A challenge to you misguided atheists [PLAGIARISM]
Rather than approach atheists in the same way by religious propaganda and biblical quotations I will take a less dismissing approach that you atheists love arguing. Science, and reason. I will present 6 arguments below and challenge any atheist here to them. Let's begin.
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Please do not try to dodge my arguments like many I have seen do before with "anything we give you wont accept anyways" Your ineptness will only make greater the christian cause.
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There is nothing you can say or show a creationist that will get him to stop believing that the earth is 6000 years old.
Even showing them the errors in the Bible, will not get them to stop believing that the Bible is inerrant.
I am convinced, that for Biblical literalists, that it is a lost cause.
I agree completely. Another way I like to look at it is this: Think about the billions of light years of empty space, with its vacuum and radiation, super novas, gamma ray bursts, etc. . Being anywhere in 99.999999999999% of it would be instant death to any unprotected human. Yet here is the theist, living in the thin film of atmosphere on the surface of this small rock we call Earth, shouting "The universe was created for me!!!!".
WWSD - What Would Scooby Doo?
Yes, Joey. What you've said here is essentially what I've always thought and additionally that christians, by and large, when faced with the stupendously enormous size of the Universe, feel far too tiny to cope with the reality of their runty smallness and to a degree, their insignificance.
For starters earth is not designed or is geology , thermal selection and gravity some how something magical for you ? Is it so hard to understand that gravity makes spheroids ? Here goes away the wrong formulation of the word “design” for earth .
Next oxygen is a killer toxin to life not a life giver , this planet did have a healthy CO2 atmosphere before some organisms (plants ) started to poising it. Educate yourself on chemosynthesis and the evolution of plants who started to rape the earth atmosphere of carbon to use it for themselves laving a deadly poison (oxygen) , most of the old life that relied on CO2 died out and life forms that could sustain their existence in this toxic atmosphere did survive. Some of thus organisms started to use oxygen in their internal processes. So :
1 the existence of oxygen is something detrimental to life not something benefiting it
2 different life considers different conditions to be natural
3 life can exist in a CO2 atmosphere making the point that oxygen is necessary for life ridiculously idiotic.
I only did make it to the first sentence of this nonsense you name proof and I found 4 errors explain this.
Warning I’m not a native English speaker.
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