Cancer: cruelest disease!

My friend [59] died last Thursday evening from multiple cancer, after smoking cigarettes for 40 years.
A horror death.
Saw him throughout the last six weeks, becoming a living skeleton, before departing forever.
The doctor warned him five years ago about a black spot in his lungs, and said he had to stop smoking, otherwise he would be dead in five years.
The rest is history!
I will miss him.
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Sorry about your friend. It's too bad he couldn't quit but smoking is really addictive so it's understandable.
There are twists of time and space, of vision and reality, which only a dreamer can divine
H.P. Lovecraft
Oh how sad, so sorry Julio. Why didn't he stop??
I have never picked up a cigarette ~ I remember the pain my grandpa was in when he suffered from lung cancer ~ scared me away from even touching cancer sticks.
Slowly building a blog at ~
A blood clot in one leg was the sudden warning that the end was approaching fast.
He tried to be brave and positive, but cancer is relentless in reaching the cruel end.
After two weeks in hospitals he could no longer stand on his own legs.
Adult diapers and all that till the undignifying end.
Cigarette companies should be banned forever!!
[I never smoked in my life, by the way; and I detest to see people smoking cigarettes; sorry.]
Cancer is one mean mother fucker; Mother natures way of saying "I get the last word, no matter what you humans think". There is a caveat about cigarettes causing cancer, in short -- it DOES & it DOESN'T.
Both my parants were heavy smokers; mother had a medical degree & was an ICU specialist no less. They both died in their 70's but NOT from lung cancer. I have no doubt that cigarettes shortened their lives, but they did not have any cancers at all. Cancer does not run in my genetic family, that makes me lucky. ( I smoke)
Some notorious smokers -- Winston Churchill & George B.Shaw -- lived into their 90's, while to the other extreme commedian Andy Kaufman was a health fanatic -- didn't smoke didn't drink- he died of lung cancer at age 35.
My caveat is that there is nothing logical or predictable about cancer or that bitch momma nature. Also the way you feel about cigarettes is exactly the way I feel about beer & beer drinkers. No logic involved.
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
Julio sorry for you loss, cancer is a hard thing, lost a great uncle to lung cancer due to smoking, and a great aunt to stomach cancer (so far the only 2 cases of cancer in the family) but yeah they can be long and painful to watch. I already told my friends and family that should I get terminal cancer, I will throw a party and then end it the next day, I have no desires to live my life in agony after it get to the point of no return.
As for smoking does/doesn't cause cancer, I personally suspect that it has to due to more of the genetic make up that is susceptible to cancer and that smoking makes it worse, my grandfather smoked till he died at 84, my grandfather on my dad's side died at 87 and smoke his entire life, but cases of cancer in the family is practically non existent. My ex-wife's side they have cancer in the family and my ex mother-in law had lung cancer at 50 (still smokes go fig) luckily they found it early enough to cure it. Her grandmother and grandfather had cancer on her mothers side, her aunts all have had cancer, and they all smoked as well, they all got cancer before 50 (my mother in law has been battling cancer since she was 30 on one type of another) Yet my father who has smoked since he was 10, and quit finally after 48 years, and all due to the fact that his doctor thought he had prostate cancer (just an enlarged prostate thankfully) Now after quitting 4 years ago he is doing great and his lungs are getting better (no more coughing). I really due believe its a genetic thing although I don't have any evidence to back up, just observations really.
I'm with Latin and Jeffrick. To add to it, death can come anywhere, at any time. I'd feel like an idiot if I were killed by a bus the day after I quit smoking.
I enjoy it. It's also one of four substances I use to help control my emotions. Life would be less enjoyable without games, smokes, weed, and moderate alcohol use. So what if I lose a few years when the years I have are twice the fun?
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Good points Jeffrick. I smoke too but infrequently as I'm not a traditional smoker. Only 1 or 2 cigarettes at a time and never everyday so it takes me WEEKS just to finish 1 pack!! It's all about LIFESTYLE. I excercise and eat healthy most of the time and was raised a vegetarian and am still overwhelmingly vegetarian. Vegetarians live longer and lead healthier lives. Just look up Blue Zones. Actally you can say almost-vegetarians but close enough.
Julio very sorry for you loss but at least it didn't happen to a family member.
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Im calling bullshit, yet again, on such tripe!
What Would Kharn Do?
Sorry, it's true but the good news is even if you almost vegetarian you get almost the same benefits.
The most impressive data arises from a study of 1904 vegetarians over 21 years by the German Cancer Research Center (Deutsche Krebsforschungszentrum). The study's shocking results: vegetarian men reduced their risk of early death by 50%! Women vegetarians benefit from a 30% reduction in mortality.
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Doomy, your suspicions are correct, sort of.
Read the report:
If you refrain from smoking, consume alcohol moderately, stay physically active and avoid becoming overweight, you can dramatically reduce your risk of premature death. A German study on vegetarians and health-conscious non-vegetarians reveals that moderate meat comsumption in combination with a healthy lifestyle is apparently not detrimental to health.
I immediately doubt the veracity of anything on HuffPo.
How can not believing in something that is backed up with no empirical evidence be less scientific than believing in something that not only has no empirical evidence but actually goes against the laws of the universe and in many cases actually contradicts itself? - Ricky Gervais
It was based on a GERMAN study so it has nothing to do with HuffPo. They just posted the results of the study.
You should be more wary of what's posted on sites like Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, and Laura Ingrahm.
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*Commence highjacking of Julios mourning thread! *
"Humans" are not vegetarians... we're Omnivores, our bodies NEED certain thing to even acheive even a rudimentary level of "healthy"
Historically, Vegetarians could not do this... Modern day man, however, can supplement most of these nessecities. Even still, it only puts vegetarians on equal footing with the rest of the omnivore population.
Its not about "X" is healthy and "Y" is not, its "What is right for MY body"
My body opperates exceedingly well on meats and junkfood (Carnijunkovore? ) , i havent gained or lost more than 5 pounds in 9 years
If your body operates well on brocolli, then fine, go with it. Just dont claim it for the rest of humanity.
All that said, eating large quantities of pig backfat bacon is pretty lethal... then again, so is the algea sucking ways of a vegan *snicker*
What Would Kharn Do?
Man's closest relative are chimpanzees which are practically 99% genetically identical to humans according to the Discovery Chanel. Chimpanzees are also 97% vegetarian so while humans can eat meat it's VERY clear we are meant to be overwhelmingly vegetarian.
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Genetic similairity has NOTHING to do with biological necessity of specific diets (among other things)
edit; By Khorne, can i pick them out of a crowd, or what?
What Would Kharn Do?
Actually it DOES have quite a lot to do with it because our anatomy and digestive systems are VERY similar to Chimpanzees. Not only that but we all believe in evolution of course and if you look at man's earliest anscestors they ate very little to no meat depending on which source you look at.
Our teeth, digestive tract, and alkaline saliva (as opposed to acid based saliva of meat eaters) are similar to herbivores not omnivores or carnovires. We also sweat through our skin and don't pant like omnivores and carnivores. We have no sharp claws and fangs like carnivores/omnivores either.
Our bodies are CLEARLY more suited for a vegetarian diet but I admit we are not perfect herbivores.
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Different organism, different diety requirements... Eagles eat meat, Hummingbird eat fruit, Crows eat anything. They're all fucking birds, with their own damn requirements. We're all fucking monkeys, with our own.
Our TEETH point to an omnivore, multipurpose/multiuse
I tend to find our digestive tract is better at processing animal matter, than plant matter. Go eat a steak and some corn, see what you can identify in the toilet
Saliva, ill give you, it is true.
Our early ancestors may have been primary herbivores, but along the way a little thing you noted as "evolution" decided to roll the dice once more... and i can now enjoy a nice thick slice of dead things, because of it!
Maybe its about time i stop goofing off and use some science to prove my point? ... nah, to soon...
edit; Then again, wiki to the rescue!
Protein deficiency is a serious cause of ill health and death in developing countries. Protein deficiency plays a part in the disease kwashiorkor. War, famine, overpopulation and other factors can increase rates of malnutrition and protein deficiency. Protein deficiency can lead to reduced intelligence or mental retardation
This explains much
What Would Kharn Do?
*thread de-hijacked*
Sorry for the loss Julio. My grandfather on my fathers side died from lung cancer in his early 60's (smoked two packs a day since he was a kid), and my grandfather on my mothers side died of asthma/heart disease in his mid 60's so I'm pretty much fucked in the lung department. Fortunately I don't have asthma and I've recently thrown out cigarettes for good (only smoked one or two a day, so it wasn't difficult), so hopefully I won't have issues later on in life.
Your god's silence speaks loud and clear
Sorry about your friend... it certainly sucks....
I am now 5 years cancer free... its amazing how many people tell me that god spared me...does that mean he kills the others?...what a scumbag...
Thanks for the condolences. Appreciated. The sad part is that his doctor warned him sternly to stop smoking that day five years ago, when he showed him the ugly spot in his lung. I tried to impress upon him to give up the dangerous habit there and then. He stopped for a few weeks, but returned to the killing thing. Otherwise, he looked healthy all the time, till the leg thrombosis 5 weeks before his last day.
Sorry YOU need to get educated. Out teeth are small and nowhere near as sharp as even omnivores like bears. Even look at the VEGAN Gorilla (except for insects) and you'll see their MASSIVE canines put ours to shame and they're mostly vegans! Chimps are 97% vegetarian and their teeth also appear more apt for animal flesh than ours yet they are overwhelmingly vegetarian.
As far as protein goes you should know that the original source for ALL protein is from the PLANT world and that the STRONGEST animals on earth like the Elephant, Hippo, and Rhino all get their protein from PLANT based sources!! The Mountain Gorilla can lift 10 TIMES its body weight which makes them FAR stronger than any man and they get ALL their protein from an almost exclusively VEGAN diet!!
You are OWNED!!
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sorry to hear that. Now I have one more reason why cancer is a personal enemy.
Julio I'm sorry for your loss--- cancer has taken a very high number of people close to me, so I can sympathize.
As for the whole carni/omni/herbivore debate:
Doomy I agree with you to a point. We are not meant to be vegetarians. We need protein and fat to survive. However, I think the body is more capable and efficient at absorbing nutrients from fruits and vegetables. Yes, in your crap you may see corn shells, but that doesn't mean you didn't absorb the nutrients inside. As well, a diet high in red meat is directly correlated to a significant increase in colon cancer. This is due to the fact that high quantities of red meat cannot be digested properly and the cells of the large intestine (mostly at its distal end) have a physiological change in their properties which leads to cancer.
We are not vegetarians, but I do not think that the "whatever works for your body" theory works either. Just because you have maintained the same weight for 5 years does not mean you are healthy (I'm not saying you are NOT healthy either). Weight is only one of the many signs of an individual's level of health. However, due to the obesity epidemic, weight is now deemed the only determinate of health-- the "I'm skinny therefore I am healthy" mantra. There are a multitude of factors that have just been thrown on the back burner due to people's obessions with losing weight and outward appearance (Blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, aerobic capacity, glucose intolerance, kidney/liver/pulmonary/heart function). I would rather be obese than have some of those problems.
Some how i lossed touch with this topic, of well... back into the fray
I believe i mockingly posted
"Protein deficiency is a serious cause of ill health and death in developing countries. Protein deficiency plays a part in the disease kwashiorkor. War, famine, overpopulation and other factors can increase rates of malnutrition and protein deficiency. Protein deficiency can lead to reduced intelligence or mental retardation "
As a jab... so ill continue that line of thought
You hold these vegetarian creatures in high praise... yet, us, puny, weak omnivores, have thus far... exterminated their species
They can be as big, strong, and "healthy" as they want... but at the end of the day, They're dead, I'm alive & Full
Call me in 50 years, when all 4 of those species are extinct, and preach to me the benefits of being a small minded, plant muncher... for i shall sit atop a mountain of bones, and laugh
( My faulty logic > Your faulty logic! this is much more fun that using any facts, at all
What Would Kharn Do?
Sorry to hear that Julio....
I had renal cancer...Nice sized malignant tumor...cost me 1/2 a kidney...but I managed to come away with a really sexy scar...had they not discovered it early, my diagnosis would have been "Don't buy Green bannanas"...I'm now 5 years cancer free...
I am what people might refer to as a "Lucky motherfucker"...
Sorry to hear about your loss.
You would think Atheists would treat their bodies better being that this is your one and only life. I quite smoking two years ago, although i wasn’t a heavy smoker. I also gave up drinking last week...i binge too much.
I am sorry to hear about your loss. I used to smoke, and I am glad that I don't anymore. Just makes my life easier in a state that really makes it difficult to smoke in public areas (Oregon).
As for diet, have any of you read Michael Pollen's "In Defense of Food?" Great read, some interesting evidence and points.
I was a vegetarian for a while (still ate eggs and milk/cheese), and I found myself to feel healthier, but I still craved meat at times. The reason I went vegetarian was mostly because the meat in the US is not properly raised or slaughtered. As humans, I don't think we were made to eat the amount of meat that we do in the US, and the amount of meat that must be raised to sustain demand is not a sustainable model. That is why now I eat meat, but I make sure that I buy from local farms and I just eat less of it and more vegetables.
Dolt:"Evolution is just a theory."
Me:"Yes, so is light and gravity. Pardon me while I flash this strobe while dropping a bowling ball on your head. This shouldn't bother you; after all, these are just theories."
Thanks, everybody.
My friend lived a short life [59].
I miss him a lot right now.
I buried him 2 months ago.
My neighbour is 86, and is right now in hospital with heart failure.
Probably his last day or so.
Never saw him smoke a cigarette in 20 years I know him.
What's the difference between 86 and 59, I wonder.