Anyone experiencing ADD/ADHD?

A colleague of mine saw a documentary on Canadian TV about Attention Deficit Disorder, and started listing off all the characteristics, and I was like, "Yeah, yep, that's me, yep, that too, uh huh, oh yeah...." etc. Things like: Chronic procrastination, trouble finishing projects, always seeking stimulation (in my case intellectual rather than merely a 'rush'), excessive caffeinism, daydreaming, prone to distraction, excessive worry while being inattentive to real problems, constantly avoids boredom by seeking new things, impulsive, trouble with work/career, trouble with interpersonal relationships, etc.
The one thing I *don't* really have is hyperactivity, which is the one thing that I thought was characteristic of ADD. Apparently, I was mistaken, and hyperactivity is often present, but not always, and in fact ADD without hyperactivity is common.
Another thing that prevented me from noticing sooner is that I thought of kids with ADD were 'scatter-brained' and couldn't focus on anything. But the thing is, I was always able to have an intense focus in certain things, like learning math, science, and computers. So I figured, "ADD? That doesn't sound like me." But I must now admit that assessment was due to ignorance of the actual characteristics of ADD, which can include 'hyperfocus'.
But I've always had trouble with assignments, deadlines, following 'proper' procedures, etc. It affected my job, and eventually I could not focus at all on work and lost a very good job. I assumed my problem was depression and/or anxiety, but never really was able to make all the puzzle pieces fit together.
I'm now reading a book called Driven to Distraction by Edward M. Hallowell, and by page 4 I pretty much knew that my life-long problem of procrastination and under-achievement was really due to ADD.
I haven't had an official diagnosis yet, but I made a Dr's appointment this morning to get assessed. Hopefully this works out and I can get some treatment.
Ring a bell to anyone else here?
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consentrate more? work harder? this is what I mean. Not bad things at all. But from my experiance people on medication worked harder than those "normal" people. Got better marks etc because they were on it. Didn't join the rest of us on the final day of school while everyone cut the day to go to the beach. Things like that, never bunking class, not walking down an absurdly long storm water drain pipe to go smoke some weed/ciggarettes at school you know the things most people get up to, the fun things. maybe they have the wrong meds or dosage or whatever, but this is just my personal experiance i have had.
P.S. peoples crazyness is what makes them interesting.
Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
No animal shall wear clothes.
No animal shall sleep in a bed.
No animal shall drink alcohol.
No animal shall kill any other animal.
All animals are equal.
I took the medication for 30 days. During that time, I got more work done than in the previous two months combined. As a result, I got a nice paycheck which was desperately needed.
I was also able to take care of a lot of things I had been neglecting, like going to the doctor, etc. I was also able to write more, do more online activism, and I even got motivated enough to start an AtheistNexus group I had been thinking of starting for a while.
In the last week, I had run out of medication, and I was waiting for my appointment with a psychiatrist who specializes in adult ADHD, which was today. While off of the medication, I spent the last week unable to get anything done at work. I was right back to where I had been before I started the medication. In terms of online activism, I was still able to pursue that, but I have found myself getting stuck in it as a form of procrastination. Also, I was staying up too late, doing stuff online, and basically ruining my next day at work. Very similar to how I was before starting the medication.
Today I went to the psychiatrist, and he was very thorough. He did not jump to conclusions, either for or against ADHD. He asked me a lot of questions to try to see if my symptoms could be caused by other possibilities, such as bipolar, generalized anxiety, drug abuse, etc. After a while at this, he said that, considering my lifelong history especially, he was very confident that I have ADHD. Also, I have mild depression and mild anxiety, which are likely a result of frustration with ADHD and inability to get work done, but which by themselves do not explain the major symptoms. I was impressed by his thorough and measured approach. He was also very knowledgable about all the ways ADHD can be over- and under-diagnosed, or confused for other issues.
So, now I have an official diagnosis. What a relief! It is strange, but I'm happy I finally know what's been going on my whole life, even though it's a positive diagnosis. I think a big part of it is the knowledge that it is very treatable, and that the low dosage of medication I was taking has already proven effective. I have a slightly higher dosage now, and I expect I'll be able to get even more work done, more writing, more online activism, more life!
I would recommend to anyone who recognizes their own story in mine to do some research and, if warranted, get themselves checked out by a competent doctor or psychiatrist who has experience dealing with adult ADHD. If it's holding you back, it will be a big help to get it treated. Even just the knowledge will give you some peace of mind.
Wonderist on Facebook — Support the idea of wonderism by 'liking' the Wonderism page — or join the open Wonderism group to take part in the discussion!
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Thanks for the follow up.
Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.
BTW: No sign of zombiness. No personality changes. It's just me with a greater ability to do the things I want to do. A slight effect on raising my mood from 'ho hum' to 'feeling good'. But I'm not suddenly a corporate robot-drone or anything. All my beliefs, opinions, values and motivations are the same.
A slight change in my appetites, though. I recently found myself shopping in the exotic foods section, perusing the imported monkey brains. MMmmm, brains....
Wonderist on Facebook — Support the idea of wonderism by 'liking' the Wonderism page — or join the open Wonderism group to take part in the discussion!
Gnu Atheism Facebook group — All gnu-friendly RRS members welcome (including Luminon!) — Try something gnu!
Do you still want to eat babies? I hope that hasn't changed. No visions of Jesus either?
Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.
Surely a few babies wouldn't hurt here and there. I bet A Modest Proposal still has it's place in his kitchen.
Theism is why we can't have nice things.
It's great to hear that you have had such a positive experience! Think I still have to work out my dosage, but definitely on the right track. Keep me informed if you have any changes, I like to keep in touch with my fellow
'crazies,' I've found it really helps me to control a lot of the issues. Talking it out and swapping advice on what works/what doesn't. 
There a group on Atheist Nexus for ADD/ADHD:
They seem like a nice people. I'm a member there.
Wonderist on Facebook — Support the idea of wonderism by 'liking' the Wonderism page — or join the open Wonderism group to take part in the discussion!
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