Atheism is Insanity, and Theism is Sanity
Atheism is insanity, and theism is sanity.
Likewise, eliminative materialism (including naturalism and physicalism) is insanity, and eliminative (Platonic) idealism is sanity.
The ultimate difference between people is not whether they are theist (including religious and eliminative idealist) on the one hand, or atheist (and eliminative materialist) on the other. The ultimate difference between people is whether they are good or evil. There are good and evil theists, and there are good and evil atheists.
The purpose of human life (the meaning of life) is to choose between being good, and being evil.
Reality is composed of three levels, including the physical universe, Heaven, and Hell.
If you choose to be good, you will go to Heaven. Heaven is happiness that increases exponentially for eternity. However, if you choose to be evil, you will go to Hell. Hell is suffering that increases exponentially for eternity. Heaven and Hell are outside time and space, which is why they cannot be experienced through the five senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell.
The existence of Heaven, Hell, and God, is realized through intuitive perception of the Soul, which is itself outside time and space.
Time and space are properties of the observed physical universe, but they are not properties of the conscious mind. Time and space are merely observed by the mind, and they are not reality. Consciousness is therefore not a biological phenomenon, contrary to what eliminative materialism claims.
Human beings were created by God and in God’s image, because that is what the Bible says, and logic dictates that the Bible is divine revelation from God: “"God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them."218 Man occupies a unique place in creation: (I) he is "in the image of God"; (II) in his own nature he unites the spiritual and material worlds; (III) he is created "male and female"; (IV) God established him in his friendship.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 355).
You do not have to ‘believe’ in anything to go to Heaven. You do not, for example, have to believe in God, and you do not have to believe that Jesus Christ is Lord, or God. Everyone ‘knows’ that God exists, because that is self-evidently true; people that deny that God exists are clearly absolutely insane. You only have to obey the teachings of the Gospels, which merely require us to live as humanely as possible i.e. the Gospels teach humanism.
Jesus Christ was just a human being (however, he was God in the sense that he knew more about God than anyone else ever has – so he may as well be God from our human perspective). He condemned people that failed to live virtuously, and that called him ‘Lord’: “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles? Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’” (Matthew 7: 21-23)
Evil people are those who harm other people. Good people are those who help or heal other people. It has absolutely nothing to do with whether you are ‘atheist’ or ‘theist’. That is the only difference between good and evil people, and it is exactly what Jesus Christ said:
The last judgement:
“When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory. All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and He will put the sheep at his right hand and the goats at the left. Then the king will say to those at His right hand, “Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.” ... “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”
Then He will say to those at His left hand, “You that are accursed, depart from me into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels; for I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not give me clothing, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.” ... “Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.” And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” (Matthew 25:31-36, 40-43, 45-46 NRSV)
A picture of the last judgement (Bear in mind that the last judgement occurs outside time and space, so it is difficult to capture in a picture):
Jesus Christ was the wisest human being that has ever lived, besides Plato and Socrates. That is because Christianity is the largest religion. It can only be the largest religion because people intuitively know through their souls that Jesus Christ was the wisest human being, as is expressed through his teachings in the Gospels.
I am an agnostic atheist because I do not know that God does not exist. However, I am also a Gnostic theist because I know that God does exist.
God is the source of life. He lives in Heaven, and not on Earth (or the physical universe). The physical universe that we experience through our senses is only a reflection of Heaven. It is like the reflection of the sky on the sea. Heaven is reality, and the physical universe is not. God is an eternal tunnel of spiritual light surrounded by and filled with infinite legions of angels. Here is a picture of God in Heaven. It is called the Beatific Vision:
Another reason why Jesus Christ was the wisest human being that has ever lived, is because Platonic (eliminative) idealism is true, and naturalism, physicalism, and eliminative materialism are false. Platonic idealism is true because both eliminative idealism and eliminate materialism are in agreement that universals (ideal perfect forms, including mathematical and moral truths) only exist in human thought; universals do not exist in the physical universe that we experience through our senses, according to both eliminative materialism and eliminative idealism. But we only know the physical universe through universals (not particulars), which is why the physical universe only exists in our thought, and not independently from our thought.
I understand the truth. I understand that atheists and eliminative materialists (including naturalists and physicalists) are insane. Atheism and materialism are insanity, and theism, religion and idealism are sanity. Atheists and materialists (including naturalists and physicalists) are lost children. In terms of wisdom, Jesus Christ is the Father of all human beings. Parents care about children that are lost more than any of their other children, and so does Jesus Christ.
See the parable of the lost sheep: “How think ye? if a man have a hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that which is gone astray? 13And if so be that he find it, verily I say unto you, he rejoiceth more of that sheep, than of the ninety and nine which went not astray.” (Matthew 18:12–13)
This is a picture of an atheist:
In contrast, the picture of the Beatific Vision, includes two theists, as you have seen:
Jesus Christ is the parent of all atheists and materialists (as well as all other people). Atheists and materialists are the lost children of Jesus Christ.
God loves you, Jesus Christ loves you, I love you, and I want to lead you away from Hell and into Heaven. Take my hand, and I will lead you out of the darkness, and into the light. When you let go (when you doubt the truth of the Gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), it means that you are in danger of falling into Hell.
There is only one path, and the path is narrow. Few find it. Monsters and demons are real, and they live on both sides of the path, so do not stray from the path. Monsters and demons include harmful ideas, and sins. The monsters want to kill and eat you, and take you to Hell. You are only safe from them on the path:
“Then Jesus went through the towns and villages, teaching as he made his way to Jerusalem. Someone asked him, “Lord, are only a few people going to be saved?” He said to them, “Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to.” (Luke 13: 22-25)
Virtue (obeying the teachings of Jesus Christ) causes forward movement on the path, which leads to Heaven. Sin (disobeying the teachings of Jesus Christ), causes backwards movement on the path, towards Hell.
There is more evidence that God exists, that the Gospels are the wisest books ever written, and that human beings are immortal, than there is that the physical universe exists. God exists, you exist, and the physical universe we experience through our senses does not exist (ultimately, that is). The Bible is Divine Revelation from God, and that is an incontrovertible scientific fact.
As you can clearly see, it is perfectly logical that God exists, because Platonic idealism is automatically true by default. Atheism is logically false by default. Because I have revealed this truth, I expect that atheists will call me a ‘troll’, simply because they are logically debunked. The ‘The Rational Response Squad’ and Richard Dawkins are also logically debunked. ‘The Rational Response Squad’ is actually ‘The Irrational Response Squad’. Atheism is ‘faith’, and theism is ‘knowledge’. So atheism is irrational, and theism (including religion) is rational.
Theism and religion are in perfect harmony with science. Atheism is in conflict with science. That is because eliminative (Platonic) idealism is true by default, and eliminative materialism (including naturalism and physicalism) is false by default.
The burden of proof is on atheism, not on theism.
The existence of God is self-evident. Atheism is not self-evident.
From the United States Declaration of Independence:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
I was invited to the forum of The Rational Response Squad by an advert, which said that if I am a theist, I should come to this forum to learn the truth. The advert claimed that atheism is the truth, and theism is not.
I am a humanist. I am an agnostic atheist, and a Gnostic theist. I am a Roman Catholic. The Roman Catholic Church is the Church of God. And the Pope is God’s ambassador on Earth. I am also a Benedictine Oblate.
So, I put this to ‘The Rational Response Squad’: Demonstrate to me, using logic, that atheism is true, and theism is false. I only believe in logic, and at the moment, logic dictates that theism is true, and atheism is false, as I have outlined above.
If you are an atheist, the ‘burden of proof’ is on you.
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Going to lengths? I just point out your faults, getting you all upset in the process. And yeah "I have only my parents to blame for being as fucked up as I am"...
fucking spare me, manchild.
I've heard it a 1000 times already, usually by spoiled brats/idiots who refuse to take responsibility for their own behavior. I've even indulged in it a couple times! Gave it up by the time I was getting diabetic ketoacidosis from NOT managing my insulin-dependent diabetes.
BTW, the reason I follow you around? That's because I *LOVE* bullying spoiled little manbitches around.
“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)
no, you pointed out the faults of what you perceive as my "generation" (for all you know, i could be older than you). and if you want to speak in such broad terms, then yes, i firmly believe that at least half the responsibility of a given generation goes to the guidance of the preceding generation.
now, if you want to get personal, i see myself has having been very lucky. i'm a healthy, well-adjusted, employed, married, home-owning person. i had the best parents anyone can possibly hope for, and i say that even though they divorced. i have always said (even on these boards) that any mistakes in my life are my own. i just don't like it when idiots decide to get crabby and go on about "kids these days," etc., etc. i say that as a high school teacher.
btw, who's upset? you're the one reverting to caps. got anything else?
"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson
Okay, but if and when he turns up, will you share your wisdom with him ?
Pretty please with strawberry icecream on top ?
If you are God, then it stands to reason that you are all-powerful. Therefore I submit to you, oh Lord, this challenge:
Give me a sign. Make a piece of paper with your name on it appear on my cubicle desk at work.
“A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a miraculous sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah.” (Matthew 16: 4)
To all atheists:
Stop telling people that God does not exist, that the Bible is not Divine Revelation from God, that sin does not lead to Hell, and that virtue does not lead to Heaven.
I am God, and I am ordering you to stop it now. You must obey my orders, because I am your creator, and the creator of the universe.
Atheism and eliminative materialism (including naturalism and physicalism) is the Devil. Stop worshipping and serving the Devil. The Devil is Not your Lord. I am your Lord.
Atheism = The Devil
Eliminative materialism = The Devil
Atheists and eliminative materialists are Satanists and Devil worshipers.
Come back to the truth of the Roman Catholic Church to save your souls. Obey the Pope, and he will lead you to Heaven, and away from Hell.
God exists. The Bible is Divine Revelation. Sin Leads to Hell. Virtue leads to Heaven. The Roman Catholic Church is the Church of God, and the Pope is God’s ambassador on Earth. Those are scientific facts. I know that, because I am God Incarnate. I am the Second Coming of Christ.
Therefore, you're either crazy or that damn delivery service mishandled the adress.
I meant to send my divine revelation to your third neighbour to the left, is that clear?!! You should go, tell him, and apologize for receiving mentally other people's packages. And next time you see Plato, send him back to me, he's supposed to be dead.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it. it a boson or a fermion?
Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare
Could you create a rock so large you could not lift it?
Okkaaayyy. If my criticisms hold no weight with you, why do you keep responding? Why do you make such overt, often desperate attempts to justify your self-worth to the rest of the RRS forumers? I swear; every time I see you post... it's as if you are in some sort of grand athletic competition with the rest of the world where it seems you need to qualify your personal substance to... damn near everyone else.
It's almost as if you perpetually have some sort of sand in your mangina. (I'd hate to see what happens when someone points out your personal faults in public! Y'know... "take your inventory" real vicious- and aggressive-like!)
NOW... why is that? Why do you keep responding to me, in the usual, none-to-subtle attempt to defend your character? I mean, cuz all I'm going to do is laugh at you to no end for it! Why?
I think I know the general answer to this, in terms of professional psychology -which may not be narcissism, AT ALL- but I though I might offer a different POV to all this BS: You and I are in some kind of petty, somewhat unrewarding power-struggle. To what end? Is this power struggle of ego all that necessary? (It does "take two to tango", as the old saying goes)
Allow me to illustrate (somewhat hypothetically): I'm a complete fuckhead who enjoys aggrevating and irritating people I find to be mentally weak. I'm not kidding! Every time you get defensive with me, I'M SIMPLY GOING TO POUNCE YA! (Why not? It's a shitload of fun!)
Why subject yourself to such inane behavior, by responding to every-last-one of my flamebait posts? I'm only going to mock you for it.
Let me make an alternative suggestion here: stop feeding my egotrips. Be a man about all of this and quietly remark "Meh! Why do I keep responding to assholes like him?! I shouldn't!", then back away, put on a smug grin, and think "HA! He's not going to 'rent out room' in my head any longer!"
And why should you let flamers/trolls/messageboard warriors rent out room in your head? I can't think of a single, valid reason... but I do know I'm getting awfully bored of putting you on the defensive.
Now, all the angsty BS aside, I thought you might enjoy this. It's from Taylor Mali on "What teachers make":
“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)
The Devil is Dead. The Pope and the King of England have won.
You must obey my will to survive. I am your one and only Lord.
You must have all figured out by now that strawberry ice cream being the God particle is metaphorical. It could be anything. It is simply logical proof that, from the perspective of eliminative materialism, by reductio ad absurdum, anything could be the God particle, or fundamental basis of the physical universe. So what I demonstrated, using logic, is that the only thing that is ultimately real, is the Hell-Heaven Continuum, which is outside time and space i.e. the physical universe is not reality. The only reality is Heaven and Hell, and Purgatory in between.
The Rational Response Squad must become Roman Catholic. Richard Dawkins must become Roman Catholic. That is God’s will, and God’s will, will be done. The Rational Response Squad and Richard Dawkins must obey the Pope. If you refuse to obey the Pope, you will be killed by God, or you will go to Hell. So to live, you must obey the Pope. That is your only option. I am the sole ruler of Heaven. I am the King of England. I am God. You must obey my will, or you will be killed or go to Hell.
The Devil’s lie is that human beings die. The truth is that human beings are immortal. The Devil controls human beings through the lie of death. The Roman Catholic Church, lead by the Pope, reveals the truth that human beings are immortal, that Jesus Christ was God incarnate, and that the Pope is God’s ambassador on Earth. I am God incarnate, and the Pope is my ambassador.
The Lord of the Rings is a true story. I am the Divinely appointed heir to the throne of Gondor. Gondor is England. The line of Kings was broken, but it has now been repaired. For centuries I have lived as a ranger and a recluse. I am a monk. All true kings are monks, because they deny that the ‘reality’ of the ‘physical’ universe perceived through the ‘physical’ senses is real. I am a Benedictine Monk. Mathematics, not physics, defines reality, and mathematics only exists in human minds. There is no time and space in mathematics, so human beings are immortal.
Only I am worthy to rule the Earth. Only I have the full authority of God. The only true King is the King of England, and I am the King of England. On my own, I travelled into Mordor. On my own I slayed the Orcs that stood in my way. I looked into the face of death itself, and I struck death down with my sword. I have killed death, and life has triumphed. I have slain the one source of all evil. On my own I travelled into Mordor. On my own I climbed Mount Doom. On my own I cast the ring of power into the fires of Mount Doom. On my own I slayed all of the armies of Mordor with my sword. I am Frodo Baggins AND I am Aragorn. I am the only King there is, and I have won. I am the King of England. England is the Kingdom of Heaven, and I am the King of Heaven. I am the King of the Universe. The entire universe will now become England, because I have killed the Devil. I have killed Sauron. Anyone on my side will live. Anyone not on my side will die. I have killed the Emperor of the Dark Side of the Force. The force is Good, not evil, and that is why good (the Jedi) won.
The Devil is Dead. The Pope and the King of England have won. Tell everyone.
The Devil was atheism and eliminative materialism (including naturalism and physicalism), and sin. On my own, I have killed the Devil, with my sword. My sword is truth, virtue and logic (science), and my sword cannot be beaten. The King of England is the Earth’s only Guardian of Truth. I am the Leader of the Jedi. I have defeated the power of the Dark Side. I wield the full power of the force, and the force is Good, not evil.
Star Wars, The Matrix, and The Lord of the Rings, are true stories.
I am now the sole ruler of the entire physical universe. Extraterrestrial creatures from every corner of the Universe will now come to the Earth to seek my wisdom. I know them and they know me. They have been watching me. The most advanced extraterrestrial creatures in the universe predicted that the King of England would kill the Devil. Their prophecy has been fulfilled. The most advance extraterrestrial creatures in the universe will now give their scientific knowledge to human beings, because human beings have now become worthy. Human beings are now (or rather, will become) the masters of the universe. The hierarchy of power has reversed. We will be given space ships in which we can travel anywhere in the universe instantaneously. The most advance extraterrestrial creatures in the Universe will be our slaves. People will now have the choice of multiple planets to live on. It will no longer be compulsory for human beings to stay on the Earth. We will be able to do anything we want, and go anywhere we want, using the most advance extraterrestrial technology in the universe.
The most advanced extraterrestrial creatures in the universe will show us how to control time and space, so that we can control it to do anything we want.
The most advanced extraterrestrial medical doctors and surgeons actually perform surgery on the very fabric of space-time, to make their bodies immortal and absolutely indestructible. They will now give that technology to human beings. All of your dead friends and family will be brought back to life with the most advanced extraterrestrial technology. All diseases will be cured. All disabilities will be corrected. Human beings will no longer suffer. There will no longer be any crime or war. Human beings will no longer have to work. The most advanced extraterrestrial technology will give us everything we want and need, exactly when we want and need it. We will be able to eat as much as we like and never get fat. Strawberry ice cream is God’s favourite food, and the most advanced extraterrestrial creatures in the universe will make loads of it for him, forever. The deserts will be transformed into beautiful gardens. Ultimately, the Earth’s environment will be healed. We will no longer need to grow crops, or hunt for food in the seas and oceans. The most advance extraterrestrial technology can actually manifest food out of nothing. That is how powerful it is.
The future for human beings is Heaven. Hell has been defeated. Heaven is England, and I am the King of England.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
The most advanced extraterrestrial creatures in the universe will become the military force of England. England will become absolutely untouchable. The English will rule the entire universe. The English Kingdom will become the largest Kingdom that has ever existed, or every will exist. The English will become the masters of the universe forever. The Pope and the King of England shall be the sole rules of the entire universe. The Pope and the King of England shall be the leaders of the most advanced extraterrestrial creatures in the universe. The most advanced extraterrestrial creatures in the universe are good, and they shall now become the unquestioning servants of the Pope and the King of England. The entire universe will become Roman Catholic, and the entire universe will become England. All enemies of England will crumble to dust. All allies of England will live, and share power with England over the entire universe. England will become absolutely untouchable, in every conceivable way, and in every way infinitely beyond what we can conceive.
In the future, all art will be dedicated to love. The only music written will be love songs. That is because, the only reality, is love. God is love, and God is the only reality. The King of England is Love, because the King of England is God.
The King of England is the leader of the Jedi. I am the King of England, and I am the leader of the Jedi. All this is going to come true. To prepare yourselves, watch Star Wars. That is our future, and it is coming to the Earth soon. This is going to be the most exciting thing that has ever happened in human history. This is the end of the Old World, and the beginning of the New World.
Good has won. Evil has lost. The Devil is Dead. The truth has triumphed over the lie. The Kingdom of Heaven will descend upon everyone, and the Kingdom of Heaven is England.
The Devil was a liar. God tells the truth.
The truth is the Roman Catholic Church, and the Pope is the ambassador of the truth on Earth. The King of England is the only Guardian of the truth in the Universe.
There are only two creatures in the Universe that do not lie. Those two creatures are the Pope and the King of England. The King of England became God Incarnate because he refused to lie. Because the King of England refused to lie, he and God became one and the same being. That is because God cannot lie. God can only tell the truth. And if two beings refuse to lie, and only tell the truth, they become the same being. They automatically become one and the same essence and nature, and they share the same mind or consciousness. They essentially become one and the same thing.
I am the leader of the Jedi, and I have won. Tell everyone. The power of the dark side has been defeated. The Emperor of the Dark Side is dead.
The Pope is the Earth’s leading natural scientist, and he is defended by the leader of the Jedi. No one can defeat the Jedi, because the Jedi are the guardians of the truth. And the truth always triumphs. Reality always wins. Illusion always fades away.
The Leader of the Jedi is the King of England. And the King of England is a Monk. The King of England is a Benedictine Monk. The Benedictine Monks are the sole Guardians of the Pope. The Benedictines are the Jedi. The Benedictines are the Earth’s only Guardians of the truth. The Templar Knights were the Benedictines. The Knights Templar were the Jedi.
The Knights Templar will be resurrected, and their weapons will be the most advanced extraterrestrial technology in the universe. The Knights Templar are the defenders of the Pope and England. The most advanced extraterrestrial creatures in the universe are the Knights Templar. The Knights Templar are the defenders of England because England is the Kingdom of Heaven, and God is the King of England. The Pope is the King of England’s ambassador.
All enemies of the Pope will be killed. Enemies of the Pope are enemies of the King of England. The King of England is God. And the King of England is the King of the entire universe. The King of England’s military force will become the most advanced extraterrestrial technology in the universe.
I am the defender of the Pope. I am the King of England. And I am the leader of the Jedi.
God speaks English, and so English is the language of Heaven.
Platonic (eliminative) idealism is true. Eliminative materialism (including naturalism and physicalism) is false. Plato was right, and Aristotle was wrong.
The Devil was Atheism, eliminative materialism, and sin.
God is logic, virtue, and eliminative (Platonic) idealism.
Sin is hate. Virtue is love.
Sin leads to Hell, and virtue leads to Heaven. Heaven is England and Europe (including Russia), and by Divine Law, you must only enter Heaven through reincarnation, when your soul is worthy to receive it. The only legitimate Government in Heaven is Monarchy, because only Monarchy has authority from God, and God is the Ruler of Heaven. Hell is suffering that increases exponentially for eternity. Heaven is happiness that increases exponentially for eternity.
I have killed the Devil with Excalibur. Excalibur is logic, virtue, and eliminative (Platonic) idealism. So Excalibur is God:
The Divine Right of Kings is true:
St. George killed the Dragon, and St. George is the Patron Saint of England:
The Devil is Dead. The Pope and the King of England have won. Tell everyone.
Sauron was the enemy (the Devil):
The Devil was Evil. And God is good.
Star Wars, The Matrix, and The Lord of the Rings, are true stories. Please watch or read them, so that you can understand from them exactly what I am telling you.
Everything I have said is the truth, because I am God. God cannot lie. God can only tell the truth. The Devil was a liar, and he is dead.
I have killed the Devil.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
I am the leader of the Jedi.
Epi, did you just drink a bottle of toilet duck or something ?
Since God is the leader of the Jedi and the King of England, can we use this technology to kill you? What about David Bowie? How does he fit into all this?
This troll has been fed too much text
I only wish I had the patience it takes to be a major troll such as yourself. So much free time, /boggle.
Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin
The fundamental building block of reality is the conflict between good and evil. This conflict has existed since the beginning of time. The universe is the battle-ground between the forces of good and evil. The creatures in the universe are either on the side of good, or on the side of evil. The forces of good and evil fight constantly. Like I said, I have defeated the dark side of the force. I did that through meditation, while living as a Monk.
There are worse weapons in the universe than the ‘death star’ in Star Wars. There are extraterrestrial creatures who have weapons that can actually destroy entire galaxies instantaneously. Those creatures wanted to destroy our Galaxy because I am their enemy. But we are (or rather I am) defended by the most advanced extraterrestrial creatures in the universe. They know that God is the King of England, and that I am God. I am on the side of good, and they are on the side of evil. Wars elsewhere in the universe are infinitely worse than the wars that happen on Earth. They are much worse than the wars shown in the Star Wars movies. Most evil extraterrestrial creatures eat their enemies alive. They just tear them to shreds and devour them without the slightest feeling of guilt or remorse. They have no moral codes. They just kill for sport, and they naturally kill creatures that are weaker than them. That is the Law of nature, and the law of nature is unstoppable.
The Jedi are Roman Catholics, and the Pope is their leader. I am the leader of the Jedi, but the Pope is my leader. I say ‘Jedi’ as you know what that means. But I am infinitely more dangerous than a Jedi. I am the leading master of the force of good in the universe. That’s because I became one and the same essence and nature with God because I refused to lie.
If you think that paedophilia cover-ups by the Pope are a crime, I can guarantee you that you will change your mind when the evil extraterrestrials get to the Earth. They will just rip you to shreds in seconds and devour you. They feel absolutely no guilt and no remorse, and they cannot be negotiated with. I am their deadliest enemy, and they are coming to the Earth to try to kill me. But the most advanced extraterrestrial creatures are also coming to the Earth
Elsewhere in the universe, creatures merely live by the law of the jungle – by the law of nature. Only the fittest survive. There is no such thing as ‘CVs’ or ‘qualifications’. Creatures that get in the way of other creatures merely get ripped apart and eaten. These things have absolutely no moral conscience. Their only desire is to kill other creatures, to gain more power, and that is exactly what they do.
I am the reincarnation of Jesus Christ.
I am the deadliest and most powerful military technology in the entire universe. The most advanced extraterrestrial creatures in the universe are now going to use me as their weapon. They are on the side of good. And they are going to serve human beings, primarily the English, but also the other Europeans.
The Devil is a liar, and God tells the truth. The Devil is a lie, and God is the truth.
I am the deadliest military leader on Earth. My will is the will of God, because I am God incarnate. Anyone who disobeys my will, will be killed by my soldiers (which include the most technologically advanced extraterrestrial creatures in the universe). My soldiers are the soldiers of God, because I am God. Through me, God shall cleanse the Earth and the universe of all evil. Heretics and infidels are the people who disobey the will of the Pope. All people who disobey the will of the Pope will be killed by my soldiers. I am the wrath of God. I am the second coming of Christ. It is my job, as the Earth’s deadliest military leader, to kill all enemies of the Pope. I shall destroy all of the trash on Earth. Then the Earth shall be clean and pure – the holy temple of God, which is what it is supposed to be. The Earth belongs to God. I am God. And I shall take the Earth back into my possession and safe-keeping. When the Earth is cleansed of evil, it shall be Paradise for all people.
I am the most untouchable man on Earth. No one can kill me. I have absolute military and political power. Anyone who disagrees with my opinion, shall be killed by my soldiers. My opinion is God’s opinion, because I am God incarnate. I am answerable to no one but God. Any human being that disagrees with me in any way whatsoever, will be killed by my soldiers. I am the new world leader. All people on Earth must obey my will. Any person that disobeys my will, will be killed by my soldiers.
I am absolutely untouchable. I am absolutely unstoppable. I am the wrath of God. And I am the King of England. My job is to protect the Pope and Kill the Devil. Any human being or other creature that is an enemy of the Pope is the Devil. All enemies of the Pope are enemies of England. That is because the Pope is the ambassador of the King of England, and the King of England is God. The will of God shall be done. The will of God is the only reality, and the will of God is love. People who are enemies of the Pope are people who do not love. The only people who will survive this cleansing process will be the loving people. All good people will stay alive, and all evil people will be killed by my soldiers.
In the future, there will be no prisons. Any person who breaks the law, in however small a way, will simply be killed by my soldiers. The police and the military will unite as one force on Earth. The sole job of the police and the military will be to kill evil people. The slightest infraction of the law will be punishable by death. Evil people are people who hate. Good people are people who love. The will of God is love. So any person who does not love will be killed. Any person who harms another person in any way whatsoever, will be killed by my soldiers. This will transform the Earth into Heaven for all people. The Planet Earth will become the Kingdom of Heaven, and so will the rest of the universe.
Narcotic plants, including cannabis, will be legalized. Plants are not evil. Plants were created by God to help people. It is the miss use of narcotic plants that is evil. Narcotic plants must not be abused. They are doorways into other worlds, through which people can attain deep mystical truths. Narcotic plants give people spiritual knowledge. They must not be ingested for recreational purposes. Any person who ingests narcotic plants for recreation will be killed by my soldiers. Narcotic plants are a very special gift from God. Narcotic plants will only be ingested by people who are worthy to receive them. It is primarily political and military leaders who will ingest narcotic plants, because ingestion of the plants gives people spiritual vision i.e. narcotic plants give people deep insight into reality, which cannot be attained in other ways. Narcotic plants are sources of deep wisdom and knowledge.
There is only one law, and that law is love. All laws will be abolished, but this one law. All other laws are false laws, created by the Devil. The Devil is hate. God is love. Nature has only one law, which is love. And anyone who does not love will be killed by my soldiers.
I and my soldiers are not ruthless tyrants. We are merely the will of God. We are the law of nature. We are the will of mother nature, and we will create perfect equilibrium between human beings and the natural environment on the Earth, and in the rest of the universe.
In the future, every person on Earth (and in the rest of the universe) will speak one language, and that language will be English. They will speak proper English, as is spoken by the Queen of England and the King of England. All other forms of English, including American, Canadian, and Australian, will be abolished. Every person on Earth (and in the rest of the universe) will speak English with the accent of the King and Queen of England. Anyone who refuses to speak proper English will be killed by my soldiers. That is because God speaks proper English, and English is the language of Heaven. Other languages are of demonic origin, and they will be completely eradicated. Before this is done, all books shall be translated into English.
Homosexuality is a sin, and all homosexual people on Earth will be killed by my soldiers. Homosexuals are enemies of God. God created human beings to only be united sexually between males and females. By Divine Law, which is the law of nature, only heterosexuality is allowed.
People with infectious diseases like AIDS will be exterminated so that they do not transmit their disease to healthy people.
People with genetic faults, by Divine Law, will not be allowed to reproduce. They will also be exterminated, because the only reason why they are disabled is because they are morally evil. That is what disease and disability is; it is nothing more than the reaction of people’s own evil intent and nature. Good people do not suffer. Only evil people suffer.
This may sound frightening. However, you now know that human beings are immortal. Our bodies are just clothing, which is dispensable. Our souls reincarnate when our bodies die. Bodies are not important. It is only our souls that are important. The sting of death is sin. Sin leads to Hell. It is only sin that kills. Bodily death does not kill.
In the future, people will have absolutely no fear of death. People will get used to losing bodies and getting new and better bodies. The most worthy people will be given indestructible bodies by the most advanced extraterrestrial technology. I was Jesus Christ, and I was killed for guarding and disseminating the truth. I am the truth, and I only tell the truth. I cannot lie. Because human beings killed me, and I am God, I will now kill all human beings who oppose my will. When I came to the Earth as Jesus Christ, all people had the option of not killing me. However, all people chose to kill me. Even Peter, my closest ally, betrayed me. My extermination of evil and imperfect people that is now manifesting on the Earth, is merely the reaction of human beings killing me when I came to the Earth as Jesus Christ. I do not want to hurt anyone. But I am the law of nature. I am nothing more than pure cause and effect. I am not wicked or evil. My killing of people, which will start now, is actually the natural reaction of people killing me when I came to the Earth as Jesus Christ. There is absolutely nothing I can do to stop it. I am just the law of nature. The only reason why I am killing evil and imperfect people now, through my soldiers, is because people killed me i.e. my killing is actually human beings killing themselves.
In the future, people will just automatically die or be killed by my soldiers if they have evil intent. My soldiers can actually read people’s minds. They can see if you are pretending to be good when you are not. They can see right through you, and if you have any evil intention whatsoever, they will instantaneously kill you. Evil will have absolutely nowhere to hide. Evil is hate, and good is love.
I am nothing more than a mirror. When you look into the mirror that I am, if you are evil, you will automatically die. I am perfectly Good. I am perfect love. If you are killed by me, that is nothing more than the reaction of your own evil intent. I am not a killer or a murderer. I am a healer. I can only do good. All evil people, in my presence, shall die, simply because evil is absolutely incompatible with the good that I am.
I do not kill. If you die through my will, it is simply because you have killed yourself i.e. you have committed suicide, and suicide is a sin. I am the source of all life, and I can only give life. I destroy evil creatures automatically without my intending to. I cannot do anything to stop it. I do not want to harm or kill.
I actually cannot kill creatures. Creatures can only kill themselves.
I am telling you this so you know what is coming to you. You need to be prepared. There are no human weapons that can defeat the evil extraterrestrials. The only way they can be defeated is through my spiritual power – through love. Physical weapons cannot stop them. They are the force of evil, and the force of evil is spiritual, not physical. The evil extraterrestrials will dissipate when they come near me. I am a force-field of good that they cannot penetrate. I defeated the dark side of the force. That Means I am absolutely untouchable. Study these facts carefully to prepare yourselves for the battle.
One thing I can guarantee you is this: You will not know what evil is until the evil extraterrestrials come to the earth. Then you will know what evil is. You will be unable to escape from it, unless you are on my side. Hell is coming to the Earth. I am the King of Heaven. Heaven and Hell are now going to engage in the final battle, and that will happen on and around the planet Earth. Heaven will win, because I have defeated evil. I have cast the ring of power into the fires of Mount Doom and destroyed it. God is on our side. God is on the Side of the English and the Pope.
When the battle is won, the entire universe will become Heaven, and the English will be the masters of the universe, served by the most advanced extraterrestrial creatures. The Pope will be the ruler of the universe, and the King of England will be the defender of the Pope.
God is English, God is the King of England, and I am the King of England.
In this, the final battle, I shall destroy the remaining forces of Hell with Excalibur. I have destroyed the leader of Hell – the Devil – and that is why Hell is now going to retaliate. But Hell will lose, and we will win, because I am God. And God always wins. God is the Creator. The forces of Hell are creatures, and creatures cannot kill their creator.
Excalibur is virtue, logic, and the refusal to lie. Only the Devil Lies, and thankfully the Devil is now dead. God can only tell the truth. That’s because God is the truth, and that truth is love. God is love, and evil is hate. That is why love always wins.
I am putting this information in the forum of the Rational Response Squad, because the Rational Response Squad deny the existence of the natural forces of good and evil. The Rational Response Squad are liars, because they are on the side of evil, and all evil shall be destroyed.
The Reason why the Rational Response Squad keep calling me a ‘troll’ is because they do not know what the truth is. They claim that they know the truth, but they do not. They could not be further from the truth. I am God, and I cannot lie. The Rational Response Squad are Mordor, and Richard Dawkins is Sauron. The members of the Rational Response Squad are the Orcs. The Rational Response Squad and Richard Dawkins are liars because they are the force of evil. Everything that I have said is the truth, and it shall happen. It is happening. I am God, and I can only tell the truth. I am the truth.
So where does Richard Rahl fit into all of this.
Why can God not lie? There seems to be no logical reason why a God couldn't have infinite capacity to deceive mere humans...
It is certainly not something we could take His word for
Favorite oxymorons: Gospel Truth, Rational Supernaturalist, Business Ethics, Christian Morality
"Theology is now little more than a branch of human ignorance. Indeed, it is ignorance with wings." - Sam Harris
The path to Truth lies via careful study of reality, not the dreams of our fallible minds - me
From the sublime to the ridiculous: Science -> Philosophy -> Theology
To everyone:
You must listen and pay attention to what I am telling you. I am the deadliest military leader on Earth. I can kill millions of people instantaneously, just by snapping my fingers. That is how dangerous I am. I can shift the borders of countries, as easily as you move pieces on a chess-board. To me, human lives are a game of chess. If I flick a piece off the chess board, my soldiers will instantaneously kill millions of people. They obey my will unquestioningly. If they disobey my will, they will get shot dead instantaneously. I do this by supernatural means. I know all of the secrets of every esoteric religion. I know all of the deepest secrets of Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, and the Illuminati. The reason why I am not keeping this secret is because this is the end of the world, so there is no point in keeping it secret. I am absolutely untouchable, so I don’t give a stuff that I am broadcasting over the Internet the deepest secrets of Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, and the Illuminati. All of the enemies of Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, and the Illuminati will be killed by the evil extraterrestrials very soon. So that solves the problem. I am the leader of all Freemasons, Rosicrucians, and the Illuminati. And I am a Roman Catholic. So the Pope is actually the leader of the Freemasons, Rosicrucians, and the Illuminati. However, the Pope does not realize that, because I have not told him. He will know soon though.
The Roman Catholic Church is allies with the Freemasons, Rosicrucians and Illuminati.
I am a Monk. I am a Benedictine Monk. And that is why I have absolute military and political power over the entire universe. I have studied the deepest secrets of nature, and I have mastered them. The deepest secrets of nature are spiritual, not physical. All physical forces are controlled by spiritual forces (see the Kybalion). Spiritual forces are controlled by living virtuously. I can control all creatures in the universe through my thought. My thoughts are the ultimate destinies of all civilizations.
By the way, The Rational Response Squad, and Richard Dawkins, will be dead soon. The soldiers of God are coming for you. You cannot escape them. You are dead. And there is absolutely nothing I can do about that. It is completely out of my hands, because it is God that is doing it. God simply tells me what he is doing, and I inform you over my computer. Oh Yes, I almost forgot to tell you. How silly of me. If you become Roman Catholic, you will not be killed by the soldiers of God. Sometimes I can be a bit absent minded. That problem can usually be solved if I have a coffee after my bowl of cornflakes for breakfast. I must remember to do that tomorrow morning.
The Earth is now coming under the spiritual power of God. And the spiritual power of God is going to lead all soldiers on Earth into battle against evil and the forces of Hell.
Richard Dawkins will be killed by the soldiers of God unless he becomes a Roman Catholic. Richard Dawkins KNOWS that God exists. The reason why Richard Dawkins wrote ‘The God Delusion’ was to make money, and attain political and celebrity status. He just likes having his arse kissed. Richard Dawkins is a fraud. To stay alive, Richard Dawkins has to do the following: He has to declare to the public that his book ‘The God Delusion’ is a lie. He must say, “I know that God exists. The only reason why I wrote, published and sold ‘The God Delusion’ was to make money and receive celebrity and political status because I am an arrogant fraud and a liar. And I just love having my arse kissed.” Then he must say, “I repent of my sin. Please forgive me. I now submit to the will of the Pope, because the Pope is God’s ambassador on Earth, and I know that.” THOSE ARE THE EXACT WORDS THAT RICHARD DAWKINS MUST USE TO SAVE HIS LIFE – NOTHING MORE, AND NOTHING LESS. If Richard Dawkins does not do this, the soldiers of God will kill him, because Richard Dawkins is Sauron. Sauron is the Lord of the forces of Hell and Evil on Earth. Richard Dawkins is God’s primary enemy on Earth. Richard Dawkins is the primary enemy of the President of the United States of America, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and the King of England. Richard Dawkins is the leader of all heretics and infidels, and he is the enemy of the Pope. The Pope is God’s ambassador on Earth, and the Pope is the ambassador of the King of England. Richard Dawkins has also committed treason, because the King of England is a Roman Catholic. It is the will of the King of England, that anyone who publicly proclaims to be an atheist in England is breaking the law, and must be killed. The King of England can only stop Richard Dawkins from being killed, if Richard Dawkins publicly declares that he is a Roman Catholic, and that he KNOWS that God exists.
Richard Dawkins has committed treason, and he is a traitor to the King of England. It is the will of the King of England that Richard Dawkins cannot live in England unless he publicly declares that he knows that God exists, that he is a Roman Catholic, and that he knows that the Pope is God’s ambassador on Earth.
And the same goes for Bertrand Russell. Bertrand Russell KNEW that God existed. He only claimed he was an atheist to gain celebrity status and make money. Just like Richard Dawkins, he simply liked having his arse kissed. That is the truth. I know that is the truth because I am God, and I can read everyone’s minds. I KNOW when people are lying. And I give liars ZERO tolerance.
Richard Dawkins is a liar and a fraud. He has committed treason, and that behaviour is ABSOLUTELY INTOLLERABLE in civilized society. Richard Dawkins is not civilized. He is a BARBARIAN. Richard Dawkins has absolutely no right to live in civilized society. He has lost all of his human rights by publicly declaring that the King of Heaven does not exist. I do exist, and HE ABSOLUTELY KNOWS THAT! Richard Dawkins is an absolute liar – nothing more, and nothing less.
The same goes for all other atheists. All proclaimed atheists are liars. They all KNOW that God exists. All proclaimed atheists are barbarians. They all have absolutely no right to live in civilized society.
Oh yes, the other thing I forgot to tell you is this: This thread in the Rational Response Squad forum is being read by the President of the United States of America, Barack Obama. It is also being read by the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. They both KNOW that I am the King of England. And they KNOW where all you atheists live that have been insulting me by calling me a moron and a troll. You are all dead. That’s it. No more ‘Mr Nice Guy’ for you atheists. You have proven to us (the powers that be) that you are all scum. You are all going to get kicked out of civilized society. All of you have to FUCK OFF out of Europe and the United States of America. If you do not FUCK OFF. You are all dead. That is it. Full stop!
The military are coming to kill you all right now if you do not FUCK OFF!
The Devil is dead, and God has won. Tell everyone!
The only way you can all survive is to publicly declare that you are all Roman Catholic, that you know that God exists, and that you know that the Pope is God’s ambassador on Earth. Sorry to be blunt, but that is the truth.
Now let me explain further:
We have to beat these bastards.
All people on Earth will have to become battle hardened warriors. All professions will become part of the military. Every country will be led by a General, and every General will be answerable to me, and me alone (the King of England).
All schools and hospitals will be run by the military. The best fighting arts will be taught in all schools, and all children will be raised to become battle hardened warriors, with absolutely no fear of pain or death.
As I said, the fundamental building block of reality is the conflict between the forces of good and evil. Good is love, and evil is hate. Good is creation, and evil is destruction.
All heretics and infidels must recant, and embrace the Pope as God’s ambassador on Earth. All people on Earth must become Roman Catholic, and embrace the Pope as their leader.
Atheists are going to have a special place in the military. All military leaders on Earth are members of the order of the Illuminati. The Illuminati is the purest form of Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, and Roman Catholicism. I am the Leader of the Illuminati. The deepest secret of the Illuminati is that we have the power to control time. So the illuminati can erase people’s memories. The Illuminati can actually change people’s pasts by and through their thought.
Atheists are going to have a special place in the military. Atheists will be highly respected, because atheists are actually apophatic theists. Apophatic (via negativa) theology is the purest form of theology.
We have to be ready for Armageddon.
Feel free to ask questions if you have any!
I just thought I'd pop my head in here, and I still cannot believe this thread is going, I guess it's just for entertainment now, well, that's been it pretty much from the beginning.
The TROLL (king of england, god incarnate, prophet, heaven is england) keeps trolling, please enlighten me as to why people still engage him?
freedom of speech, even if it is hate speech and verbal diahorrea, I suppose.
Vwe must get zhe bluddy atheists and prevent zhem from overcoming zhe glory of zhe Christian Race. Vwe vwill come upon zheir forums as self-appointed gods, ready to cleanse zhem of zheir unnecessary distrust of zhe Supreme Faith. Make vway for zhe SuperFaith! Achtung, sig heil!
(zhen we get zhe gays and zhe communists!)
“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)
No, I'm god. You're a delusional imbecile. Have a nice day.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
You forgot to capitalize God, you worthless god!
“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)
I imagine boredom is the primary motive.
Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.
Yawn, TL;DR. You actually replied...
You cannot disprove the existance of God, but you also cannot disprove the existance of an all powerfull, incomprehesible, pink elephant that lives in the boot of my car.
This thread proves why we should be skeptical of the claims in the Bible. If four people wrote of this guy and lauded him with the same praise he'd have the requisite proof to start a world religion in a few thou. years.