Tony Anthony - lying evangelist

Tony Anthony is currently an evangelist, who claims to have won Kung-Fu world championship four times. He has written a book about his past called Taming the Tiger. He claims his grandfather took him to China by the age of 4, and was trained to master all the arts of Kung-Fu. He trained up to the age of 20, became a professional bodyguard for influential people, but when his fiancee died, he began a life of crime in his rage and depression. He beat up and killed several people and ended up in a jail, where a man called Michael Wright, a Christian, visited him and taught him about Jesus and God. Tony became a Christian, and has been an evangelist ever since.
You can listen his story here: Link
I have read the book, and I actually thought his story was true, until I heard his story has no evidence or sources indicating it was true at all. No evidence about him ever being a Kung-Fu world champion, and no evidence of his crimes. We all know that evangelists aren't really honest people, so it's obvious that Anthony just fabricated his story just to gain money. I'm pretty sure the liar doesn't even believe in God.
I guess it makes sense that he lied about his story. He made some pretty ridiculous claims about his Kung-Fu skills in the book. He said that it was possible to kill a person within a second by pinching from certain points in their bodies. I wonder if Anthony could still do this if he was asked? I guess it would be un-Christian if he did, so there's no use demanding him to show his incredible Kung-Fu skills again...
Anthony's Wikipedia page has been deleted due to a lack of citation of his claims.
Trust and believe in no god, but trust and believe in yourself.
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Cindy Crawford gave me a hummer. WHAT? Why don't you believe me?
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Janine, all you are demonstrating ``is 'circular reasoning'. It is like asking you 'why do you beleive in the bible?' your answer would be 'because it is the word of God' then if I ask 'why do you beleive in God' you would say 'because it says so in the bible' there is no evidence and no foundation to what you say. If I said tha I beleive if I tap dance five times a day facing Birmingham I beleve that when I die I will be sucked off by Mrs Claus how is that anymore rediculous than what you claim?
Can anyone through public access get information on the UK court records that show both Tony Anthony and his wife (claim to) have been charged and convicted of offences? Can anyone get access to his (claimed) prison sentence?
Now this may be difficult but can anyone get some evidence that Tony was in fact in Nicosia Central Prison?
His website claims to have sold about 400,000 of his book "Taming the Tiger". I've heard him introduced as a speaker having 1,000,000 copies in print ... is this story fact or fiction?
1st - all of you who discusses exists God or not...
Non of you have direct evidence, but...
All nature around us is too complicated to be just an accident, more - last 6 thousand years (at least) nothing new was created but vanished and was destroyed. So - question is - where is this freaking evolution? Nothing...
"Mother nature" cant create even simple building or car, - all this accident stuff trying to tell us that if you're throwing Lego in the air eventually you'll get Lego-land...
So I don't believe it was an accident with all of thous billiards of billiards of different molecules creating tons living creatures and other stuff around us.
And if there is Creator, I'd better be ready to meet with Him when time is come.
2nd - nobody's guilty until they are proven to be guilty, so - first find the prof that Tony Anthony's lying cause as I know non kung fu federation or kung fu professionals claimed him to be a lier.
3rd - non of you who wrote here are specialist in kung fu (one guy wrote he was doing it for a while, thou I've been playing trumpet in school, but I can't judge as a specialist cause I'm not, neither do you about kung fu)
4th - there's bunch of evidences what human body can do that seems to be impossible (walking on coals - just a one example)
so as somebody wrote here - give us evidence first, then accuse, otherwise you're wrong.
I have recently read "Taming The Tiger"and thought it was great!
I have not pissed my self so much ever whilst reading a book. it is pure comedy gold>
I have been training in Chinese Kung Fu for 6+ years and from reading Tony's experiences I can say that Tony never has studied kung fu and his stories are fictional delusions.
His grandfather was called "Lowsi" - teacher, in the book. Now, if I watched a Jackie Chan/Bruce lee movie that was dubbed into english the kung fu master would be called "teacher", ok? Now mandarin for teacher is Lowsi - simple. err except it isnt because any teacher of chinese martial arts is known as sifu (cantonese) or shifu (mandarin). Now, if he was training in the shoalin temple it was derelict up until the mid 1980's when it was turned into kung fu disneyland by the PRC to make loads of money.
He claims to have been learning kung fu for 6years and then learnt "Tiger fist" and the stance training this "required". the stance training he described is taught at the beginning of training in kung fu so in reality he would done this when he first arrived. Also he doesnt mention the traditional "dit dar" (fall and hit) medicine used in the practicing of chinese martial arts. If his grandfather was asuch a famous kung fu master he would also be able to make his own herbal remedies (google Wong Fei Hung, Chan Hong Chung, Ip Shui for kung fu masters who were also herbalists) and not buy them from the village.
The other thing is the bit when he has to lift the molten pot and have his inner arms branded> Now even forgetting the damage to tendons, muscles, ligaments etc that this type of full thickness burn would cause It is obviously fictional because it is a scene out of the 1970's David Carradine tv show called "KUNG FU". It was invented by the creators/writers of this show and has never been a part of shaolin martial arts or their history.
Regarding the accuracy of his testimony it is obvious from his own lips that his claims have been verified by 2 other christians and his co-author none of whom have any knowledge of chinese martial arts or of china. This makes his free dvd worthless to be honest.
As mentioned previously the guys at Bullshido have made avery detailed investigation into his claims (checked his none existsant fight record, none existant bodyguard career and his incarceration in Nicosia Central Prison. None of it has been seen to be true although he was in prison in Cyprus but not when he states in the book.and one of the guys has interviewed him over his fictional books claims and receievd no answers to any of his questions.
I am not surprised at all the christians defending him on the net. He is a man who has written a fictional book being defended by fools who live their so called lives around a fictional book.
Next time he is near my locale I may go to one of his "evangalising" talks and ask him questions about chinese kung fu. I could do with a laugh.
Hi mate, well, I am the evangelist you are looking for. I am an architect, or was until recently, and have lived what most people would call an average life. Some may say below average. (Some may say, well below!) Anyhow, I havent read the book by Tony Anthony and I dont know him. Also, sadly there have been many failed evangelists, mostly in the USA, where there is the best and worst of everything. Fortunately, I am an Aussie, never been to the USA.
As an evangelist, whatever that means, my entire motivation is to share to others what Jesus Christ has done for me. He forgave my sins. He has changed my life to the extent that I have let him, including a healing miracle from a coral spore parasite, that medicine could not cure. I have been a pastor, some years ago. Then I managed to stuff up my life, which anyone can do if they do their own thing and not God's.
The simple fact is that Christ's disciples were so convinced after living with him 3 and a half years, seeing his death and resurrection, that they were prepared to die for him. And they did, mostly quite cruel deaths, along with thousands used as human torches to light the roads into Rome. They didn't die like this because of faith in the Easter Bunny. Within 300 years Rome had fallen. Today, the love of Christ is still preached and there are more believers world-wide than ever. The Bible is still the world's best-seller.
Sin crucified Jesus, your sin and mine. Every human has the choice to either Accept or Reject the saviour. It is an issue for your heart. What eternal decision will you make?
Hmm, I know nothing of Tony Anthony, but I have heard that Chuck Norris is a Christian. Maybe you have heard of him. What about that," trust in no God" slogan you guys like? The Bible has a better version, trust in the Lord with all your heart etc, written by Solomon, king of Israel, the wisest man who ever lived. Let me answer a few questions. I quite like some of your smart-ass comments, sometimes they are funny, sometimes they are predictable, yet God still loves you, so here I am in 2011AD, dated from the birth of (oh no, not him again!)
You say there is no God, no creator. The universe just happened by itself, just like my car happened by itself. (Oops, on closer investigation, it looks as though BMW may have created it.)
You say there is no invisible friend. Duh, that’s why God sent Jesus, so you could see God in action.
You say the Bible is full of horror stories....well, some of man’s history is in that book and the story is not pretty. That’s why God wrote the book. So you could realise that you are no better and need a saviour to forgive you too.
You say the Bible is merciless. Well, that’s the law. There is no mercy in the law which is why Jesus sacrifice was so bloodthirsty as he fulfilled the law for us sinners.
You say there is no such thing as prophecy. Sure, it is pure co-incidence that Jesus fulfilled over 300 prophecies in his life. Not sure how he managed to arrange to be born in Bethlehem though. That was a good trick, arranging the Roman Empire to command his parents to travel to Bethlehem at just the moment of birth. (That’s just one prophecy.)
You say Jesus is just the same as any other religion. Wrong again. No other religious leader claimed to create the universe. Yep, Jesus made that claim. He said, “I and my Father are one.” (Got him crucified by the religious hypocrites.)
You say the church has many hypocrites. If you had read the Word, you would know Jesus said there would be wolves in sheep’s clothing.
No other religious leader rose from the dead. Budda, Mohammed, Marx, Zoroaster...these guys all were buried and their bodies are entombed...not the Saviour!
You say the resurrection is a myth. Sure. That’s why the 10 of the 11 apostles were martyred, because the bloke they had travelled with for 3 and a half years was a fake.
You say there is no evidence that Jesus rose. Yet true Christianity has been the bulwark of learning for centuries and even today is the basis of our laws and understanding of right and wrong. No one has ever found fault with the life or teachings of Jesus Christ.
You say there were no miracles.... you’d know because you were there. Well, the Roman historian Tacitus recorded Christ as a miracle worker. There are no miracles in Islam, Buddism or atheism, but even today there are miracles in Jesus’ Name.
Surely not, they are all fake, you protest. Hmmm, Paul the apostle, a persecutor of Christians had his life totally reversed by a...fake? experience. So fake that he later was beheaded for his new faith and in the mean time was stoned, beaten 3 x 39 times, shipwrecked, imprisoned, etc etc for this fabulous fake Jesus.
You say you can’t believe, when what you really mean is that you WON’T believe, even though the evidence is staring you in the face. You prefer your life of sin, being your own little god, wallowing in your own self-righteousness. You close out the love of the Saviour, you crucify him are the Pontius Pilate of the hour! You are so gutless, you won’t examine Christ’s claims with an open heart just in case your world gets rocked.
And when you get to the Great White Throne of Judgement, you will say, “God, I didn’t know...” And for All eternity you will hear the response, “What more could I have done for you? Depart from me, you accursed, into the Lake of Fire”
Aetheists and agnostics say man can’t know God, but what they really mean is that THEY cannot know God. Of course they can’t God even says they can’t because of a closed heart.
Heb12:14, Without holiness no man shall see God.
Jn3:3, Unless you are born again, you can’t even SEE the kingdom of heaven.
Rom10:9, Unless you believe with your heart and confess with your mouth.
Heb11:6, He that comes to God MUST believe he is and that he is a rewarder of those who SEEK him.
But God says, I want you to know me, and I expect you to know me! God commands us to know him! Some of you will get saved, because I think some of you have hearts still open, but others won't.
Ah, welcome to the forum.
No one is claiming that the universe "happened by itself" in the way you are implying. Your analogy to cars is ignorant and irrelevant.
Jesus is an invisible friend; you can't see Jesus.
You completely missed the point.. God and his followers condones most of what we would consider as these "horror stories."
We did not even agree that Jesus existed, much less was born in Bethlehem, and fulfilled over 300 prophecies. So this is all question begging.
- You don't know that Jesus is the only religious leader that made this claim.
- You don't know that Jesus existed, was a religious leader, made this claim or was crucified.
- Countless supposed prophets in various religions were executed for their beliefs.
Lol, do you not realize that just asserting something doesn't make it true? It doesn't matter how strongly you make the assumption, it's still an assumption. Then, your response to every charge that your assumption is false is to make another assumption. That gives you two assumptions, not zero.
Yep, the God of infinite love and mercy. What a nice guy.
Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare
i am a christian too (?) and i just began to hear t.t.t. as audio book and actually i dont believe him as well. there are lots of possibilities to prove that hes not lying without breaking biblical laws.
i just want to let you know that there is more than meets the american eye. american so called evangelists oftenly ingnore some biblical truthes and for most of them i could easily prove (whit biblical quotes not taken out of context) that they are so called "false teachers" who actually are (concerning to the apostel paul) the most dangerous people, that christians should not try to explain them the gospel but get in distance of them (false teachers are persons who know the gospel but dont accept, but actually try to get christians into temptation. i guess for atheists this doesnt make sense, they dont need to care about christians at all)
please dont belive that this is christianity! there are evangelists who take the bible by word (for sure none of them interpretes it perfectly) just look at paul washer (a bit too extreme but rather this extreme than the other)
actually the hardest judgements you can find in the bible are adressed to those who say there were christian but arent because they are dragging the name of the lord jesus through the dirt.
so there are christians that still are real christians, reading in the bible, doing their best to be a good example, evangelising by doing more and talking less than those famous "evangelists" in america do!
I recently got invited over facebook to attend one of this guys talks. His claims seemed so ridiculous that I had to research him.
Like so many others, I kind've wanted his claims to be true, however after reading this forum as well as carrying out my own research I can see him as nothing but a con.
Now, I'm not a Christian but I wouldn't class myself as an ardent atheist either. If this guy seemed legit I'd happily have attended to hear his story. As it is, I politely declined the facebook event leaving a comment "Nonsense."
That would have been fine but then the organisers did a very stereotypically Christian thing: they deleted my skeptical comments regarding what is written in a book. This has pissed me off a bit so I think I will attend after all.
What I was hoping you guys might do is post some questions you'd like me to ask him in person, just to test the guy. I'd be particularly interested to hear from people with experience in Kung-Fu or of the regions of China he claims to have studied it. Fair enough if he can answer my questions but I'd like to see what happens if he can't!
He: Oh yeah? I was a bus boy at the Last Supper.
Me: Really, did I tip well enough?
LC >;-}>
Christianity: A disgusting middle eastern blood cult, based in human sacrifice, with sacraments of cannibalism and vampirism, whose highest icon is of a near naked man hanging in torment from a device of torture.
No you were not. I was the bus boy. That table was a fucking mess. Tip? Yea, a religious tract. Thanks, that pays my bills.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
The International Kung Fu Federation is Based in Baku, Azerbaijan not Geneva or anywhere else for that matter. I get the impression that Tony Anthony is really full of himself when he describes the things he claims he has achieved or is capable of doing. It just sounds so utterly ridiculous the way he talks about imitating all these animal movements. I didn't even know there EVER was an article about him or his book on Wikipedia. I just find all his claims to be so utterly ridiculous!!!
Couple of things: he didn't use the name 'Tony Anthony' in China, he went by many alter-egos, as do many kung-fu champions. Evidence of anyone winning kung-fu world championships is extremely difficult, especially when that person is retired. Same with the crimes: the greek authorities keep it secret, but they have documented evidence of his crimes.
What's more, all of the 'ridiculous' things you mention are possible, ask any expert in kung fu and they will tell you.
But all that isn't the main message. It's of God's love, which should come over all of that, but no, it's about him being a fake and using any excuse to do so.
The obvious solution is to recruit some random white-belt to go kick his ass...
check this out -
I happened to find this forum when searching for Tony Antony the well known Evangelist who was converted whilst in a high security prision in Cyprus.
Okay, so its anti-God site and anything remotely God friendly you're going to rip to shreds. But if you are going to give a rational response it would be better if you gave those responses rationally rather than cynically and with negative emotion.
I for one have not met Tony Anthony, but my daughter and many friends have and he is not a liar. Merely because you cannot find evidence of someones testimony does not make them untruthful. Even our legal system does not condemn without evidence.
Can you actually give rational responses rather than cynical and derogatory comments so all can consider your comments.
On the issue of God. I believe in God. I make no apologies for this and I challenge anyone to prove that God does not exist rationally.
several people have come here and pointed out blatant inaccuracies (not just a lack of evidence) in tony anthony's story, enough to cast a reasonable doubt on it. read the thread carefully.
basic logic: the burden of proof rests with the positive assertion. you cannot prove a lack of existence without absolute knowledge of all that exists.
"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson