A few thoughts on the Coup in Honduras
Being an anti-imperialist,I thought that this was a good article by Jeremy Scahill (author of "Blackwater;The rise of the World's most powerful Mercenary Army) informationclearinghouse.info/article22944.htm
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Here's a great award-winning documentary for those who perhaps didn't know that they live in an empire:
War on Democracy on google video.
That's what happens when you try to decriminalize drugs. Banking cartels don't like that shit.
Yes !!! I really like John Pilger's work.Did you ever visit his page at Znetwww.zmag.org/zspace/johnpilger and his lates book sound's good "Freedom Next Time:resisting the Empire"
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I'm sure I have at some point. I've studied a Party (ISO) which he associates himself with and they don't take a fully scientific approach. I like 97% of what he says in talks like "Freedom Next Time", and think that he just has a way about him that gets some people to listen, but on certain things he's dead wrong. He's a socialist (I'd debate that though), I'm a Maoist.