Why no shout box?

I understand a lot of place leave out a shout box for the sake of post count, or the typr of board or server used. I was just curious why there was no shout box here. I like to talk with people that's all. Sapient?
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I've been to a lot of forums, but I have no idea what a shout box is
I've never heard a chat channel referred to as "shoutbox" before.
I've been on Infidelguy's IRC channel a few times, but mostly people just idle there.
I imagine it would probably be similar here. Many people are on at different times of the day, so often it would be quiet.
Once a place has around 50-60+ people, it usually has the activity it needs to survive short of having several dedicated people there to hang out and talk all day.
Theism is why we can't have nice things.
I modded a forum that had a shout box. It's kind of like an msn messenger tab above the forums on the main forum page. Though to be honest, my experience with it was having to reset it alot due to spam and TOS violations. It might work better here, but only if you need an account to post in it.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Sorry, I come from mostly underground bodybuilding boards where we call it a shout box. I guess it's the same as the chat channel, I don't know. The box at the top of the screen where people can chat with one another. I understand the traffic issue, but it's always nice in the off chance someone else is on, to be able to carry on a conversation with each other. It's nice getting to know different people.
You mean like a chat room. If so, it'll take too long to explain why. Just know I want a chatroom again in the future. Have a trillion chores on my list. Help me get more RRS time: http://www.rationalresponders.com/donations_requested_please
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That's always the way it's worked on our boards, you have to be a member to use it. Our boards always have a lot of security features which make it impossible for the spam to get in.
I don't mean a seperate room, just the area at the top of the forum. I wish I could better articulate. I'll be donating though, don't worry. Do you purchase the server time at year intervals? Sorry if that's being forward, it's just that the site that I owned had it rented until 2014.Just asking out of curiosity.
I would say it would be trolled like crazy.
But that is my prediction.
Well, like I said, I'm really only used to the underground bodybuilding forums where security is paramount, so trolling is impossible. You can't use the function if you're not a member.I understand the concern though.
And as far as my question about the donation and the srver, I didn't realize that the requested funds were for other projects as well, I thought it was just to buy server time, so disregard that please.
There is a Skype RRS chatroom that usually has regulars from here chatting 24/7 if you're looking for something like that
Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible
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Yeah it's not a chat room. More like a real time subforum modelled on a messenger format (without the bells and whistles of messenger) that only retains memory of a certain number of responses before the oldest vanish into oblivion. There's tools for putting one on php boards, though I didn't run the forum and have no idea if you have to pay for it or not, or if it would even work on this site. Either way it would take some time to figure out how to get it going and then do so.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Our contract is for a $100 per month payment. But the majority of the money is needed for other projects. One of which is amortizing more time for me to work on things like a shoutbox, or even research it or consider it for that matter. I literally have three years of work to do. I left work at 4pm Thursday, have worked RRS since then now 16 hours, I'm gonna go sleep for 6 hours, go back to work for 4 hours, come home work RRS for 8 hours, sleep for 6 hours, go back to work for 8 hours... you get the jist. Burning the candle at both ends.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
HA! you'd probably be one of the biggest trolls using it Clock!
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Cat-Ogre thank you. I level up.
Theism is why we can't have nice things.
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Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.