style arguments instead of just recognising that some people are different." - Douglas Murray

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Wow, you guys must get alot

Wow, you guys must get alot of threats because when I read that I didn't percieve it as a threat.

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Ciarin wrote:Wow, you guys

Ciarin wrote:

Wow, you guys must get alot of threats because when I read that I didn't percieve it as a threat.

Ya,ya we do

Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible

dudeofthemoment wrote:
This is getting redudnant. My patience with the unteachable[atheists] is limited.

Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.

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To deny that "You are god as

To deny that "You are god as I" and all is ONE, is a threat to truth, human dignity, and peace. Of course to deny 'god of abe', and all idol worship is essential. Religion is chidishly so ungodly and a dangerous mental road block to all personal and world peace.   

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Loc wrote:Ciarin wrote:Wow,

Loc wrote:

Ciarin wrote:

Wow, you guys must get alot of threats because when I read that I didn't percieve it as a threat.

Ya,ya we do

That's gotta suck.

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I was on that Orkut site for

I was on that Orkut site for a while a couple years back. It kinda sucked. That site had very few Christians - mostly Moslems, Atheists and Hindus. The Hindus almost always sided with the Atheists on every argument. I had my life threatened a bunch of times by Moslems for insulting Mohammed, Allah and the Koran.

Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team

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No doubt. I was pleasantly

No doubt. I was pleasantly surprised by some the Hindu writing I found debunking xainity, churchanity they called it, and their atheistic take on story dude jesus.

Here is an example,

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JillSwift wrote:theidiot

JillSwift wrote:

theidiot wrote:
Oh shit Rook, you can go on people accounts and change their post, you're the fucking man. 

Grow the fuck up. You're doing a better job making an ass out of yourself than me. 

And I'll tell you what, next time you have a speaking engagement in the tri-state, I'll come by and check you out. I'll introduce myself to you, and lets see if you think "I'm a loser with no life" lol.

Thinly veiled threats sure do improve your position.


No Jill, that was in no way shape or form a threat, and I'm sorry that you took it that way. I assumed the "lol" at the end would have gave it away that it was not a threat at all. I'm just confident enough, that when someone online calls me a "loser with no life,  to find it funny. And I won't insult Rook, but it's even funnier having him label me that. There's plenty of insults people could jab at me that would be somewhat accurate at least, but "a loser with no life" just isn't one of them. 

And I believe that if by the off chance I had ever happened to meet Rook, he would come to that same conclusion. I'd probably smile, and shake his hand, and till him that shit was funny when he wrote posts under my name, and gave me an asshat avatar, and I'd tell him no hard feelings. 

Rook gets sensitive about what people write online, I don't.

Only if he'd lighten up a bit.  

"I'm really an idiot! I have my own head way the fuck up my ass! Watch me dig myself into a hole over and over again!" ~Rook Hawkins (just citing sources)