Admin ever thought of a "Christians only no Atheists allowed" area of the forum . . .
A space for christians to talk to other christians. And here at the forum. I know that this 'originated' as a humorous tongue-In-cheek post stating "Christians only no Atheists allowd", I realize that. But, I thought what a great idea for the forum Would the management of the forum ever consider "Adding" this an area to the site? I mean seriously allowing for a space for chr to talk with chr. ?
I'm old school, the most funde background imaginable. I guess they are too proud to listen to anyone. "I am all enthused" & I am excited to see you doing something about it. Look, please dont get me wrong, I havent decided to "defect" by heading over here. I just find "Chr." to be completely unmanagable and willfully ignorant. I go the the gym and after putting up with all the bs I am either depressed or quiting the christian board I'm one. So, What do you say ? Is there a space where "Christians" can talk to 'other' like-minded "Christians". Even if they were trying to "Save your souls" I figure something has to rub-off if they hang around along enough. Again, W h a t d o y o u s a y ??? If you know if this can be done then let me know. The benefit would maybe some of the pointed-headed stupidity (ex. early man riding on the backs of Triceratops) could be checked at the door.
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I am not going to speak for them since I have no stake in this board nor am I an admin, but this is a pretty odd first post.
This website allows believers of ALL religions here, and there is a one on one forum and a debate forum. But it IS an atheist site and the believers that come here must expect debate. When I go to Christian websites I go by their rules. If I don't like their rules, I either accept them, or leave, but what I cannot do is tell someone else how to run a board that I don't own. I know you sound like you are offering a "suggestion", but for a first post it comes accross as "SEE SEE SEE they dont like us", like a dare, rather than a suggestion.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Why should they? How many theist sites have a atheist only section? 0. Go there if you don't want to read responses from atheists. We're here to destroy theists stupity, not prop them up.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
If Christians feel the need for this service and you can get up 3 Christians to pay $10 per month as a silver subscriber I could see allocating a portion of my server to make them feel more comfortable here. I think the idea is silly, like you said tongue in cheek, but maybe Christians would like an area to unite against us atheists in debate and as far as I'm concerned they need every advantage they can get. I'm also looking to keep as many Christians here and interested as possible, if this makes it more likely that they will participate in debate then I'm all for it.
With that said, I'm also slightly offended at the connotation behind this. There is an underlying tone of us promoting segregation or something, as if the tactic of having an atheist only forum isn't commonplace... or a forum where like minds (forget the atheism) can gather.
If you're unaware, the largest Christian community on the internet is Christian forums. They notoriously ban atheists faster than we ban Christians, and typically make it extremely hard for atheists to integrate themselves there. Any challenge of god is looked at negatively, and if you choose the wrong words to challenge religious beliefs with, you're gone.
Christian Forums has "Christian only" sections of their site that have more posts on them in a day than our entire site has on it, in several days. So what I'd really like to see is for you to take your tongue in cheek argument over there, and see the types of responses you get. See that in some cases, there actually are similarities in how an atheist and a Christian would answer the same question, we'd likely both see the idea as ridiculous and unwelcome.
Theology (Christians Only) (2,243,645 Posts in 55,572 Threads)
Edification (Christians Only) (738,892 Posts in 66,636 Threads)
sub category: Christian Ministries (51,448 Posts in 6,091 Threads)
Then there's other segregated areas...
NON-Christians not welcome here:
I believe there are also forums that you can't even see until you reach a certain karma level on their site verifying just how Christian you are.
So maybe an apology is in order considering you think it's appropriate to make us feel bad about the fact that we have one small forum on our site where we don't want to hear the insane psychotic ramblings of delusional people as we discuss issues in a way that is based on evidence and reality.
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I wouldn't mind seeing a theist only section.
The only proviso would be that they would not debate atheism...but instead the differences that exist among themselves. Seriously, it could be quite educational watching opposing groups of Christians come to this atheist forum put on the gloves an duke it out over their theological differences. Also, it might be interesting to see how many ways the term "true Christian" can be defined by them
I doubt they would be willing to visit an atheist forum and expose their disunity and lack of agreement as to what constitutes correct *biblical interpretation though (*ie, the "Truth" ). Historically these "minor" theological differences were resolved with the use of large armies who slaughtered each other in armed combat but, .... I'd be willing to settle for some good "spirited" debating between brothers in the faith.
Well if you're going to do this, can you keep their threads off the recent posts page, or maybe add the forum posted in to said page? I can see myself diving in without even realising the forum being posted in.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Honestly... no. The whole point of this forum is to give atheists a place to hang out and talk. There are hundreds of Christian forums, many of whom do not allow atheists. Why should we spend our bandwidth to give Christians a place to do what they can do on their own dime? It's damn expensive to run a site like this, and it seems rather odd that we'd make a spot to let Christians do the very thing we gripe about -- spout their arguments without benefit of an opposing viewpoint.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
LOL... I cross-posted sapient, and he basically said what I said... it comes down to money
So yeah... there you go.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
Well money is a portion of it. Societal convention is the majority.
Do you remember the private meeting room for Republicans at the Democratic National Convention?
Do you know of the special meat eaters only forum at the vegetarian forums website?
Do you remember the room for Michael Vick fans only and dog fighters at the last formal meeting for PETA?
And most importantly do you remember the last large Christian site that ever made an atheist only area?
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Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
From where I sit, it's even a different matter, though. The whole point of not only this website, but the vast majority of atheist websites I know of, is to encourage open, critical, and literally unfettered exchange of information. The only reason I don't have a problem with our FTA forum is that it is clearly visible to any and all theists who care to look at it, and they're welcome to post a response in any other forum on the site. We aren't hiding anything in that section. We just want a place where we can chat amongst ourselves.
In principle, I don't have a problem with a theist only section that followed the same format -- that is, open for everyone to view. In fact, if it encouraged more theists to come around, it might even be a good thing. Then again, one has to ask the question... why would a theist want to post something in a theist only section of an atheist forum? Why would any theist be here in the first place? Either they're here to learn or argue, and they're not going to get either one of those things from a theist-only forum. Other than getting jollies from the internet equivalent of graffiti, I don't know what purpose it could serve, and why we'd be spending precious resources allowing it.
Frankly, I don't think there should be carnivore only rooms at vegan conventions. I think vegan conventions ought to invite carnivores to make their presentations, and ask them pointed questions, and give them ample time to answer without being shouted down. That's what's called "OPEN DIALOG" and it's the fastest way to get to the truth.
Unfortunately, I think most people in most conventions (and I'm not necessarily excepting atheism here) are more interested in reinforcing their own views than being challenged by opposing views. There are certainly members here who are not interested in theist viewpoints, but for the most part, it seems like most of the posters here would enjoy having more theists to debate. So... again... what's the point of a theist only forum?
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
I see plenty of theist graffiti around here, the lack of a theist only forum hasn't stopped them so yeah... what's the purpose of a theist only forum again?
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This is off topic but didn't anyone else notice the forum for plus-sized women on Christian Forums. It made me lol.
As much as I usually try to be moderate towards theists, I agree with Vast on this. The whole purpose of this website is to fight also happens to have an area where atheists can talk without arguing with theists. Having a theist only area sort of goes against the primary goal of the site.
Besides, there are a million theist websites/forums already.
Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.
I say bollocks. Unless you could intercede with the lord and re-write the bible to include a space for atheists to live with other atheists for all eternity, while all the believers have to live together in a sort of giant church youth camp with that awful singing about the love of jesus (allah, yahweh, insert your own made-up god here), along with sweaty sleeping bags, spotty 17-year-old 'leaders' and wasps and jam for breakfast.
It's not the thought of early man doing dressage on the back of a stegadon that's stupid, by the way. It's the idea of a supreme being who can't even turn away while I masturbate.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
I've personally been banned from over 20 different christian sites, 3 muslim sites, and 2 atheist sites.
The forum mods banned me after my second post on the first day I joined.
...without a single warning.
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
Ah yes, the secrets that bind us, eh? Love ya bro.
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Why not just deconvert?
Give up theism and you wouldn't desire having your own section?
Imagine the freedom you would experience.
You'd have to just be good for goodness' sakes instead of worrying about whether or not it's ok by your god that never directly answers your questions.
A finite end rather than the choice between eternal suffering or immortal servitude.
Two-party conversations instead of editing yourself because you think jesus is listening.
Unlike my dearest friends on here, I am segregationist with regard to ideology. I definitely wouldn't mind separating by belief, unbelief, and indifferent/both. However, I know the minds of 'true believers' and they just couldn't stand not being able to preach to the godless.
That's why we're here.
We're not here for your entertainment, it's just you and your god(s) tonight.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
I really dont think I need to respond to that. You obviously dont know why I would even ask something so bizarre, & 'mad' request . You know, being "bigger" than the christians would only be 'the' true acts of killing them with kindness,.You know I can really understand why some might not understand why I'd ask that. Really think some of you "get it" and others are left shaking their head. That is perfectly understandable. I am glad you've taken this seriously. As for "me": Preaching to the godless? Are you guys joking around or something? I think some of you get what I am saying and others are just so far off base I almost dont know how to respond. But that is to be expected. It is a pretty unsual request.
From where I sit you guys get a free ride from "individual" christians on a lot of their boards (assuming you arent tossed off the board in the first 48 hrs.) Just get into some of the discussions between "sects" and you'll know what I am saying. I have heard many christians simply leave you alone (like some of the newer behaviour of Protestants towards RomanCatholics). For good or ill they assume a level of hostility (hostility is such an ugly word). I honestly dont know.
All I can do is speak for me. I am not interested in introducing you to Messiah (man I m mean). I was thinking only of the fact I cannot ask questions about the ANE. I guess on half a dozen or so christian forums the only people who ask about ANE religious thought have some "evil" intent. So, Ironically, I will end-up getting tossed from christian boards more often than anyone here who is openly atheistic (,believe it or not). If you are turning up your nose at the very idea. Then point me to another board that talks about the ANE, and I'll be glad to get out of your hair
Treat me like I'm really dumb, I'm looking for what you mean by ANE and this is all I have...
Acronym Definition
ANE Antioch University New England (Keene, NH)
ANE Ancient Near East
ANE Asia and Near East
ANE Automotive News Europe
ANE Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation (abuse prevention)
ANE Antes de Nuestra Era (Spanish)
ANE Air New England
ANE Acteur Non Etatique (French: Non State Actor; EU)
ANE Anarchy 'n' Explosives
ANE Associação Nacional das Empresárias (Portuguese: National Association of Entrepreneurs)
ANE Advanced Network Engineering (various locations)
ANE Anything 'n' Everything
ANE Asamblea Nacional Española (Spanish)
ANE Audible Nasal Emission (speech distortion)
ANE Ancient Nackered Engineer (online gaming clan)
ane (n) n. Chiefly Scots One.
[Middle English n; see an1.]
ane [eɪn]
determiner & pron & n
a Scot word for one
So what are you referring to? You need a Christian only forum to discuss it?
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I didn't know what it was either, but I did a google search, and I think I've found it. Apparently, there's a popular new book called, "A New Earth," which has created lots of controversy among the Christians.
Based on the excerpt(?), I can't figure out what's so bad about it; it says a lot without saying anything at all, kind of like an Intro to Scientology book that I read a couple of years ago. But anyways, it must contain some material that pissed off a lot of Christians.
OP, would you like to explain?
Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare
LOL the top of his site says "transmute base metal into gold."
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
From where I stand, I see no difference from you and your counterpart on the other side. No, He just bans you.
If you or someone else would like me to know about a board that talks about the 'Ancient Near East'. If you are serious a minute, the trouble has to do with the "Ancient Near East" .. Occult sites arent doing much with the ANE. Allow me to re-ask about another board & I would be happy
Whatever the heck that is, why can't you talk about it here ? Who's stopping you ?
Not the best way to put it. There is a bit of shell shock from successive waves of bannings (you'll have to forgive me). In light of this new information (e.g -- ANE) maybe I really wasnt asking for what I was asking for ? Unfortunately, Most would need to have some scholarly background to recognize how the A.N.E. is relevant to the Bible (not in the way you'd think). I am not sure why but when "non-skeptics" are normally asked by persons about the Ancient Near East you get alot of looks. It's like where the ALMIGHTY has all the skeletons buried or something; from people "attacking" them. It is almost always viewed as someone on the other side is squaring off with them. I havent run into any boards that are 'A place for activist' folklorists "to unite" So, If you want to talk about the ANE. You do not know where to go. Where is a board to go to? The impression is it is an area that is the farest point from normal religious topics within Christendom.
You do realise that even if theists pay for their own subforum that they'll be free to criticise each other? That if your beliefs are so far outside the realm of established religion then none of them are likely to participate in your topic? Especially since this site is hardly the kind of place theists come to for an unhostile environment, and the majority of the theists who come here are of the aggressive and fundamentalist type (though not all fit that description).
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Vastet said " .. even if theists pay for their own subforum"
Vastet, If you guys are hard up for money, get a job. You guys are interesting. You must think we've got a live one, let us pump 'em for money (and then we can discard him like a cheap french tart). For your information, I dont "tithe" anything or didnt I tell you I dont believe in organized religion. And about the last thing I use my money for is to prop-up some Televangelist "100 fold" campaign. So You might be barking up the wrong tree with this one. But Thanks for Playing.
