Atheism is Insanity, and Theism is Sanity

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Atheism is Insanity, and Theism is Sanity

Atheism is insanity, and theism is sanity.


Likewise, eliminative materialism (including naturalism and physicalism) is insanity, and eliminative (Platonic) idealism is sanity.


The ultimate difference between people is not whether they are theist (including religious and eliminative idealist) on the one hand, or atheist (and eliminative materialist) on the other. The ultimate difference between people is whether they are good or evil. There are good and evil theists, and there are good and evil atheists.


The purpose of human life (the meaning of life) is to choose between being good, and being evil.


Reality is composed of three levels, including the physical universe, Heaven, and Hell.


If you choose to be good, you will go to Heaven. Heaven is happiness that increases exponentially for eternity. However, if you choose to be evil, you will go to Hell. Hell is suffering that increases exponentially for eternity. Heaven and Hell are outside time and space, which is why they cannot be experienced through the five senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell.


The existence of Heaven, Hell, and God, is realized through intuitive perception of the Soul, which is itself outside time and space.


Time and space are properties of the observed physical universe, but they are not properties of the conscious mind. Time and space are merely observed by the mind, and they are not reality. Consciousness is therefore not a biological phenomenon, contrary to what eliminative materialism claims.


Human beings were created by God and in God’s image, because that is what the Bible says, and logic dictates that the Bible is divine revelation from God: “"God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them."218 Man occupies a unique place in creation: (I) he is "in the image of God"; (II) in his own nature he unites the spiritual and material worlds; (III) he is created "male and female"; (IV) God established him in his friendship.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 355).


You do not have to ‘believe’ in anything to go to Heaven. You do not, for example, have to believe in God, and you do not have to believe that Jesus Christ is Lord, or God. Everyone ‘knows’ that God exists, because that is self-evidently true; people that deny that God exists are clearly absolutely insane. You only have to obey the teachings of the Gospels, which merely require us to live as humanely as possible i.e. the Gospels teach humanism.


Jesus Christ was just a human being (however, he was God in the sense that he knew more about God than anyone else ever has – so he may as well be God from our human perspective). He condemned people that failed to live virtuously, and that called him ‘Lord’: “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles? Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’” (Matthew 7: 21-23)


Evil people are those who harm other people. Good people are those who help or heal other people. It has absolutely nothing to do with whether you are ‘atheist’ or ‘theist’. That is the only difference between good and evil people, and it is exactly what Jesus Christ said:


The last judgement:


“When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory. All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and He will put the sheep at his right hand and the goats at the left. Then the king will say to those at His right hand, “Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.” ... “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”


Then He will say to those at His left hand, “You that are accursed, depart from me into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels; for I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not give me clothing, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.” ... “Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.” And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” (Matthew 25:31-36, 40-43, 45-46 NRSV)


A picture of the last judgement (Bear in mind that the last judgement occurs outside time and space, so it is difficult to capture in a picture):


Jesus Christ was the wisest human being that has ever lived, besides Plato and Socrates. That is because Christianity is the largest religion. It can only be the largest religion because people intuitively know through their souls that Jesus Christ was the wisest human being, as is expressed through his teachings in the Gospels.


I am an agnostic atheist because I do not know that God does not exist. However, I am also a Gnostic theist because I know that God does exist.


God is the source of life. He lives in Heaven, and not on Earth (or the physical universe). The physical universe that we experience through our senses is only a reflection of Heaven. It is like the reflection of the sky on the sea. Heaven is reality, and the physical universe is not. God is an eternal tunnel of spiritual light surrounded by and filled with infinite legions of angels. Here is a picture of God in Heaven. It is called the Beatific Vision:


Another reason why Jesus Christ was the wisest human being that has ever lived, is because Platonic (eliminative) idealism is true, and naturalism, physicalism, and eliminative materialism are false. Platonic idealism is true because both eliminative idealism and eliminate materialism are in agreement that universals (ideal perfect forms, including mathematical and moral truths) only exist in human thought; universals do not exist in the physical universe that we experience through our senses, according to both eliminative materialism and eliminative idealism. But we only know the physical universe through universals (not particulars), which is why the physical universe only exists in our thought, and not independently from our thought.


I understand the truth. I understand that atheists and eliminative materialists (including naturalists and physicalists) are insane. Atheism and materialism are insanity, and theism, religion and idealism are sanity. Atheists and materialists (including naturalists and physicalists) are lost children. In terms of wisdom, Jesus Christ is the Father of all human beings. Parents care about children that are lost more than any of their other children, and so does Jesus Christ.


See the parable of the lost sheep: “How think ye? if a man have a hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that which is gone astray? 13And if so be that he find it, verily I say unto you, he rejoiceth more of that sheep, than of the ninety and nine which went not astray.” (Matthew 18:12–13)


This is a picture of an atheist:


In contrast, the picture of the Beatific Vision, includes two theists, as you have seen:


Jesus Christ is the parent of all atheists and materialists (as well as all other people). Atheists and materialists are the lost children of Jesus Christ.


God loves you, Jesus Christ loves you, I love you, and I want to lead you away from Hell and into Heaven. Take my hand, and I will lead you out of the darkness, and into the light. When you let go (when you doubt the truth of the Gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), it means that you are in danger of falling into Hell.


There is only one path, and the path is narrow. Few find it. Monsters and demons are real, and they live on both sides of the path, so do not stray from the path. Monsters and demons include harmful ideas, and sins. The monsters want to kill and eat you, and take you to Hell. You are only safe from them on the path:


“Then Jesus went through the towns and villages, teaching as he made his way to Jerusalem. Someone asked him, “Lord, are only a few people going to be saved?” He said to them, “Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to.” (Luke 13: 22-25)


Virtue (obeying the teachings of Jesus Christ) causes forward movement on the path, which leads to Heaven. Sin (disobeying the teachings of Jesus Christ), causes backwards movement on the path, towards Hell.


There is more evidence that God exists, that the Gospels are the wisest books ever written, and that human beings are immortal, than there is that the physical universe exists. God exists, you exist, and the physical universe we experience through our senses does not exist (ultimately, that is). The Bible is Divine Revelation from God, and that is an incontrovertible scientific fact.


As you can clearly see, it is perfectly logical that God exists, because Platonic idealism is automatically true by default. Atheism is logically false by default. Because I have revealed this truth, I expect that atheists will call me a ‘troll’, simply because they are logically debunked. The ‘The Rational Response Squad’ and Richard Dawkins are also logically debunked. ‘The Rational Response Squad’ is actually ‘The Irrational Response Squad’. Atheism is ‘faith’, and theism is ‘knowledge’. So atheism is irrational, and theism (including religion) is rational.


Theism and religion are in perfect harmony with science. Atheism is in conflict with science. That is because eliminative (Platonic) idealism is true by default, and eliminative materialism (including naturalism and physicalism) is false by default.


The burden of proof is on atheism, not on theism.


The existence of God is self-evident. Atheism is not self-evident.


From the United States Declaration of Independence:


“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”


I was invited to the forum of The Rational Response Squad by an advert, which said that if I am a theist, I should come to this forum to learn the truth. The advert claimed that atheism is the truth, and theism is not.


I am a humanist. I am an agnostic atheist, and a Gnostic theist. I am a Roman Catholic. The Roman Catholic Church is the Church of God. And the Pope is God’s ambassador on Earth. I am also a Benedictine Oblate.


