Loving vs. Disturbing?

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Loving vs. Disturbing?



What do you think?

The Doomed Soul
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Sick people. Why would you torture any living thing like that.



They should be incarcerated. Really. I have no tolerance for that kind of abuse.



Don't be mistaken. Abuse is exactly what that was.

Theism is why we can't have nice things.

The Flying Spag...
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Disturbing.There's so many


There's so many things wrong with that video.

- They knew the chances and didn't opt for abortion or euthanasia (not sure when they found out). That's child abuse.

- They are SELLING the fucking video instead of letting it stand as a simple memorial.

- The concept of meeting your 3 month old baby that's in that condition IN HEAVEN is extremely disturbing.

- The unconditional love thing bothers me...They keep personalizing the baby as if he does something to significantly impact their lives every day. I don't mean to sound like an asshole because I understand the bond between a child and his parents growing up, but the baby is connected to tubes and is restricted. They're making him sound more and more like an exciting science experiment than a living creature making a BOND with his parents.

- They think a mullet is a good thing.

- They spell his name "Eliot," instead of "Elliot."

- They assume he's going to Heaven, even though he hasn't accepted Jesus as his lord and savior.

Actually, the entire video bothered me. It's like watching people dress their pet dog in a sweater with a ridiculous hat, making the dog feel very uncomfortable but giving amusement to the owners. The baby doesn't look happy, they celebrate his birthday every day (meaning, they know he's dying but choose to not end the suffering), and most disturbing, they consider him a miracle.

Perhaps if little Eliot was born with another one of God's miraculous diseases like harlequin type ichthyosis, their decision would have been slightly less...loving.

The Flying Spag...
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Where's Ray Comfort and his

Where's Ray Comfort and his fucking banana now?