Satan, the creator

If Satan is not a creator and does not have the power to do so, as I have recently heard, how did he "counterfiet in advance" not only the myriad of hero myths that sound strikingly similar, and in some cases mirror image, to Jesus, but things like the fossil record? Are these not acts of creation? Or do misleading insertions to "reality" fall into a category I'm not aware of? What's the difference between god creating a bird, and Satan creating a fossil of a bird-like creature? Both are physical objects. Both require, in this circle of "logic", a "creator". Any thoughts?
The darkness of godlessness lets wisdom shine.
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That's a good point.. yet another contradiction on the part of some Christians. The ones who believe in the 6000-year ago creation would be hard pressed to answer this question. He was an angel, though; can angels affect our reality, as far as creating things goes? He certainly can't change minds, free will and all, but can they change physical reality?
If all else fails, if all turns to dust, set sail on a ship built from trust.
Which is another contradiction. (But that's a matter for another thread)
Are you saying that free will is a contradiction because god knows all and has set everything that will happen, therefore free will is an illusion, or for some other reason?
Regardeless of that, someones gotta have something to say on this. Come on!! Somebody tear me apart, please!!! I wanna know a theists point of view!
The darkness of godlessness lets wisdom shine.
Um, I think you scared the theists away with that smart little burst of logic in the very first post
After all the eleventh Commandment seems to have added the recent line: "Thou shalt not debate Atheists on their home turf, for I am an indefensible God"
Rationally Yours
I have a hard time with people who claim Satan has created all these counterfeits. Besides the whole creation thing, how did Satan know all of God's plans an make little knock offs like hero myths. If God really wants all to come to salvation as the bible claims, why let Satan run around and deceive a majority of people?
Either I scared 'em off, or they think it's such a foolish argument that it's not worth their time, but some of 'em tend to jump head long into those things. I was kinda hoping to bait StMichael into it though, hehe.
The darkness of godlessness lets wisdom shine.
The answer is quite simple. Satan's abilities fluctuate depending on what gaps exist in theist rationalizations. He exists as one of the trump cards... you toss "Satan" or "Faith" onto the table when the flaws of your logic have been exposed.
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That's a good question, I'd ask the priest next time you at church