So, I put this to ‘The Rational Response Squad’: Demonstrate to me, using logic, that atheism is true, and theism is false. I only believe in logic, and at the moment, logic dictates that theism is true, and atheism is false, as I have outlined above.


If you are an atheist, the ‘burden of proof’ is on you.



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BobSpence1 wrote:I realize I

BobSpence1 wrote:

I realize I can be accused of "feeding the troll", but I thought I'd try my strategy of digging down into some specific claim(s) to get to just where they 'leave the rails' from our point of view.



that would be fine, bob, if this guy were for real, but i strongly doubt he is.  i mean, all that shit about strawberry ice cream and lord of the rings?  wasn't it obvious after that?  he's not making any claims at all, at least not any he cares about.

"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson

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great post


YAY!!!  These last two posts were great, I WAS SIMPLY DELIGHTED  and thoroughly enjoyed reading them.  I would love to be able to argue and articulate so well.


oops!!  I'm new to all this.  I was responding to two posts by ContemptibleWitness, posts no7 & no8.

Sorry folks.

I just love reading all the threads and the dialogue between everyone.

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Kapkao wrote:I guess I just

Kapkao wrote:
I guess I just get up in the morning... and, for no particular reason, I learn (via indirect observation) people are talking about me behind my back. Not necessarily a bad thing... chalk it up to

human nature

, hmph. But sometimes...

it's hard to decide how prolific and active the gossip-mill

has been with regards to my behavior (particularly during neurochemical instability)...

"Delusions of Reference", they are called. (and sometimes they aren't all that delusional in meaning, but in fact, VERY astute!)

Wikipedia wrote:
Having the experience that people (often strangers) drop hints or say things about them behind their back

What can I say? I sleep with one eye open and I wait for a threat to my existence that never comes. (all metaphorically, of course)

All of which appears to be a fault of genetics - see, both my SUPERneurotic paternal Grandmother (who finally succumbed to dementia, thankfully) and my Dad act...  delusional, in their own unique way. Both of them always seem to have theories of conspiracy of some sort rising up against them, and they seem to have (biologically) passed those delusions on to me.

Bad roll of the genetic die, if you get my meaning... and probably due to excessively endogamous intrabreeding practices somewhere up in the family tree. (AKA incest-children) Hard to tell, without solid record keeping from the 19th century/early 20th century.

I understand. I have a friend who is quite paranoid. He was abused by a priest as a child. When the family finally believed him, they confronted the church, who swore they would put the priest somewhere where he would never be in contact with children again.

My friend came up with the delusional idea that the church merely shuffled the priest to another area. He was sure the Catholic church had a major cover-up, in which child-raping priests were being protected. His paranoia ran quite deep, with conspiracy theories of how the Pope was enabling child abusers.

I'm glad I believed him from the get-go. He was quite paranoid. And quite right.

Genetics are a bitch. (There is a history of paranoia in his family, I understand.) Don't sweat it, though. You at least seem to understand what's wrong, and take steps to mitigate it. And like I said: you're pretty damned funny. That counts for a lot.

As far as I know, nobody here is talking about you behind your back. Most of the folks here would say it to your face, right out in the open, whatever "it" is they want to say.

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Well... where is that

Hey Epistemologist, well... where is that logical debunking of atheism? Do you have a link? Or can you write here some really simple version for the less genial people? I'm curious what is a logical debunking according to you. Certainly not an evidence, because it's really hard to get.  AFAIK, there was only something all based on assumption, that materialism and metaphysics are mutually exclusive.

The second question would be why do you propagate the existence of Judeo-Christian god. In my opinion, Hinduistic main gods have more sense. Are you sure you're not influenced by Christianocentrism?

Thirdly, my information is, that doctrine about Hell, Heaven and eternal damnation was added to Bible in the year 533 in Constantinopolis by political force of emperor Justinian. Before that, all Jewish community in time and place of Jesus believed in reincarnation, and that was a basis of Christianity propagated by church fathers like Origenes.

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BobSpence1 wrote:I realize I

BobSpence1 wrote:

I realize I can be accused of "feeding the troll", but I thought I'd try my strategy of digging down into some specific claim(s) to get to just where they 'leave the rails' from our point of view.


Bob by Epis second post everyone could see he had left the rails.....actually from the first post but what the heck I can see where your going on this. Still I never though I would see a more hardcore version of paisley on these boards, I mean seriously this person actually makes paisley's lack of understanding of definitions, philosophy and science seem well tolerable compared to this.

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latincanuck wrote:Bob by

latincanuck wrote:
Bob by Epis second post everyone could see he had left the rails.....actually from the first post but what the heck I can see where your going on this. Still I never though I would see a more hardcore version of paisley on these boards, I mean seriously this person actually makes paisley's lack of understanding of definitions, philosophy and science seem well tolerable compared to this.

Paisley at least understands logic. He may misuse it by twisting words and meanings, but he at least understands it.

Epistemologist wouldn't know logic if it came up, gave him a couple of gin'n'juices, gang-raped him, and left him with a list of logical fallacies. His entire logic consists of, "I have a man-crush on Plato, so he is true by default. His beard feels all fuzzy and ticklish on the inside of my thighs."

Well, at least that true of the persona of Epistemologist. I think he's just yankin' our chains right now. If not, he is the most arrogant philosophy freshman in the history of community college.

"Yes, I seriously believe that consciousness is a product of a natural process. I find that the neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers who proceed from that premise are the ones who are actually making useful contributions to our understanding of the mind." - PZ Myers

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This thread is awesome

I love it.

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this thread

well, I have been reading this thread from start to finish (well, thus far) since arriving home from work.  I was absolutely appalled at Epis's posts, horrified at some of the things he said, especially about torturing and murdering all heretics and infidels, but the further I read his posts I fully realised he was just a looney winding everyone up, I guess that's what you all mean by a troll, I'm new to all this, and all the forum terminology.  He's definitely a provocater, with obviously far too much time on his hands.  He actually sounds very much like another poster on another site, a theist troll, as you call them.

What I have enjoyed has been all the responses to him, some of them have been very articulate and informative, some have been funny, and I have had a few laughs indeed.  So, because I'm new to all this, I just want to say thankyou to all the wonderful rational responders to him, and all those rr's who made me laugh.

And to Epis... you are a fuckwit  (hope I'm allowed to say that, had to get it off my chest)

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eboni4leigh wrote:well, I

eboni4leigh wrote:

well, I have been reading this thread from start to finish (well, thus far) since arriving home from work.  I was absolutely appalled at Epis's posts, horrified at some of the things he said, especially about torturing and murdering all heretics and infidels, but the further I read his posts I fully realised he was just a looney winding everyone up, I guess that's what you all mean by a troll, I'm new to all this, and all the forum terminology.  He's definitely a provocater, with obviously far too much time on his hands.  He actually sounds very much like another poster on another site, a theist troll, as you call them.

What I have enjoyed has been all the responses to him, some of them have been very articulate and informative, some have been funny, and I have had a few laughs indeed.  So, because I'm new to all this, I just want to say thankyou to all the wonderful rational responders to him, and all those rr's who made me laugh.

And to Epis... you are a fuckwit  (hope I'm allowed to say that, had to get it off my chest)

Yep. A troll is someone who comes in to stir up shit. A provocateur, as you say. Their entire point is to see if they can wind folks up. This gives them some sort of thrill. I imagine it's related to the feeling of control over other people. Usually this is because they can't make women orgasm.

The problem with trolls is, a good one will sound just like a theist. It's impossible to tell the difference. There's even an internet "law" (as in, "the law of gravity," not, 'the law that prohibits speeding'), called "Poe's Law," that states, "Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humour, it is impossible to create a parody of fundamentalism that someone won't mistake for the real thing."

That is the point that Epi is at. Some of us believe he is a Poe (meaning, he's attempting to be completely outrageous, but still be taken seriously).

Sorry if this is stuff you already know. I just figured you might like a quick introduction to some of the language that is associated with trolls.


[EDIT addendum]

And you can say whatever the fuck you like. If someone is being a fuckwit, call 'em a fuckwit.

"Yes, I seriously believe that consciousness is a product of a natural process. I find that the neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers who proceed from that premise are the ones who are actually making useful contributions to our understanding of the mind." - PZ Myers

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Atheism is Insanity, and Theism is Sanity

BobSpence1 wrote:
“How do you justify "Platonic (eliminative) idealism is self evidently true"?”


To Everyone:


What this boils down to is the relationship between mathematics, physics, and reality.


We have put abstraction and reality the wrong way around.


Discussing the relationship between mathematics, physics, and reality, is not ‘Trolling’.


I am sorry, but if you think that discussing the relationship between mathematics, physics, and reality, is trolling, that means that you are, without doubt, absolutely insane.


It is whether mathematics is the queen of the sciences, and physics the king, or whether mathematics is the king of the sciences, and physics the queen.


Whether it is mathematics or physics that is the king, WAS . . . . . . CONTROVERSIAL.


It is now NOT CONTROVERSIAL. Mathematics is the King, and physics is the Queen.


From the perspective of Platonic (eliminative) idealism, mathematics is the king of the sciences, and physics is the queen. However, from the perspective of eliminative materialism (including physicalism and naturalism), physics is the king, and mathematics is the queen.


‘King’ means ‘primary arbiter (judge) of reality’. ‘Queen’ means ‘secondary arbiter (judge) of reality’.


The choice between mathematics or physics being the primary arbiter of realty is a metaphysical choice. It is the choice between Platonic (eliminative) idealism, and eliminative materialism (including naturalism an physicalism).


Eliminative (Platonic) idealism is true by logical default. That is because mathematical truths are real. Both opposing metaphysical positions of naturalism/ physicalism and Platonic idealism are in agreement that mathematical truths only exist in human thought; they do not exist in the ‘physical’ universe that we observe through our ‘physical’ senses. Since mathematical truths are real, and both eliminative idealism and eliminative materialism are in agreement that they only exist in human thought, that means: The physical universe that we observe through our physical senses only exists in human thought. The physical universe does not exist independently of human thought. That means that mystical experiences of God are not reducible to biological phenomena like the brain. The brain is just an idea in our minds. Only our minds (souls) are real. Our souls do not exist in time and space, because mathematics defines reality, and there is no time and space in mathematics. Mystical experiences of God are therefore more real than our experience of the physical universe through our ‘physical’ senses. That is why mystical experience of God is the incontrovertible scientific fact that God exists, and that He is the sole ruler of the ‘physical’ universe, and Heaven. It also means that the Bible is Divine Revelation from God, particularly the Gospels of Jesus Christ – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.


Atheist = Evil lying murdering scum bag


Atheists peddle the absolute lie that God does not exist, that human beings are not immortal, that Heaven and Hell do not exist, that sin does not lead to Hell and virtue to Heaven, and that the Bible is not Divine Revelation from God.


Atheists are ‘soul murderers’ because they are leading souls to eternal damnation. ‘Soul murderers’ are infinitely more evil that physical murderers i.e. all atheists should be shot dead on sight by the police and the military, because they are the most dangerous people on earth. Get it?


It is the Divine Duty of every theist to kill atheists. All theists must unite to kill all atheists, because that is God’s will, and God is the creator, sole ruler, emperor and king of the Universe. God has absolute power. He is in charge; no one else is. Get it?


Jesus Christ, who was God incarnate, said:


“And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.


Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to sin! Such things must come, but woe to the man through whom they come! If your hand or foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away (kill atheists). It is better for you to enter life maimed or crippled than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into eternal fire. And if your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away (kill atheists). It is better for you to enter life with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fire of Hell.” (Matthew 18: 5-9)


Atheists are the lowest scum on earth.


I have no respect for atheists, because trash and scum should not be respected. Get it?


Atheists must be exterminated. Get it?


The Divine Right of Kings is true. I am a King by divine right. I am the King of England. I am a Benedictine monk, and I live as a recluse on Earth. I receive orders directly from God. God orders that all atheists must be exterminated. It is the Divine Duty of all theists to obey the orders of the King of England, because those are the orders of God, who is the creator and sole ruler of the physical universe, and has absolute power.


The best form of Government is a good dictatorship. God is the best dictator, because he loves and created every living creature in the universe.


If you are an atheist you are in danger. I am warning you now to protect you. There is going to be a literal war on the earth between atheists and religion, and it is going to happen in the not too distant future. Millions of people are going to die. Societies are going to be turned inside out. The order of the world will not be like this in a century from now. The borders of countries will shift. In a century from now, no atheists will be left. That is the truth. I am a Prophet of God. I am not lying to you. I can only tell the truth, because if I did not tell the truth, God would strike me down. I am the servant and slave of God, and I can only do and reveal God’s will. That is the truth. Become theist or you will be killed. It is as simple as that.


At the intellectual level, the war was between the king and queen of the sciences –mathematics and physics. That war was metaphysics. The metaphysical war has been won by mathematics. Academic ideas like this are extremely dangerous. Physical wars between people come from the pens of academics and Prophets of God. Ideas become reality.


If you stay atheist, it means you are going to be killed. Full stop!



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I just spent the entire night


at the Exelsior Hotel in Glebe and am thoroughly munted but am I the only person who knows who pissed ecologist is?




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ok Epi....

I am sick of reading your diatribe, all your hate speech, your verbal diahorrea, you and your christian dictator god can go fuck yourselves.  Yes you are a TROLL, sickening totally sickening, the Rational Responders on this site, as far as I can tell have been extremely patient with you, you will never ever be a match for them.  I am new to this site and participating in the forums and I am appalled at what you have written, you should be utterly ashamed.

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Epistemologist wrote:

BobSpence1 wrote:
“How do you justify "Platonic (eliminative) idealism is self evidently true"?”

 Eliminative (Platonic) idealism is true by logical default. That is because mathematical truths are real. Both opposing metaphysical positions of naturalism/ physicalism and Platonic idealism are in agreement that mathematical truths only exist in human thought; they do not exist in the ‘physical’ universe that we observe through our ‘physical’ senses. Since mathematical truths are real, and both eliminative idealism and eliminative materialism are in agreement that they only exist in human thought, that means: The physical universe that we observe through our physical senses only exists in human thought. The physical universe does not exist independently of human thought. That means that mystical experiences of God are not reducible to biological phenomena like the brain. The brain is just an idea in our minds. Only our minds (souls) are real. Our souls do not exist in time and space, because mathematics defines reality, and there is no time and space in mathematics. Mystical experiences of God are therefore more real than our experience of the physical universe through our ‘physical’ senses. That is why mystical experience of God is the incontrovertible scientific fact that God exists, and that He is the sole ruler of the ‘physical’ universe, and Heaven. It also means that the Bible is Divine Revelation from God, particularly the Gospels of Jesus Christ – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Here are some of your main errors:

Mathematical truths, as concepts, only exist in the human mind, this is arguably true, although many of them can be observed to correspond closely, not necessary precisely, to attributes of 'real' entities. The closest correspondence is in the field of arithmetic. There are many entities that are and remain identifiably discrete, so mathematical rules that apply to integers are 'self-evidently' applicable to the enumerations of collections of such entities. This suggests that there is actually some linkage between math and the physical reality which intuitively, almost self-evidently, is outside our minds. Which can, with at least as much logic as in your statement, be used to justify the opposite to your 'self-evident' assertion.

