You're just angry with God,but that's alright he can take it.
I was outside the other day and my neighbor came over and started asking me guestions,she starts off with ,Hi !,where you been,I have'nt seen you in awhile.So I tell her that I've been sick (cancer of the liver) and going out and shoveling ain't on my list.As I was standing there talking to her I felt sick and said to her that I gotta go in and lay down and she said that she'll say a prayer for me and I told her not to waste her time praying cause I don't beleive in a god,and she comes up with the theist response " Your just mad at god,etc "Well I did'nt want to explain my philosopy with her so I just said to her that I had to go in ,I'll talk to you later,bye.Tell me,what would you have said ?
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thing, Ken G - hope you're doing better now.
If there really was a God, anger would be fully justified, considering the horrible incompetence or actual malevolence demonstrated by the history of the world he is credited with creating.
Favorite oxymorons: Gospel Truth, Rational Supernaturalist, Business Ethics, Christian Morality
"Theology is now little more than a branch of human ignorance. Indeed, it is ignorance with wings." - Sam Harris
The path to Truth lies via careful study of reality, not the dreams of our fallible minds - me
From the sublime to the ridiculous: Science -> Philosophy -> Theology
First off, sorry about the cancer. I hope you can get through this as comfortable as possible, if there is any such way.
I wouldn't have said, "Don't pray for me". I might have said "I don't believe in god, but thanks for the concern. You can pray for me if you want, but from now on, please don't tell me that, it is not my thing".
I don't give people a hard time the first time they mention prayer to me, I simply say I don't believe. Then if they bring it up again repeatedly, I do make it an issue.
"You're just angry at god"...........I HATE THAT.
Well, if we are to believe the claim that a god exists, why shouldn't we be angry? Cancer?
That would be like coming home to find the baby sitter who had a 357 magnum allowed an unarmed child rapist rape your child. Who IF THEY COULD STOP IT, allow their kid to get cancer, or give their kid cancer?
Daddy gave you cancer? No, he allowed you to get cancer. EITHER WAY, what the fuck?
Who in their right mind would give their child a dangerous home, or allow their child to live in a dangerous home?
God is all powerful but apathetic, or not all powerful at all. But a much better explanation is that "shit happens" and disease and crime and natural disasters are a product of a non magical world.
The reality is that if you were angry at anything it was her absurd belief that summonsing a fictional being would magically cure you. The real anger came from her that you wouldn't coddle her superstition and accept that this cancer was not a result of Superman vs Kriptonite.
Believers dont get it. If there is anything atheist are angry at, it wouldn't be at a fictional being we equate to Mickey Mouse. If we are angry at anything it would be that myths still persist today in an age of Chemotherapy, and DNA.
This women could be praying to Thor or Isis and it still would mean the same to us. NO we are not angry at god. We simply don't cling to invisible friends in times of pain.
I don't know what your medical outlook is, but whatever it is, I hope you can find as much comfort as possible while dealing with this.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
You have the most to be angry about considering you live your life upside down.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Get Better Ken...
I wish you the best. Not in the perverted "The Secret" pseudoscience twist of quantum mechanics way. Just a plain, old school wish, because I want no harm to come to you.
I really dislike saying I'm experienced or have an expert point of view of anything, especially here. Most at RRS are much more intelligent than I am. But being disabled has meant I've come across the "angry at God" situation quite often. My general first response has always been "I can't be angry at what doesn't exist" and depending on the person and my mood, I've thrown in "I don't blame Santa for not putting a prostitute under my tree" or something similar. But the absolute best follow up I've found is "I'm doing fine. I have the medicine of science, the effort of my doctors, the love and support of my family and friends, peace of mind, and actual answers to why I'm in this situation."
Whether you agree with his politics or not, Penn Jillette's essay for This I Believe captures it better than I possibly could.
Hope you feel better!
What gets me is that she has spread this virus (religion) to her three children.This crazy belief in a sky daddy has to be removed from our culture,it makes us blind to the realities all around us.Sometimes I feel like saying to my neighbor "Hey,grow the F<>K UP " but she is a nice person (except for her religion).And sometimes I feel like giving her some atheist material to read .And Yes I'm angry that these myths still persist today in an age of Chemotherapy and DNA.And Thank You for the Get Well sentiment.
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That 's the point,people talk about this God belief as if he could heal a sick person,and that just ticks me off.
PS ; what does the characters on you shirt say ?
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Thank's ,I hope that I can make a full recovery.My onocologist put me on a transplant list
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And being disabled,I'm sure that you do hear those words a lot.As you said " I can't get angry at what doesn't exist" will be my come back line.It just makes me wonder about people that are living in La-La Land.That was an excellent essay by Penn Jillette,someone once told me that Penn don't allow religious people in his house ?
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What can I say ? except that I hope so too,that's all that you can do,right.

Being angry at God is nonsense. Should we hate God for bad things and love him for good things? That would be pretty weird relationship. I'd say to that neighbor, "no, God is angry at me, but that's OK, I can take it."
But neither I like this approach of "shit happens." Shit happens, BECAUSE.... we are held responsible for what we do, what we don't do, and what our families, cities and nations do. We are the source of most of bad and good things in life.
For example, cancer is not only a result of genetics, it's caused by pollution of environment, and long-termed self-destructive emotional illusions, and immense stress they cause. When these factors get together, cancer will appear, sooner or later. I don't know how about you, but in my vicinity and family there are such a textbook cases. Nobody gets cancer out of nowhere.
And there is one important implication of that. If there is a way how to get cancer, there is also a way how to prevent it, and how to cure it.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
My usual response to this is. "I hate your god just as much as you hate its creator."
Sounds made up...
Agnostic Atheist
No, I am not angry at your imaginary friends or enemies.