The Obama Deception

Any of you guys see this youtube video yet? It's called "The Obama Deception" and is a little disturbing to me. Of course some or most of what is said in the video may be false. What say you? The video is a long expose about the New World Order and how Obama is just a puppet and the real powers that be have engineered things like the subprime fiasco to set the stage for a global bank that will tax the hell out of us.
You had me at "WTF?"
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I used to watch a lot of conspiracy theory type stuff, some of it is kind of interesting, some of it is total bunk. I haven't seen that vid yet, but I'm going to guess that it is about the government being controlled by the global banking system and Obama being their puppet.
If you're into that kind of stuff here's somethings that I've found: -apparently the illuminati are to blame for everything, even radical islam. That's a new one for me -note: this one is done by alex jones, who tends to go over the top, but it is still of kind interesting to watch. Its about old rich guys doing crazy stuff in the woods of the bohiemian grove in california.
It's a trap! Our thetans can't repel SPs of that magnitude!
This last one is true. Jon Rosen wrote about it in Them (which is a really great book about tracking down the Bilderburg Group).
"Yes, I seriously believe that consciousness is a product of a natural process. I find that the neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers who proceed from that premise are the ones who are actually making useful contributions to our understanding of the mind." - PZ Myers
Yes, they really do have a weird 'boys camp' for the social elite.
I do not see how this is sinister.
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
Its bad enough that some of our political figures believe that the earth is 6000 years old, let alone buring human effigies to a huge owl statue. It may be sinister, it may not be, but is this the kind of thing our elected leaders should be taking part in?
It's a trap! Our thetans can't repel SPs of that magnitude!
...How is fooling around at a gentleman's camp at all comparable to promoting ignorance? If it is not the sort of thing they should be participating in, why not? Bring your premise forward, please.
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
Its not the fooling around part that I have a problem with, but this (exert from wiki):
Now, it is just some silly ceremony, however, to me this is just another form of promoting ignorance. Because these people choose to keep it secret, it makes them look as if they are hiding something. Then it get blown out of proportion, and people start filling the blanks. Plus, mock human sacrafices to burn away cares? come on. They might as well be rolling on the floor in church barking like dogs.
It's a trap! Our thetans can't repel SPs of that magnitude!
So rich people have their private clubs where they can hang out with other rich people. Ho-hum. They have a silly overblown ceremony that is just like the stuff that we all did in cub scouts only with production values to match with the amount of cash that is available to them. Again, ho-hum. If you read a bit more of the wikipedia page, it will become obvious that Alex Jones has sneaked into the place and filmed the secret ceremony. If it was all that important to keep the rest of us in the dark about the matter, don't you think that they would have sued Alex Jones into total wage slavery? They can, you know, they are that rich.
Seriously, conspiracy theories can be kind of fun if you take them for the bull that most of them are. Note that I said most, not all. That is a relevant distinction because a few have been fairly well documented. Once the conspirators have achieved their goals, they can be pretty hard to hide but being essentially done, it may not be so easy to undo them.
A great example is the great street car conspiracy. Did you know that in the 30's and 40's the tire, automotive and petroleum industries bought up most of the light rail in the United States with the only goal being to shut it down so as to better force us all to buy cars? Google that one if you don't believe me.
A current one would be the crap that is going on over copyrights in music/movies/software. OK, it really ought to be no surprise to anyone that you simply cannot buy one thing, run off a few thousand copies and hand them out, even if you do so for free. That is simply not cool. However, it is old established law that you can buy that one thing, make a single copy and keep the original stored somewhere safe in case your copy gets damaged.
If you are a content provider, then the answer is obvious. Fuck the consumer public. They are your personal cash whores and it is their responsibility to present open wallets that you can hoover clean on demand. You just buy a new law that grants a new one sided copyright that simply ignores a century of established law. The fact that this is supported not by a single right holder but essentially all of the major producers spells conspiracy to my mind.
I know most of them are bull, I never said that I bought into them. I was just implying that this superstitious behavour isn't neccessary from our leaders.
It's a trap! Our thetans can't repel SPs of that magnitude!
First, many congressmen do spend their Sundays openly rolling around on church floors while uttering gibberish. Second, acting crazy is not the same thing as promoting ignorance. Personally, I don't really care if you want to spend your time doing weird shit. It's when you want to impose said weird shit on me, or insist that it holds some kind of sacrd truth or value, that we've got some problems.
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
I see your point, however don't you think that high profile people doing this kind of thing, behind closed doors, is what leads to these kind of conspiracy theories? So indirectly, wouldn't that be promoting miscontext/ingorance?
It's a trap! Our thetans can't repel SPs of that magnitude!
No, I really don't.
Do you think that people have a right to privacy? If so (I do, personally), that more or less slams the door on this 'issue' because one then realizes that the term 'behind closed doors' is just an aspersion-casting buzzword for 'privately'. Wealthy people get together with other wealthy people to privately do a silly effigy-burning rite of passage ritual, and then fame-groping assholes like Alex Jones sneak-in and videotape them doing it - and then he dares to call them the sinister ones?
The only thing that leads to these 'conspiracy theories' (I prefer to call the raging cyclones of lies) are the greedy pieces of shit that insist on creating them.
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
I think that some in this thread are conflating privacy and secrecy. While there is a connection between the two, they are not inextricably linked. When you go to the restroom you want privacy but you're not acting in secrecy. The problem with elected officials taking secret oaths and belonging to secret groups is that it undermines the electorate's ability to make informed decisions about who's representing them. Concerning the issue of secrecy I agree with John F. Kennedy when he said this:
There are twists of time and space, of vision and reality, which only a dreamer can divine
H.P. Lovecraft
Isn't claiming that science disproves god a conspiracy theory?
Am I anonymously posting on a board of hypocrisy?
Is this my last rhetorical question?
I love this thread. Most threads discussing these issues contain ignorant, angry comments by people who rephrase innacurately what they have heard others say. it is nice to read well thought out, intelligent comments, that whether i agree or disagree, i respect and cause me to at least contemplate what i think about the issue. applause.