You have not shown by what logical argument your assumptions lead to the conclusion that 'mathematics defines reality', or that your assumptions themselves are valid..

None of this logically implies that the entities that we perceive through our senses also exist only in our mind in the same way as do mathematical ideas. It is a blatant category error. They are not remotely identical concepts, therefore their ontological/epistemological status has to be independently argued. You have simply leaped, with zero logic, from one category of knowledge to an entirely different one, and asserted/assumed that they have identical implications and nature. And then compounded the error by assuming that the entities that one type of knowledge refers to automatically share the same ontological status as what the other type of knowledge describes.

'Self-evident' is NOT a legitimate qualification in a logical argument. It amounts to little more than a statement of opinion, as with any other purely intuitive conclusion.

Please correct these errors, and resubmit your argument...

Favorite oxymorons: Gospel Truth, Rational Supernaturalist, Business Ethics, Christian Morality

"Theology is now little more than a branch of human ignorance. Indeed, it is ignorance with wings." - Sam Harris

The path to Truth lies via careful study of reality, not the dreams of our fallible minds - me

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Epistemologist wrote:Atheism

Epistemologist wrote:
Atheism is insanity, and theism is sanity.

You got that backwards.

Epistemologist wrote:
The ultimate difference between people is whether they are good or evil.

Good & evil don't exist. They are changing subjective concepts, not real. Same with souls, gods, and everything else religions claim.

Epistemologist wrote:
Time and space are properties of the observed physical universe, but they are not properties of the conscious mind. Time and space are merely observed by the mind, and they are not reality

Wrong again. Without spacetime your mind wouldn't exist, and could not function.

Epistemologist wrote:
 The burden of proof is on atheism, not on theism.

Wrong again. Burden of proof is on the claimant, not the skeptic.

That covers the entire OP. Lol.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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The Roman Catholic Church and the Pope are Saved


BobSpence1 wrote:
“Mathematical truths, as concepts, only exist in the human mind, this is arguably true, although many of them can be observed to correspond closely, not necessary precisely, to attributes of 'real' entities.”


To everyone:


I am the King of England, and I am also the wrath of God. I have been sent by God to protect the Pope, because the Pope is God’s ambassador on Earth. I am the Second Coming of Christ.


Anyone who picks a fight with the Pope is picking a fight with God. And anyone who picks a fight with God will be killed by God. That is because God is the sole ruler of Earth, the physical Universe and Heaven. God is the Creator of the universe and holds the Key of Absolute Power . . . obviously! The Devil is the Ruler of Hell. God gives people happiness, and the Devil gives people suffering.


Because the Pope is God’s ambassador on Earth, the Key of Absolute Power in the world of Human beings belongs to the Pope. The Devil has tried to take away the Key of Absolute Power from the Pope. The Devil attempted this through the lies of atheism and eliminative materialism (including naturalism and physicalism). The one Ring of Power in the Lord of the Rings belongs to the Devil. The Devil’s ‘Ring of Power’ was atheism and eliminative materialism (including naturalism and physicalism). That ‘Ring of Power’ has been destroyed by the King of England, so the Key of Absolute Power will now be returned by God to the Pope. Mathematics is the arbiter of reality, and not physics. Plato was right, and Aristotle was wrong.


The Lord of the Rings is a true story, and the Divine Right of Kings is True. I am a King by Divine Right, and I am the King of England. I have a sword in my hand, and I have revealed my sword to the Devil. The Devil is atheism and eliminative materialism, including naturalism and physicalism. The devil is essentially a liar, and atheism and materialism are the Devil’s lie. The Devil’s lie is that reality and abstraction are the opposite way around to what they really are. The Philosophy of the Devil is that Physics is the King of the Sciences, and mathematics is the Queen. It is actually the other way around. Mathematics is the King of the sciences, and physics is the Queen. That is why consciousness is not a biological phenomenon. Consciousness comes from God. It does not come from the physical universe, including the brain.


So what we now think are ‘natural’ sciences, are actually ‘abstract’ sciences. Physics, chemistry and biology are abstract sciences. Mathematics, logic and religion are natural sciences. Mathematics, logic and religion therefore reveal nature, and biology, chemistry and physics do not.


Aristotle was a servant of the Devil, because he maintained that nature is what we observe through our senses. It is not. Nature is what we experience in our minds. That means that mathematical truths, logical and religious truths are actually scientific facts. It means, as I said, that religion is a natural science, and the leading natural science is the Roman Catholic Church. The world’s leading natural scientist is the Pope.


It is the Divine Duty of the King of England to defend the Pope of Rome from attack by heretics and infidels. That is because the true King of England is Roman Catholic. Henry VIII was a false king, because he was a servant of the Devil. I have come to correct his mistake. England will become Roman Catholic again. The Church of England will be dissolved. The dissolution of the monasteries will be reversed. The order of Benedictine Monks and Nuns will be given back their power in England, and the rest of Europe.


My sword will not sleep in my hand until I have struck off the head of the Devil and pissed on the Devil’s rotting corpse. I am a War Lord, and I am the Lord of all war. All military forces on Earth will unite under my will, and all soldiers will obey my will. Any soldier who refuses to obey the will of the King of England will be shot, because the King of England is following orders from God.


I have been sent by God to save the human species from destruction. Ultimately, the world’s political problems can only be solved if the world has one leader. And to be successful that one leader has to be given political power directly from God. That is because God knows the meaning of life, and human beings do not. I have been given that power. God, through me, is going to correct all of the world’s problems. Desertification and deforestation will be stopped, and in the future we will live in perfect equilibrium with the Earth’s natural environment. Human beings and nature, in the future, will no longer be in conflict. The Earth belongs to God, and not to human beings, and it will now be returned to its rightful owner.


The media will stop attacking the Pope. The media will become the servant of the Pope, because the Pope is God’s ambassador on Earth.


Atheists and eliminative materialists (including naturalists and physicalists) are the servants of the Devil. They have one option: recant of their heresy, or be killed.


The world as we know it will end. The Pope and the King of England will become the sole rulers of the World, because the Pope is God’s ambassador, and the King of England is the sole defender of God’s ambassador.


The Pope and the Roman Catholic Church are under attack because we are nearing the end of the world. The current attack against the Roman Catholic Church and the Pope is coming directly from the Devil. That is because the Devil knows that the King of England has finally taken his power away, by proving through science and logic that reality and abstraction are the opposite way around from what the Devil claims they are. So the Devil is making a last ditch attempt to retain his power, but the Devil is going to lose. That is because the truth always triumphs. Reality is always the winner, and illusions fade away. A new world will emerge. Chaos will become order.


Platonic (eliminative) Idealism is true, and Aristotelian eliminative materialism (including naturalism and physicalism) is false.


The Divine Right of Kings is true:


Only a true King, with the full power of God, can save the world. That King is the King of England. I am the King of England. It is my job to kill the Devil and protect the Pope.


