what am I?

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what am I?

The bible is one of the first forms of dialog recorded that exploits the relationship and communication between the conscious and subconscious mind as well as presents dialog presenting scenes of people having conversations about it...
The bible also presents symbology throughout the dialog exploiting the psychology of mans existence in the simplist form to such an extent that it becomes an account that speaks/communicates directly to the subconscious...

The inner alien = subconscious
The human = conscious

GOD is not a seperate entity or a being that made mankind...
There is no believing in god or not believing in god...
GOD exists and you have no choice about it...
We exist as a part of GOD by definition...
If everyone around me believes differently then I have no choice....
I am subject to my surroundings that the people around me are either
A- in denial
B- Unable to come to rational decisions on there own...
C- don't care
Whatever the case may be I am not defining myself as christian but I believe in the way Jesus defined GOD...
The symbology is clear and often misconstrude...
As a functioning person in society/GOD Jesus/son of god was the messenger/word as an example for others to follow...
I do not believe jesus is coming back from the "HEAVENS"...
The symbology of what happened in the biblical story I believe is not to be taken so literally... not to be taken literally...
We should share the word/messeges which doesn't just mean the bible, but symbolically also means important information/knowledge...
Finally, I do not believe in heaven or hell...
I understand what GOD is and I know that Karma doesn't exist in any other form other than simple physics...
If it would save my life I would tell I was christian, but only to save my life...
Catholic? Whats the difference? Same goes for everything...

This is the "esoteric" understanding of GOD which is most rational towards truth. Although, if you are surrounded by people that disagree and think that your understanding of GOD is threatening to them, then it may not result in being the most rational way of thinking to project unless you don't mind getting stoned to death or any other way they may choose to get rid of you...
They might burn you or lose your medical records and overdose you on medications. They might frame you or play any other kind of tricks on you...
So ultimately the understanding of rationalism changes if survival without being maimed is important, but then you have to deal with the fact that you have just decided to confide in a society that will not face true rational thought proccess...

By realizing that a GOD is not going to save you are faced with the reality that we must save ourselves...
We have to improve ourselves...
We need to make our society smarter, better, faster, stronger...
Preying will not make it happen, but can act as a form of meditation for keeping you set on what you have in mind for the future...
GOD isn't something you believe in its something you exist as a part of...
The bible is incrypted symbology and it is possible that the symbol of Jesus has come back to us ten fold by now...
There is no heavan or hell and preying is a simple minded form of meditation to manifest what you desire...
Most important... If you are surrounded by christians make sure to tell them you are christian just to be safe...
The question is the answere...

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Quote:what am


what am I?




But in seriousness, I would say atheist since you think God is metaphorical, or the universe or whatever....


If that's even what you mean.






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lets get a best 2 out of 3

but, yeah I define GOD as the glass and the water within it...

not a seperate entity and I don't believe in a creator...

your quest on is your ant sir

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Pantheist? Atheist? I can't

Pantheist? Atheist? I can't even tell.

Pantheists don't believe that god is separate from the universe, so you could be one of those.

If you believe in a god that is the universe, then you are a pantheist. If you think that we and everything around us is god, you are probably a pantheist.



There is no believing in god or not believing in god...

On the contrary, I don't believe in any gods. I just don't and it's that simple.

"You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."
British General Charles Napier while in India

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Based on your first post I'd

Based on your first post I'd say you have a lot in common with Gnostics.


Watts wrote:

but, yeah I define GOD as the glass and the water within it...

not a seperate entity



That is Panentheism.

Guess what? You and I profess basically the same God.




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Wait I think it's a

Wait I think it's a retorhical question.



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Cpt_pineapple wrote:Wait I

Cpt_pineapple wrote:

Wait I think it's a retorhical question.



Yep, I'm sure it is Capt. but what the hell, hey, let's speculate. Smiling

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but, thats just it...

like life it seems my existance and my idea of reality is a catch 22

allways rational yet conflicted otherwise it seems it would become irrational somehow



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I dabbled in Panentheism for

I dabbled in Panentheism for a while.  I couldn't wrap my head around it so I switched to Deism.






