Hitchens in his preface of Hitch 22.

Many of us reading this following passage agree with
"The cause of my life has been that of combating superstition".............
He also attributes the good intention of well wishing upon the news of his illness from the believers as a further grounding in his position.
Hitch 22 Preface xiii:
I was actually grateful for the heavy attention I received from the faithful. It gave my atheism, if you like, a new lease on life. It also helped me to keep open a long debate to which I am proud to have contributed a littleQuote:WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN " A LITTLE"
Seriously Hitchens, I can and will bitch about your inept label of the "Portable Atheist". No, it was not "portable" it weighed a ton.
But to say that you contributed "a little". is like saying that the big ban contributed "a little" to the universe.
You've done far more than you may know. And there are countless atheists like me, that wish, and can only hope they face the same conflicts you have with as much courage.
You are the voice of so many and say what others wouldn't dare to say. You did not do just " a little". You stood up to the theistic bully and bitch slapped him.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
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It's a fun read. The man has done so much in his life, I would like to claim to have done half as much.
Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin
We all do alot in our lives, some just get more lucky than others. I am glad he did what he did and wrote what he wrote for the benefit of atheists. But just like a sports star, or pop musician, there are far more with the same desire that don't reach that level. Far more support the top than get to the top.
For every historical figure in political or pop culture, in every nation, in human history, there are far more who compete to get there who DONT reach that.
So as much as I DO thank him for his work. there are many undetermined factors that could have changed things.
I am happy for his trip. But without someone buying what he sold, he would have nothing.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog