A Letter To My Dear Atheist

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A Letter To My Dear Atheist

To My Dear Atheist, God is all of our Father, whether we are angry at him for unexplained tragedies in our life or not... The world is as it is, (when you all question if there is a God why the Holocaust, why the brutal American Slavery system, etc.) all of these horrors are explained by sin... We are born into sin, so we wil do what our father the evil one dictates until we come to a cross point in life that leads us back too God! People cry out to God not when they are rich and everything is going their way, no on the contrary like, spoil little children we go to our Earthly Father's or Mother's when we need them, and half the time we neglect them until we do need them; This is the same premise with our Heavenly Father, he just wants all to come too him! Because eternity is a long time to be wrong and to pay for your intellectual choice in utter displacement from your Creator! Intelligence is a gift from a loving Creator that is being used in this supposedly enlightened age to exclude the one who Gave us life and this intelligence! We instead would like to believe an ex-Christian's rant of evolution (Darwin)... Which ultimately leads the supposed educated that a spinning rock in space cooled off and created life!
To My Dear Atheist,  Also Darwin said that Africans and Austrailian Aborigines were,  lower forms of humanity,  closer related to the great apes than the Anglo Saxons of Europe, which were more highly evolved!  Atheist try to pick apart the Bible quoting all the Old Testament laws that were very harsh indeed,  When we are young our Earthly Father's are much more harsher to their young developing children in order to teach them of absolutes, fire is hot...  don't touch it, in a stern voice, etc.  You see My Dear Atheist,  there are absolutes and truths that are not transitory or relative... Rain in India or Paris is wet just like it is in the U.S.  an absolute that does not change!  The Old Testament was very brutal in many aspects because the Creator taught his people alot of do's and don'ts!  God knows all he created all ...He does to whom he wants,  what he wants... Somethings are not up for discussion with your parents just like it is with our Heavenly Father,  You think God didn't know Hitler wasn't going to finish his Artistic studies in youth only to pursue his infamous path?  By the way,  you Atheist are not unintelligent just stubborn,  because you believe God doesn't exist does not matter to him,  and when you all meet him you'll be able to explain your earthly philosophy you all learned in College to him in person and see who wins your philosophical arguments then!  While we have breath we all, ( not collective college classes who are taught these fallicies of life, existence and God)  but individually must choose which direction we will go... Jesus has answered all of mankinds questions,  he has answered the Old Testament,  he is the end of all law,  he is the culmination of all human existence.... " He said what many of you miss more poignantly than all of the arguments you try to bring up... When the non-believeing leaders of the Jews tried to trip him up on "What are the greatest of the Commandments"?  "Jesus eloquently stated,  There only two... Love God with all your heart and soul and obey him,  then love your neighbor as yourself,  and doing these two you will keep all of the others"!  We all know of the ills of the Catholic Church in the past,  the Spanish Inquisition, The Catholic Church giving their blessings to the trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, their ignoring Hitler's evils, etc.  That is not true religion,  over zealous fundmentalism that was practised by those whom burned people in the Salem Witch Trials, etc.  Just as Islam is supposed to be a religion of peace and harmony, etc.  But is that the Islam that Osama and his ilk are practising?  Love your neighbor as yourself and you will not harm your neighbor for anything,  you will not covet his wife and committ adultry with her, etc.  You will not steal from your neighbor or bear false witness against him,  and you would certainly not kill your neighbor if you truly practised Jesus' tenets!  You would always love and forgive which are the true tenets of Godly Religion!  Jesus did no wrong, historically our leaders do every evil imaginable as the Bible says " ...every wicked thing a man will thinketh,  he will do"!  All of my Dear Atheist, you all are very intelligent indeed, Hitler, Stalin and Mao... in modern times have killed more people in history on this planet than all recorded religious zealotry ever has!  These things you all know,  as I've stated most of you are College educated... So saying Religion is the cause of more wars, murders, etc.  you know full well is a fallacy!  God knew what Hitler was going to do... He knew what Mussollini and Stalin and Mao were going to do,  like he knew what Jeffrey Dahmer was going to do,  he also knew,  the wicked people of the past and what they would do and what they wouldn't ...never repent of their wickedness,  so sometimes everyone of them, were slaughtered by David, Gideon, Joshua, etc.  If you knew someone was totally evil... and you had the power to stop them as Hitler, ( everyone asks) wouldn't you kill him, etc.  Before he committed such atrocities?  God allows all because it is not yet time for his return,  when it comes all of these earthly arguments will be for nothing... all will be settled!  Atheist say as those in Noah's day,  nothing is going to happen,  Noah's got his poor boys building a big house boat for what?  What the heck is rain,  that's impossible water coming from the sky,  water is heavier than air isn't it?  The people in Sodom & Gommorrah,  did totally sinful things and they perished as well,  my Dear Atheist,  some of you are mean't to come out of this misleading philosophy that you learned from jaded College Professors.... You have left the Christianity of your parents, thinking you are now educated and you now know more then them!  Read the Gospels for yourselves don't listen to the arrogance of others, who don't want you to know the truth... pick it up and investigate Jesus' words for yourself and ask for God to give you understanding and see won't he make those pages clear too you!  As I said some of you will come back to an understanding of your parents beliefs but not all... This is truly sad to me and other true believers that all we say all we do... will not convince this stubborn modern intellectual mind!  My Dear Atheist,  Do you know the original definition of the name Fool... It means, one who says there is no God"!  As I've stated above you all are very educated and I know you would not consider yourselves, to be fools!  Never take another's words for truth when you can investigate for yourselves, there is not one fossil of a missing link... of any of the humanoid or primate bones found they all show DNA of either Human or Ape DNA... There are no mixtures!  It takes more belief to believe that all of existence came from nothing that exploded to create our world than to believe that a benevolent Creator made existence!
The fairytale,  Millions of years ago... might as well be ...Once upon a time,  the Big Bang...  foolishness to believe that anything can come into existence without first being fashioned by someone!  Why don't things just pop into our world now, if we are to believe this erroneous theory?  I might as well wish for a million dollars and wait for it to just pop up out of thin air!  Because this ultimately is what the University Professors who spew this tripe out,  want us to believe when we enter their institutions of supposed Higher Learning... That Once Upon a Time,  Millions of Years Ago... All was created from Nothing!  Forgetting the Laws of Casuality,  which they know full well is more exacting than believeing in a plagaristic, misguided, racist, ex-Christian as poor Darwin!  This law is not a theory as evolution, but is verifiable in everyday existence,  for every cause there is something or someone who has affected that cause!  No two ways about it!  If someone dies of Lung Cancer and they smoked 2 packs of cigarettes a day for twenty or so years,  more than likely the cigarettes might have had something to do with it,  you think... Shortening their life,  you think!  The smoker thus causes his own demise by Lung Cancer from the practice of smoking twenty years, until his lungs finally couldn't heal themselves anymore!  Death from drunk drivers, killing innocent pedestrains and other motorist,  whom all they were doing was trying to reach their destinations as in any other day... But a Drunk Driver chose to drink,  thus loosing control for the last time, and finally causes these innocent people's lives too end... They would have made it home to work or the movies, etc.  If not for someone causing them to die that very moment!  Nothing happens without an agent causing it people,  That agent for the Big Bang or as I rightfully call it ;  was the Lord Saying "Let There Be Light"!  Plain and simple the light explodes over the darkness (Bang!)  My Dear Atheist,  I wish I had everyone of you in front of me too explain every aspect of the Bible that you have questions about so that you could have an objective reference to deduce true belief from!  One wiser man than I stated in the past,  "People usually believe not what is true but what is convenient for them and attracts them"!  Believeing that there is no God because of a Theory of Evolution,  or because some misguided Scientist tells you there is no God, etc.  is accepting blindly your eternal faith from the hands of someone that does not Love You At All... Only God Loves You!  Go Blindly Believeing in someone elses thoughts and when you stand before Jesus on Judgement Day,  quoting these foolish theories and philosophies will not hold up in the face of all truth the Word Himself... As John Teaches us,  "The Word Became Flesh And Dwelt Among Us"...  There was a Jewish Atheist back during the World Wars, Who stated he solved all of philosophies problems in his treatise... Think about that peope... One man out of all time, history, human understanding solved all in his limited time on earth before my Dear Atheist, He killed himself... This is what ultimately is most of you all's fate,  my people... Aheist kill themselves at an alarming high rate over believers of any faith!  So Sad to believe that there is nothing more to live for and that nothing awaits you,  be sure of your own beliefs before you take that eternal journey,  don't accept other's,  know it all's philosophies,  don't even accept my words, but investigate your only path,  by picking the Bible up yourself and if it makes no sense still,  then all I can say is God Bless You, Anyway!  God is Love,  he created all of us to be his Children,  This is the "True Meaning of Life",  simply to be God's Children, so that he could love us and teach us his ways!  It was said by another wiser than I, "If you want the simple or obvious to be complicated,  let a philosopher explain it"! 
The Bible is the Infallible Word of Our Heavenly Father, All I can say to my Dear Atheist Brethren,  is investigate it for yourselves,  don't take my word or anyother's of it's accuracy or inaccuracy,  read for yourselves!


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Rofl, there is no way I'm

Rofl, there is no way I'm reading that.  You win a gold star for the worst wall of text I've ever seen on any post on any forum ever.


Is your enter key broken?


Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.

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Quote:To My Dear Atheist,

To My Dear Atheist, God is all of our Father, whether we are angry at him for unexplained tragedies in our life or not.

There is no need to read beyond this line.

Why? Because YOU need to look up the term "NAKED ASSERTION".

Secondly, atheists ARE NOT angry at something that does not exist, anymore than we are angry at Mickey Mouse. We are angry that we live in a day and age of microscopes and medicine and cell phones, AND PEOPLE LIKE YOU still go around claiming fairy tale claims from ancient books of myth.

There is no such thing as an invisible magical super brain, by any name, yours, or any other in human history, past or present.

The Ancient Egyptians believed the sun was a thinking being, and they were wrong. You merely make the same mistake they did in thinking that a super hero will swoop you off the train tracks. Your pet invisible magical super friend is merely a currently popular claim.

WE WOULD BE angry at such a being if we are basing it on YOUR model. But that is only for arguments sake.



The "anger" at a god is not that the god itself is real. IT IS YOUR BAD LOGIC IN WHAT YOU CLAIM




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Daer reynaldo77  ...Nice

Dear reynaldo77  ...Nice try, thanks for playing...we'll send you home with a Box of Wheat Thins, Made by Nabisco... Wheat Thins, The Crunch is calling......*and* a the home version of our game...Hope you had fun ... Johnny... Tell us who our next contestant is....

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So...what if we were not

So...what if we were not raised in a Christian household, does that make our religion less than Christianity? After all Atheists could raise atheist children right? I guess those children ought not to return to the religion of their parents.

"Lycurgus, Numa, Moses, Jesus Christ, Mohammed, all these great rogues, all these great thought-tyrants, knew how to associate the divinities they fabricated with their own boundless ambition."

-Marquis de Sade

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 I only read the beginnings

 I only read the beginnings of his 2 blocks of text.. When is someone going to explain how a superbeing came from nothing?

Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin

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Rest assured, Monkey Child.


"The Bible is the...Word of Our Heavenly Father, All I can say to my Dear Atheist Brethren is investigate it for yourselves, don't take my word...of its accuracy or inaccuracy"


We won't.



"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck

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You are wrong about

You are wrong about Darwin.

Darwin was an abolitionist who argued that humankind was a single species, that the races all had a common ancestry, that our common ancestry had primitive origins, that the different races were more similar than commonly believed, that the mental capabilities of all races are virtually identical, that there is greater variation within races than between them, that interracial reproduction posed no concern for ill effects, that culture (as opposed to biology) accounted for the greatest differences between races, and that races themselves were indistinct and overlapping, which means that the very concept of dividing humans into races in the first place is absurd.

He argued that as "man advances in civilization, and small tribes are united into larger communities, the simplest reason would tell each individual that he ought to extend his social instincts and sympathies to all the members of the same nation, though personally unknown to him. This point being once reached, there is only an artificial barrier to prevent his sympathies extending to the men of all nations and races. [...] The very idea of humanity, as far as I could observe, was new to most of the Gauchos of the Pampas. This virtue, one of the noblest with which man is endowed, seems to arise incidentally from our sympathies becoming more tender and more widely diffused, until they are extended to all sentient beings. As soon as this virtue is honoured and practiced by some few men, it spreads through instruction and example to the young, and eventually becomes incorporated in public opinion. [...] The moral faculties are generally and justly esteemed as of higher value than the intellectual powers. But we should bear in mind that the activity of the mind in vividly recalling past impressions is one of the fundamental though secondary bases of conscience. This affords the strongest argument for educating and stimulating in all possible ways the intellectual faculties of every human being."

He considered the races equal and believed that our sympathies should extend not only to the other races but to all sentient beings. He was a great man in both intellect and ethic. You would do well to remember that you that should learn about deceased persons before you consider kicking their bones.

Stultior stulto fuisti, qui tabellis crederes!

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You also stated we were all

You also stated we were all uneducated as well so make up your mind. I was raised by one of the biggest hipocrites ever. She claimed to be a christian and til this day still does. She drank and was very violent and cursed me for everything I did. So my question to you is will I burn in hell for her sins? I know,I know she has to repent and ask for forgivness right? See she has but she still does these things constantly. She stabs people in the back, especially me. She's done all the things that are considered sin to christians and even just down right mean to those who aren't. So she can just keep doing those things and keep asking forgivness and she'll get to heaven without a doubt right but I'm going to hell? All my life I've been a pretty descent person. I help people as much as I possibly can. I've given food and money to homeless people. I really do try. I have a son who has a rare condition called Jarcho-Levin syndrome. What this does is cause severe scholiosis ans malformed ribs. He has eaten from a feeding tube in his stomache since he was 6 months old and the 3 months before that I got to endure shoving a nasal feeding tube down his nose and throat to his stomache. He will be 7 in february and he has thrown up every day of his life so far. He's had heart surgery and almost died from it. He's had titanium rods placed on his back which became infected and he went septic and almost died from that. Three months later they removed the titanium rods because one poked through his skin because he didn't have enough skin coverage for them. Through most of this I did believe in god. I lost hope a lot of times but fought to gain it back. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying my son is the reason I don't believe but it may or may not have had something to do with it. I've been told by my hipocrite mother "everything happens for a reason". Well wtf reason is that? Why would your god who is so kind put that on my baby? Was it something I did wrong? He's paying me back for something I did right? I really think you should check out jimmy.williamson post. I've read those scriptures and I think your god is evil. All the baby killings and so on. I can tell you this much, if thats the way your god is, I don't want to be anywhere near heaven. The bible was only put in place to keep people on line. Well I don't believe in it and I don't go around killing people like god did. I couldn't imagine even wanting to kill someone. You people reaaly need to find something better to do with your time instead of getting on here trying to get us to believe your crap. We don't buy it! Go find a christian website or something. Everyone is entitled to what they believe in.

If all the Christians who have called other Christians " not really a Christian " were to vanish, there'd be no Christians left.

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Some One...Hold Me Back

You're wrong in so many ways. Even from a Christian perspective. The most alarming thing I read in all of this was "the fact that you do not believe in God does not matter to him". I am going to keep this short cause you really asked me to step on my soapbox.


I suggest that next time you A) Use Microsoft word to format you document a little better. B) Read your bible a little better. C) Think and pray about what you're about to say. All you did was add fuel to the fire here.


I swear, the more I read posts from other theists I feel like I am truly the ONLY one who is actually interested in understanding over judgment. A few good theists post sometimes, but it's posts like these that make me want to have a conference with all the ignorant Christians and just give a nice long speech on why you shouldn't be judgmental, or step into an argument with an atheists where you can't even properly identify their viewpoint. Look man, RESEARCH the opposing viewpoint before you go off talking about Darwin and the Big Bang.


I beg this of you, since I can tell you know what you believe. Come back when you know WHY you believe what you believe. It does NO good to say "I believe this" when you can't identify why. And please, never ever again try and tell an atheist God doesn't care whether they believe or not. If God doesn't, why do you?

My Master has no desire to be merely victor in a debate: he did not come into the world to fight a battle of logic just
for the sake of winning it. --Charles Spurgeon

Beyond Saving
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Crossover wrote:You're wrong

Crossover wrote:

You're wrong in so many ways. Even from a Christian perspective. The most alarming thing I read in all of this was "the fact that you do not believe in God does not matter to him". I am going to keep this short cause you really asked me to step on my soapbox.


I suggest that next time you A) Use Microsoft word to format you document a little better. B) Read your bible a little better. C) Think and pray about what you're about to say. All you did was add fuel to the fire here.


I swear, the more I read posts from other theists I feel like I am truly the ONLY one who is actually interested in understanding over judgment. A few good theists post sometimes, but it's posts like these that make me want to have a conference with all the ignorant Christians and just give a nice long speech on why you shouldn't be judgmental, or step into an argument with an atheists where you can't even properly identify their viewpoint. Look man, RESEARCH the opposing viewpoint before you go off talking about Darwin and the Big Bang.


I beg this of you, since I can tell you know what you believe. Come back when you know WHY you believe what you believe. It does NO good to say "I believe this" when you can't identify why. And please, never ever again try and tell an atheist God doesn't care whether they believe or not. If God doesn't, why do you?

Your not the only one. I've met a handful of Christians in my life who are pretty forgiving. I've gone through periods where my brother was the only person in my family willing to talk to me (of course he was bible thumping the whole time) but at least he has always accepted me as the jerk that I am. Many seem to get up in what I would describe as a puritanical attitude of do a, b, c & d or you are going to hell and I will ignore you. I wonder if that is mostly an American thing though. I don't really run into that when I travel out of country. 

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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You have to be one of the dumbest people ever

You wrote:

The Bible is the Infallible Word of Our Heavenly Father, All I can say to my Dear Atheist Brethren,  is investigate it for yourselves,  don't take my word or anyother's of it's accuracy or inaccuracy,  read for yourselves!

I have read it, probably more than you! Still think that it's a badly worded fictional novel written in a time when authors couldn't write fiction.

I ask you are you aware that the bible is a rewrite... Sure you are, every God fearing person knows the story of King James. He had a group of scholar join up forces to write the version that we know today. The funny thing was that it was a closed door rewrite, and after they finished there great work he had all of them killed... Why? He also put some things in their for personal gain. The story of the last supper they drank wine. Right, wrong as odd as it sounds they didn't have wine in 33 AD.. They only had wheat to make into beer. Anyone want to tell dumb ass what King James major export was... That's right wine... But I'm not going into disproving the bible with you just know that it has many parts that are not up for debate.. They are just wrong.

You wrote:

There are no mixtures!  It takes more belief to believe that all of existence came from nothing that exploded to create our world than to believe that a benevolent Creator made existence!
The fairytale,  Millions of years ago... might as well be ...Once upon a time,  the Big Bang...  foolishness to believe that anything can come into existence without first being fashioned by someone!  Why don't things just pop into our world now, if we are to believe this erroneous theory?  I might as well wish for a million dollars and wait for it to just pop up out of thin air!

What the fuck? The fairytale is the one where the big air head in the sky snapped his finger...I will use your own word "Why don't things just pop into our world now" You are the one that believes the popping up shit.. We believe it took time to get here things didn't just happen..

Well that's about all i feel like saying to you. Not like you will ever hear the words but try to open your mind. Throughout history as humans have the question who we are and where we are going it has been the authority (the political, the religious, and the educational authority) who attempted to comfort us by giving us order rules regulations. Informing or forming in our mind there view of reality. Think for yourself question authority.....


Throughout human history as our species has faced the frighten terrorizing fact that we do not know who we are and where we are going; it has been the authority (the political, the religious, and the educational authorities) who have attempted to comfort us. By giving us order, rules, and regulation. Informing or forming in our minds their view of reality. To think for yourself you must question these authorities. THINK FOR YOURSELF…

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Beyond Saving wrote:Your not

Beyond Saving wrote:

Your not the only one. I've met a handful of Christians in my life who are pretty forgiving. I've gone through periods where my brother was the only person in my family willing to talk to me (of course he was bible thumping the whole time) but at least he has always accepted me as the jerk that I am. Many seem to get up in what I would describe as a puritanical attitude of do a, b, c & d or you are going to hell and I will ignore you. I wonder if that is mostly an American thing though. I don't really run into that when I travel out of country. 


By their own definition, most people who have that "do a, b, c, & d" philosophy would be going to hell as well. Legalism...there are few things I hate more in this world than legalism. "If you don't go by the Bible you're going to hell!" I always want to say "well, you're idiot ass isn't going by the Bible in the way you approach me, so I'll see you there I guess"


By the way, I imagine you might enjoy this. Next time you see a group of people on the street with their "you're going to hell" signs and so forth. Just ask one "didn't they just arrest a group of y'all in Montana for marrying 13 year olds?" The look on their face is always priceless.

My Master has no desire to be merely victor in a debate: he did not come into the world to fight a battle of logic just
for the sake of winning it. --Charles Spurgeon

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You wrote:

because you believe God doesn't exist does not matter to him



Guess that means Jesus forgot to add the word “PSYCH” to the whole Great Commission thing. I guess that’s because Jesus knew that it wasn’t 1996 and the audience wouldn’t get the joke. But if it doesn’t matter to God, why does it matter to you?


You wrote:

and when you all meet him you'll be able to explain your earthly philosophy you all learned in College to him in person



That’s very assumptive, but so it half of your post.


You wrote:

While we have breath we all, ( not collective college classes who are taught these fallicies of life, existence and God)  but individually must choose which direction we will go...



Perhaps college classes would help. I do not understand at all what you’re trying to say. The phrase outside of the parentheses should be a complete sentence on its own and make sense if the parenthetical were removed. I’m just saying, no one will take what you say seriously if you can’t format it so that it makes sense.


You wrote:

Jesus has answered all of mankinds questions,  he has answered the Old Testament,  he is the end of all law





You wrote:

That is not true religion



That IS true religion. God doesn’t ask for religion. God asks for followers.


You wrote:

These things you all know,  as I've stated most of you are College educated... So saying Religion is the cause of more wars, murders, etc.  you know full well is a fallacy!



Study history. Scotland, Sudan, the Crusades, even the reformation had casualties. Get away from defending religion and defend your faith. You can’t defend religion using history, it will never work man.


You wrote:

some of you are mean't to come out of this misleading philosophy that you learned from jaded College Professors



NO ONE will ever listen to you if you pass false accusations. Just because I think Bret Favre is the greatest quarterback ever doesn’t mean I’m a Packer fan. (I don’t really think he is and I’m a Titans fan). Ignorance is the crutch of a poor debate. If you don’t understand what the people on this forum believe, why will they listen to you?


You wrote:

My Dear Atheist,  I wish I had everyone of you in front of me too explain every aspect of the Bible that you have questions about so that you could have an objective reference to deduce true belief from!



It’s about 90 questions. It’s a post by Sapient and it stay permanently on the top of discussions in the Atheist v.s. Theist board. GO



You wrote:

There was a Jewish Atheist back during the World Wars



Jewish Atheist? Am I the only one who doesn’t get that? But since you we so specific I have to believe you. You gave a name, and the exact year. C’mon man. No one will ever believe something so vague as fact.




Dude, come with a long post like that full of ignorance of both atheist And Christian beliefs and you’re shark food. Really read this. I feel your passion and all, but you have to bottle up that passion a little and think. You’re probably hoping that just one person will read this and change. But truly, NO ONE will pay attention to a post that incorrectly judges them and their beliefs while telling the God doesn’t care if they don’t believe.


My Master has no desire to be merely victor in a debate: he did not come into the world to fight a battle of logic just
for the sake of winning it. --Charles Spurgeon

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So I was wondering if you're

So I was wondering if you're ever gonna get around to answering the questions I asked or can you not find them? Yeah kinda hard when you type run on like like huh?

If all the Christians who have called other Christians " not really a Christian " were to vanish, there'd be no Christians left.

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Just a note...

I must admit, I have not read the wall of words through, as many here have already said much the same.  However, you run a bit out of bearing when you assume that most Christians are limited to King James' version of Scripture.  Most versions aside from KJV are not simply translational updates to the King's English; they were, in fact, translated from the overwhelming number of copies of much much earlier manuscripts of biblical text.  That includes but the Old Testament and the New Testament. 


I'm not going to try to convince of something you should already know, but I will say this: If you want to be effective in your "rational response" to Christians' posts, try to have your own facts in order first. 


That would put us back on a rational, level, and fair playing field here.  " 'Come now, and let us reason together,' says the Lord, 'Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool.' "  (Isaiah 1:18)  So you didn't ask for a Scripture!  Call it a freebie!


If King James had obeyed a fraction of what even "his" translation of the Scriptures contain, he would have been a completely different person, filled with much more life and integrity.  You'll have to go out of your way to prove that "he" added things to Scripture for personal gain.  He interpreted Scripture for his own personal gain, sure, but even though man has been doing that for ages, God's Word still stand pure and true, and those who distort it for themselves are found to be liars. 


Questioning authority is such a popular angst theme in our world.  We suddenly decide that we've questioned enough authority when we have denounced what we don't WANT to believe, and yet we leave newer, less stable authorities unquestioned, unsearched, and by far unproven.  I may be off point just a bit, but how else do you explain such hostility against those who do believe in God from your crowd?  I see bitterness and hatred, where simple conviction and acceptance ought to be, if what atheism really had a leg, errrr, fin, errrr cell to stand on.


- Bryan

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Quote:Questioning authority

Questioning authority is such a popular angst theme in our world.  We suddenly decide that we've questioned enough authority when we have denounced what we don't WANT to believe, and yet we leave newer, less stable authorities unquestioned, unsearched, and by far unproven.  I may be off point just a bit, but how else do you explain such hostility against those who do believe in God from your crowd?  I see bitterness and hatred, where simple conviction and acceptance ought to be, if what atheism really had a leg, errrr, fin, errrr cell to stand on.

First off, there is a difference between the credible and human authority that secular pluralistic government's citizens consent to, and the tyrannical unchanging absolute authority of the god/s of Abraham.

I will obey a cop who pulls me over for speeding. BUT, no cop would have me beheaded for that, and if I don't like the speed limit I can petition the city council to consider having the limit changed.

The god character of Abraham is NOT a leader elected through the consent of the people, nor can this alleged being be voted out of office, according to the fans of this fictional being.

There is a difference between authority that is consented to, and authority that is thrust on you without your permission. The first is democratic authority, the other is the authority of a tyrant.

I may be off point just a bit, but how else do you explain such hostility against those who do believe in God from your crowd?

If someone was trying to teach your child in an astronomy class that the moon was made of cheese, only an inept or delusional parent would say "thats ok". Any rational parent would be and should be hostile to such an absurd claim being taught.

And what you are falsely also doing is equating our hostility to a CLAIM as being the same as being hostile to the person making the claim.

My mom loves me. When I was a kid, sometimes she would shout at me, "STOP THAT, YOU ARE BEING STUPID". She wasn't shouting at me because she hated me, she shouted at me because she thought my actions or words were wrong.

You are damned right I am hostile to anyone trying to equate crap like creationism to being equal to the scientifically proven age of the earth being billions of years old. I may like the person with that delusion, but I certainly am going to be hostile to the claim.



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We all know this halfwits

We all know this halfwits never coming back. 

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  I hope this is just a



I hope this is just a lame troll attempt and this person does not expect us to take that seriously.

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So so....................

Bahana wrote:




I hope this is just a lame troll attempt and this person does not expect us to take that seriously.



                It is a Lame troll attempt;   but unfortunitly the asshole does think it has come up with the ultimste response to atheisim.  Pity please this dilusional idiot.

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So, I imagine you must have

So, I imagine you must have given your parents consent to conceive you?  On whose authority were you brought here?  Was it your choice?  Hmmm.... Dare I say? NO.

That's the power of Sovereignty.  God doesn't need your consent, that's the real nature of authority in any system other than a democratic society. 


At times, I have lost my patience and raised my voice at my children in anger, but after the fact, I realized that I could have handled the matter much more effectively.  They're learning, and I need to be teaching right and proper behavior.  Yet, I realized that my hostility was not right.  So I corrected it.  I can more effectively reach others in patience and love.


I am not trying to equate creationism to what you claim is scientifically proven, I am setting it on an altogether different plane, worthy of deeper consideration.  I think it's strange that Christians are accused here of accepting what they are told as face without braining it out a bit, but it's the same problem with most of what people have "accepted" about evolution, "science," etc...  Follow it through and give ME the proof, since you're so demanding that I give you proof.


For the most part, I am unimpressed with the cowardly tactics of so many who hear arguments from Christians, balk at the weakness in a certain thread, fail to address the strengths, and then fill in the gaps with undignified language that is about the only thing that makes me think that evolution could have a chance at being true, only some failed to evolve...  Where's the rational response in that kind of behavior?


There is a God.  He didn't ask for your consent to be.  He is worth all the attention you are all giving Him.  One day, you'll admit that. Hopefully, before it's too late.

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Was that your rational

Was that your rational response?  It sounded kinda ego-inflated and wimpy.  Help me out here.  Gimme something useful to talk with you about.


Besides, if I were a half-wit or a lame troll, I wouldn't keep coming back.  I'll be around until I get kicked out, I die, or I'm just too old that I can't type anymore.  Since I don't think those things will happen anytime soon, give me some rationale that isn't just an attempt to explain away God by a more effective means.


I don't think I have the ultimate answer to atheists, but I do think there are answer you haven't considered, and I'm willing to help you find them and explore them.  You never know, it might turn what you've always disbelieved upside down.

Just give me something more dignified than spineless insults.  You deserve better. Smiling

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bekus wrote:So, I imagine

bekus wrote:

So, I imagine you must have given your parents consent to conceive you?  On whose authority were you brought here?  Was it your choice?  Hmmm.... Dare I say? NO.

That's the power of Sovereignty.  God doesn't need your consent, that's the real nature of authority in any system other than a democratic society. 


At times, I have lost my patience and raised my voice at my children in anger, but after the fact, I realized that I could have handled the matter much more effectively.  They're learning, and I need to be teaching right and proper behavior.  Yet, I realized that my hostility was not right.  So I corrected it.  I can more effectively reach others in patience and love.


I am not trying to equate creationism to what you claim is scientifically proven, I am setting it on an altogether different plane, worthy of deeper consideration.  I think it's strange that Christians are accused here of accepting what they are told as face without braining it out a bit, but it's the same problem with most of what people have "accepted" about evolution, "science," etc...  Follow it through and give ME the proof, since you're so demanding that I give you proof.


For the most part, I am unimpressed with the cowardly tactics of so many who hear arguments from Christians, balk at the weakness in a certain thread, fail to address the strengths, and then fill in the gaps with undignified language that is about the only thing that makes me think that evolution could have a chance at being true, only some failed to evolve...  Where's the rational response in that kind of behavior?


There is a God.  He didn't ask for your consent to be.  He is worth all the attention you are all giving Him.  One day, you'll admit that. Hopefully, before it's too late.


Fine.  Continuing my logic of other recent posts, I would like you to clarify first the definitions.  Evolution is scientific, because it is verifiable and falsifiable.  Creationism is religion and has nothing to do with science because it is not falsifiable at least.  Are we agree on definitions?


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 Makes me with they'd drop

 Makes me with they'd drop walls of naked women on us instead of whatever that was.

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bekus wrote:


I am not trying to equate creationism to what you claim is scientifically proven, I am setting it on an altogether different plane, worthy of deeper consideration.  I think it's strange that Christians are accused here of accepting what they are told as face without braining it out a bit, but it's the same problem with most of what people have "accepted" about evolution, "science," etc...  Follow it through and give ME the proof, since you're so demanding that I give you proof.


For the most part, I am unimpressed with the cowardly tactics of so many who hear arguments from Christians, balk at the weakness in a certain thread, fail to address the strengths, and then fill in the gaps with undignified language that is about the only thing that makes me think that evolution could have a chance at being true, only some failed to evolve...  Where's the rational response in that kind of behavior?


There is a God.  He didn't ask for your consent to be.  He is worth all the attention you are all giving Him.  One day, you'll admit that. Hopefully, before it's too late.


By all normal measures of fact evolution is proved true and if you are going to deny it then you'll appreciate it's pointless for us to endeavour to convince you. Go to the local library and read some paleontology texts. The fossils are in the ground and there's no making them go away without you undertaking the sort of cognitive highjinks that will force us to conclude you are completely irrational. 

As for the last sentence of this little pedestal you've built for yourself, the first three points are proofless assertions. The final point is a fallacy from force. Please Bekus, do me the favour of not making violent threats on this site ever again.





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  It just sad that



It just sad that Christians still resort to scare tactics. If they really wanted to learn they would. Many are happy in their bubble though.

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reynaldo77 wrote: Because

reynaldo77 wrote:

 Because eternity is a long time to be wrong and to pay for your intellectual choice in utter displacement from your Creator!


Ahh, the 50 - 50 wager that christians love to spew! So sad. So out of all the thousands of gods and religions what makes you think yours is the right one? Just asking?

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stuntgibbon wrote: Makes me

stuntgibbon wrote:

 Makes me with they'd drop walls of naked women on us instead of whatever that was.

Stuntgibbon for Pope!

Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.