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Watts wrote: if you are

Watts wrote:
if you are surrounded by people that disagree and think that your understanding of GOD is threatening to them, then it may not result in being the most rational way of thinking to project unless you don't mind getting stoned to death or any other way they may choose to get rid of you... They might burn you or lose your medical records and overdose you on medications. They might frame you or play any other kind of tricks on you... So ultimately the understanding of rationalism changes if survival without being maimed is important, but then you have to deal with the fact that you have just decided to confide in a society that will not face true rational thought proccess... hmmmmmmmmmm

Wow, where do you live Watts? I mean, are you speaking from personal experiences here, or just generalising worst cases of religious bigotry? I know they exist but do you really think on the whole that pretending to affiliate with the threat will produce the best outcome? Many people here, including me, believe that our best hope is to speak against and marginalise oppressive religions and their ridiculous Gods, remove superstition from power altogether.

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I'm probably wrong, but you

I'm probably wrong, but you seem to be saying that god is our subconscious mind.  In other words that god is in us, or perhaps better worded as god is us. 

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OMG!!! I did form a mixture of words that amounted to what I really meant...

And somebody understood what I meant!!!

This is a very "spacial" day!!!

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I want to live somewhere that people accept what I want to project...

I may have to move...


I wander... Does such a place exist?

I need to apply for my passport...

Seems funny that a passport is required to get back here yet they make me pay for it...

There rules cost me money to follow with little in return but a society based on irrational rules...

I was in the military I should get that comped...

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What I have noticed...

A common idea of GOD and spirituality is what some may understand as the subconscious not exactly playing tricks, but filling in the blanks so to speak...

Combined with our elusive imaginations creating spirituality and by that is actually our subconcious' communicating amongst us and between us at a level that is a higher consciousness...

Not exactly magic, but can produce that effect...

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Watts wrote:~You are human.

Watts wrote:


You are human.

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Watts wrote:I want to live

Watts wrote:

I want to live somewhere that people accept what I want to project...

I may have to move...


I wander... Does such a place exist?


Where do you live?


Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare

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I am currently

staying at my mothers due to the fact that I was unable to get a job and I ran out of money...

Assaria, KS

 The center of the bible belt...

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Come to Canada.

Come to Canada. Laughing out loud

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I allways wanted to go there...

Don't know anybody there and I have no money right now...

Suppose thats sounds like an excuse, but it is undeniably a problem..

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Watts wrote:I allways wanted

Watts wrote:

I allways wanted to go there...

Don't know anybody there and I have no money right now...

Suppose thats sounds like an excuse, but it is undeniably a problem..

Not necessarily. B.C., Alberta, and Saskatchewan are all looking hard enough for employees(or at least have been within the last year) that you might be able to get a corporation to pay for your move. It's worth tossing a few resume's out anyway.

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I could be a security guard


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Watts wrote:I could be a

Watts wrote:

I could be a security guard


Ugh. For your own sanity, no. Unless you can get a job doing private security. I've worked for the two largest contract security companies in the world. I've worked with the next 3 largest in Canada. They're all a bunch of idiots at the management level. Sending people to work without a license, sending people without site orders, quintuple booking of shifts, no booking of shifts, and a higher turnover rate than McDonalds as a result.

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do you suggest a place to contact for work? doesn't have to be security...

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You have your grade 12?

You have your grade 12? Anything beyond that?

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only a little

military and deployed once...

some college credits... journalism, broadcasting, english, sociology

thats it

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Seems you'd be able to fit

Seems you'd be able to fit in a bunch of places then. Media organizations are certainly an option. I know CBC has recently added to their lineup of commentators in an effort to be less biased on certain issues.

There's also the possibility of joining the Canadian military, what with your military background I'm sure you'd be something of a shoe-in. You could look into law enforcement, applying with the RCMP, a provincial police force(OPP/QPP), or a local police force.

The cream of the crop are the oil facilities in Alberta and Saskatchewan(soon to be, or currently, available in Newfoundland as well). Huge pay, long hours, and hard work; though in expensive surroundings(general rule of thumb is to only buy food and shelter, save the rest for a return to heavily populated areas). A few years work in the oil fields as well as intelligent investment can mean one hell of an early retirement.

With the recent downturn in global economy, I can't say for sure that the west is as hopping as it was a year ago. But when I last went through Alberta in mid 2008, every place I saw had a help wanted sign. Starting wages at Tim Hortons in the Calgary Airport were $14/hr.

Any of this sound interesting? The only one I mentioned that might not be willing to pay for your move would be media(though fast food places like Tim Hortons, obviously, wouldn't pay for a move). I'm not sure how that works. It could be that they'd just accept your work from wherever you are, since they don't actually need to have you located by them with todays technology.

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I am going to consider all of this...

I thank you for the insite...

I may be a bit more patient with this situation here and a solution may present itself and I can still experience Canada later...

Taking off is allways an option, but last resort...

Whatever the case I should be able to aquire enough income here to be able to go where I want to go...

your quest on is your ant sir

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Also, why did you choose

Also, why did you choose that username? To symbolize power or something?




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Knowledge is POWER

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The truth is inevitable...

Not everybody can handle it...


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excuse me

what is this BB code option?

I mean what does it do?

GOD is not a believing matter...

All the matter as it is coexisting is GOD...

Not worth believing in nor discouraging belief in...

The truth is like fact...

It just simply is...



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Watts GOD



PS    I really like the sun...

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Watts wrote:  The truth is

Watts wrote:


The truth is inevitable...

Not everybody can handle it...





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combine this with sun panels and/or a wind mill strung to car batteries and sustain your own NRG...



I found this invention very funny because I actually explained to one of my fellow soldiers while I was deployed how you should be able to make an electricity generator by using magnets to propel the cylinder much like the way they use them to propel the bullet train... I'm not a electrician, but I knew it could be done...

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Is the gist of what you're

Is the gist of what you're saying that I AM GOD AS YOU?

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X Ak Le

X Ak Le Watts SUN

 as a part of GOD as you acting as one and the same... The connection is infinite...

PHi+N=E lementary

 for reference on true definition of GOD see- comment #30

Love, Zack Lee Watson


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I observe...

The Christian concept of GOD seems to be an idea that defines GOD as a seperate entity from the "TRUE" definition of GOD. I can only rationalise this idea as simply that Humanity/GOD as a whole is seperate from the rest of the matter in the Universe...

Or even that Christianity is a seperate entity free from the rest of the matter in the universe...

Then again, logic alley...


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Watts wrote:I observe...The

Watts wrote:

I observe...

The Christian concept of GOD seems to be an idea that defines GOD as a seperate entity from the "TRUE" definition of GOD. I can only rationalise this idea as simply that Humanity/GOD as a whole is seperate from the rest of the matter in the Universe...

Or even that Christianity is a seperate entity free from the rest of the matter in the universe...

Then again, logic alley...


Religion often seems to be a tool used to justify a belief in superiority.  Christians feel that life is superior to non life, humanity is superior to animals, and Christians are superior to everything but their god whom you have already pointed out actually is them.  I can only think they do this because they are in reality very insecure. 

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The N is it not

The N Is it not true that humans are superior to lesser intuative beings?


If you cannot proove nor disprove what happened in the bible...

Does that default all of humanity as christian whether anyone is are aware of it or not?

This seems to be the driving force of christianity...

Although, I could justify myself as christian in this sense... I would still deny that Jesus is going to come back from the heavens... I still wouldn't believe in heaven or hell...

That seems to be the only belief part about it left that determines the definition...


 So, when they ask me where I am going when I die...

I am going to say... To the unconscious reality where I will live forever through whatever I have done in the physical world...

 For infinity and beyond...

 I think I just defined spirituality in raw form...

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Weather something is

Weather something is superior or not must be determined by something or someone. Everyone I have ever heard say that humans are superior has been human.  Right now we are only the self selected superior beings in the universe. If things other then humans started saying that human being are superior I might take such claims more seriously.  


There are many things that can neither be proven nor disproven. For instance a blue invisible immaterial man that follows people around.  I can neither prove nor disprove that this man exists, but I do not believe in him.  I choose not to believe things unless I have evidence that I trust, otherwise I would be overwhelmed with beliefs.   



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How could he be blue and invisible?

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Watts wrote:How could he be

Watts wrote:

How could he be blue and invisible?

He is very depressed.

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I know "WHO" your tall king about...


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You would be blue to if you

You would be blue to if you were invisable, and immaterial.  He must be very lonely.

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Watts wrote:I know "WHO"

Watts wrote:

I know "WHO" your tall king about...


"WHO" is any of us?

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"WHO" is often confused...

Thinks he is protecting everybody else by trying to scare the shit out of them...

Just another form of control...


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Now I'm confused.  Just

Now I'm confused.  Just "WHO" is he?

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WHO is

WHO is ?


hard to say...

A tyrant...



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A blue invisible MAN that follows people around...

You believe in him because he has left you evidence of his existanct yet you have never seen the MAN...

By believe you mean acknowledge his existence?


Believe you support his purpose?

or both?

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Neither, I don't believe in

Neither, I don't believe in him because I have no evidence of his existence.  

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Then where did the idea come from?