An Ugly divorce and your relatives &always choose sides . . .

My elder folks got a divorce. Not happy about any part of it. I avoided the whole damn thing. Well No I didnt. Unfortunately I had to actually care for one of them while this was going on. So Naturally the 'other' side of the family sided with the other parent. Now thinks I am pretty much shit.
This is all the complete utter stupidity that I tried to avoid to at all costs. Only I really couldnt now could I was forced to care for one. My step-brother thinks I acted horrible for not siding with the other. I dont watch soap-operas on daytime tv. When did our family become one ? My first thought is to think my step-brother is being a shit head. But I feel if I give into anger, you could pretty much forget all hope of normality. I am trying to be big about it.
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You know why divorces cost so much money? Because they're fucking worth it!
Jocking aside, divorcing sucks ass, but in the end, staying together miserably is probably a worse alternative. Think happy thoughts
"Don't seek these laws to understand. Only the mad can comprehend..." -- George Cosbuc
Things happen to us in our lives, that make us different people. Different than you would be otherwise. I dont have a problem with the other side of the family so Mr. ShitHead now has a problem with me. To complicate things I think he was misled by what was told to the guy. I was walking a tie-rope the whole blessaid time. Which was impossible to do when youre living with one all the time due to medical needs.
Unlike the broken home of the tv's Teutul family (American Chopper) I am not able to talk to people without talking to them. I am doing well. But I think the other side of the family is not going to be hearing much from me. To complicate things further I did try to avoid them the whole time when I knew what was going to happen. I didn't want anyone saying shit to me or me saying shit to them. It's a kinda of wisdom I am certain that taking sides is almost stupid. I am no psychologist but this is a thing people their age should have learned somewhere in their lives. I dont want to hold it against my step-brother but I am less happy about their response than the whole blessaid mess
I am only giving some background information. There is a hidden subject about "taking sides" Never do it!
My wife and I got divorced last year and it was an extremely friendly divorce. We had a nice bottle of wine and a cigar together the night we got divorced. Yet both of our families remain obstinate in hating the other one. It is really sad that they feel a need to make the divorce a lot more ugly than it was.
I am now at a point where I can barely tolerate my sister because I am so angry at her for not letting my ex see her kids ever again. She was their Aunt for 7 years which is pretty much their entire lives and now because we are divorced she is completely cut off which is devastating to her and the kids. I guess it is different in a hostile divorce but I don't see how people can throw out years of relationships simply because two people decide that continuing a marriage isn't working. People just need to get over themselves.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
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