Paul Bunyan vs Jesus

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Paul Bunyan vs Jesus

Paul Bunyan and Babe The Blue Ox

Paul Bunyan was the biggest, strongest, toughest lumberjack who ever picked up an axe. There are stories about how Bunyan created the great lakes and the Grand Canyon all by himself. His sidekick was Babe, the Blue Ox, himself a massive animal. Paul Bunyan was said to have come from Maine orMinnesota or maybe Michigan and all have a claim to the legendary woodsman known to chop down trees by the acre.

Paul Bunyan was so big it took 3 storks to deliver him. When he was a year old, he had to wear his father's clothes because nothing else would fit. He used wagon wheels as buttons and a bent crowbar as a safety pin to keep his nappies on. His pet ox, Blue, was found in a snow drift one year when it was so cold even the snow turned blue and turned his coat blue for all time.

Bunyan and Blue were legends of the logging camps and woods of early America. There's lots of statues honoring the big guy and his buddy all over the country that draw thousands every year. Here are some more entertaining stories, much more recent than jesus. 

It's common knowledge that stories like this abound. What makes Jesus any different? It is doubtful that a man named Paul Bunyan did or was anything like this and more likely that the whole thing is made up, including the man himself.

I wasn't really sure where to put this thread ><

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The difference between the

The difference between the stories is that one myth morphed into a religion and the other didn't.

It wouldn't shock me in the least if we fast forwarded to the future and saw religions believed to be fact based on Star Wars, Star Trec or Harry Potter. If Scientology can be started by delusional nutty fans of a science fiction writer, human behavior can lead to the absurdities I mentioned.

But the reality is that there is no difference, both are myth and absurd claims. The difference is one is a religion and one is accepted as the fiction it is.

If you believe that God told Gabe to put some Barry White on so he could do the invisible tube snake boogie with Marry without a second set of DNA, then Paul Bunyan is just as plausible. Why not believe Paul Bunyan to be fact? After all humans can be poked in the side and all their blood drain out and magically escape rigor mortis. Multiple armed deities do exist. And you will get virgins if you blow something up. Why are you blaspheming what people hold dear? What kind of monster are you to tell someone Santa isn't real?

"Poof" is in both stories without any replication or falsification. If it is good enough for religion than Paul must be true as well. The moon is made of cheese. The earth is flat. Thor really does make lighting and I can fart a Lamborghini out of my ass. WHY, because merely believing something is enough and as long as you can utter it selling it is the only thing that matters. How silly of humans to actually be pragmatic and TEST these claims.

You are an asshole by making these RIGHTFUL comparisons. You are bursting people's bubbles and challenging them to grow up. It is a far better world we live in when we allow delusions to be sold, it brings people comfort. Pesky things like facts put a damper on people's fantasies.

Next thing you'll tell me is that the Cat In The Hat isn't a real cat. JERK!


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Where would Paul Bunyan be

Where would Paul Bunyan be if he had the backing of a super deity? I bet he could woop Jesus.



Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin

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Shit, I *talked* to Paul

Shit, I *talked* to Paul Bunyan as a kid.


Bunyan: 1

Jesus: 0



There are Paul Bunyan theme parks where they have a giant statue of him and a hidden guy in a booth somewhere uses a microphone to talk to people who walk by, keeping in character as Bunyan.

Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.

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Brian37 wrote:The difference

Brian37 wrote:

The difference between the stories is that one myth morphed into a religion and the other didn't.

But the reality is that there is no difference, both are myth and absurd claims. The difference is one is a religion and one is accepted as the fiction it is.

"Poof" is in both stories without any replication or falsification. If it is good enough for religion than Paul must be true as well. The moon is made of cheese. The earth is flat. Thor really does make lighting and I can fart a Lamborghini out of my ass. WHY, because merely believing something is enough and as long as you can utter it selling it is the only thing that matters. How silly of humans to actually be pragmatic and TEST these claims.

You are an asshole by making these RIGHTFUL comparisons. You are bursting people's bubbles and challenging them to grow up. It is a far better world we live in when we allow delusions to be sold, it brings people comfort. Pesky things like facts put a damper on people's fantasies.

Next thing you'll tell me is that the Cat In The Hat isn't a real cat. JERK!


I always enjoy the fluctuating definition of mythology.  It's a competitive "who can come up with the best fairy tale comparison."  

Sadly, the "no difference" argument is manifested from the same cognitive reactions to stimuli.  While I appreciate the attempt, to assume you operate absent, or without, the same conscience "extractions" is intellectually dishonest.  

Now I assume that your response will be "typical diversion,"  but that begs the question.  You assume that you "are different" than I am because you are aware that the blue ox is a "myth" as well as Jesus.  Yet a complete investigation of you, as a "believer" (unless you are spock's dad) will unravel several similar silly ideologies.

If you operate from the "we are all stupid and believe stupid things and here is an example" it would be cool with me and I would leave this alone.  But you don't, which makes this argument (loosely ascribed) a "look at the straw" string.


"So we'll integrate non-progressional evolution theory with God's creation of Eden. Eleven inherent metaphoric parallels already there. Eleven. Important number. Prime number. One goes into the house of eleven eleven times, but always comes out one. Noah's ark is a problem." River

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To robj101.




                 Even more to your point  on how stories get turned into folklore then into a religion. btw I could not connect to the link you gave.     Below I copied direct from a book  "Uncle John's bathroom reader" published in 2000, from page 181.



                               Paul Bunyan is commonly thought to be a charactor from traditional folklore, but he is actually what is

                          known as "fakelore"---"an ersatz creation developed to meet the American need for instant homegrown folk

                          heroes." Paul Bunyan was actually created in 1920 by an advertising agent named W.B.Laughead, to serve

                         as a fictional spokesperson for the  Red River Lumber Co.. "As such," Richard Shenkman writes in  ' Legends,

                         Lies and Cherished myths of American History', "Paul is about as authentic a folk hero as Mr.Clean or the

                         Jolly Green Giant -- that is to say.  not very authentic at all."

"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."

VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"

If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?

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Jeffrick wrote:




                 Even more to your point  on how stories get turned into folklore then into a religion. btw I could not connect to the link you gave.     Below I copied direct from a book  "Uncle John's bathroom reader" published in 2000, from page 181.



                               Paul Bunyan is commonly thought to be a charactor from traditional folklore, but he is actually what is

                          known as "fakelore"---"an ersatz creation developed to meet the American need for instant homegrown folk

                          heroes." Paul Bunyan was actually created in 1920 by an advertising agent named W.B.Laughead, to serve

                         as a fictional spokesperson for the  Red River Lumber Co.. "As such," Richard Shenkman writes in  ' Legends,

                         Lies and Cherished myths of American History', "Paul is about as authentic a folk hero as Mr.Clean or the

                         Jolly Green Giant -- that is to say.  not very authentic at all."

Yea this is obvious. Again what is the difference in him and jesus? Let me squeeze some jesus into the veins of this:


Jesus Christ is commonly thought to be a character from traditional christianity, but he is actually what is known as "a myth, or legend"---"an ersatz creation developed to meet the christian religions need for instant homegrown folk heroes." Jesus Christ was actually created sometime in the mid to late first century by several mildy imaginative anicient dudes, to serve as a fictional spokesperson for their religion.. "As such," Matthew among others (name of the actual writers are debatable) wrote in some letters About how Jesus is the son of god, died for our sins etc', "JC is about as authentic a messiah as Mr.Clean or the Jolly Green Giant -- that is to say.  not very authentic at all."


Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin

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Is Paul Bunyon going to send

Is Paul Bunyon going to send me to an eternal torture chamber for all eternity if I don't believe in him and his ox? No.

Therefore, Pascal's wager isn't such a good deal vs. Jesus and Muhammed.

Theist logic at it's finest.

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EXC wrote:Is Paul Bunyon

EXC wrote:

Is Paul Bunyon going to send me to an eternal torture chamber for all eternity if I don't believe in him and his ox? No.

Therefore, Pascal's wager isn't such a good deal vs. Jesus and Muhammed.

Theist logic at it's finest.

Give a good example of how they could improve it.

Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin

Answers in Gene...
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Jeffrick wrote:Paul Bunyan

Jeffrick wrote:
Paul Bunyan is commonly thought to be a charactor from traditional folklore, but he is actually what is known as "fakelore"---"an ersatz creation developed to meet the American need for instant homegrown folk heroes." Paul Bunyan was actually created in 1920 by an advertising agent named W.B.Laughead, to serve as a fictional spokesperson for the Red River Lumber Co.. "As such," Richard Shenkman writes in ' Legends, Lies and Cherished myths of American History', "Paul is about as authentic a folk hero as Mr.Clean or the Jolly Green Giant -- that is to say. not very authentic at all."

OK, I can accept all of that. But leave the Ty-D-Bol man out of this. He is totally real.

NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:
Never ever did I say enything about free, I said "free."


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Lol I wanted to see him

Lol I wanted to see him drive in circles.

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 "Jesus Christ is

 "Jesus Christ is commonly thought to be a character from traditional christianity, but he is actually what is known as "a myth, or legend"---"an ersatz creation developed to meet the christian religions need for instant homegrown folk heroes." Jesus Christ was actually created sometime in the mid to late first century by several mildy imaginative anicient dudes, to serve as a fictional spokesperson for their religion.. "As such," Matthew among others (name of the actual writers are debatable) wrote in some letters About how Jesus is the son of god, died for our sins etc', "JC is about as authentic a messiah as Mr.Clean or the Jolly Green Giant -- that is to say.  not very authentic at all."

1.  Have you read any literature?  Or do you base this on the popular 90's mithra christos?  Wait, I'll stop. . . . just read this–Kruger_effect


"So we'll integrate non-progressional evolution theory with God's creation of Eden. Eleven inherent metaphoric parallels already there. Eleven. Important number. Prime number. One goes into the house of eleven eleven times, but always comes out one. Noah's ark is a problem." River

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Yes ...yes...

Answers in Gene Simmons wrote:
Jeffrick wrote:
Paul Bunyan is commonly thought to be a charactor from traditional folklore, but he is actually what is known as "fakelore"---"an ersatz creation developed to meet the American need for instant homegrown folk heroes." Paul Bunyan was actually created in 1920 by an advertising agent named W.B.Laughead, to serve as a fictional spokesperson for the Red River Lumber Co.. "As such," Richard Shenkman writes in ' Legends, Lies and Cherished myths of American History', "Paul is about as authentic a folk hero as Mr.Clean or the Jolly Green Giant -- that is to say. not very authentic at all."
OK, I can accept all of that. But leave the Ty-D-Bol man out of this. He is totally real.




                Well of course he's real.  I never doubted His existence, no for one second. Jeeeeesh!!!!!!!!!

"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."

VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"

If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?

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StDissonance wrote:

 "Jesus Christ is commonly thought to be a character from traditional christianity, but he is actually what is known as "a myth, or legend"---"an ersatz creation developed to meet the christian religions need for instant homegrown folk heroes." Jesus Christ was actually created sometime in the mid to late first century by several mildy imaginative anicient dudes, to serve as a fictional spokesperson for their religion.. "As such," Matthew among others (name of the actual writers are debatable) wrote in some letters About how Jesus is the son of god, died for our sins etc', "JC is about as authentic a messiah as Mr.Clean or the Jolly Green Giant -- that is to say.  not very authentic at all."

1.  Have you read any literature?  Or do you base this on the popular 90's mithra christos?  Wait, I'll stop. . . . just read this–Kruger_effect


I don't base a whole lot of anything on anything. But it's nice to know you think I think that I think I am teh smartz.

I am somewhat read in a few area's of my choice and base my calls on what conclusions I have drawn all by myself on almost everything. I have a keen interest in ancient history as my home decor could attest too were it able to speak.

"mithra christos" who hasn't watched the zeitgeist movie lol, a good show with some fact stirred around some fiction.

Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin