KFC's Chicken Sandwich

I got type 2 diabetes and congestive heart failure just from reading this article... proceed with caution
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may I suggest u throw it on the ground?
Funny thing is it isn't worse than a whopper with cheese.
Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.
KFC is like any corporate goon, if they could make bitter almonds tasty and blame it on the consumer for lack of control, while bombarding us with adds telling us how good it is, they'd sell their own mother a Toyota. There goal is not building anything useful long term, their goal is sucking the dicks of their share holders and CEOs.
As long as you suck your boss's dick it doesn't matter what damage you do to humanity, you'll still have a job and some people will get rich.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
Not gonna lie, looks delicious. I'd eat one.
I feel that if people can't control what they put into their own bodies then they deserve this. Good riddance to the weak. The quicker they are permanantly off of the health care system the better.
I have cigarettes, alcohol, fast food, and drugs available whenever i want yet i dont have them because i am a responsible human that cares about staying alive without the help of medical aid.
One nation under Allah....start practicing it now the day is upon us.
Corporate fast food chains: feeding us poison infused with sugars, natural (ha) flavoring, and mayonnaise since the 1940's!
Speaking of mayonnaise... I just recently learned that Kraft makes a special mayonnaise that they sell exclusively to fast food restaurants. High contents of oil and eggs. Why? It has better 'binding capability'. That is, it is so thick and fat filled that it will hold the sandwiches together. If they used regular mayonnaise, they would cut fat content and calories substantially.
'Food' for thought, terrible pun intended
Don't hand me that crap. I am quite sure you have family members and friends and co-workers whom you love who do those things. I am quite sure you would lend them aid in their time of need. Humans may not like what other humans do, but we are also a species capable of compassion.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
Hey, that's why they make Lipitor, Angioplastyand bypass surgury. And these are all free now.
Now make it dripping with sausage gravy and I will buy them.
OK, I am guessing that you have never made mayonnaise. The general recipe is 95% oil, 4% egg yolk and 1% vinegar. Just for the record, the “High oil/high egg mayo is available in any supermarket. You just have to actually buy mayo that is not labeled as “light mayo”.
Probably worse for you is Miracle Whip. That stuff is almost exactly the same as regular mayonnaise except that it also has sugar in it.
this is making awfully good sense
Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
No animal shall wear clothes.
No animal shall sleep in a bed.
No animal shall drink alcohol.
No animal shall kill any other animal.
All animals are equal.
Not free. Idjit. Premiums, deductibles, and co-pays still apply, IF you have insurance. Otherwise, you pay. Just like I do seeing as I am not insured.
-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.
"We are entitled to our own opinions. We're not entitled to our own facts"- Al Franken
"If death isn't sweet oblivion, I will be severely disappointed" - Ruth M.
I have not made my own mayonnaise, but a snippet from the article that i was talking about:
This extra heavy stuff is toxic as compared to other mayonnaise brands.
nom nom nom
I smoke, drink, and don't eat particularly healthy, in part because healthy food is ridiculously expensive. But I haven't seen a doctor in ten years, and all the taxes I've paid on those products grants me more right to utilise the healthcare system at need than yourself, who hasn't spent a dime. Take your idiocy and shove it up your ass.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Um, what article did you have in mind here? Since you did not provide a link, I put those words into google and the single hit is to some football blog that has a post halfway down about hidden calories.
Yes, exactly the same as the generic Walgreen's mayo in my fridge. The fact is that mayo is, as I stated before essentially a oil delivery system. There just is not any real room in the standard formulation to make a worse variety.
Well that makes perfect sense. Compare one item with standard well known properties to other items that really are no comparison at all. Granted, those are not your words but even so, there is hardly anything in common between normal mayonnaise and “reduced fat” mayonnaise. In fact, the only reason that the reduced fat stuff fails to be about the consistency of vinaigrette is because it is loaded with crap like Xanthan gum, Carrageenan and Calcium alginate. Yummy stuff that you are using for comparison.
Actually, that reminds me of the old Skippy peanut butter commercials from the '70's. Annette Funicello used to compare the protein content of a peanut butter sandwich with other foods that were by design for the commercial seriously lacking in protein.
OK, we know that peanut butter is loaded with protein. So of course it has more that a cheese sandwich or bologna on white bread. You know what she managed to prove by this? That peanut butter has more protein than stuff with less protein.
But anyway, if your point is that mayonnaise is bad for you, I will agree with that much. However, if you want to say that mayonnaise with half the fat but a whole crap load of chemicals that hardly anyone really knows about and have probably never been tested by the FDA is better for you than mayonnaise, well, I can't say that for sure but I really have my doubts.
Actually, it is from the same football blog. Surprisingly, Gregg Easterbrook is a science/scifi nut who also writes for ESPN. He's also a Republican, so he may be someone you would be interested in?
However, he is a vocal theist even though he believes in extra-terrestrial life. Which is downright ridiculous. But he does write some good stuff.
As for the mayo debate. I concede that I did not know enough about mayo, and I have been sufficiently taught something haha.
Well, I have never heard of Easterbrook before but I will check him out. I am partial to Ted Nugent though.
Past that, like WTF? You mean that there are republicans who are into football? No way dude. Watch this:
The sandwich still needs sausage gravy or it is not complete.
I guess if you are religious it would be easier to justify eating fast food that has been proven to make you fat, shorten your breath then kill you.
Because hey, it doesnt say anything at all about not eating double whoppers with extra cheese in the bible.
Plus when they die they are going to go live in a mansion! I hear heaven has a 24 hour buffet thats out of this world and you never gain an ounce!
As fucking stupid as that sounds it is the mentality of some people I know....I mean KNEW.
Goddamn I knew some stupid fucks. lol
Stephen King"The beauty of religious mania is that it has the power to explain everything. Once God (or Satan) is accepted as the first cause of everything which happens in the mortal world, nothing is left to chance...logic can be happily tossed out the window." -Stephen King
Kowtowing to moslems isn't going to get my vote.
I'm sure they don't care as I'm a vegetarian.
Fingers were not lickin' good for KFC in their bid to sell fried chicken to Islamic customers in Britain.
The fast food chain was being threatened with a boycott by both Muslims and non-Muslims.
It hoped to woo the Islamic market by opening 86 trial outlets selling halal-only meat, slaughtered under strict religious guidelines.
But KFC's target diners insisted the chickens were not being killed in the right way and said they would stay away.
And furious non-Muslim customers have set up Facebook groups protesting that the trial branches, which also ban pork, have dropped their favorite bacon-topped Big Daddy burger from menus. Groups with names such as "Against the KFC Halal Trial" and "No Halal at Colne KFC" -- referring to a branch in the Lancashire, northern England, town -- were rapidly attracting members.
For meat to be halal, the animal must be alive when its throat is cut as a verse from the Koran is recited.
KFC insisted their methods met the approval of the Halal Food Society. But Islamic leaders disagreed, saying the pre-stunning of animals in the chain's mechanical process means a third were already dead at the point of slaughter. And the fact the prayer is played over a speaker means each bird it not blessed individually as it is killed.
They have now threatened to warn the U.K.'s 2.4 million Muslims not to eat KFC meat, and will meet with the fast food giant Wednesday to question how it is killing chickens sold as halal.
Idiotic 7th century emulating religious fascists. I mean moslems, not KFC.
How can not believing in something that is backed up with no empirical evidence be less scientific than believing in something that not only has no empirical evidence but actually goes against the laws of the universe and in many cases actually contradicts itself? - Ricky Gervais
What?!? The birds were not individually prayed over?
In a modern slaughterhouse that kills like 50 or so birds every minute on every production line?!?
Get off the high horse already. Consider yourself lucky if the guy in charge of the recorded prayer does not just pop in some megadeath to inspire the workers to move even faster.
I give KFC bonus points for playing the prayer over a loudspeaker as the chickens are slaughtered.
Hahaha. This. I couldn't help but laugh reading that.
Theism is why we can't have nice things.