Ellery Schempp VA/DC Tour! (March 29 - April 6)

Ellery Schempp will be participating in a VA/DC Tour from March 28th to April 6th thanks to support from the Freedom From Religion Foundation and the Secular Student Alliance. Ellery Schempp was the primary student involved in the landmark 1963 Supreme Court Case of Abington School District v. Schempp which declared public school-sanction Bible reading unconstitutional. He'll be visiting several colleges and a few local organizations.
We're still busy working on final details for the specific events, but here's a preliminary agenda:
SATURDAY, March 28
***Central Virginia Community College (CVCC)***
MONDAY, March 30
***Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU)***
TUESDAY, March 31
***College of William & Mary***
***American University***
*** George Mason University (GMU)***
Monday, April 6
***The George Washington University***
Mark Your Calendars!
The final agenda will be out on February 28th.
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I had a great graphic with the tour discussion topics but I'm having a little trouble displaying an image, so here's the information:
text too small? check out www.meetup.com/beltwayatheists/calendar
Rick Wingrove - VA State Director and Capital Hill Representative for American Atheists - will be introducing Ellery Schempp tonight at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA!
I have been meaning to say this for a very long time and I just can't contain myself any longer. I have been bombarded with your icon for far too long. I've got a fever and all I can say is.......
Shelleymtjoy, you have got gorgeous legs!!!!!
And you have a mighty fine intellect too.