Are Theists Potty?

I know a lot of us must think so. What troubles me is that when you scratch the surface of any theist long enough, they will suddenly reveal they believe something really, quite mad. They can be super clever people as we all know. There's nothing worse than tangling with some flubber-brained epistemologist and who can never be pinned down and whose brimming confidence is undermining to a naturally dubious atheist.
But though they start out sounding normal and they insist they are utterly rational, eventually the truth will come out. Like our new playmate Cliff Jumper, they'll say that somewhere in Italy, a communion wafer has morphed into a piece of jesus-flesh and it has not decayed. It's a sobering thought.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
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Potty? Does that mean crazy? Assuming it does...
I don't know about *crazy*...I elaborated on this in one of my posts to Cliff Jumper himself. Something about us lets us see familiar absurdities as non-absurd.
Maybe I'm being too charitable though, but when I held those world views I don't think I was crazy, I think I just didn't understand how to think for myself.
Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.
eccentric, inoffensive and amusing way. Like wearing your pyjamas out for dinner. I think all our religious theists are very similar in that they will argue with great energy and purpose a specific point that provides them a reason to accept all the woo that follows with it. I can never understand how they don't address every weakness in their doctrine in the same intense way but they never do. Guys like MoL for instance, or Paisley, put so much energy into building a trapdoor.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
Yes! mol was potty! There are a few select ones like crossover that don't get their underwear in a knot and if he has I haven't seen it. For the most part they just except defeat on us even when they haven't.But when that doesn't work they resort to verbal abuse. Even when you try your best to understand their view a lot of them just come in with guns blazing. Mind over matter is one of those and he actually curses people out. I haven't commented on his thread because I simply don't have the energy to go in circles again.
If all the Christians who have called other Christians " not really a Christian " were to vanish, there'd be no Christians left.
the biggest Poe we've ever seen. He's so consistently, stupidly abusive with his text walls and one-off appeals to dubious authority that "demolish evolution" that I can't accept he's really serious. Of course, if he is serious, then he's a titanic arsehole.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck