Jesus Lives in a Seat Cushion

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Jesus Lives in a Seat Cushion



THOUSANDS of people have flocked to a Roman Catholic church on the French Indian Ocean island of Reunion after believers said they saw the "face of Christ" in the pleats of a church cushion.

Church officials limited access to the Jesus-Misericordieux church in eastern Saint-Andre's Cambuston district to a few minutes per visitor as traffic in the area ground to a halt.

Believers and curious onlookers pulled out cameras to take pictures of the cushion attached to the priest's chair.

Antoinette, an 82-year-old parishioner, said the face was a "divine phenomenon" as tears welled up her eyes.

"This church is a holy site," added Lise-May, another worshipper.

Saint-Andre authorities put up four tents outside the church on Saturday afternoon so the faithful could follow mass.

A group of about 30 parishioners who had joined a Christian ceremony ahead of the Easter holiday had been the first to notice the particular setting of the cushion.

"This is not a miracle, it's a sign of God," said parish priest Daniel Gavard.

Reunion Bishop Gilbert Aubry has so far not commented on the occurrence which came within days of outbursts of violence over the high cost of living on the island whose economy depends on tourism and subsidies from the French state.


Notice the last paragraph?  Coincidence?  I think not.  Of course, the priests would tell you that God was showing his good will towards the church by showing himself right when he was needed.  In all fairness, it's quite possible that the priests genuinely believe that line of baloney, but it just goes to show how faith can blind us to the obvious.






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 Funny how people know what

 Funny how people know what Jesus looked like. I wasn't aware we had pictures. If that is the actual face they are talking about that could be almost anyone.  How likely is it that someone put there ass on jesus's face before it was spotted?


Btw if that is jesus.... man that is one square chin. reminds me of the crimson chin from fairly odd parents.

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I did a quick search for a

I did a quick search for a jesus shot in a toilet seat. Sadly, nothing. Maybe tomorrow!

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Ok, so if I see a cloud that

Ok, so if I see a cloud that looks like a bird, then whatever god I make up and sell, must mean the bird was a "sign".

It couldn't be that humans are merely retrofitting a pattern after the fact to suit their desires?

But if we are to assume that such an all powerfull god who could do anything to solve human problems, is reduced to parlor tricks?

The 9/11 "cross" despite how media sold it, was not a perfect shape, but iron workers cut it to fit after the fact, without telling the public what they were doing.

BUT, even if it were a "perfect cross"(for argument's sake only) my response would be WHAT THE FUCK?

Ok, so God could stop the attack, foil the plans of the attackers, but in his ultimate wisdom, self serving narscisistic advertising is more important than the 3 thousand lives lost that day.

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Brian37 wrote:Ok, so God

Brian37 wrote:

Ok, so God could stop the attack, foil the plans of the attackers, but in his ultimate wisdom, self serving narscisistic advertising is more important than the 3 thousand lives lost that day.

but you forget, it was gods way of punishing homosexuals. The lightning bolts he was sending before weren't geting enough media coverage  I love this BS

Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
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I know this has been said

I know this has been said before, but wow, people suck.

"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.


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Hambydammit wrote: That

Hambydammit wrote:


That looks like Mufasa. Square chin. Giant nose. Wise eyes. Mane. Even the color is close (lol).

Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare

Kevin R Brown
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Quote:That looks like

That looks like Mufasa. Square chin. Giant nose. Wise eyes. Mane. Even the color is close (lol).

No kidding. I was actually going to say the same thing.


Give me a break. I mean, at least the infamous 'Jesus burnt onto my toast!' picture looks somewhat like a dude. This one just doesn't sell to me on any level. Jesus has a gigantic nose? A small slit for a mouth? Googly eyes?

Maybe he was trying his hand at Etch-a-Sketch revelation and just botched it a little bit? Sticking out tongue

"Natasha has just come up to the window from the courtyard and opened it wider so that the air may enter more freely into my room. I can see the bright green strip of grass beneath the wall, and the clear blue sky above the wall, and sunlight everywhere. Life is beautiful. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression and violence, and enjoy it to the full."

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Jesus is everywhere

I have seen pictures of Jesus ;  On a taco, on melting snow,on toast, in rust stains{Mary too}, in a cloud, on leaves, etc.  It seem he is just about evertwhere, except in history.

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I saw the miracle on a dog

I saw the miracle on a dog too

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Hail Mary! Or something.

Hail Mary!


Or something.

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Another advancement in the

Another advancement in the science of stupidity. Smiling

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Kevin R Brown

Kevin R Brown wrote:

That looks like Mufasa. Square chin. Giant nose. Wise eyes. Mane. Even the color is close (lol).

No kidding. I was actually going to say the same thing.


Give me a break. I mean, at least the infamous 'Jesus burnt onto my toast!' picture looks somewhat like a dude. This one just doesn't sell to me on any level. Jesus has a gigantic nose? A small slit for a mouth? Googly eyes?

Maybe he was trying his hand at Etch-a-Sketch revelation and just botched it a little bit? Sticking out tongue

Christians got it wrong. Bill Maher is god, I saw his face burnt in toast. What is that you say? You don't believe me? It is right their on his DVD cover of Religioulous.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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I know we're all having a

I know we're all having a good laugh (I mean...there really isn't any other proper response. This is so pathetic that ridicule is the only possible gesture), but shock at the response to this mundane nonsense by thousands is also a perfectly valid response. I mean, "eyes welling up with tears". It's a fucking seat cushion! What else is there to say? How can anyone take this seriously? How can anyone be that unthinking and vapid?

"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.


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My first thought was "Whose

My first thought was "Whose ass was Jesus kissing?"

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 Quote:I know we're all


I know we're all having a good laugh (I mean...there really isn't any other proper response. This is so pathetic that ridicule is the only possible gesture), but shock at the response to this mundane nonsense by thousands is also a perfectly valid response. I mean,"eyes welling up with tears". It's a fucking seat cushion! What else is there to say? How can anyone take this seriously? How can anyonebe that unthinking and vapid?

Deludedgod, I'm actually having a bit of a personal crisis right now.  I'm finding that in real life, it's becoming really hard for me to pretend that I don't find people's beliefs absurd.  That's bad, because a lot of my customers are theists, and they tell me about their church services and what-not.  The thing is, my gut reaction at a lot of things I see is immediate astonishment.  It's like... really?  You actually think that?  Really?  You're actually doing that, and your not joking?

I'm very lucky to have plenty of atheist friends, and to not be subjected to theism as part of work or school, but the end result is that it's becoming nearly impossible for me to take theists seriously.  I guess I'm living proof that the best way to get someone out of religion is to remove them from the religious.



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I've found the best way

I've found the best way to handle such a problem is to go to a Star Trek or other comic convention. If you can survive a few hours surrounded by fanboys and conversing with them, the religious seem a little less crazy. You also might pick up a few tricks to use on the religious. I got quite a few lessons in debating by debating video games and the like.

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Hambydammit wrote: it's

Hambydammit wrote:

 it's becoming nearly impossible for me to take theists seriously.

I hit this same point sometime during the presidential race. It might have had something to do with people taking Sarah Palin seriously. I mean, she's even worse than God because she actually exists.

Nobody I know was brainwashed into being an atheist.

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