Jesus is the son of God. It's a fact.

"Jesus is the son of God. It's a fact." -Mom
ROFLROFLROFLROFLROFL. To say that Jesus is the son of God is one thing, but to present it as fact just makes the person seem more idiotic. So if God doesn't exist... does Jesus? Even if she said "Jesus is real. It's a fact," I wouldn't have laughed so hard. Although there's really no proof of Jesus besides in the Bible... which is TOTALLY a valid source of factual information. Right? lawl.
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Well, we know the bible is true.
The bible says so.
And as we know the bible is true, then when the bible says it's true, it must be true.
Dizzy yet?
Aw, she's your mom. As long as she's not shoving it down your throat or dragging you kicking and screaming off to church, I say just let her have her Baby Jesus. My mom's the same way. Luckily, she's pretty cool about it, but I just leave the subject alone, knowing how much it would upset her.
Welcome, btw!
Screw the fact that virgin births are not only absurd because it requires TWO sets of DNA,.......also screw the fact that polytheism avoided the penis in the birth canal long before Christianity decided to call sex yucky too.
(mind you, it should go without saying that because I don't know you, and you are a teen, here is a disclaimer for your mother, in case she becomes snoopy) I AM NOT ADVOCATING SEX. Merely pointing out that the motif of purity was not original to Christianity.
Jesus is fact by proxy of popular belief, that and the earth is flat. She's outnumbered in popularity, Muslims have more numbers, so that should make Allah real.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Be careful with that -- Muslims believe in Nabi Isa (Peace Be Upon Him).
Besides -- "Allah" is just Arabic for "G-d". Alif-Lam-Lam-Hey. Sort of like the Hebrew letters, except we say "Lamed" instead of "Lam".
"Obviously I'm convinced of the existence of G-d. I'm equally convinced that Atheists who've led good lives will be in Olam HaBa going "How the heck did I wind up in this place?!?" while Christians who've treated people like dirt will be in some other place asking the exact same question."
To begin with, what are "facts" [sic.]?