Life is transcendental and profound

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If you disagree, replace my

If you disagree, replace my words with your own.

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OM wrote:If you disagree,

OM wrote:

If you disagree, replace my words with your own.


Both words are rather ambiguous and wooly, please calrify the meaning of the terms you're using.

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I am asking whether YOU

Would you use those words to describe life? If not, replace them with your own. Simple question.

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Life exists.

Life exists.

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OM wrote:Would you use those

OM wrote:

Would you use those words to describe life? If not, replace them with your own. Simple question.


The reason I asked for a definition is I wanted to know how you were applying those words to life, without the definition I can't know if I agree or disagree with a proposition.

Without further input, no I wouldn't use those words.  Life exists.  Life is life.  I don't know what else you're looking for.



1.transcendent, surpassing, or superior.
2.being beyond ordinary or common experience, thought, or belief; supernatural.
3.abstract or metaphysical.
4.idealistic, lofty, or extravagant.
a.beyond the contingent and accidental in human experience, but not beyond all human knowledge.Compare transcendent (def. 4b).
b.pertaining to certain theories, etc., explaining what is objective as the contribution of the mind.
c.Kantianismof, pertaining to, based upon, or concerned with a priori elements in experience, which condition human knowledge.



1.penetrating or entering deeply into subjects of thought or knowledge; having deep insight or understanding: a profound thinker.
2.originating in or penetrating to the depths of one's being;profound grief.
3.being or going far beneath what is superficial, external, or obvious: profound insight.
4.of deep meaning; of great and broadly inclusive significance:a profound book.
5.pervasive or intense; thorough; complete: a profound silence.
6.extending, situated, or originating far down, or far beneath the surface: the profound depths of the ocean.
7.low: a profound bow.


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 Of course I'm being a

 Of course I'm being a pedant - I wouldn't agree with any of these definitions - I was just interested to see if you agreed with any of them OM so I could gauge where you're coming from.

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John Lenon quote

          Life is what happens while your busey doing other things.


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 Transcendental and

 Transcendental and profound are both vaguely defined.  "Life" is a biological process marked by homeostasis, reproduction, dynamic interaction with the environment, growth, metabolism, and adaptation.

What do you propose that life is transcendent with regard to?

In what context do you propose that life is profound?


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Even the word 'life' in that

Even the word 'life' in that sentence is ambiguous.

Are you referring to 'life' as

1. the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic;

2.  living things and their activity;


3. the state of being alive as a human being?

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OM wrote: If you disagree,

OM wrote:

If you disagree, replace my words with your own.

Life (cf. biota) is a characteristic that distinguishes objects that have self-sustaining biological processes ("alive," "living" ), from those which do not[1][2] —either because such functions have ceased (death), or else because they lack such functions and are classified as "inanimate."


Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare

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Life is joyous and fun.At

Life is joyous and fun.

At least for me.

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OM wrote:Agree or

OM wrote:

Agree or disagree?

Disagree. Life is competitive and playful.


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OM wrote:Agree or

OM wrote:

Agree or disagree?

Logically speaking, any sentence starting with "life is" is incorrect.  You can only say "my life is ..." or "I believe, live is ... because ...".

So, my life is interesting and natural.  Also, I believe, life is powerful and fragile  because it is capable of changing the world around us and destroying itself.

OM, are you agree or disagree with me?


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HisWillness wrote:Disagree.

HisWillness wrote:

Disagree. Life is competitive and playful.

Oh, you right-sider.

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nigelTheBold wrote:

HisWillness wrote:

Disagree. Life is competitive and playful.

Oh, you right-sider.

I thought the "competitive" part was more left-brain. No? Too much special sauce?

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OM wrote:Life is

OM wrote:

Life is transcendental and profound

Agree or disagree?

I agree.
As for the definitions, I can try some.
Transcendental = we are parts of one greater life.
Profound = the life is behind all seemingly dead things, because life is energy and matter is concentrated energy.

But allow me a question, how do you know that? One doesn't have a nickname of a sacred syllabe just by a coincidence.
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Oh, the twisted

Oh, the twisted irony.

Luminon wrote:
Transcendental = we are parts of one greater life.

Oddly unprofound. Of course we are.

Luminon wrote:
Profound = the life is behind all seemingly dead things, because life is energy and matter is concentrated energy.

Strangely, not transcendental. Life isn't just energy.

It's like you were going for a symmetry of confusion.


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HisWillness wrote:

nigelTheBold wrote:

Oh, you right-sider.

I thought the "competitive" part was more left-brain. No? Too much special sauce?

Beats me. I'm no cognative psychologist. I was just trying to be mildly amusing.

I do loves me some special sauce, though.

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