I'm 13 and a atheist! now and 4ever!

Hi! I'm a 13 year old girl please call me shan (not my real name). I've been an atheist since I was little like 5 or something. My parents hate me and left me. I think thats the major part why I'm a atheist but not the whole reason... I hope I can visit this site often cause it's really nice and cool...
I would like to meet a lot of people here and make friends... and sorry if I make any wrong grammar or spelling... my English is not that great.. and I kinda have a metal problem and some disabilities so sorry If I make mistakes...
Call me shan! (not real name) my real name sucks!
Long live the Philippines w/ all the catholic or whatever!
man I wish I was never born in a religious country!
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Welcome Shan!
Sorry to hear about your family situation. That really sucks. I hope you find some support here and an outlet for your frustrations.
I would like to say, though, that family and life difficulties, by themselves, are not really good reasons for atheism. Maybe that's why you became an atheist, so it's not such a bad thing, at least it got you free of religion. But if you don't question and challenge your own beliefs and the reasons you reject other beliefs, you won't have the critical thinking skills necessary to protect yourself from *other* irrational beliefs, and possibly even other religions.
You said your parents leaving you isn't the whole reason you're an atheist. Could you describe what other reasons you have?
Don't worry about spelling/grammar too much if it's not your strong point. What's important are the ideas, not the spelling.
And you don't have to apologize for having problems and disabilities. Nothing wrong with that. I have ADHD which causes lots of problems in my life, too. I just got diagnosed a few months ago, and it is a huge relief to finally know what was contributing to a lot of my life-long difficulties. There is a lot of stigma in the world against mental illness and/or disability, but really the stigma is garbage. We don't look down on people because they have cancer or a broken arm, why should we look down on them for having mental problems?
If your parents left you, where are you living? I don't know what is available in the Philippines, but if you are alone or having difficulties with physical or mental issues, I would recommend seeking whatever help you can find. I hope you are getting the support you need. Also, if you have learning disabilities or other issues that interfere with getting an education, there's nothing wrong with that either, and I would recommend to seek help for those, too. While school can often suck, education is very important, and it would be a mistake to let difficulties and obstacles get in the way of your learning.
Sorry if some of that sounds like I'm 'preaching' at you. I don't mean it that way. I just think it's important to get all the help that's available and take advantage of any opportunity, and I know it's very possible to lose hope in the face of so many problems in life. For example, I wish I had been diagnosed with ADHD much earlier in my life, like when I was around 6. My life would have been a whole lot better if I'd gotten the help I needed at that age. Despite that, I'm still okay with where I am now, but if I can help encourage someone else to seek help when they need it, I would like to do so.
Anyway, nice to meet you, and welcome again!
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Your parents left you? Without giving out personal detail, do you mind telling us if you have a relative taking care of you? First and most important is your physical safety. A website ANY website is not a medical doctor or psychologist.
People here can only be a sounding board. Any problems you have in your daily life outside the web, it would be really important for you to find help where you are at.
While I don't think this site minds having you here, I'd say from your age and your admission to having mental problems, it might be wise to find professional help outside this site locally where you are at, if possible.
Being an "atheist" is not about rebeling or being angry at the world. All it means is that one does not believe in a god or gods. Whatever good or bad happen in your life are because life has both good and bad. The best you can do for yourself is to stay out of trouble and make your education your top priority.
Above all else, do not give out any private information about yourself, to anyone on the net.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
Welcome, Shan, To the freethought community, but I'd like to mirror what the others said. Please tell us more about your personal situation. So we can help you or direct you to help. Your parents actually left you? Are you living with a family member?
That's... disturbingly creepy. Demonic-looking pig says: "Welcome! Have a seat. Here, have some of this delicious wine. I made it myself. Let yourself relax. That's good. I'll be in the kitchen preparing the meal. I've never had a human for dinner before. I mean, *over* for dinner, of course. Ha ha. Uhh... How's the wine?"
Wonderist on Facebook — Support the idea of wonderism by 'liking' the Wonderism page — or join the open Wonderism group to take part in the discussion!
Gnu Atheism Facebook group — All gnu-friendly RRS members welcome (including Luminon!) — Try something gnu!
Yeah, when I each 5 or something they left me w/ my relatives, but my relatives are nice, but the house hold are freaky shit heads...
Call me shan! (not real name) my real name sucks!
Long live the Philippines w/ all the catholic or whatever!
man I wish I was never born in a religious country!
I'm actually living w/ my aunt, grandfather and some relatives... I do sometimes get the help I need.. I also have ADHD, It kinda sucks... NO... IT TOTALLY SUCKS!!! and oh yea... I'm use to being alone, and physical and mental issues... Lucky for me I was expose to that in a early age, so I really don't mind it at all....
oh yea your question about the not whole reason thing...
It's because my life sucks... when I was in elementary every day I get bullied or scold at... I was even told at the age of 8 I was doing drugs and smoking! WTH!!! try living w/ a relative who thinks that your like your parents~! IT SUCKS! I hated the smell of smoke! and he even blame me for having her daughter lying, going out every weekend and not telling where she was or what she was doing! his daughter was even older than me!!! through my childhood he always said that! that child is going to like her parents! she's going to be a bitch! she'll just use your money to buy drugs!
OH SHUT UP ALREADY!!! in my school(elem) the teachers know my mother... and her problems... so every time I try to talk, they would LOOK DOWN ON ME! some teachers even pitch me! made the look, even if I did nothing... some even gave me a low score cause I was the daughter of the drug user! well at least that ended when I reach grade 4...
Call me shan! (not real name) my real name sucks!
Long live the Philippines w/ all the catholic or whatever!
man I wish I was never born in a religious country!
I'm staying w/ a relative(s)... well I can't say I'm angry at the world... I'm kinda angry w/ humans for destroying it... and I was only angry at god when I was little... but now! or when I was 11 or something I stop blaming him! and stop believing...
Call me shan! (not real name) my real name sucks!
Long live the Philippines w/ all the catholic or whatever!
man I wish I was never born in a religious country!
CUTE!!! ahahaha!!! I wonder if it's made of margarin?
I think it looks CUTE!!! hehehe!!!
Piggy: How's the wine?
Shan: sorry I hate wine...
Piggy: why?
Shan: cause every year my uncle sends wine, and I hate him.
Piggy: really?
Shan: Yea! oh I have some juice here I made it myself! want some?
Piggy: juice... hmm.... ok....
I gave him some juice...
Piggy: It taste... ca..n't... bre...athe....
Piggy's dead
Shan cooks mister piggy
Shan: Yummy tasty... taste like margarine!
THE END!!! hope you like it! hehehe
Call me shan! (not real name) my real name sucks!
Long live the Philippines w/ all the catholic or whatever!
man I wish I was never born in a religious country!
Well, Shan, I'm glad you at least have some support, even if it mostly sucks. Keep going. Eventually you'll be able to live on your own and take control of your own life.
If you have been officially diagnosed with ADHD, I hope you're able to get help for it. If you haven't been diagnosed, but you suspect that you might have it, I hope you can get a proper diagnosis. You may be able to find more practical information about what to do here and here. It can be a serious problem, especially later on as you need to take on more responsibility, and school gets harder.
Keep looking for people who are understanding in your school and community. Sometimes they are there and we know them, but we don't realize it.
One last thing. When I was about 9 to about 15, I thought of myself based on what I rejected and hated. If I disliked something, then I disliked *everything about it*. For example, I really disliked American 'Country music', and so I called it "crap" and wanted nothing to do with it, and made fun of people who liked it. And not just country music, but pretty much on any topic, that's how I defined myself. "Well, I don't like *that*. And I absolutely *hate* that guy." Etc.
Looking back, I think that way of thinking was a mistake, and I probably missed out on a lot of things and people that would have been fun or interesting simply because they were loosely associated with something or someone that I hated. Also, constantly thinking negatively like that contributed to me feeling depressed a lot. I still dislike country music in general, but I really like Johnny Cash, and I don't reject people just because they happen to like country. And not thinking negatively all the time keeps me from getting depressed.
So, I don't know if you were joking as part of the story, but when you said "I hate wine... cause every year my uncle sends wine, and I hate him," that's what reminded me to tell you about that. It's like when you said that you hated God because your parents left you and you hated them for that.
Life can be tough, and it's natural for us to feel angry and negative about stuff. Just don't let it ruin your life always thinking like that. It's not worth it. There are good reasons for believing in some things and good reasons for not believing in some things. Just like there's good reasons for doing or not doing things. Find out what the good reasons are. They will serve you better than basing your beliefs and actions on what you love or hate. Sometimes it's a good reason because you love or hate something, but *not always*. Our emotions are not 100% perfect, and in fact can be badly wrong about many things.
Again, I hope that doesn't come across as preachy, and I apologize if it does.
Wonderist on Facebook — Support the idea of wonderism by 'liking' the Wonderism page — or join the open Wonderism group to take part in the discussion!
Gnu Atheism Facebook group — All gnu-friendly RRS members welcome (including Luminon!) — Try something gnu!
I already know that... I learned that the hard way... My uncle have 2 kids... but I don't hate them, well only a bit cause their so annoying!!! Their was a time when I was playing w/ them... I was just joking around being like hitler and stuff, and making plans when I become the greatest ruler... my cousins where the police something like that and we pretened that the stuff toys were the people who tried to kill me or over run me...the thing I did to the toys was rip their heads apart! and pretened to eat them or torture them (the toys were mine) The rules I made was kinda or let's say disturding and cruel... but he found the paper I was writing on and... shouted at me and told his kids not to talk to me or play w/ me and he wanted me to go somewhere i can't influewence them... well what happen next is a long story... through my childhood I always think of killing him.... well at least he had to work far away where I can't see him... But when he's not around my mother is!!! aaaaahhhh~!!! what a pain! If not my mother its the household keepers!!! It seems I can't get a break....
And I have been diagnosed w/ ADHD... my aunt said I only have it slithy... I don't know what that means... but I know I went to therapy when I was 3...
Call me shan! (not real name) my real name sucks!
Long live the Philippines w/ all the catholic or whatever!
man I wish I was never born in a religious country!
Welcome Shan,
I'm sure that you will find lots of support here.
I've been an atheist all my life too.
If what others are saying about you is bullshit, try not to worry about it (easier said than done).
Have confidence in yourself. If they are full of shit then you are better than them. Try to be a good person and make a good life for yourself.
Learning disabilities don't stop you if you don't let them. Many people have disabitilies and are still successful.
Anyway, "slightly" ADHD is not going to stop you.
You mention the Philipines. Is that where you are? I have friends from there... The catholics seem more messed up there than they are in most countries.
Zen-atheist wielding Occam's katana.
Jesus said, "Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division." - Luke 12:51
Yea it's messed up alright... and disabilities won't stop me from doing things I want... because if something like that stops me It would just mean I'm weak...
and I hate being weak...
Call me shan! (not real name) my real name sucks!
Long live the Philippines w/ all the catholic or whatever!
man I wish I was never born in a religious country!