Research Paper: The Genome

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Research Paper: The Genome

Hey, been a long time since I've posted here but I'm doing a research paper for college about the genome and how it's helped in understanding evolution in humans. I've got a lot of information already but if anyone has any cool facts about the genome and/or sources that could help me write a badass paper that'd be great. There's a lot of creationists in my class and it blows my mind... a lot of them didn't know a thing about the genome and how it even relates to DNA.... blows my mind. So I want to make this an awesome paper.




any help would be super appreciated!

atheistRational VIP!
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the only one I know

Why Some Like It Hot: Food, Genes, and Cultural Diversity by Gary Paul Nabhan.

My library had a copy.  Basically, the guy is a ethnobotanist who compared the human genome with cultural food choices and found some interesting connections.  Fava beans may create a physical response to the malarial parasite similar to sickle cell anemia.  That is, if you are sensitive to fava beans, eating them will cause your red blood cells to collapse if exposed to the parasite, thereby reducing your susceptibility to malaria.  So in Mediterranean cultures, fava beans are prepared at a certain time of year in a certain manner that actually increases the resistance.  People who come from cultures that are cattle herders are generally lactose tolerant, all other mammals (including people from non-cattle herding cultures) are lactose intolerant once they are mature adults.  Lots of other examples - alcohol and alcoholism, native diets and diabetes, the Mediterranean diet are some I remember.  He combines science and anecdotal evidence for an interesting read.

-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.

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cj wrote:Why Some Like It

cj wrote:

Why Some Like It Hot: Food, Genes, and Cultural Diversity by Gary Paul Nabhan.

My library had a copy.  Basically, the guy is a ethnobotanist who compared the human genome with cultural food choices and found some interesting connections.  Fava beans may create a physical response to the malarial parasite similar to sickle cell anemia.  That is, if you are sensitive to fava beans, eating them will cause your red blood cells to collapse if exposed to the parasite, thereby reducing your susceptibility to malaria.  So in Mediterranean cultures, fava beans are prepared at a certain time of year in a certain manner that actually increases the resistance.  People who come from cultures that are cattle herders are generally lactose tolerant, all other mammals (including people from non-cattle herding cultures) are lactose intolerant once they are mature adults.  Lots of other examples - alcohol and alcoholism, native diets and diabetes, the Mediterranean diet are some I remember.  He combines science and anecdotal evidence for an interesting read.


that's pretty cool yeah. don't think my campus library has that but i'm going to start looking
