What other forums or websites do you post on/pay attention to?

My main intention with this topic is to get some religious sites that might be open to atheists trying to rationalize them, kind of like the opposite of this one. I was wondering if any exist? But I would also love to get some websites that discuss political, environmental, social etc issues that you may be active in. Maybe the blog of someone you respect for their ideas? Thanks!
I Am My God
The absence of evidence IS evidence of absence
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I like the site a lot. Pretty much covers the political, environmental, social aspect you are looking for.
Besides that site, I look to RRS to provide my intellectual quota for the day.
The other site that I go to a lot is Barstoolsports.com . The opposite of reason and sense. The bloggers on this site are (intentionally) abrasive and talk about everything ranging from sports to current events. They are incredibly sexist, which is also intentional, and that has actually made many girls that I know grow an affinity toward the site.
It's mindless, and it appeals to my sense of humor...
Disclaimer: This site is the Southpark of the internet. No race, social demographic, belief is safe. It's like the Colbert report... each blogger has created their own character... except way smuttier.
If you ever want to find out what an alleged apologist thinks, ask CoryT.
He could probably use the hits since he has a new mouth to feed.
Of course, his comment of:
might make you think he doesn't like us, but the sad fact is he couldn't exist without us. lol.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
Kind of tame, I know. I used to hit the yahoo message boards a lot before they shut them down. Those weren't as tame.
-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.
"We are entitled to our own opinions. We're not entitled to our own facts"- Al Franken
"If death isn't sweet oblivion, I will be severely disappointed" - Ruth M.
Cory responded, so did I.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
I used to be a *very* active member on Myspace's atheists and agnostics group. I remember always arguing with some theist called "Gravity Persists". And some atheists who were holocaust deniers- one who was a black guy, if I remember correctly, and he used that to argue that he wasn't a white-supremacist neonazi as others accused.
There were some strange people on that forum. Good times- despite how many crazies there are, free speech is very... freeing.
Myspace threw a few hissy fits and a bunch of hackers kept killing the forum, though... and I believe university started getting heavier (this was around... wow, maybe six years ago).
I tried to join another atheist forum a couple years ago... evilbible.com one. But the guy who runs the site, Chris, is very heavily into censorship. I argued with him about his idiotic definition of atheist (basically making the argument that RRS uses, against him)- and argued it in the appropriate forum section he designated for it, and was banned post haste. Some people feel threatened by criticism.
I've joined vegetarian forums and gotten banned for arguing with religious people/against religion there without breaking forum rules. Most of the people on those forums are crazy.
There are really preciously few places on the internet that aren't either total chaos, or so stifled with criticism that no new ideas get brought up.
I co-administrate/moderate a forum, where it's pretty much a "whatever goes" environment (except flaming people out of the blue who have yet to "give it" to anybody else), and while membership might not be very high (a few dozen somewhat active posters), it's a good discussion environment for random things off the forum topic (and it's amazingly civil- maybe because it's a geeks only forum).
I'm a member of a few other forums, but I'm not active on them.
I'm fairly impressed with RRS; I never expected this place to be as open to theists; that's definitely a good thing, because atheist/agnostic forums without theists to bring the crazy arguments are usually kind of boring. This place is refreshingly anti-censorship, yet stable *and* somewhat interesting.
How do you do it?
And they all think we don't understand their ideology, their motivations, or their special little snowflake 'free will' personalities.
Is there anyone else that people would like for me to draw out with darth_josh's patented arrogant theist jedi mind trick?
Nevermind. lol. That last statement will draw one more within two days.
I think it speaks volumes concerning the power of this technological terror called the RRS. People do pay attention even when they say they won't. Each and every one of the board members, including lurkers, has an effect upon the world of cyber theism. Our very existence as godless human beings shakes the foundations, weak and strong, of their faiths.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
Somewhat? Jeesh. Love you too. lol.
Without theists visiting, the other sites are nothing more than a place for atheists to pat each other on the back for having one ideological personality trait in common.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
I also consider traveling half-way around the world to a foreign country somewhat interesting, consider 0 degrees celsius slightly cool, and consider video games mildly entertaining.
Put into perspective, it was a profound compliment.
I've gotten that sense of self-congratulation in several places, and whenever I see it or feel it, it makes me a little bit sick; like my stomach just dropped out in realization, and it's no fun after that.