Credulous reporting on CNN about a runaway bulldozer.

This kind of reporting pisses me off.
A bulldozer smashed into and destroyed a couple of mobile homes. The anchor quoted witnesses as saying, "Somehow it started, but there was no driver".
If these idiots were in a journalism class I was teaching, I would fucking fail them.
"No driver" doesn't mean that a human didn't start it.
Most likely two things happened.
Someone started it, lost control of it and jumped of, and ran away when they saw where it was headed and didn't want to take responsibility.
OR it was not an accident and they were joy riding and lost control, ran away because they didn't want to take responsibility.
WHAT DID NOT HAPPEN, is it starting by itself with no human help.
No one was hurt or in the homes at the time fortunately.
This type of reporting plays into the credulous idiots who watch Stephen King movies and think the movie reflects reality.
Don't get me wrong, it is still a story. How many people get their homes run over by a bulldozer when they don't expect it. A HUMAN CASED THIS, even though they were not caught or seen on the bulldozer.
I am quite sure the cops who will investigate this wont be as credulous as the moronic witnesses or the morons who watch this story thinking ghost can run a machine.
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Actually, some of ghosts can control a bulldozer remotely.!_%28film%29