bill maher on the daily show had a different definition of atheism

On the Daily show last night Bill said he was not an athiest because an atheist knows with the same certainty that there is no god that the theist knows there is.
I think he is an agnostic atheist but probably needs to read the "Am I Agnostic or Atheist article here at RSS.
The video is here.
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Yeah. I posted once that all "atheistic" celebrities should be contacted by RRS and affiliates. We need exposer and funds. Hell, how can we compete with the rich tax exempt corporate chuch monopoly dynasty??? Should we also write an "atheist bible" , and call ourselves a church???
Atheism Books.
Bill must just hide behind the term agnostic like most atheists do. I can't blame him as I did for years before I realized that I was an atheist. Maybe I'll look for a good contact e-mail for him and send him the link to the RRS. Maybe he would give the group a well deserved plug.
"Always seek out the truth, but avoid at all costs those that claim to have found it" ANONYMOUS
Yearh, I noticed that too when I saw the show. I think it was either Maher trying not to turn people off his movie because "atheist" means "angry fundementalist" to so many americans, or it might be that this is Maher's own understanding of the word.
It's like what I said about the expression "conspiracy theory" in another thread. It doesn't really matter what the words conspiracy theory actually means, what matters is what people generally think when they hear it. It "means" an unsubstantiated theory, based on paranoid delusions, even though, when you think about it, "conspiracy" and "theory" put together would seem to imply simply "a theory which involves some sort of conspiracy". Such a theory might well be quite reasonable, if it was substantiated by good evidence, but if there are such theories, you wouldn't call them conspiracy theories, because in modern English, that's a derogatory term.
Gay doesn't mean happy, it means homosexual.
And atheist doesn't mean a person who hold no belief in God, it means an angry hater, who thinks he knows everything and everybody else is stupid...
Unfortunate, but true...
Of course, this doesn't mean that this is universally the case (I mean, for one, we call ourselves atheists) and nor does it mean it has to remain this way.
But to deny that the word is currently understood like this by most Americans is to deny facts, and we don't do that remember?
But sure, maybe we could get Maher to raise more awareness about this, if we could make him aware of it.
Well I was born an original sinner
I was spawned from original sin
And if I had a dollar bill for all the things I've done
There'd be a mountain of money piled up to my chin
good points everyone. i thought about this after i posted and yeah i think more people will go see the movie if they are not offended before they even consider seeing it. Bill is probably a better politician than i realized!
The RRS will be preparing an open letter for Bill at somepoint in the near future. We'd like to see the movie first. We'll of course address him with the respect he deserves.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
I hope it doesn't, but i think the movie will flop. Bill M. tends to have a condecending tone about him, which is unfortunate because for the most part i think he is a very positve TV personality.
Any book is a kids book if the kid can read.
A picture of him should be next to "smug" in the dictionary.
It is near impossible for a movie of this nature no not "flop". The saving grace for these documentaries is that, often times, the budget is so low that really if ANYONE goes to see if they will not be in the hole. That is an exageration obviously but you get the point.
There are enough atheists and moderates out there that I'm sure the movie will do well in accordance with how many theaters actually carry it. Bill Maher is a pretty good poster boy for skepticism. Like it has been pointed out before he does not challenge common usage of terms but I think that's because he doesn't sweat all of the little stuff. That's just not his approach... right or wrong.
Avoiding calling himself an atheist is a good approach. He is basically just rolling with the scemantic punches. From what I have seen he is more interested in asking basic questions and letting the theists make fools of themselves. He's not trying to trump them so much as he is just letting them talk and the magic just happens. Now, anyone that has watched him for any period of time knows that he goes on the attack frequently and quite aggressively. From what I have seen of this movie and what he has said about it, however, I think he lets the engine idle and watches inertia do the rest.
Like this one?
...and bilk unsuspecting rubes of their money in a legally-sanction and tax free setting...?
Being mostly ignorant of American tax law as I am, I may sound foolish here, but it seems to me that the RRS could theoretically become a registered charity and recieve tax exempt status as a result, without having to touch religion.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Probably, but I don't know if the hoops that would have to be jumped through regularly would be worth it. Threads slamming or promoting political candidates would be frowned upon, too.
As long as the RRS itself didn't promote those threads or positions, it shouldn't be a problem. You make a good point though. Things would need to be changed a bit.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Thanks Humac, that site you send looks real good, informative and definitely helpful. I and others say that simple ethics and logic really needs to be taught starting at grade one. I also think comparative religion needs also be taught, and something like this site would need be included.
"The Bible of the Good and Moral Atheist"
Only 3,300 Visitors so far, Ouch
Umm, darn it, I didn't see RRS in these listings?
Atheism Books.
Well in addition to being an atheist I'm an anti theist and more particular anti-christian dedicated to the total destruction of christianity as an ideology and all similar.
And even through I don't believe in god the christian fictional god is so utterly evil if someone could prove it existed I would dedicate myself to its destruction.
Religious christians are not only unfit to be in politics they are also unfit to be parents or have any position of any authority and any christian that brings up a child to have a fear of hell is no better than a paedophile and should be locked up for a long time.
Is that a subtle enough form of atheism
Just want to make sure christians realise I despise their ideology as much as they despise my love of reality
I'm getting a little pissed at all this 'agnostic' crap Bill Maher is saying on tv in the movie promotion appearances lately.
I saw an advance screening of the movie last night (sorry Hamby - no protesters - but we are going back opening night. Last night's event seemed to be only advertised to secular groups.) At the end, he ties together the ideas that extremism is ridiculous and that moderates legitimize fundamentalists with his 'religion must die so humanity can live' summary.
I'm paraphrasing, however the point is that he calls on us to make a stand to expose this irrational crap. However in these interviews he's basically saying no, I'm not one of those people that doesn't believe in god. "I just think we should question." That last line is a direct quote I heard on youtube this morning and it doesn't fit in with the message of the movie. While the message of the movie is that we should take a stand and get out there now... none of this on the fence pleasing people so they'll buy movie tickets.
[edit: btw, i did think the movie was great. i was in a theater of 400 and there were about 30 hands raised when the opening Q & A asked something regarding holding religious belief. A good portion of those self-identified theists walked out during the film.]
I wrote about it on my blog today. I haven't been here for a while, and I was looking for Sapients take on Maher. I knew he would notice
Maher is misrepresenting atheists, and it is really disturbing that he is using theist rhetoric against us.
Speaking of Maher, and Sapient, and being misrepresented... did anyone else see this:
Best-selling author and TV co-host Ray Comfort said, "I don’t blame Bill Maher for mocking religion. ... However, the author said that although the film is bound to be popular in the U.S., it may badly backfire on Maher. Comfort said that in 2007 he befriended the atheist who received national attention for encouraging other atheists to post videos of themselves blaspheming God. "I emailed him explaining that Muslims translate the name 'God' as 'Allah,' and suggested that he rethink what he was doing. Muslims killed a number of people for merely publishing cartoons of their prophet Mohammad. I also reminded him that author Salmon Rushdie is still hiding in fear of his life for his Satanic Verses. All it would take is a report on Arab television that Americans were making videos blaspheming Allah and saying, 'And I am not afraid,' to stir a response. After I sent that email, the blasphemy challenge seemed to disappear very quickly."
Oh no he din't!!!
Who the hell does Ray Comfort think he is?!?!?
Oh that shit pisses me off!
What a fucktard! I don't even think Moslems believe in the "Holy Spirit. " And the BC is still on as far as I know. I also never saw anything about that here.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
LOL, mrjonno
You think they'll have some kind of "mission accomplised" banner soon?
I would say you are absolutly correct but that the point is not relevant.
He is adding to the whole language confusion that people seem insistant upon spreading. Wouldn't it be nice if we could actually use words for what they mean? This is an old song and dance though. Language is fluid and the term atheism is BOUND to be lost to bad translation; if the current progress is any indicator. Before long the word will have changed meaning so drastically that I will stop calling myself atheist and start calling myself something else... skeptic or something. Maybe, who knows.
But the language issue, while I think it is important to mention, is hardly what is important.
As far as his pandering to the people buying tickets, I can't say I blame him. What is Richard Harris' primary platform if not "we should be able to question religion like any other philosophy". To me, that also sounds like one of the major points Bill Maher would make.Now I will grant you that he also (Richard Harris as well) takes a hard anti-theist stance. I would attribute this more to picking ones battles. Sure, they're kind of pussy-footing around but I don't think it hinders their cause or damage their reputation as atheists.
This is the same argument I make when people accuse RRS of being to "harsh" and "in your face". Not everyone fights the fight the same way. I'm glad there are the cool and collected Richard Harris out there. There needs to be that kind of representation. But I am also thrilled that there are "no holds barred" atheists out there like RRS really willing to mix it up. We need both, I would say.
This guy even uses a religion that he HATES to give theism legitimacy and to terrorize people into giving token belief.
I have to admit, I hate this fucking guy. If he were to get run over by a bus full of nuns I'm pretty sure I would litterally designate that day as a personal holiday. I'm being totally serious.
On the OP subject of how Bill Maher considers the word Atheism, I found this:
Interviewer: "But tell me, 16% you said, of Americans, don't claim to believe in a God?
Bill Maher: "That's right, would call themselves atheists or agnostics, terms I don't like because they have a pejorative meaning now. I just call people rationalists, who don't believe in (crazy stuff*) "
And he goes on to say later: "The United States congress has 535 members; there's not one atheist. We're not represented"
which sounds to me an awful lot like he considers himself an atheist. He just doesn't like the term because it has a pejorative meaning.
So there... It's basically just because he wants to be heard and respected by people before they ignore his movie because they think he's an atheist.
I don't see a problem with this. It's just a word after all. There are other words (like Maher's own preference: rationalist) that convey the same sense to me.
You should watch the whole interview to get a full sense of where he's coming from:
* I think that's what he says, but I can't hear it clearly
Well I was born an original sinner
I was spawned from original sin
And if I had a dollar bill for all the things I've done
There'd be a mountain of money piled up to my chin
You got it Nik, thanks man ... I Emailed that. I think Bill Moyer is another such closet atheist, as many silently are.
Atheism Books.
He can call himself anything he wants, just as long as it's not fundamentalist Christian.
I just saw Religulous last night and let me tell you Bill Maher is into the “endmeme” big time. At the end of the movie he posted some really scary scenes of Christian and Islamic membots armed, hooded and ready to destroy the world for God. For more on this subject check out my video on Youtube, or search on “endmeme”. It’s not McCain I’m worried about, it’s Sarah Palin who’s severely and dangerously infected. We can’t let it happen. We can’t let religious people cause more damage than they have already. Pass on the video to friends if you agree. RichWhat a cruel ironic cosmic joke! Books written by goat herders and fishermen, determining the destiny of mankind and the entire planet.” Mirror Reversal, Rich Goscicki
I agree and did ... and thanks