To get back to the subject.. I might be unfair to the boards banning me. Perhaps, I failed to tell them I didnt plan on sharing the "racy" seals and the equivalent of etchings. Not to be funny I read the books with "no pictures" so I run across descriptions of "seals" and depictions of goddesses from the ANE that are "nude", if the author is unsure of that is, it can be 'thwarting' if you are spending some time in identifying various depictions I drop hints "popular authors" and nobody has read them. The closest I ever got was someone sharing a title by a Ufologist author. Maybe there is a giant misunderstanding and its' been about: "christian sensibility" all along.
"Vastet, If you guys are hard up for money, get a job. "
If YOU want an organisation to go and cater to people that it is combating, then you get a fucking job and pay for it. Make your own damn site. Fucking hypocrite.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I am saying you are starting to give off the impression of 'let's pump 'em for money'. Sorry If I was cross with you.
Do I look like a Network Admin to you? Let's re-cap I ask questions christians dont like. I dont give them money. Yeah, That sounds like your adverage church going folk
Whatever you said is irrelevant. You're promoting stupidity. This site is against stupidity. Might as well ask Microsoft to make an Apple or Sony only forum. You're too dumb and hypocritical for words to express.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
After hearing more of what you want, I don't see why you need a dedicated forum. There are not enough theists here for you to do what you want, and if all you want is a pulpit start a free blog. If you want people to critique your ideas I am sure many here would be happy to examine them.
Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.
Why should "a place for activist atheists to unite" put a forum for theists only?
I'm asking honestly. What is your reasoning for this?
Theism is why we can't have nice things.
So that he can pat himself on the back, for proving to his click, that we're all a bunch of bigoted uncaring assholes...
What Would Kharn Do?
Oh. In that case:
Theism is why we can't have nice things.
To the OP, I think you have your answer. So rather than continue in a thread that won't get you anywhere, why not stay and debate us, even an individual, say me......Anyone here can tell you I love chewtoys. Start a new thread, pick a topic you think will stump one of us, and get your bucket of popcorn and enjoy.
But dragging a pointless thread out over a website you don't own is stupid. That would be like someone walking into your house demanding you decorate it a certain way.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Maybe I missed something but I thought the original topic was already answered. I kinda like the fact that the forum started the way it did. It's hard to not respond to everybody 'although' it's what I wanted to do. Alittle weird on my part (but no harm done)
If this thread would have started out asking for a recommendation for a website that allows talk about the ANE (Ancient Near East), I may have been disappointed (no sarcasm; am not making this up). The way things turned out it was alot of fun. Something for us all to think about.
If 'you' were to ask for a recommendation at the funde site. I have heard of so many different experiences from Atheists, I would hate to predict what you'd run into at 'their' boards.
Hmmm, what's that?......Why can't you discuss it with us? We're not going to ban you. We're very tolerant of these kinds of things.
Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare
Oih, dat makes me tink of dem Moosulems, all out der in dat sand an wut not.... mmhmm yerp
I'ma go git me ma tolerance shotgun!
What Would Kharn Do?
ANE is the location at which two or more opposing worldviews can make contact.
Serendipitously, received a few books I recently ordered that might explain from my very recent orders:
My reading list for this week just arrived by mail (and not a moment too soon). I think if most people were honest, they wouldnt read either of these books. I can say that with some confidence if I was at a Atheist board or at a Chr. board. Are you sure this is the best place to discuss this particular subject matter, I mean 'in this place"? One book is an obscure work setting forth the idea that "Israel's story was not borrowed from the Sumerians and/or Babylonians". The other book asking if the deeper meaning in the Myths of the Enuma elish wasnt the first version of Darwinian Evolution (and to a lessor extent some Hindu teachings). No need for a way of clarification; these might be too incompatible with this board.
Sure you don't want to stay? You seem right up Luminon's aisle.
Theism is why we can't have nice things.
We don't have an entertaining theist to talk to since badway left for the recruiting centre. It's a wretched state of affairs. You don't cross dress BTW?
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
If you want to learn and evaluate your beliefs honestly, then yes, I can think of very few better places to discuss it, actually. We'll let you discuss anything you want, but you're going to hear our opinions loud and clear.
If what you want is to protect your precious beliefs and couldn't bear to see them torn apart by logic and evidence, then no, this is one of the worst places you could go to.
Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare