My Beliefs [Trollville]
I'm new here and I just wanted to introduce myself. I do not adhere to the belief of Karma, any "perilous missions" to rescue humanity on behalf of a particular deity, superstitions, dogma, Law of Attraction, Ego, Satan, Christ, or God; yet I do believe in the existence of an After Life, reincarnation, and spirit beings. All the drama, chaos, and violence in the world can be attributed to the unawareness of one's own subjectivity. I later discovered that Albert Ellis, grandfather of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), illustrated this philosophy through his work so I am also a big fan of his.
‘Cause you keep tellin’ me this and tellin’ me that...You say once I’m with you, I’ll never go back... You say there’s a lesson that you wanna teach.... Well, here I am, baby, practice what you preach...
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Please explain why you find belief in Jesus, Satan, God etc as untenable and yet reincarnation, the existence of spirit beings, is acceptable. As an atheist I accept neither scenario ( lack of compelling evidence ) but I am curious as to your reasoning.
PS, welcome to the forum.
This sucks. I can't figure out how to quote a person. Do we just copy and paste?
"Please explain why you find belief in Jesus, Satan, God etc as untenable and yet reincarnation, the existence of spirit beings, is acceptable. As an atheist I accept neither scenario ( lack of compelling evidence ) but I am curious as to your reasoning."
Yes. I'm a free thinker. I'm not an atheist. But while you feel there is a lack of compelling evidence in your life there is NO lack of compelling evidence in my life in regards to the after life, reincarnation, and spirit beings (strictly referring to people who have past away....NOT angels or demons....things like that). My mom is a medium. So I know firsthand that the spirit world exists I just don't think there's purgatory, a caste system, or the traditional sense of heaven and hell. Does that make sense?
‘Cause you keep tellin’ me this and tellin’ me that...You say once I’m with you, I’ll never go back... You say there’s a lesson that you wanna teach.... Well, here I am, baby, practice what you preach...
Quick and short instructions on how to use the quote function.
Click the word "quote" at the bottom of the post to which you want to reply.
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At the end of the post you will see [ /quote ] (with the slash - again, without the spaces)
Enclose everything you want to reply to within the quote code.
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People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.
I figured it out. I also wanted to add. I don't believe in soul mates/ twin flames either.
‘Cause you keep tellin’ me this and tellin’ me that...You say once I’m with you, I’ll never go back... You say there’s a lesson that you wanna teach.... Well, here I am, baby, practice what you preach...
First off, welcome to the boards. Glad to have you, just so long as you aren't a kid playing a trick (we've just had one of those come through).
You have to qualify the "firsthand" thing for all of us. We don't know your mom. We're not going to take her word for it that she communicates with spirits. For anything to be firsthand, the spirits would have had to have contacted you personally; anything else is hearsay. If they have, please share. Also, please understand that you've just purchased a bright, shiny new 2009 model Burden of Proof for yourself. It doesn't belong to us. If you're okay with that, then you may be able to have some fun here, but please don't think that just because you aren't a traditional religious believer anyone's going to think you're any more credible than a traditional religious believer.
"The whole conception of God is a conception derived from ancient Oriental despotisms. It is a conception quite unworthy of free men."
--Bertrand Russell
Makes no sense to me! Your mum being a medium is no more proof for the spirit world, than a christian is proof of god.
No I did not read all that into it but y do I own a car I never purchased? LOL. The burden of proof only comes into play when I'm trying to actively convince you of something that I myself believe which you don't. I don't recall that being a part of my motives. I clearly stated in the title of this thread that these are MY beliefs and I'm introducing myself. That should be a HUGE indicator as to whether or not I am truly concerned with what OTHER people think of MY beliefs. Right?
‘Cause you keep tellin’ me this and tellin’ me that...You say once I’m with you, I’ll never go back... You say there’s a lesson that you wanna teach.... Well, here I am, baby, practice what you preach...
Welcome. There do tend to be a number of people that posts on these boards with strong beliefs in the supernatural that do want others to also believe. Please don't take it the wrong way if someone pushes for proof. It will be interesting to see what you have to say on the various topics that get posted here.
"I am that I am." - Proof that the writers of the bible were beyond stoned.
My response to you was gonna be the same thing I said to Ape so I just added your comments to that post in order to keep it short.
‘Cause you keep tellin’ me this and tellin’ me that...You say once I’m with you, I’ll never go back... You say there’s a lesson that you wanna teach.... Well, here I am, baby, practice what you preach...
‘Cause you keep tellin’ me this and tellin’ me that...You say once I’m with you, I’ll never go back... You say there’s a lesson that you wanna teach.... Well, here I am, baby, practice what you preach...
Believing that consciousness can survive death and the destruction of the brain is in fact an irrational belief.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Sounds made up...
Agnostic Atheist
No, I am not angry at your imaginary friends or enemies.
No. Irrationality lies within thinking that your inductive, subjective reasoning should also be MY reality. This forum sucks. This is more like a battle ground not a community of welcome open mindedness. I'm out.
‘Cause you keep tellin’ me this and tellin’ me that...You say once I’m with you, I’ll never go back... You say there’s a lesson that you wanna teach.... Well, here I am, baby, practice what you preach...
This makes no sense. You are the one who has made claims on the basis of subjective and anecdotal evidence. Such evidence is poor. It's difficult for you to call our reasoning "subjective"" when the form of evidence we are demanding is objective in nature (double blind testing) and that which you are accepting is subjective.
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
Books about atheism
Sorry you feel the need to abandon the forum. Most people, either atheists or theists, come here to debate, make an argument, respond to that argument, make a counter-argument, and so on. Having someone challenge you to defend your beliefs is not meant to be taken as an insult or a put down.
I just saw this post.
I wasn't trying to provide any.
LOL. How does your opinion turn MY beliefs into speculation???? That's an irrtional belief if I ever heard of one.
‘Cause you keep tellin’ me this and tellin’ me that...You say once I’m with you, I’ll never go back... You say there’s a lesson that you wanna teach.... Well, here I am, baby, practice what you preach...
Of course it's a battleground. We are calling you out on an unsubstantiated belief. What did you expect? That you could walk in and get away with making outlandish claims about the nature of reality based on highly subjective and questionable evidence. If you are so thin-skinned that you cannot stand a little backbiting, then this is the wrong place for you. People will call you out here. It doesn't matter that you are not trying to convince us of your proposition. You've still made a claim about the nature of reality and not substantiated it well. You can't get away with that just because you adopt the live and let live approach.
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
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‘Cause you keep tellin’ me this and tellin’ me that...You say once I’m with you, I’ll never go back... You say there’s a lesson that you wanna teach.... Well, here I am, baby, practice what you preach...
Just saw Prozac's new avatar in this thread. That shit is disturbing. Keep it up till the election, please.
"The whole conception of God is a conception derived from ancient Oriental despotisms. It is a conception quite unworthy of free men."
--Bertrand Russell
We understood you perfectly well. We just don't care. You made a claim about the nature of reality. It doesn't matter that you aren't trying to prove it to us, we'll still put the claim to the test. That's what people do here. Unsubstantiated beliefs get ripped apart very fast. First and foremost, this is a debating forum.
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
Books about atheism
A new political avatar should be popping up in a few minutes.....( I get bored easily
Then what is the point of continuing to post here ? Just log off and have a nice life.....sheesh!!!
LOL!!!!!!!! Deluded, your name fits you. I'm about to start having too much fun with this....."link between subjectivity and irrational beliefs".....obviously no one's made this connection here in this forum yet..........Rationally explain to me what will happen to MY beliefs if I get you to agree with me? Rationally explain to me what will happen to MY beliefs if you disagree with me?
I'll wait. LOL
‘Cause you keep tellin’ me this and tellin’ me that...You say once I’m with you, I’ll never go back... You say there’s a lesson that you wanna teach.... Well, here I am, baby, practice what you preach...
‘Cause you keep tellin’ me this and tellin’ me that...You say once I’m with you, I’ll never go back... You say there’s a lesson that you wanna teach.... Well, here I am, baby, practice what you preach...
‘Cause you keep tellin’ me this and tellin’ me that...You say once I’m with you, I’ll never go back... You say there’s a lesson that you wanna teach.... Well, here I am, baby, practice what you preach...
Actually, most people here are familiar enough with basic psychology, evidence evaluation and logical argument format to understand that beliefs based on subjective and anecdotal evidence tend to be irrational. That is the link between subjectivivity and irrational beliefs. In general, I would strongly advise against forming any serious beliefs on the basis of evidence that depend on things which are overly subjective.
Nothing. That isn't the point. You made a claim. This is debating forum, so if you're here, you probably want to defend the claim. If you don't want to defend the claim, people will still tear it apart, it will just be easier for them since you offer no resistence.
Well, if the basis of my disagreement is sufficiently rational, then the only rational thing you could do (provided that the basis for my disagreement was more rational than the basis for your belief) would be to agree with me. Of course, if you didn't think I had a rational basis for my disagreement, then you could try something novel like defending your bloody knowledge claim!
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
Books about atheism
You have not provided any evidence for this claim. In constrast, I have given reason why your beliefs are unsubstantiated. Now I suggest you calm down. You are clearly new to basic argumentation. The main point of my argument was that the basis of your belief is shoddy. It is anecdotal and subjective (which is poor evidence), thus, there is a high probability that the knowledge claim based on this "evidence" is faulty. You have yet to respond to this line of argument, making the only one here with unsubstantiated beliefs you.
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
Books about atheism
‘Cause you keep tellin’ me this and tellin’ me that...You say once I’m with you, I’ll never go back... You say there’s a lesson that you wanna teach.... Well, here I am, baby, practice what you preach...
I suddenly feel like a farmer who's just ordered some unruly kids off his land. Either that or a Scooby Doo villain in a glowy Sasquatch costume.
Arj, if you're still checking this thread out, don't be so damn sensitive, okay? The front page of this site states the dedication of the RRS to exposing irrational beliefs of all stripes--did you really expect that yours would get a pass? There are plenty of places you can go where people won't be critical of your beliefs; it just so happens that we're pretty sure you won't learn anything there. Subjecting your impressions of reality to questioning is healthy--even the Christians who make a half-assed attempt to engage in discussion here know that much (usually).
Nobody's saying you aren't welcome, but you just walked into a Jewish Anti-Defamation League meeting in a Holocaust Deniers of America T-shirt and thought nobody would give a shit. That's just a bit naive, man.
"The whole conception of God is a conception derived from ancient Oriental despotisms. It is a conception quite unworthy of free men."
--Bertrand Russell
Wait, who forced you to sign up, exactly?
"The whole conception of God is a conception derived from ancient Oriental despotisms. It is a conception quite unworthy of free men."
--Bertrand Russell
‘Cause you keep tellin’ me this and tellin’ me that...You say once I’m with you, I’ll never go back... You say there’s a lesson that you wanna teach.... Well, here I am, baby, practice what you preach...
Well, if you were a rational person (a title which is slipping away from you) then it might be possible for me to convince you that your particular belief is false, provided I gave I sufficiently strong argument to convince you that these beliefs are false. If you so desired, we could easily debate the truth or lack thereof of life after death.My expertise is actually in cell biology, but that covers enough neuroscience for me to be familiar enough with the nature of thinking minds to be able to defend the claim that life after death is impossible.
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
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How so? Come to think of it, what does this even mean? Sound reasoning, by definition, is objective. Sound reasoning is usually grounded in evidence which is objective in nature. Formal reasoning is necessarily objective, and informal reasoning can also be objective, provided that the method of gathering evidence is objective.
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
Books about atheism
But that would be an irrational position for you to hold. If I thought a particular thing about your beliefs, and argued for that particular position with a sound argument, then it would be irrational for you to continue to retain that position in the face of a more rational argument against it.
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
Books about atheism
So you came to this forum of discussion and debate to say that you belief something just to say you believe something without trying to defend it?
Sounds made up...
Agnostic Atheist
No, I am not angry at your imaginary friends or enemies.
‘Cause you keep tellin’ me this and tellin’ me that...You say once I’m with you, I’ll never go back... You say there’s a lesson that you wanna teach.... Well, here I am, baby, practice what you preach...
This guy might not believe in any gods, but he's still a goof.
I don't feel like this is turning into a cohesive discussion. It's just all over the place. I'm trying to explain the difference between subjectivity and actuality. Not objectivity.
‘Cause you keep tellin’ me this and tellin’ me that...You say once I’m with you, I’ll never go back... You say there’s a lesson that you wanna teach.... Well, here I am, baby, practice what you preach...
This is a fallacy of false dichotomy. You've excluded a possibility. If two people have differing evidence to show contrary positions on the same subject, it does not necessarily follow that both sets of reasoning are equally valid. The good thing about logical soundness is that it is purely objective in nature. If there is a logical fallacy in a particular argument, then it necessarily follows that the conclusion cannot be drawn from the premises.
The possibility you have excluded is that one set of arguments might be faulty. This is where you've made your non sequitur. In this case, it is quite easy to see who is superior:
You: Anecdotal, person evidence=subjective
Me: Scientifically gathered, logicall argued evidence, does not rely on personal experience=objective
You've got to be fucking joking. This is the syllogistic form of your argument:
P1: In any issue of contention, it is possible for there to be two sides presenting evidence in argument for contrary positions
P2: If such a case is possible, then there is no grounds for saying that one particular side is correct
C: Thus, evidence is purely subjective in nature
We can clearly see this is invalid reasoning because:
1) It excludes possibilities and therefore commits a false dichotomy fallacy.
2) It commits a non sequitur by moving from "people can present differing evidence" to "evidence is purely subjective". This is a consequence of having introduced the false dichotomy.
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
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‘Cause you keep tellin’ me this and tellin’ me that...You say once I’m with you, I’ll never go back... You say there’s a lesson that you wanna teach.... Well, here I am, baby, practice what you preach...
‘Cause you keep tellin’ me this and tellin’ me that...You say once I’m with you, I’ll never go back... You say there’s a lesson that you wanna teach.... Well, here I am, baby, practice what you preach...
This commits an ad hoc fallacy. Anyone could defend a faulty and poorly argued conclusion on the basis of the assertion that "reasoning is subjective" and people reach different conclusions. In other words, you've made a vacuous statement, which cannot be used to defend any form of justification. At the same time, philosophical discussions are often grounded in very objective arguments. If you want to see a real philosophical discussion, look at this thread and observe the nature of the arguments employed:
Does incoherence/meaningless lead to strong atheism, or non-cognitivism?
This (below) is a philosophical paper I wrote on this site. The reasoning employed is objective in nature.
Problems with the "out of body" model of consciousness
Additionally, I should point out that your previous assertion contained two logical fallacies which I have outlined and which you have yet to address.
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
Books about atheism
‘Cause you keep tellin’ me this and tellin’ me that...You say once I’m with you, I’ll never go back... You say there’s a lesson that you wanna teach.... Well, here I am, baby, practice what you preach...
‘Cause you keep tellin’ me this and tellin’ me that...You say once I’m with you, I’ll never go back... You say there’s a lesson that you wanna teach.... Well, here I am, baby, practice what you preach...
‘Cause you keep tellin’ me this and tellin’ me that...You say once I’m with you, I’ll never go back... You say there’s a lesson that you wanna teach.... Well, here I am, baby, practice what you preach...
Because you have dichotomized a situation with more than two possible outcomes. If two people cite sources to claim contrary positions, it does not necessarily follow that both positions are equally valid.
Even if that were true, it would be a tu quoque fallacy to assert that your argument is not fallacious merely because other people have commited the same error. However, you have not pointed out where other people in this thread have commited such a fallacy, so I see no reason to take this claim as true.
You are still commiting the same fallacy, merely implictly this time.
Once again, you have yet to establish precisely what parts of my reasoning are subjective. I assembled your propositions into a set of connected sentences and then established where the non sequiturs were. You are deferring from your epistemic responsibilities by the meaningless ad hoc of claiming that my criteria are subjective. But they are not. The form of logical evaluation I am employing is entirely objective.
Why is it irrational to suppose that a person could be swayed by a well-argued proposition? I suppose in the case of you, you may be a lost cause, but hopefully you are not the norm. The fact of the matter is that I have broken down your arguments, established the non sequiturs in them, and all you do is repeat the same meaningless ad hoc fallacy (I have already explained why your line that reasoning is subjective constitutes an ad hoc fallacy), and otherwise insult me. You are clearly incapable of rational thought.
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
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‘Cause you keep tellin’ me this and tellin’ me that...You say once I’m with you, I’ll never go back... You say there’s a lesson that you wanna teach.... Well, here I am, baby, practice what you preach...
In that case, what was "always your point" constituted a fallacy of ad hoc. As I have established, the assertion that reasoning is subjective is:
1) Incorrect. Sound forms of reasoning are based on the structure of logical sentences and objective evidence which is not intrapersonal.
2) The claim is vacuous. The form the argument can be used to defend false claims, and thus by definition must be invalid (because it is not possible for a valid argument to contain all true premises but a false conclusion)
I'm not giving you a reason to defend your claim. I'm trying to explain to you why your argument contains a fallacy of ad hoc.
I suspect you are unaware of what a fallacy even is (given the casual use of the term). In any connected set of sentences, a formal fallacy occurs when there are a set of truth-values for premises in a truth table, and there is a line where the premises are all true and the conclusion is false. An informal fallacy is not an error of reasoning structure, but rather on the soundness of the premises (either the original premise or the connecting premise). In this case, I have established precisely where your premises are unsound (or do not support your conclusion). I have broken your line of reasoning into a connected sentence set and explained where the fallacy occured by demonstrating the error in your reasoning. You have not done the same, and are clearly unfamiliar with basic argumentation.
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
Books about atheism
‘Cause you keep tellin’ me this and tellin’ me that...You say once I’m with you, I’ll never go back... You say there’s a lesson that you wanna teach.... Well, here I am, baby, practice what you preach...