A light question

A funny thought that only occurred to me as I was driving home tonight:
When God allegedly said, "Let there be light," of whom was he making this request?
Notice that he did not say, "Now there is light," or "Watch me create light," or "Here comes a little something I like to call 'light'... SHAZAM!!!'" He specifically requested someone or something to LET THERE BE light.
Who is this mysterious character that operates the sluice gates of light and darkness, existence and non-existence?
Unless, of course, this is just a game God made up when he was bored during all that infinite existence when he didn't have anyone to spy on. Maybe I will try this game. Let archeopteryx take a piss! And then, let him make a delicious sandwich! No problem, archeopteryx. You go right ahead. Why thank you, archeopteryx. You are a true gentlemen. Yes, archeopteryx, I know.
Hm. That would explain the arrogance.
A place common to all will be maintained by none. A religion common to all is perhaps not much different.
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I'm guessing it was a sort-of desperate plea to his run-down refrigerator before he opened the door.
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
So the most supreme and powerful being in the entire universe turns out to be a run-down refrigerator?
Sounds like a Douglas Adams novel. I like it.
A place common to all will be maintained by none. A religion common to all is perhaps not much different.
By the time he saw it, it had already changed.
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This is a rhetorical question, I'm sure, but... well you know how I like a challenge.
Something I notice actually is that genesis doesn't literally translate with a past verb tense but a present one, accordingly let light be is what god "saith" rather than what he "said". So..... identifying the mysterious character which god is evidently addressing may perhaps be a matter of "when" you look.
Theist badge qualifier : Gnostic/Philosophical Panentheist

You forget, of course, that god is a trinity. So it was god.1 calling out instructions to god.3. god.2 was probably in the back room running the numbers.
There are no theists on operating tables.
Um Kevin, if god is omniscient, then he would know if the light turns off when you shut the door.
He was talking to me. I told him it was OK. Then he did it and I was all like "Eh, I've seen better."
After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him.
The moral: When you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut.
I blame you for beaurocracy!
Spike's Genesis:
And God said: "Requisition me a light request form!"
A place common to all will be maintained by none. A religion common to all is perhaps not much different.
1:24.00 And God said, "Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind" and it was so.
1:24.14 And Spike said, "I don't think your design is design is very perfect. It kinda sucks. I'll make it better by small degrees over a long time.
1:24.28 And God said, "I saw that it was good..."
1:24.42 And Spike said, "It's good for a beginner. But it needs a lot of work. I think I'll throw a couple mass extinctions your way to keep you on your toes. I'll give you a hint for the big one... giant fucking rock."
1:24.57 And God said, "This isn't fair!"
1:24.71 And Spike said, "Too fucking bad. If you wanna live under my universe you have to live by my rules. If you don't like it you can just not exist..."
1:24.85 And God said, "Maybe I will"
After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him.
The moral: When you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut.