Cruelty Is Not a Label, By Brian37

Cruelty Is Not a Label, By Brian37
Sitting next to
A fork in the river
A gutted building
In the Rising Sun
70 grand
Little Boy kills
Girls and boys
A gated compound
In the conquered land
The Jewish pyre
Serves as a reminder
Then missiles of four
Piloted by Allah's fans
Don't fuck with daddy
He is in command
And Andrew Jackson
Rewarded with portrait
We carry in wallet
Natives slaughtered by his hand
Shackles justified
By dark skin
They are not like us
Not our kin
Obey me said Stalin
Obey the state
Death to those
Who don't obey
A shoe is thrown
At head of state
For murdering civilians
Calling it collateral damage
Horribly mundane
And tragically expected
Our common cruelty
Too much the norm
Is this the best
Our species has
Inventing ways to kill
To become the alpha male
Fuck your labels
And platitudes
Fuck your weapons
And social norms
Death is death
Labels can't avoid
I am human
And so are you
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.