Sex Talk: An Offer You Can't Refuse

WARNING! This only applies to you if you are 18 years of age or older.
I am the co-owner of a website called KinkSpace. (It's linked in my signature line.)
This is a service which is created for adults who has an interest in matters of a sexual nature; included, but not limted to, the political opinion that people's sexuality is a private issue and its free expression is a human right which is essential to any individual's general health and well-being - and, by proxy, their ability and interest of adapting to and being a productive member of society as a whole.
It is not a "porn site". Nor is it a "dating site" (at least not any more than Facebook is).
KinkSpace is, simply put, a social networking site which is 100% open about sexual issues, no matter how "strange and unusal" they may seem to the sexually naive. This means that you are free to discuss any matter of a technical or emotional nature, but you are also free to not do so. The only thing which is not allowed is to advocate one (usually your own) sexual preference as more "right" than that of other people. (We are of course assuming that you are adult enough to understand the prerogatives of law and custom, as well the ethical standards of informed consent, without explicitly mentioning this.)
Because I have taken a fancy to the "spirit" of RRS, I have decided to make its members an offer (that you can't refuse).
Anyone who's a 'regular' here, and who's reading this, is hereby offered a free Premium Membership for 3 months.
This is what you have to do in order to make good on this offer:
1. Go to the website and register an account. Choose the "Free Membership" option - and look out for the validation email.
2. Send an email to [email protected] with a reference to this post and your chosen nickname.
3. I will manually upgrade you as soon as my time allows for this.
4. This also applies if you are a regular on RRS who has already registered a KS account.
Worth mentioning: KS is a European-liberal (yet aristocratic) and quite "intellectual" website which is dedicated to the cause of furthering sexual competence and awareness in as well the individual members' life as in society on a whole. Our claim to fame is that we have no shame. Come as you are. Life is too short to be wasted on having a boring, non-existing, or even outright miserable sex life.
"The idea of God is the sole wrong for which I cannot forgive mankind." (Alphonse Donatien De Sade)
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Hi Marquis...
If you ever require some input from a writer/public speaker whose focus is on non-traditional relationships, and particularly those who negotiate non-monogamy... send me an e-mail...
Agreed. But one problem. If women get pregnant from the result of individuals private sexuality, the offspring they produce are then supposedly my responsibility to raise and support financially. But I can't have any say or control over people's sexuality and reproduction.
Don't you see a huge irrational inconsistency, when the making of babies is a private matter but the raising of children is then supposed to be a public concern?
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
don't get it EXC, since we need children for the human race to continue, people having babies is their own private affairs, now where it comes to really society raising children is when the parents stop being parents, outside of that, it's none of your concern really. Your irrational inconsistency statement is well irrational. Up until the person decides no longer to be a parent or to be a detrimental parent to the child, I don't see why people having children is any of your concern. If you don't want any don't have any. Outside of that, society needs children to survive as a society, how those children are raised for the better of society is important, how people decide to have children or not to have children, well I don't see why it's any of your concern.
going to see if I can make this clearer, if my GF and I decide to have a child, due to our sexual activity which leads to having a child, how are you raising that child and supporting it financially? I don't get what your talking about exactly.
I think he's talking about benefits etc
If I join, will I get a complimentary bare-bottom spanking from the co-owner? Joining would obviously be very, very naughty, after all.
Nah, I don't do boys. I'll have to call homophobia on that one.
But I'm sure you'll be able to find some gentleman with moustaches, wild west chaps, and a leather hat who'll be only too happy to indulge you.
"The idea of God is the sole wrong for which I cannot forgive mankind." (Alphonse Donatien De Sade)
To some extent it really is - although the responsibility for the upbringing of children lies with the parents... insofar that they are competent to carry out this task (not all people are, and we can see this with our own eyes every day). It is a well known fact of the field that some sociological vectors are more likely than others to move towards problems further down the road.
The future of any nation here on earth lies with its children - and I believe it's only appropriate for "the public" to seek to protect all of society's minors against the madness of their parents, should such a thing take prominence over a normally decent upbringing (which is a pretty wide definition). It is also a valid point that education has to be viewed as a public responsibility; insofar that a certain degree of "social conditioning" is necessary is a complex society.
"The idea of God is the sole wrong for which I cannot forgive mankind." (Alphonse Donatien De Sade)
What is this, 1978???
So what happens after the three months are up?
I ask because I already set up an account there a few weeks ago just to see what it was about. To be perfectly honest, that place is a bit of a letdown for the free account. Seriously, it seems that it is rather sparsely populated at the moment. I got the impression that it is kind of a new site that just does not have the traffic quite yet.
The thing is that I would really prefer to not use my one shot at a free limited time upgrade only to find out that it is more of the same. If it is that and things are much better in a couple of years, then I will have wasted my one chance.
I'm continually told that I must subsidize other people choice to have children. It's my responsibility that their children have healthcare, food, housing, schools, etc... So THEY make it my concern what other people do with their sexuality and reproductive organs. It is just absurd that making babies is a private decision but then somehow their development is a public concern. One or they other for both. There is no free lunch.
I guess your taking the libertarian view. I'm a supporter of mandatory birth control if there is to be public benefits for the offspring of people's private decisions.
Then why can't the making of children be a public concern as well?
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
This is correct.
However, if you become a premium member at this point in time, based in this here offer, and prove to be an interesting contributer to the site content (which is my primary focus now), I shall here and now promise you that I will renew that free premium account regularly.
"The idea of God is the sole wrong for which I cannot forgive mankind." (Alphonse Donatien De Sade)
For pragmatic reasons. People's sexuality is notoriously difficult to control.
I'd rather have the NON making of children be a public concern, i.e. education on contraception.
"The idea of God is the sole wrong for which I cannot forgive mankind." (Alphonse Donatien De Sade)
OK, I think that I see where this is going.
While education is always good, it is also a fact that not everyone can be (or is willing to be) educated. This is the problem that EXC is after. Most people who “get it” can control the baby making impulse and they do not represent a drain on public resources. Those are not the people that (I suspect) he is worrying about.
As a psychiatric social worker, I deal with some of those people professionally. One example that comes to mind is a woman who managed to get on the public dole and then started to have children with no care for how to support them. After all, the government will just give her more money when she has more kids.
By the time I became involved, she already had five daughters and she was trying to get pregnant again. The reason that she stated was that she felt like having a son. How to pay for the kid was not important. The government will provide for all of her careless choices.
Yes, it is a fact that the “slutty welfare queen” really exists. I have met her and not just the one time.
That being said, how to deal with the totally irresponsible people is a problem. As it happens, there is a really easy way to fix it. In the USA, it is marketed under the name “Norplant”. It is a ten minute outpatient medical procedure, after which, any woman can get fucked all she feels like and never get pregnant.
As a matter of public education, it could be the best thing since sliced bread. “Do this and never worry about getting pregnant”. There is no having to deal with taking a pill every day. If your social situation changes, it is trivial to reverse. A woman who has it reversed should probably use condoms for a few weeks after the reversal just to make sure that normal conception occurs.
However, it simply has not been widely adopted. One would think that any woman who has been on the pill would consider this to be a really good idea but the fact is that it is a political fail in the USA.
The problem with it being widespread is that the very people that EXC has in mind view it as coercive control over their bodies.
Let's make it a standard that if you are living on the public dime, you have to accept reproductive controls. Sure, then the people who advocate for the rights of the poor will scream that we are trying to control them. Which, let's face the basic fact, we would be if we made that a condition for getting public money.
Then too, there is another complication that we have to deal with in the USA. The fact is that most of the people who want the state to take care of them are black. Yes, I said it. Black people seem to require an asymmetrical relationship with the rest of the world.
If you tell people on the public dime to control how they reproduce, then you are advocating the destruction of the black race. Mind you, If there was any intention in the deal, it was to eradicate the “idiot race” but that is not what political advocates would like you to believe.
From what you describe, this sounds a lot like the "depot pill" that is pretty much being forced upon young females in Norway who has had more than one abortion within a certain period of time. It is, however, extremely unusual here for women to want to have a lot of children (which may or may not be a function of a successful implementation of "equal opportunity" politics in society).
Myself, I have a tendency to harvest storm whenever I state that I am in favour of cultural eugenics implemented by money prizes for sterilization; for instance a one time sum of 10,000 dollars per male and 50,000 dollars per female. Should they become successful and later in life want to indulge their multiplicity ambitions after all, they can always adopt.
"The idea of God is the sole wrong for which I cannot forgive mankind." (Alphonse Donatien De Sade)
Not really, cold hard cash does the trick. A la the oldest profession.
So only those with learning disabilities and the extremely horny will reproduce?
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Reproductive controls like sterilization? Can you unsterilize them if they manage to earn a living wage on their own?
Or reproductive controls like "we will punish you for having children"? What do you do when a couple has a kid anyway? Kick her and her child off of welfare? That's pretty much all you can do, and you'd probably kill the child as a result.
My Brand New Blog - Jesu Ad Nauseum.
God of the Gaps: As knowledge approaches infinity, God approaches zero. It's introductory calculus.
I don't understand why people are so uncomfortable with the idea of mandatory or coerced birth control. We already do it to the prison population, they are effectively cut off from reproduction during this time.
I think it could be both permanent sterilization and temporary in exchange for assistance in getting out of poverty. I think if a couple agreed not to have more kids in exchange for public welfare benefits and then violated this agreement, we'd have to take them to the next step and make sterilization permenent.
Children are suffering and dieing now because our governments are broke and we've overtrained our resources with overpopulation, so the welfare state is not sustainable anyways.
If we let nature control our populations for us, it will be done through pain misery and premature death.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
That's because you aren't looking in the right place.
You seem to assume that handing power over to a governmental body is an act of objectivity, whereas most people understand that the most likely consequence of empowering any beurocratic structure is corruption. There is a subtle but important difference between a government which is installed for the purpose of ruling and a government which is installed for the purpose of taking care of common interests. Or, if you like, respectively authoritarian and utilitarian. In a democratic system the dividing line goes between 'the dictatorship of the majority' and an open system based in information and common sense.
"The idea of God is the sole wrong for which I cannot forgive mankind." (Alphonse Donatien De Sade)