did god slept??
Posted on: February 21, 2011 - 3:58pm

did god slept??
after 6 days of hard work, god took rest on the seventh day..
That means he was tired after work. Does he slept on that day?? Does god eat and drink ??
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My guess is he burned through all of his glycogen storage from 6 days of intense work. He probably didn't have much time to take in as many calories as he was burning... creating the universe likely takes a lot of energy. I'd guess he probably had a high carb dinner such as pasta, watched a couple episodes of Boardwalk Empire, had a nice scotch nightcap, and retired to bed early to rest up for work the next day. He probably had to be in at work at 7 or 8 am, and God knows He needs at least 8 hours a night or He's worth shit the next day.
Check this out :
haa haaa. that was funny
..god is soo screwed up
Well, shit, if it takes allot of energy to create the universe then God must be one hell of an obese fat fuck to burn off all those calories. Maybe he could be on "The Biggest Loser".
He hasn't been worth shit since the Garden and even fucked that up.
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