St. George is the Patron Saint of England:



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So, Epistemologist. I have

So, Epistemologist. I have read everything that you posted, well, pretty much, and decided that you are telling the truth: you are indeed the second coming of Christ. Does this mean that when people pray to Jesus now they are just talking to themselves, or are you personally receiving all their prayers?


Next, I was wondering what you think I should do to get right with the Lord, or you, or whatever. Should I kiss your ass? Should I give you money? Should I quit my job and follow you unconditionally? Command me, my Lord, and I will obey.


If you are the King of England and you plan on commanding troops, what does Parliament think of this?


Why didn't you tell us you were the Son of God to begin with? What if I had been hit by a bus yesterday and never read this last post of yours? I could be damned, and it would be your fault.  


Please, tell me how to save my soul, Epistemologist. I am serious.

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Where do you live?

That's it.  I'm calling 911.

If you are having us on, you're nuts.  If you are not having us on, you are dangerous.  Time for the white coats and butterfly nets.

-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.

"We are entitled to our own opinions. We're not entitled to our own facts"- Al Franken

"If death isn't sweet oblivion, I will be severely disappointed" - Ruth M.

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I think it sounds perfectly

I think it sounds perfectly reasonable.

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Epistemologist wrote: Anyone

Epistemologist wrote:
Anyone who picks a fight with the Pope is picking a fight with God. And anyone who picks a fight with God will be killed by God.
Nope, by the law of logic, anyone who picks a fight with God should be killed by Pope!

Epistemologist wrote:
Because the Pope is God’s ambassador on Earth, the Key of Absolute Power in the world of Human beings belongs to the Pope.
That could solve global energetic crisis. Why doesn't the Pope hand it over, so we can stop burning coal?

Epistemologist wrote:
  I have a sword in my hand, and I have revealed my sword to the Devil.
Hey, you exhibitionist! Call it sword, huh?

Epistemologist wrote:
The Philosophy of the Devil is that Physics is the King of the Sciences, and mathematics is the Queen. It is actually the other way around. Mathematics is the King of the sciences, and physics is the Queen.
  It doesn't matter who plays daddy and who mommy. They switch it every week.

Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.

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Luminon wrote:Epistemologist

Luminon wrote:

Epistemologist wrote:
  I have a sword in my hand, and I have revealed my sword to the Devil.
Hey, you exhibitionist! Call it sword, huh?

Epistemologist wrote:
The Philosophy of the Devil is that Physics is the King of the Sciences, and mathematics is the Queen. It is actually the other way around. Mathematics is the King of the sciences, and physics is the Queen.
  It doesn't matter who plays daddy and who mommy. They switch it every week.

I laughed my ass off at these. Way funny, Luminon.

"Yes, I seriously believe that consciousness is a product of a natural process. I find that the neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers who proceed from that premise are the ones who are actually making useful contributions to our understanding of the mind." - PZ Myers

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OK, that's it.We are dealing

OK, that's it.

We are dealing with either a total nut case, or a really strange troll, or both.

Looking back, assuming E-pissed-em-off-ogist was not a deliberate troll, the more seriously we point out the idiocy in the 'arguments', the more insane are the responses.

Or maybe the progression was gonna happen whatever we said.

All trace of any 'argument' has gone. Just mostly repetition of the same insanity.

And he/she sounded so relatively sane in the first posts.



Favorite oxymorons: Gospel Truth, Rational Supernaturalist, Business Ethics, Christian Morality

"Theology is now little more than a branch of human ignorance. Indeed, it is ignorance with wings." - Sam Harris

The path to Truth lies via careful study of reality, not the dreams of our fallible minds - me

From the sublime to the ridiculous: Science -> Philosophy -> Theology

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People with psychotic

People with psychotic disorders sometimes have spells where they're worse than other times. It's certainly possible that he believes this stuff, and it's just convenient that it's so entertaining.


Then on the other hand he really might be just fucking with everybody, trying to get a reaction. This would explain why his posts get more and more extreme -just a desperate attempt to hold our attention a little longer.


But I really can't commit to one theory or the other. If he's pretending to be schizo, he's doing a pretty good job.

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My opinion is, that he's a

My opinion is, that he's a real schizo. I know these people. We call them astrally oriented and they are plentiful. They're characteristic by great uncriticality to what appears in their mind, they assume that all of this is valid, since it carries an emotional message. Information without emotional message is not so attractive to them. Another sign is a bad relationship to physical reality, not realizing it's importance.

This is one part of the problem, the second is, that they are very often mediums. Human mediality is basically anachronism from the time when shamans were highly respected people. Being medium means to receive a lot of weird stuff in one's mind, typically voices. A critical person would be critical towards the voices and ideas in the same way as we are to commercials, travelling salesmen, or spam and phishing. The phenomenon would either stop from a lack of attention, or the person would seek a medical help. But lack of criticism makes this disorder apparent.

People in ancient human history were usually all like that, astrally oriented. There were times when this was natural, signs and voices were taken as guidance.  Majority of religious and spiritual culture is astrally (emotionally) oriented too. Only relatively few spiritual groups (like mine) recognize astrality as a great problem and work to erradicate it. If there would be a voice in my head, claiming that he's Jesus or Plato, he would have hell a lot to explain, before I'd tell him to get out. Astrally oriented people don't question the voices, they think it's pretty awesome. This is how A Course in Miracles was written or how Neal Donald Walsch wrote his books. But most of mediums receive some really crazy shit. It often contains pieces of facts taken out of context, and this mix is highly addictive.

Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.

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  Honeslty Bob I gotta give

  Honeslty Bob I gotta give you (and any others) props for staying so patient and well manered with these types.  I can't anymore, I mostly just watch these conversations  unfold now.  The more you converse with these types the more you realise that trying to use reason to explain your position is like trying to teach chinese to an aussie in german.  How many "but, evolution doesn't explain non-life to life" comments posted over and over and over again by the same person after being corrected does it take before you just give up?   

  When I first signed up to the site I wasn't planning to stay, I don't really do chatting, so I just typed in the first thing that came to mind for a name.  I've been thinking about changing it to something more clever and creative, but these types make me keep the name as it is simple, and true.



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I am God

 I live in Heaven.


cj wrote:
That's it.  I'm calling 911.


If you are having us on, you're nuts.  If you are not having us on, you are dangerous.  Time for the white coats and butterfly nets.

I cannot believe you guys. I have told you all the truth, and you are mocking the truth. It does not offend me at all, but it is harmful to you. 


What I have said shall come to pass, and then you will realize that I am a Prophet of God.


I am trying to help you all, because I don’t want any of you to be harmed. Can you not understand that? I am on your side. I am not against you.


Heed my warning. I am a prophet of God. I am the Second Coming of Christ. And I am telling you the truth.


I am God incarnate. I am actually God. I am the creator of the Universe, and I am talking through a human being. That human being is the King of England. I am telling the truth. I am not insane.


You must realize that the ‘truth’ and ‘insanity’ are different things, don’t you?


I am the only human being on Earth who is in direct communicative contact with God, which is why He is speaking through me. God is the creator of the Universe. And God (your Father in Heaven) is talking to you through me. I am the only person on Earth with a hotline directly to God in Heaven.


Repent of your sins, because the end of the world is near. Embrace the truths of Jesus Christ expressed through the Gospels, so that your souls can be saved from Eternal Damnation. None of you deserve to go to Hell. You are all really nice people.


