What causes Autism
I was watching this video www.brasschecktv.com/page/376.html and it really makes me wonder about Science and Politics ,we all need vaccinations, and we need a safe way of getting them into our children,so if it's mercury that is in the injection,can there be another way to take the medicine. This is R.F.K.jr.story in Rolling Stone magazine www.rollingstone.com/politics/story/7395411/deadly_immunity/
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I can't believe there are still people that believe that vaccinations cause autism. It's all anti-vax bullshit.
My Brand New Blog - Jesu Ad Nauseum.
God of the Gaps: As knowledge approaches infinity, God approaches zero. It's introductory calculus.
Hey,I'm not anti-vax,in fact I think that Jenny McCartny and Jim Carey are putting out bad information,when they advice people to not have their children vaccinated.But on the other hand,if there is a problem with the vaccinations,why can't they come up with a better way of getting the vaccine,like orally.The interview with Robert Kennedy Jr. pointed out that the mercury (a preservative) in the shots has risen since 1989 and they combine one vaccination with many others.RFK JR. points out that the Big Pharm. has had closed door discussions on this matter,and he has been able to get someone to leak out some transcript of the meeting.
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All of those arguments against vaccinations are the same that I've seen all over the internet. A quick wiki of "Causes of Autism" finds all of those and quickly dismisses their validity. There is no link between autism and vaccinations. The link is perceived because vaccinations are given around the time that a parent would begin to notice that their child may have autism. The whole controversy began when some researchers released a study in which 8 kids began showing autism shortly after being vaccinated. The problem is that correlation does not imply causation and that there were no controls.
How you do a study without controls is fucking beyond me .
My Brand New Blog - Jesu Ad Nauseum.
God of the Gaps: As knowledge approaches infinity, God approaches zero. It's introductory calculus.
I don't even need to bother checking your link. You should know by now that your favorite news source is shit. Really dude.
Gentleman's bet that it has a screed about how fluoride in the water is a conspiracy...
It's a form of high functioning autism that I was diagnosed with when I was about 8. My parents never gave me vaccinations because my dad had very bad reactions to them, and my doctor understood my parents' concern so my vaccinations were waved on medical grounds. So from personal experience I can say the argument that vaccinations cause autism is probably incorrect, (or at least in my case.) My father also exhibits many aspergers like symtoms like obsessions, and social difficulties, and is seeing a psychiatrist next week to get a final diagnosis. So I think this is genetically transmitted. Granted not all autistics have a family history of autism, but I can't think of any other explanation except that it's poor genes. Are there any other theories?
Yeah,really dude.My favorite news sources are not the ones that I ask you to check,not at all . Here is a Small list of some of my favorite news source ; Democracy Now,MIT open source web page, Chomsky.info , Rebel Reports , Howard Zinn.org ,Z Communications ,Michael Parenti.org ,Common Dreams .com , World Watch Institute ,Human Rights Watch ,Corporate Accountability International ,Monbiot.Com ,AlterNet ,Information Clearing House.info and of course Science Podcasters ~ which has an excellent podcast docartemis.com/sciencepodcasters/ about vaccinations and autism which says that there is no link ,which is what I agree with,but I do think that there has to be a more in depth look at using mercury as a preservative . Serious DUDE !!!
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I do think that poor genes has a big part in this,but I do wonder why there has been over 70% increase in autism since 1989 , which is the same time line as the increase in vaccinations.
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Thimerisol has been removed from most vaccines, also it has been thoughly studied and no correlation with autism or any oter disease has been found. This is why the anti-vaxers are now talking about aluminum and the vaccination schedule.
You should check out www.sciencebasedmedicine.org and seach for vaccination for more info
You're not the only one with Asperger's, here. I just received my diagnosis on Friday. Count yourself among the lucky ones. I have been struggling with I knew not what for years on end. Hopefully, I can get on some kind of good track now. Count me as among those who are just learning about Asperger's.
If you're interested in the biology behind autism, the best place to get your feet wet would be the wiki article on the heritability of autism. It's a pretty tricky subject and there is a lot of speculation on how exactly it occurs.
There is also a direct correlation between how much rain an area gets and how many children have autism. Does that mean that rain causes autism?
Did I mention that correlation does not imply causation? Correlation does not imply causation. Correlation does not imply causation. This "increase in autism cases" is most likely to be a result of more cases of autism being diagnosed. Autism is actually a spectrum of disorders, and since 1989 we have a more developed idea of what autism is and what its signs are. There are two cases in this thread already of people who went for a long period of their lives without being diagnosed.
In fact, there have been no proven links between autism and ANY post-natal influences. All that causes autism happens in the womb.
My Brand New Blog - Jesu Ad Nauseum.
God of the Gaps: As knowledge approaches infinity, God approaches zero. It's introductory calculus.
Our aspergers can be a good thing. We have intense focus, we're intelligent and we are experts in whatever specialty topic we have.
sorry I'm new could someone give me some pointers about posting on a forum?
Because the population increased? because we still allow those with inferior genes to breed?
By your logic, Nintendo could be blamed on the autism rise aswell
What Would Kharn Do?
Thanks a lot--both for your openness about Asperger's, and your willingness to help.
I don't have any questions right now, although that has a way of changing, so...stay tuned.
Thanks again.
Robert Kennedy Jr. is a scientific illiterate. Dr. Steven Novella, of Skeptic's Guide to the Universe, did an excellent rebuttal to Kennedy's creationesque diatribe.
There is not one scientific study linking thimersol to autism, there are numerous studies around the world debunking such a connection. Kennedy claims there is a global conspiracy by "Big Pharma" bribing all the scientists to come to these conclusions. Kennedy basis the majority of his argument on Wakefield who was paid by an attorney to conduct a non-controlled study to create a link connecting vaccines with autism. Back in the day they were complaining about the measles/mumps/rubella vaccinations.
Despite removing thimersol from vaccines the number of autism rates continue to grow. Populations that consume large number of mercury containing fish as part of their diet don't show any higher rates of autism than populations with less mercury consumption. Japanese people living downstream from a mercury plant which contaminated the drinking water don't show any higher rates than a non-affected population.
Kennedy likes to point to the Amish as having lower rates of autism than surrounding, non-Amish populations. He attributes this to the Amish refusing vaccinations. The Amish also don't use cars or television so those could be contributing factors according to Kennedy's reasoning.
About the only thing the anti-vax people have managed to successfully do is increase the number of deaths due to preventable illnesses. Australia is experiencing an outbreak of whooping cough in places where the anti-vax movement has a large number of followers. Due to their actions they have lowered the herd immunity so children, too young to get the vaccine are dying of whooping cough. If the movement had their way they'll love to see a return of smallpox, polio and other diseases godless science has wiped out which have caused the death and misery of millions.
So far the Jenny McCarthy body count is up to 204 dead.