If god said so

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If god said so

If you are a theist, and a voice in your head, which you believed was indeed your god, told you that you must kill a stranger and a loved one, would you do it.

A brief explanation of your answer would be appreciated, thanks.

Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin

The Doomed Soul
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robj101 wrote:If you are a

robj101 wrote:

If you are a theist, and a voice in your head, which you believed was indeed your god, told you that you must kill a stranger and a loved one, would you do it.

A brief explanation of your answer would be appreciated, thanks.

Nope, i wouldnt


Khorne cannot command me to kill specific people, it would go against his own domain. Therefore the voices in my head would be Tzeentch, attempting to invoke an elaborate plan to asure my conversion... or destruction.

So, not killing anyone would piss off Khorne... Submitting to the voices and obeying Tzeentch would piss of Khorne... the only option left is to kill everyone indiscriminately, if the stranger and loved one die as a result, so be it.

People died

I gotz to kill things

My god is satisfied


Iz gud day!

What Would Kharn Do?