Reject the Devil and come back to God. At the moment you (atheists) are worshipping the Devil (by believing in atheism and eliminative materialism, including naturalism and physicalism). But the Devil wants to take you (atheists that is) to Hell.


I say ‘atheists’. But everyone knows that God exists, and proclaimed atheists are just pretending that they don’t know. Essentially, it is people that disobey the Gospel message who go to Hell, and people who obey the Gospel message who go to Heaven. You don’t have to believe anything. But you must not tell people that God does not exist, and that the Bible is not Divine Revelation.


I am God incarnate, so I know that the Bible is Divine Revelation. I wrote the Bible through human beings over thousands of years, but they did not understand everything I said to them. So I have come back to the Earth to correct their misinterpretations of what I said.


You also know that Jesus Christ was God incarnate, and that What the Gospels says is true. When you deny the Gospel message, it simply means that you are lying, and you absolutely know you are lying. You know that God exists, and you know that I am God incarnate. You are just pretending that you do not know.


I am your creator. I am the creator of the physical universe in which you live. I love you, and I want to heal you.


Like I said, since I am God, God must exist, because otherwise I would not be writing to you over the Internet.

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Aww, c'mon, Episto, this

Aww, c'mon, Episto, this 'joke' is wearing very thin by now.

Do you really expect anyone to take that sort of stuff seriously? What is your problem??

You are actually insulting anyone who takes the Gospels seriously by making such personal claims.

You are making a sick caricature of the Christian faith - I believe it does need ridiculing, but this a really crazy way to do it, if this is your intent. 

You honestly come across as a total psycho. If you are attempting to sustain a lame joke, its way past time to acknowledge you are just making yourself look ever more insane with every post now.


Favorite oxymorons: Gospel Truth, Rational Supernaturalist, Business Ethics, Christian Morality

"Theology is now little more than a branch of human ignorance. Indeed, it is ignorance with wings." - Sam Harris

The path to Truth lies via careful study of reality, not the dreams of our fallible minds - me

From the sublime to the ridiculous: Science -> Philosophy -> Theology

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Luminon wrote:My opinion is,

Luminon wrote:

My opinion is, that he's a real schizo. I know these people. We call them astrally oriented and they are plentiful. They're characteristic by great uncriticality to what appears in their mind, they assume that all of this is valid, since it carries an emotional message. Information without emotional message is not so attractive to them. Another sign is a bad relationship to physical reality, not realizing it's importance.

This is one part of the problem, the second is, that they are very often mediums. Human mediality is basically anachronism from the time when shamans were highly respected people. Being medium means to receive a lot of weird stuff in one's mind, typically voices. A critical person would be critical towards the voices and ideas in the same way as we are to commercials, travelling salesmen, or spam and phishing. The phenomenon would either stop from a lack of attention, or the person would seek a medical help. But lack of criticism makes this disorder apparent.

People in ancient human history were usually all like that, astrally oriented. There were times when this was natural, signs and voices were taken as guidance.  Majority of religious and spiritual culture is astrally (emotionally) oriented too. Only relatively few spiritual groups (like mine) recognize astrality as a great problem and work to erradicate it. If there would be a voice in my head, claiming that he's Jesus or Plato, he would have hell a lot to explain, before I'd tell him to get out. Astrally oriented people don't question the voices, they think it's pretty awesome. This is how A Course in Miracles was written or how Neal Donald Walsch wrote his books. But most of mediums receive some really crazy shit. It often contains pieces of facts taken out of context, and this mix is highly addictive.


Jesus Christ Luminon, lol.


@Nomorecrazy:  Yea, I  Bob too, just for plain attitude.  I can be calm and reasonable for, I dunno, twenty posts in a discussion, if I'm in a good mood, but then I break down.  Bob seems to have a greater capacity for patience than most.  I don't know how he has gone for years responding to the same exact arguments over and over without blatant use of Ctrl-C-Ctrl-V.

Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.

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I really Am God. It's the truth!


BobSpence1 wrote:
Aww, c'mon, Episto, this 'joke' is wearing very thin by now.


Do you really expect anyone to take that sort of stuff seriously? What is your problem??


You are actually insulting anyone who takes the Gospels seriously by making such personal claims.


You are making a sick caricature of the Christian faith - I believe it does need ridiculing, but this a really crazy way to do it, if this is your intent.


You honestly come across as a total psycho. If you are attempting to sustain a lame joke, its way past time to acknowledge you are just making yourself look ever more insane with every post now.


But I am telling you the truth though. I cannot lie.


Because I am God, it means that I can tell you absolutely anything that you want to know. I know everything about everything.


Most human knowledge is nonsense. That is the first thing I am telling you. I see reality from a ‘God’s eye’ perspective. And you see reality from a ‘creature’s eye’ perspective.


That is why you do not understand me, and I have difficulty understanding you. Since I exist throughout the entire universe (which is actually inside my mind), and my mind is infinite, it is very difficult for me to understand what it is like to be a strange little creature on the planet Earth. It is so weird when I look down there at the way human beings are. Human beings don’t make much sense to me. I have told them the truth so many times, and they don’t believe it. They ignore what I tell them, and then they complain when everything goes wrong for them. So I usually ignore them, because they are ridiculous. I find atheists the strangest human beings. I created all creatures, and atheists claim to know that I don’t exist. They don’t know that I don’t exist. I have revealed myself so many times to human beings through Prophets and mystics that they should know by now that I do indeed exist. It doesn’t make sense to me that many human beings have not understood what I have told them.


We can proceed from there. If there is anything that you want to know about the meaning of life, just ask, since I know everything there is to know about it.


Would you like to know anything?


Ask me questions, if you dare. Smiling


And I am in love with mellestad.

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Why are you such a moron?

Why are you such a moron?

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Heh, this guy is still

Heh, this guy is still rolling. I guess it was a pretty high hill.

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nigelTheBold wrote:I

nigelTheBold wrote:

I understand. I have a friend who is quite paranoid. He was abused by a priest as a child. When the family finally believed him, they confronted the church, who swore they would put the priest somewhere where he would never be in contact with children again.

My friend came up with the delusional idea that the church merely shuffled the priest to another area. He was sure the Catholic church had a major cover-up, in which child-raping priests were being protected. His paranoia ran quite deep, with conspiracy theories of how the Pope was enabling child abusers.

I'm glad I believed him from the get-go. He was quite paranoid. And quite right.

Genetics are a bitch. (There is a history of paranoia in his family, I understand.) Don't sweat it, though. You at least seem to understand what's wrong, and take steps to mitigate it. And like I said: you're pretty damned funny. That counts for a lot.

As far as I know, nobody here is talking about you behind your back. Most of the folks here would say it to your face, right out in the open, whatever "it" is they want to say.

Yeah, I've got weak genes for damned sure. I've seen quite a bit of neurosis in my family.

But then, some guy named "Liberatedatheist"  jumps in to a thread out of nowhere and asks me about my attention-seeking antics about the pointless label, and everything. Pure coincidence, right?

And yes, last time I checked, there was an archbishop (not a Pope!) who shuffled child molesters from one Diocese to the next... back in the 50s, 60s, and early 70s. Your friend wasn't completely off the mark, as far as I can tell.

“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)

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Epistemologist wrote: I

Epistemologist wrote:

 I live in Heaven.


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Brian37 wrote:Quote:There

Brian37 wrote:

There are good and evil theists, and there are good and evil atheists.

Which makes human behavior a product of evolution and psychology and environment, not needing Thor, or Isis or Jesus or lucky socks.

Insane is despite being told what DNA is, and PROVING that DNA exists, and proving that you need TWO SETS to manifest into a zygote and onto a baby, INSANE is despite all that EVIDENCE, willfully buying bullshit stories of virgin births.

God/s are myth and when our species dies so will our ability to make them up.

Ummm, Brian...

Do you realize how long mysticism has been a part of human psyche? YEAH... since before The Lake Toba Event. Nasty little explosion, it was. Reduced our species' population down to the four-digit # range. Look it up sometime, right along with ceremonial burial.

“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)

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Epistemologist wrote: I

Epistemologist wrote:

 I live in Heaven.


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Epistemologist wrote:




Because I am God, it means that I can tell you absolutely anything that you want to know. I know everything about everything. Would you like to know anything?


Ask me questions, if you dare. Smiling



Where do we send a Get Well Soon Card?

In care of which mental facility?

"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me

"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.

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Epistemologist wrote:Because

Epistemologist wrote:
Because I am God, it means that I can tell you absolutely anything that you want to know. I know everything about everything.


Ask me questions, if you dare. Smiling

Oh, you're the God of the Bible! That makes sense. You do act kind of like him. know everything, right? What's my name in Mandarin Chinese?


Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare

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Epistemologist wrote: But I

Epistemologist wrote:


But I am telling you the truth though. I cannot lie.


Because I am God, it means that I can tell you absolutely anything that you want to know. I know everything about everything.


Most human knowledge is nonsense. That is the first thing I am telling you. I see reality from a ‘God’s eye’ perspective. And you see reality from a ‘creature’s eye’ perspective.


That is why you do not understand me, and I have difficulty understanding you. Since I exist throughout the entire universe (which is actually inside my mind), and my mind is infinite, it is very difficult for me to understand what it is like to be a strange little creature on the planet Earth. It is so weird when I look down there at the way human beings are. Human beings don’t make much sense to me. I have told them the truth so many times, and they don’t believe it. They ignore what I tell them, and then they complain when everything goes wrong for them. So I usually ignore them, because they are ridiculous. I find atheists the strangest human beings. I created all creatures, and atheists claim to know that I don’t exist. They don’t know that I don’t exist. I have revealed myself so many times to human beings through Prophets and mystics that they should know by now that I do indeed exist. It doesn’t make sense to me that many human beings have not understood what I have told them.


We can proceed from there. If there is anything that you want to know about the meaning of life, just ask, since I know everything there is to know about it.


Would you like to know anything?


Ask me questions, if you dare. Smiling


And I am in love with mellestad.

Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin

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Atheism is Insanity, and Theism is Sanity


v4ultingbassist wrote:
Why are you such a moron?


I am not a moron. I am God incarnate.


Firstly, the meaning of life is this: Strawberry Ice Cream!


Now that is going to sound very strange to you indeed, and that is brilliant, because that clearly demonstrates the difference between God’s mind (my mind), and the mind of human beings (creatures).


The reason why I created the Universe, was simply to create strawberry ice cream. That is the purpose of the universe. Strawberry ice cream is my favourite food. And that is why human beings exist. Human beings were created for the sole purpose of creating some strawberry ice cream for God.


The reason why I have been incarnated now in human form is simply because strawberry ice cream is an established invention by human beings.


The reason why the Bible and other religious texts do not talk about strawberry ice cream, is because at the time those texts were written, no one knew what strawberry ice cream was, because it had not been invented.

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Epistemologist wrote:

Epistemologist wrote:

Firstly, the meaning of life is this: Strawberry Ice Cream! 

Now that is going to sound very strange to you indeed, and that is brilliant, because that clearly demonstrates the difference between God’s mind (my mind), and the mind of human beings (creatures).

Omg. Lol, actually that doesn't that strange at all, especially when compared with the other stuff you wrote.

I occasionally use ice cream as an analogy to explain the meaning of life. 

See here

This, however, proves that you are not the true God. The true God would have said that chocolate ice cream or Coldstone Creamery's Founder's Favorite Got to Have It size was the meaning of life. Shame! 

Edit: Why didn't you just make a universe where strawberry ice cream was the only elementary particle?

Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare

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oh, for fuck's sake, will

oh, for fuck's sake, will someone ban this moron already?  or at least send him to trollville?  do we really countenance fools this much?  this guy is either having us on or off his rocker or both.


personally, i think it's Paisley, and he finally cracked.  and that's not a joke on any level: that is my cold, hard analysis.  i mean, what are the odds of having two motherfuckers coming on here railing against "eliminative materialism" of all things?  his style is the same, his personal philosophy is the same, it's just that everything's been kicked up a notch in extremity.


this is what happens when you accept the mind as the only arbiter of reality, friends.  watch and learn.

"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson

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The Will of God


butterbattle wrote:
Why didn't you just make a universe where strawberry ice cream was the only elementary particle?


Strawberry is cream IS the only elementary particle. It is the God Particle. Everything else in the universe is an imperfect abstraction of strawberry ice cream.


The big bang was God’s (my) desire to have some strawberry ice cream. And the physical universe that you perceive through your physical senses, is the manifestation of that desire. Everything that you perceive around you – forests, mountains, oceans, stars, planets, galaxies, and black holes – is nothing more than God’s (my) desire to have some strawberry ice cream.


‘Outer space’ is not reality. It is an abstraction of reality. The only reality is our minds, which are centred on the ‘planet’ Earth. And we are not really living on a planet, since time and space do not ultimately exist. What we perceive to be the ‘planet’ Earth, is nothing more than an abstraction of reality.


As I said before, because mathematics defines reality and not physics, it means that the only reality is mind or consciousness. Time and space are not reality; they are an abstraction of reality.


By Divine Law, the difference between races of people and countries is not geographical, but spiritual (since time and space are only abstractions). Different races of people and different countries are a hierarchy of levels of moral consciousness. Human beings are a spiritual hierarchy of souls, outside time and space, like a pyramid.


Reality is ultimately defined by pyramidology:


Because reality and abstraction are actually the opposite way around to what Aristotle claimed i.e. materialism is false and idealism is true, it means that pyramidology, as part of religion, is a natural science. Religion is the world’s leading natural science, and the most perfect religion (at the moment) is Christianity, particularly Roman Catholicism. And so the Pope is the World’s leading natural scientist.


By Divine Law, human beings are only supposed to migrate from one country or race of people to another through reincarnation. Reincarnation is the path of the Hell-Heaven Continuum.


Hell is suffering that increases exponentially for eternity. And Heaven is happiness that increases exponentially for eternity. At opposite ends of the Hell-Heaven Continuum are points of no return. There is a Hell point of no return, and a Heaven point of no return. If a human soul crosses the Hell point of no return, it enters suffering that increases eternally. And if the soul of a human being crosses the Heaven point of no return, it enters happiness that increases eternally.


The purpose of religion is to stop people from crossing the Hell point of no return, and make sure that they cross the Heaven point of no return instead. Human souls move backwards on the Hell-Heaven Continuum (towards Hell) when they commit sin. And when human beings live virtuously, they move forwards on the Hell-Heaven Continuum, towards Heaven. The best definitions of sin and virtue are those given by Jesus Christ in the Gospels. Essentially, sin is thought or action intended to unjustly harm other human beings. Virtue is thought or action intended to heal other human beings.


