"Him/Her" ban in a preschool?

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"Him/Her" ban in a preschool?

I just saw this story on CNN. There may not be a link on the website since it is not a dominate story, but the brief back page story gets my what the fuck award?

There is a guy advocating the ban on the use of the word "him/her" in a preschool?

I'll be the first to argue for pay equality, if you can do it and you earn it, what is between your legs should not matter.

AND I am not one to call a man a loser if they depend on a woman as the bread winner of the family.

BUT come on. There are scientific differences as a range between males and females. A 120lb woman wont be a linebacker in the NFL and 350lb man wont be a ballet dancer. Seriously, this guy is a fucking idiot taking political correctness way to far. I am sorry, but if I go to a strip joint, I want to see naked woman, not fat guy is going to fill that market.

Life is not a script, ultimately that is what the guy is saying, and I agree. But the mere words "him or her" are not sexist. A vagina is a vagina and a penis is a penis which have NOTHING to do with gender equality.

I see nothing wrong with female body builders and would have not minded Xena Warrior Princess as my girlfriend in high school when the jocks were picking on me. But what the fuck, Lucy Lawless has a vagina, thus we say "her"

Seriously, should the moon sue the sun because it cant produce light? I cant have a baby so should I sue women for that?

If you have a penis you are a he, while I do accept that some "he's" have a genetic and biological range where their brains don't match their body. But that does not change the range average of humans that produce ON AVERAGE smaller females vs ON AVERAGE larger males.

I've had female bosses in the past were much harder working than many male workers I have known. But this is political correctness gone to the absurd level.

What words would this idiot suggest to describe the different shapes of our sex organs? I've seen a penis and a vagina and they do not look alike. Of course women should get equal pay for equal work, but how the fuck do you describe the difference between a penis and a vagina without "him/her"?

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While he's at it, better

While he's at it, better stop people using any language that suggests that some people are taller or stronger than others, or more 'good-looking', or smarter.

How would he be if he was speaking a language like French and many others where just about every noun has a 'gender', 'masculine' or 'feminine' (some allow neutral)?

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 Well, this is the link

 Well, this is the link that I found:




One thing that bothers me about that is that they specifically mention that the lego is next to the toy kitchen.  How is that not a sterotype?  They are going to let kids play how they want but they are going to make sure that they have some of each toy.


Actually, I might be a bit biased on that one.  My father had to teach my mother how to cook.  Because neither of them were raised with that particular bit of baggage.  He knew how and she did not.

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Never ever did I say enything about free, I said "free."


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Answers in Gene Simmons

Answers in Gene Simmons wrote:

 Well, this is the link that I found:




One thing that bothers me about that is that they specifically mention that the lego is next to the toy kitchen.  How is that not a sterotype?  They are going to let kids play how they want but they are going to make sure that they have some of each toy.


Actually, I might be a bit biased on that one.  My father had to teach my mother how to cook.  Because neither of them were raised with that particular bit of baggage.  He knew how and she did not.

My dad, until he died was the cook of the family too, and as far as money, my mom did the financial things, so although I blast roles, and life is a range, my dad still had a dick and my mom still had a vagina.

I hate the idea of roles. I think we should be what we want to be and if it works it works.

I think if a boy wants to play with dolls and a girl wants to ride a dirt bike, great. But that still doesn't mean we shouldn't see differences. It just means that life is a range and not an absolute.


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Quote:They read books

They read books featuring gay and lesbian couples, single parents and adopted children, instead of fairy tales such as “Cinderella” or “Snow White,” which are rife with gender stereotypes.

School staff try to avoid masculine and feminine references in their speech, for example by not using the Swedish pronouns “han” or “hon” for him or her, and instead using the genderless word “hen,” which doesn’t formally exist in the Swedish language.

"Society expects girls to be girlie, nice and pretty and boys to be manly, rough and outgoing," teacher Jenny Johnsson told the AP. "Egalia gives them a fantastic opportunity to be whoever they want to be."


If the school were truly impartial, they would read whatever books the kids liked and a good mix of whatever is fitting for the age group. By its own criterion, Egalia essentially "expects" kids to act like they're gay or asexual.    

Shouldn't the kids have gender neutral names too? Maybe the teachers should just give them numbers and refrain from any implication of individuality; "You're preschooler #17."


Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare

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Answers in Gene Simmons

Answers in Gene Simmons wrote:

One thing that bothers me about that is that they specifically mention that the lego is next to the toy kitchen.  How is that not a sterotype?  They are going to let kids play how they want but they are going to make sure that they have some of each toy.

Why don't they let the kids play with whatever they want instead of assuming they'll like legos and toy kitchens? That's a stereotype. Haha.

Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare

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butterbattle wrote:

They read books featuring gay and lesbian couples, single parents and adopted children, instead of fairy tales such as “Cinderella” or “Snow White,” which are rife with gender stereotypes.

School staff try to avoid masculine and feminine references in their speech, for example by not using the Swedish pronouns “han” or “hon” for him or her, and instead using the genderless word “hen,” which doesn’t formally exist in the Swedish language.

"Society expects girls to be girlie, nice and pretty and boys to be manly, rough and outgoing," teacher Jenny Johnsson told the AP. "Egalia gives them a fantastic opportunity to be whoever they want to be."


If the school were truly impartial, they would read whatever books the kids liked and a good mix of whatever is fitting for the age group. By its own criterion, Egalia essentially "expects" kids to act like they're gay or asexual.    

Shouldn't the kids have gender neutral names too? Maybe the teachers should just give them numbers and refrain from any implication of individuality; "You're preschooler #17."


Have you ever seen THX 1138?  If not, you should because that remark was just scary.

NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:
Never ever did I say enything about free, I said "free."


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Maybe they'll



apply this whitewash to religion too. It's about time the words sinner and christian and muslim and dhimmi were banned. But him and her? What a fucking crock. 

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I blogged about a similar

I blogged about a similar thing a little while back here.


I'm down with this. I'm opposed to gender roles, which are ultimately damaging. That's all there is to it.

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BenfromCanada wrote:I

BenfromCanada wrote:

I blogged about a similar thing a little while back here.


I'm down with this. I'm opposed to gender roles, which are ultimately damaging. That's all there is to it.

I am apposed to gender roles too, but what does that have to do with stating the obvious. A "he" has a penis and a "her" has a vagina.


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BobSpence1 wrote:While he's

BobSpence1 wrote:

While he's at it, better stop people using any language that suggests that some people are taller or stronger than others, or more 'good-looking', or smarter.

How would he be if he was speaking a language like French and many others where just about every noun has a 'gender', 'masculine' or 'feminine' (some allow neutral)?

Yeah, my language is just as much gender-specific, with he/she/it specifications for every noun. Furthermore, local female surnames usually have a suffix "-ová". (which is basically a possesive suffix)

Local women do not really mind, maybe the feminists are glad to receive a special recognition. There is only the issue about addressing women in police and army. In medicine, there is a "doctoress" title, but in army there's just sergeant, not a "sergeantess."

I find it inconvenient that in english you don't know if the person you're referring to is man or woman. It's diffcult in reading and writing texts, in pointing at people and generally getting around.

Women are oppressed economically, they settle for less money and career, in exchange for a work closer to home, shorter working hours or a job they can return to when their maternity leave ends. 
It's the economic system that forces women to compete with men, who don't hold back their career with pregnancy and other parental duties. To change that, it will take much more than just a gender-neutral language.

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Brian37 wrote:Sometimes the

Brian37 wrote:

Sometimes the left really goes off the deep end.

Only sometimes? Well, I'll take what I can get. Personally, I'm a big fan of gender differences, I would hate to date someone like me. I like women who like flowers, doing their makeup, long walks on the beech and force me to go to those terrible chick flicks- cooking is optional I actually prefer to do that myself.


There is nothing wrong with fitting into stereotypes if that is what you want. The wonderful thing about stereotypes is that they are extremely useful for getting around in the world because they are assumptions that are correct more often than not. As groups of people change, so do the stereotypes associated with that group. I wonder if all of these anti-stereotype people notice how often in their day to day life they use stereotypes. 


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Brian37 wrote:I just saw

Brian37 wrote:

I just saw this story on CNN. There may not be a link on the website since it is not a dominate story, but the brief back page story gets my what the fuck award?

There is a guy advocating the ban on the use of the word "him/her" in a preschool?

I'll be the first to argue for pay equality, if you can do it and you earn it, what is between your legs should not matter.

AND I am not one to call a man a loser if they depend on a woman as the bread winner of the family.

BUT come on. There are scientific differences as a range between males and females. A 120lb woman wont be a linebacker in the NFL and 350lb man wont be a ballet dancer. Seriously, this guy is a fucking idiot taking political correctness way to far. I am sorry, but if I go to a strip joint, I want to see naked woman, not fat guy is going to fill that market.

Life is not a script, ultimately that is what the guy is saying, and I agree. But the mere words "him or her" are not sexist. A vagina is a vagina and a penis is a penis which have NOTHING to do with gender equality.

I see nothing wrong with female body builders and would have not minded Xena Warrior Princess as my girlfriend in high school when the jocks were picking on me. But what the fuck, Lucy Lawless has a vagina, thus we say "her"

Seriously, should the moon sue the sun because it cant produce light? I cant have a baby so should I sue women for that?

If you have a penis you are a he, while I do accept that some "he's" have a genetic and biological range where their brains don't match their body. But that does not change the range average of humans that produce ON AVERAGE smaller females vs ON AVERAGE larger males.

I've had female bosses in the past were much harder working than many male workers I have known. But this is political correctness gone to the absurd level.

What words would this idiot suggest to describe the different shapes of our sex organs? I've seen a penis and a vagina and they do not look alike. Of course women should get equal pay for equal work, but how the fuck do you describe the difference between a penis and a vagina without "him/her"?

Sometimes the left really goes of the deep end.




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Beyond Saving wrote:Brian37

Beyond Saving wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

Sometimes the left really goes off the deep end.

Only sometimes? Well,

No rules is not off the deep end? That seems to be what you advocate. Or is it only rules that benefit money? Other classes are lazy because they don't have what you have. What voice should they have because they don't want what you want?


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