Somoli pirates kidnap Christians off a boat.

Don't have a link but just saw it on the news.
An associate of the kidnapped people swears that the missionaries were not out to hand out bibles to non-Christians, but just to "like minded people".
Lets get one thing straight, I hope they are freed and not murdered. However I might feel about their beliefs, we do not want to live in a world where we have to fear being a hostage to someone else. FOR ANY REASON.
This country, however, may have some religious motiviation, but the main reason these pirates do what they do is because they live in a dirt poor country. Still no excuse.
But, my main purpose once again, in posting this points out the solid objection Epicurus put forth with "the problem with evil".
I don't see how this alleged god, unless these poor hostages are just toys for god's amusement, could fail to protect his fans. He can do anything he wants, he created the universe, but cant see fit to prevent his own fans from being harmed.
And what is so horrible about this mind fuck concept, is that if these unfortunate people, are still alive, and hopefully they are, they would not hold their fictional deadbeat character accountable, even after all their devotion to him.
If this god's goal is to reach more people, and these people are doing what this god wants, why the fuck would he allow something counter to his own plan? I am not even addressing the moral repugnant aspect of such a concept, but even just as important, the efficiency of such a plan?
When you strip this magic sky daddy out of the mix, this horrible act makes sense. Poor people, kidnap other human beings because they don't have money to feed themselves. They may also be motivated by Allah to do such too, even though the REAL issue is poverty.
You would think after thousands of years of all these dungeon's and dragons clubs failure to create uniformity, someone would take notice of such inconsistency and arbitrary use of bad logic.
What a nice diety these poor hostages have to allow them to be kidnapped and possibly murdered while daddy sits up in the sky with folded arms. I am sure these poor people are shouting, "Yippy, I get to be held hostage and possibly murdered so I can hang out with daddy and kiss his ass forever".
SERIOUSLY BELIEVERS, it has nothing to do with hating a fictional god. I hate what you do to your own brain that allows you to swallow this crap.
They got kidnapped as a result of other human beings and if they make it out alive, it will be because human behavior, NOT a magic man in a white robe vs a man with a pitchfork.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
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How about they provoke Somalia pirates to kidnep them, so ameican army will come and kill all infidels, and bring the kingdom of the lord closer to us.
Thats a bit of a stretch. But even if I assumed that for argument's sake, that would make this god and even bigger prick. Not that he doesn't already have a cosmically epic fucked up ego already.
I don't think that is as much that they are deliberately doing that, but more along the lines that they don't understand that life is really a crap shoot and they truly believe their daddy will protect them no matter what, even if they die.
Once you buy the after life, you don't have to care about the one real one you have in reality.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Well just heard on the news these poor people were murdered. And all while their alleged god watched and did nothing. What a hero he turned out to be.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Shitty stuff. Desperate people do desperate things. Now all the pirates (likely a bunch of teenagers) are going to be executed, just to add to the tragedy. So in total we'll have, what, 25 dead people?
Stay away from Somalia, kids. This whole thing is terrible, but I find myself having reduced sympathy. They knew what they were doing when they left their convoy...I don't know what possessed them to do such a thing.
For the pirates, they had to know they were all dead one way or another the minute they saw a U.S. navy ship trailing them.
Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.
Well, if you do some digging into the root causes of Somali piracy, you will find that life for them is nasty short and brutish.
One thing to remember is that the government collapsed as the cold war ended. They have never got their act back together. Today, it is all an essentially feudal society but one controlled not by knights on horseback and a sense of chivalry (whatever that even meant) but by modern guns. He who has the guns makes the rules.
Since then, the only thing that passes for industry has been fishing and that is dead in many areas because the European fleets just take advantage of the total lack of proper controls to decimate the area. When there was a government, the fleets had to play by rules and those rules left plenty of fish for the locals. Now, not nearly so much.
Add to that the fact that with no rules, the coastal area has become a dumping ground for European toxic and nuclear waste. Obviously, that has not helped the environment. However, that, in itself was not a large enough factor to get this shit storm going or it would have been going on already for twenty years.
What really was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back was the Tsunami a few years ago. While it was a total disaster in Indonesia, enough of it was left by the time that it reached the coast of Africa that it scooped up all the nasty waste and dropped it on the beaches of Somalia.
So pretty much, if you used to be a Somali fisherman, with all of this going on, what the hell else is there to do but fuck with anyone you possibly can?
Don't misunderstand me on this. I am not saying that it is right what they are doing. It is pretty terrible but they don't have many choices. If the rest of the world wants this mess ended, it is going to have to come up with a way to fix the situation that is going on over there. Obviously, that is neither easy nor inexpensive.
Signature ? How ?
I understand there is a legitimate list of grievances on the part of the Somalis but how does executing unarmed captives ( ie, "non combatants" ) help rectify their dilemma ? .....not exactly the type of behavior that would engender much international sympathy for the Somalis in my opinion.
P.S.: Would not surprise me the proselytizers could be also torchered to be closer to Jesus the Christ. Everything's as they want. So, let's not be jealous for their quick departure to the land of plenty, no taxes, and uncountable number of virgins (72 per person?).
A thought: death is death, but Christian death is presumably a lesser death...
1) I am drunk (mildly)
2) If you have a choice to kill a Christian or kill an Atheist (no other choices), who would you kill?
The person who asked me to choose.
Haha, yea.
Personally, if I didn't know the people and assuming I literally had no other choice, it would be random.
Captain, your avatar is confusing to me. It isn't an anime heroine but she's got big knockers but she is also clothed. Help, I don't know who I'm talking to!
Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.
I doubt these kids even considered international opinion. They were simply doing something they thought was going to be easy money. Capture a few hostages, hold them for ransom. Then when they are getting tailed by the US Navy, they got scared. Some drugged up dumb ass panics and shoots the hostages. It really isn't that different than when a convenience store robbery ends in a shooting. Young, desperate dumb asses in poverty are very dangerous.
I think AIG's point is that this is the kind of thing you can expect from an area of the world that is extremely impoverished. The young have absolutely no prospects to make a decent life for themselves let alone any kind of family. So they do anything for money. It isn't the kind of ideological terrorist attack we see from radical islamists. There was no political agenda. They were just trying to get money so they could buy drugs, alcohol, women or whatever other vice makes them feel a little better in their misery.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
I suppose I have no reason to disagree with your assessment of how things came to pass concerning these Somali "opportunists" but how should a potential victim respond to their attempts to exploit them, even in a possibly lethal way ?
My attitude at the point of armed confrontation is no longer sympathetic toward the Somali pirates but I must revert to simple self preservation ..... "Sorry guys. I'm sorry life didn't turn out the way that you hoped ...anyway, prepare to be saturated with many, many, many rounds of automatic cannon fire. "
There is not one person involved in this story who I remotely give a damn about... Culling the herd as far as I'm concerned.
I said no other choices. Let's say the one who gave you this choice did this in a written note and she/he executed autodafe on oneself while you was reading the note.
BTW, I would certainly kill the atheist because it would be much easier to explain a Christian why I did it.
Yesterday I've heard ElRushbo talking about weak Obama not sending troops to kill all Somali pirates and everyone who is beyond a 12 mile zone from Somalia cost.
These eggheads (like ElRushbo) are bloody predictable! Told ya it was a deliberate provocation with Christian proselytizers as martyrs.
I don't think it was a conspiracy on the victims part in lying about what they were doing, handing out bibles to non Christians, in a free society, if one wants to live in a free society, is not illegal, nor should be.
I think it was just fucking stupid on their part, even if there was some Muslim motivation to kill them, but has others have said here, starve people to death and they will do desperate things.
What they did would be like a white rich man in a expensive suit walking through Compton La in the middle of the night with a wad of money hanging out of the back of their pocket.
These people didn't deserve to die, but what they did was stupid.
Sailing around the world is dangerous, period. You have all sorts of robbers who patrol waters EVERYWHERE that will look for an easy target.
There are opportunists in every country, just like there are drug lords and gangs in Mexico and the U.S.
I wouldn't sail around the California?Mexico border. Nor would I sail around Cuba or parts of the South American coast. And I am quite sure there are parts of Asia's waters that are full of criminals too.
I think it is best to stick to waters you know and if you insist on trips, take a cruise. Otherwise arm yourself to the teeth and sail in groups of boats.
These guys were originally with a group of boats and broke from the pack. No different than a calf in a herd of gazel(sp) with lions chasing it.
I think this was a crime of opportunity. And these unfortunate victims underestimated the waters they went into.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
The only way to deal with these kinds of hoodlums is to be prepared to defend yourself. If you insist on sailing in that part of the world, you really ought to be armed and trained yourself, or have hired security with you. Set up a fortified panic room where you can more easily defend yourself while waiting for help. I suspect that if the pirates met any kind of resistance they would leave and seek a new target. Unfortunately, it sounds like these people were completely naive about the dangers, which really is inexcusable given the media coverage of pirates in that area in recent years.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
Oops, I guess my reply about maritime self-defense was actually somewhat broader than what Brian was actually addressing in the op. Yes, I agree that these Christian proselytizers were extremely foolish.... ( at least if they had been Branch Davidian missionaries they likely would have been more heavily armed than the pirates themselves )