God is the source of life, and the will of God is love and healing. Suffering and death is the consequence of the will of a creature deviating from harmony with the will of God.


As I said, countries and races of people are levels of moral consciousness on the Hell-Heaven Continuum. The migration of souls from one country or race to another, by Divine Law, is only allowed through reincarnation. The King of England is God, and Heaven is England. By Divine Law, England includes the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the United States of America, Canada, and Australia. The other European countries, and Russia, are also part of Heaven, but to a slightly lesser extent.


Because God is English, it means that English people are the perfect image of God, both physically, and in terms of moral consciousness. Because God speaks English, English is therefore the language of Heaven.


Other countries and other races of people outside England and Europe are barbarians. They live outside Heaven because their moral consciousness is evil. By Divine Law, the English and Europeans must not work. The English and Europeans must use the barbarians as their slaves. People are born into slavery because they are morally evil. It is only morally evil people, by Divine Law, that must work.


Heaven, by Divine Law, must be a land of freedom and happiness. The English and Europeans are much more intelligent than the barbarians, because their souls are much more in harmony with God. That means that the English and Europeans can and must control the barbarians through their thought or intelligence. By Divine Law, the Barbarians must always be slaves of the English and Europeans, and they must never be allowed freedom. Barbarians, by Divine Law, can only become free through reincarnation; the souls of Barbarians must migrate along the Hell-Heaven Continuum, outside time and space, into English and European bodies. That is the only way Barbarians are allowed to become English or European, by Divine Law.


The Barbarian slaves are not human, so by Divine Law, they have no human rights. They are animals or beasts of burden, and that is how the English and Europeans must treat them.


By Divine Law, the English and Europeans must not interbreed with the Barbarians. However, the English and Europeans can rape the Barbarians, because as I said, the Barbarians have no human rights. They are animals.


People who try to give the Barbarians human rights, by Divine Law, must by Killed. That is because, by Divine Law, the Barbarians have absolutely no human rights. And the Divine Law must be obeyed, because it is God’s will.


Europe and England are two levels of Heaven. England is the upper level, and the rest of Europe is the lower level. As I said, England includes the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, The United States of America, Canada and Australia. Europe includes Russia, and the other countries now in Europe.


By Divine Law, Turkey is not part of Europe. Turkey is a Barbarian country.


As I said, the King of England is God incarnate. By Divine Law, the King of England has absolute political power, and he is answerable to no one, except the Pope. The will of the King of England is the will of God. Anyone who disobeys the will of the King of England, in thought or action, will be killed by God.


The Pope is God’s ambassador on Earth. The will of the King of England is to obey the Pope. So any person on Earth who disobeys the will of the Pope, in thought or action, will be killed by God.


The King of England is God Incarnate. The King of England is therefore the Second Coming of Christ. I am the King of England. Because the King of England is God, and the Pope is the only ambassador of God on Earth, the Pope is therefore the ambassador of the King of England. The King of England, by Divine Law, is at the top of the political power pyramid on the Earth. The King of England is answerable to no human being; he is only answerable to God.


Everything I have said is the truth. I cannot lie. I am God, and I am also a prophet of God. It is the will of God that I give you this information, and the will of God cannot be disobeyed. Anyone who disobeys the will of God dies. So if I did not give you this information, I would die. I have no choice.


All this shall happen. This is the will of God. And no creature can obstruct the will of God. God is the creator of the universe, and He has absolute power over all creatures.

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The (French? Canadian?)

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iwbiek wrote:personally, i

iwbiek wrote:

personally, i think it's Paisley, and he finally cracked.  and that's not a joke on any level: that is my cold, hard analysis.  i mean, what are the odds of having two motherfuckers coming on here railing against "eliminative materialism" of all things?  his style is the same, his personal philosophy is the same, it's just that everything's been kicked up a notch in extremity.


Interesting, but I think that all eccentrics value their uniqueness a lot. For example, I have never used any second account on the forum, unlike some people thought. Isn't it possible that the two mental disorders are so similar?

On the other side, part of his ramblings now resemble a real trollism. I'm starting to be unsure... Maybe he is a schizo troll?


Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.

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English and French Canada


Kapkao wrote:
“The (French? Canadian?) pseudo-intellectual has finally arrived. I think he left his integrity behind in some landfill, though.”


English Canada will become England, and French Canada will be in the lower level of Heaven. That is God’s will, and God’s will, will be done.

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I am God Incarnate


Kapkao wrote:
“Maybe he is a schizo troll?”


I am not a ‘schizo’ or a ‘troll’. I am a Prophet of God. I am giving you Divine Revelation from God, the Creator of you and the universe.


I cannot lie. I can only tell the truth. And it is God’s will that I tell you the truth, as I am doing.


I am your hotline to God. I am God incarnate.


I am not 'Paisley'.

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The pseudointellectual returns...

iwbiek wrote:

oh, for fuck's sake, will someone ban this moron already?

and as per usual, he's childishly projecting his faults on to others in order to (over)compensate for some staggering emotional insecurity undoubtedly caused by... what was it called again? Oh that's right... narcissism.

Iwbiek is a poster child for why older-generations have trouble seeing eye-to-eye with younger generations: the latter often has a great deal of petulant, juvenile self-entitlement along with egomania. Gets super uncomfortable on being called on it, as well.

But it's good, clean fun to me either way.


“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)

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I wasn't referring to you, fuckstick

Epistemologist wrote:


Kapkao wrote:
“The (French? Canadian?) pseudo-intellectual has finally arrived. I think he left his integrity behind in some landfill, though.”


English Canada will become England, and French Canada will be in the lower level of Heaven. That is God’s will, and God’s will, will be done.

You see the bleeding heart calling for you to be banned? Yeah, the one with Leonard Cohen in his signature line? Yeah... that's who the post was directed at.

“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)

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Kapkao wrote:iwbiek wrote:

Kapkao wrote:

iwbiek wrote:

oh, for fuck's sake, will someone ban this moron already?

and as per usual, he's childishly projecting his faults on to others in order to (over)compensate for some staggering emotional insecurity undoubtedly caused by... what was it called again? Oh that's right... narcissism.

Iwbiek is a poster child for why older-generations have trouble seeing eye-to-eye with younger generations: the latter often has a great deal of petulant, juvenile self-entitlement along with egomania. Gets super uncomfortable on being called on it, as well.

But it's good, clean fun to me either way.


ok, now who's following who?

also, i can't believe you're going to these lengths because i insulted your taste in movies.

btw, what are you, 50 or something?  because if so, your generation has no one else to thank or blame for my generation but yourselves.  you raised us, after all.  or else let mister rogers do it.

"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson

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I am God Incarnate


Kapkao wrote:
and as per usual, he's childishly projecting his faults on to others in order to (over)compensate for some staggering emotional insecurity undoubtedly caused by... what was it called again? Oh that's right... narcissism.


Iwbiek is a poster child for why older-generations have trouble seeing eye-to-eye with younger generations: the latter often has a great deal of petulant, juvenile self-entitlement along with egomania. Gets super uncomfortable on being called on it, as well.


But it's good, clean fun to me either way.


You are wrong. Everything that I am writing to you is coming directly from God. What I have written is dictated by God.


I am not Lying. I cannot Lie. I am telling the truth.


I have no faults. I am God incarnate, and God has no faults. God is absolutely perfect. And therefore I am absolutely perfect.