If you could rule the world, what would you do?
I'd only put myself in charge of the U.S.A. and from there -
I'd form a Centralized Government and every state would be a police state.
English would be the only language. No more "Press 1 for English".
All schools will have strict dress codes and spankings will be allowed.
Gay marriage in all states will be legal.
I'd remove religion from public places. I'd be very tempted to get rid of it all together, and force people to accept atheism, but because I would not desire to be seen as a bully, I'd keep it, BUT.....
I'd remove the words, "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance.
"In God We Trust" will be absent from paper currency. The original U.S. motto, chosen by John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson, is "Of Many, One", celebrating plurality, not theocracy, will be reinstated as the U.S. Motto.
I'd make it illegal for the government to promote religion, because it is UnAmerican and it is rude. Whenever a public official uses the office to advance religion, someone is offended. The wisest policy is one of neutrality.
No more swearing on the bible in court or when there's a new President.
The Death Penalty would be used in all States.
There'd be tougher prison sentences.
Prisons would go back to how they use to be with inmates locked alone in their cells 24/7.
Abortion will remain legal, but not late-term abortions.
There will be no Affirmative Action.
Euthanasia for humans will be legalized.
Prostitution will be legalized.
Marijuana will be legalized, but you cannot use it until you are 21, and using it while driving will get you arrested.
There will be free health care.
There will be lower taxes.
All guns - Banned.
I would support legal immigration only. Amnesty for those who enter the U.S. illegally (illegal immigrants) would not be granted. Those who break the law by entering the U.S. illegally do not have the same rights as those who obey the law and enter legally. The borders will be secured and my people would strongly enforce current immigration law.
The U.S. would withdrawn from the United Nations.
Unless a country invades us, I will no longer send our people to war to meddle in the affairs of others.
You cannot drive a car until you are 18.
I will invent a machine called "The Authenticator". It is a device that forces to people to tell the truth and share their every inner-thought. The suspect will be in a room and the lights in the room will begin to dim. A motor would begin to him softly overhead. A section of the ceiling would slide aside. Then two beams of violent light will spear down from the ceiling aperture, and converge diagonally on the suspect's head. And the officer will ask their question and the suspect will be coerced into speaking the truth due to the psychological power of the machine which sees into the brain and forces it to reveal only the truth. All police stations in the country would be issued one, and have a legal right to use it. And the suspect would not be able to deny it being used on them.
And if anyone protested, I'd have the police spray giant water hoses at them, beat them with clubs, and open fire if need be.
Hail me.
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I would resign.
If you could rule the world, why only put yourself in charge of the U.S.? If you ruled the Earth, why not be rid of all borders and re-name the Earth- Zeeboeland? And how are you going to enforce your rules if you ban all guns? Is your S.S. squad going to own every gun in existence? You better think this thru.
When I rule the world, I will hear your plea. And after a fair and impartial trial with myself as judge, jury, and executioner, I shall grant you a quick and painless death.
edit: I got thinking. Can I rule the world in the past? I wanna go back a couple thousand years. I'd make Mary my whore. Jean Chauvin my Jester. And for my grand and final act I would punch Jesus so hard in the fucking throat that no words could ever come out of his cocksucker again.
....brought to you by Carl's Jr.
"...but truth is a point of view, and so it is changeable. And to rule by fettering the mind through fear of punishment in another world is just as base as to use force." -Hypatia
Lmao. Get in the spirit of things.
I would institute free speech, and criminalise censorship. I would institute a democratic socialism and put tonnes of resources into education. I would institute a criminal system which was not wasteful and counter-productive. I'd put resources into space development and reducing the human footprint.
Then after I'd fixed the worlds problems I'd retire and watch it all go to shit in a decade or less.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Every celebrity would be reduced to having janitor pay.....which is the worst thing that could happen under my rule since money would be phased out.
Teachers, scientists and inventors would be among some of the most valued groups.
Anyone caught using oil or gasoline would be executed.
Services that people paid for that should be free, like the internet, would be available to everyone at no cost.
All nukes would be dismantled.
Churches would be heavily monitored and since money would no longer be a factor, I guarantee they'd just phase out after awhile.
Every drug would be legalized and anyone caught hurting anyone under the influence would be executed immediately.
There would be no prisons and, instead, there would be one gigantic arena built where once a month, we get to watch those who were caught being scumbags battle to the death in various gladiator games. The survivor would get personally shot by me.
Shit like anti-abortion rallies, hate against gays and the like would be napalmed without pity.
Hell, that's just a small list of what I'd do.
If I had absolute control and no one would contest what I say?
I would outlaw large corporations who screw the environment and the public.
I would outlaw loud television commercials (like car sales) and outlaw all commercials for stupid items which don't really work.
I would outlaw churches and all religions
I would outlaw censorship
I would outlaw outlaws
I would outlaw all Adam Sandler movies after Little Nicky and forbid him from making any more movies (excluding Click)
I would outlaw variable taxes and make a flat tax for all companies (35%) and people (25%).
I would outlaw violence, war, famine, theft and country music.
I would outlaw the NBA unless they tripled the size of the court and added a moving basket.
I would outlaw baseball unless they added a third team to the game with a adjacent field (so you have 18 players in the field). The ball would randomly emit spikes from itself.
I would outlaw full contact sports unless they made people wear those fake Sumo suits.
I would outlaw the NFL unless they removed all the pads and helmets, added another team and also added another 50 yard field so that the field would like like the letter Y.
If any of my laws are broken I'd give the person or company a three strikes rule. After the third strike they would get beheaded, shot, posioned, hung, drowned (what ever their choice) for their offense.
Things I would support would be education, science and health.
So you censor tv commercials, censor religious statements, censor Adam Sandler, and outlaw censorship therefore becoming an outlaw under your own laws. So when you outlaw outlaws does that mean you would outlaw yourself? Since you have now broken three of your own laws what is your choice beheaded, shot poisoned, hung or drowned?
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
I sense you're trying to have fun with this topic. "Imagination is more important than knowledge" so.. here goes..
After intense technological research, we would reach an intelligence explosion allowing near superluminal travel and mastery of genetics and any sciences for that matter which are necessary to support my dreams.
Immortality would therefore become reality via mind uploading.
Mandatory mind uploading would commence on a state by state then country level. Let each state now be denoted as a mind cluster.
Large spaceships would be crafted which would serve as datacenters for each mind cluster.
Once the world population is completely assimilated into these stellar mind clusters, we would then go on a massive exodus from Earth in search of ETs.
Dyson spheres would be constructed as we go to support any ongoing energy requirements.
If ET or something worthwhile is discovered then I would have to conquer them also, since a requirement of this fantasy is that I must rule everything.
If incapable of conquering -> flee -> improve -> return to conquer. Repeat until successful or expunged.
If successful repeat conquests throughout universe until all ETs are subjugated and processed into the hive mind.
If no ETs exist, or all ETs consumed, attempt to stop or avoid our cosmological fate.
As there is obviously no longer any threat of interstellar opposition, I will either be successful or unsuccessful based purely on time or naturalistic constraints.
If unsuccessful, I will no longer rule anything since everything will cease to exist (at least temporarily since it might bounce back into existence).
If successful (this is my predilection), then I would now have the multiverse to explore and conquer.
Since my current fathomable knowledge defines the multiverse as infinite, I would repeat exploration and conquest indefinitely for eternity.
If I ceased my conquest, I could not know for certain that I rule everything. If I continue my conquest, I still cannot know for certain that I rule everything.
Therefore, in my quest to rule everything, I have discovered that everything cannot be ruled.
If I had power, I'd have money. So I'd put lots of money into this project above and set up shop on a private island and let the Ape creatures grow.
In due time, using nuclear missiles, I would destory every single country in the world except the United States of America. We will just be one country sitting among a gigantic ocean. By doing that, so many labels the world has will be lost, and there is a guarantee that there will be world peace. Knowledge of those destoryed countries and their history will not be taught in schools. The U.S.A. will lose it's name and history as well. No flags. No states. No American pride. Our country would simply be called "home".
Using nuclear missiles not as strong as the ones I used to destory the world, I'd target America next so the country is destoryed, but not so destoryed, it falls into the ocean. Just enough where the entire country is a big open empty space. From there, I'd fly all my Apes from the island into the new country, and let them enslave humans, take over the world, and let them have a turn at running the planet. I'd let them decide most of the rules, but there would be a few things I would do before letting them have full control -
English will be the only language. In due time, the label of the word "English" will be lost as well. To speak anything other then English can get you killed.
There is to be no personal possessions on this planet.
I will ban all religion - Organized and disorganized. Churches and religious books and anything to do with religion will be destroyed. To promote and support religion will be a crime that is punishable by death. Atheism and Evolution will be embraced as truths and believed by all. Religion causes suffering. And unless a God stops me, and we see proof of a God's existence, I cannot allow religion to pollute the new Earth.
All electricity will be destoryed. No lights, no landline phones, no movies, no TV, no video games, no cell phones, no computers, no internet, no electricity.
Eating animals will be illegal. To harm or kill an animal can have you put to death. This includes fishing. Animal skin will not be used for any type of clothing. Animals will not be experimented on, and they will not be used for entertainment.
All means of mobilized transportation are banned. No cars, trucks, motorcycles, airplanes, helicopters, buses, ships, boats, trains, metro rails, or subways. Riding horses or driving carriages via a horse will be the main means of transportation. Riding bicycles, kickbikes, walking, running, and other things like that will also be acceptable for Apes, and humans, if their Ape masters say it's okay.
"no video games"
For that alone I'd assassinate you.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
DAMNED RIGHT. I find the entire idea of absolute power sick.
Without change you stagnate. Sometimes you can take a step back, but over all with change there is opportunity for improvement.
I wouldn't want to rule the world because life is a range and what I want is not what everyone else wants. Power without the humility of being willing to give it up is selfish.
Absolute power is nothing but might makes right.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
You're putting limits on yourself. You don't have to make people do things. So far the only people I wouldn't eventually hunt down, as an outside observer, are myself, you, and beyond. Though I'd hunt us if we didn't do what we said we'd do.
Remember that one of the powers you have when your power is absolute is the power to abdicate power. You can give your power to everyone, as I would (though one change I'd first make to democracy is that there would be a test based on education that would earn the right/responsibility to vote. If you really think the world is 5000 years old, you don't qualify).
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I would have made people hermaphroditic, marine amphibians. They would start their lives as males living in the sea and end them as females living on land. When the males reached maturity they would swim up to the beaches and mate with the females in spawning pools. The females would give birth almost immediately to fish babies that would swim away and live in reefs off the coast. The male would then develop a large priapism which the females would bite off and eat, then the males would lose their gills, move onto land and turn into females.
There'd be no more gender inequality, juvenile delinquency, child abuse or school buses. People wouldn't want to pollute the oceans. All television shows would be about lesbians. It would be a near perfect world except for getting your penis bitten off.
There are twists of time and space, of vision and reality, which only a dreamer can divine
H.P. Lovecraft
"Ruling the world" does not imply abdication it implies narcissism. And of course I limit myself, because I don't have a cape and nor can I deflect bullets off my bare chest.
Hubris is what "ruling the world" implies.
And as far as setting limits, it is not either or. I have no problem with power when it is through consent. "Ruling the world" says NOTHING in those three words about consent, it just talks about power.
And as far as education ALWAYS preventing cruelty to others, that is false too. Kim Jong Un was educated in Europe. The 9/11 hijackers were also upper middle class education.
So it cannot be simply education, that can only be ONE aspect of it, all be it important, the other aspect has to be consent of the governed and anti monopoly laws. Being educated wont prevent you from becoming a dictator. I am quite sure most of the Chinese government has some level of higher education.
Iran has scientists and universities too. Education IS important, but it cannot be the only thing to a government anymore than voting can be the only thing to government. CHECKS AND BALANCES and consent and oversight IN COMBO
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
Wont happen. People's motivations in life are different. Trying to take away media COMPLETELY from the private sector is A BAD IDEA.
As much as Beyond pisses me off with his economic views I also see the danger of putting absolute control, especially for something like the media, into the hands of government. When you do that you can set up long term a state monopoly EITHER leaning to the right or to the left, and once it gets stuck there by government force it becomes nothing but propaganda.
I am for free access in libraries in which our taxes go to pay the private sector for that free access in libraries, I WOULD NEVER want that to go away. I am also for public access tv and public access radio and PBS. But without a private sector media you are playing with fire. A combo of both is a good mix because it keeps a check on the other.
I am quite sure Beyond would not want a majority of the left having control over state run media and I damned sure would be afraid if he had the same.
British state run TV is STILL counterbalanced by private media in the internet and newspapers and other mass media. If all Britain had was state tv and nothing else long term any political party could potentially set up an unchangeable monopoly.
When dealing with EITHER the private sector or government sector most people only think about themselves instead they need to think long term in terms of "what if I am not the one in power" "what if I am not the law maker making the laws".
Freedom of speech will always depend on some sort of private media even if the government sets up it's own publicly funded media. We have state funded colleges and public schools and and libraries. But if I myself want to start a private run internet radio show it would scare the living shit out of me if my government said, "You cant make money off the internet by owning your own podcast".
I hope you were sitting down Beyond, I know that comes as a shock to you.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
Being a global ruler of the world isn't that good of an idea. Centralized system means uniformous, uniformous means rigid, rigid is fragile, fragile is soon dead. A world that can't take care of itself isn't worth much. I've got better things to do than to babysit a planet. The trick is to get rid of the responsibility responsibly.
I'd figure out a way to make all this power exercise itself automatically, locally, intelligently, responsibly to local citizens. Mostly the stuff I already discussed with EXC, Beyond and others.
Despite of my humanistic directions, I'm a former freeware game programmer and I have an automatization technology high school, not entirely undeservedly. Programmers or engineers don't sit on thrones, they solve problems and move on. You wouldn't believe how much of the automatic regulation theory might apply on large-scale social problems. Things like politics, society and economy are basically systems, similar to water or electric conduits and reservoirs. There are some inputs (like resources, human and machine labor), there are internal mechanisms (some of which we can change or simplify) and there are outputs and we know what kind of outputs we want and don't want. (we want food, housing, healthcare, education, security and don't want... just watch the news)
Gradually I would divide all the political power into automatized administrative tasks and from there I'd only maintain an office that handles certain global coordination problems, like international transparent barter of resources.
You see, that's why I should get the job
Vote for me and if I won't practice what I preach, I give you an official permission to hit me with a paving stone and to do so with every other candidate who behaves the same.
Btw, universal English is a good idea, although I'd prefer a rationalized English, where bat, bad, bed aren't pronounciated as almost the same damn word. My language is almost perfect in that aspect, but it sucks because of the inflexion.
Yes, a lie detector in public offices is a good idea too. A promising new candidate to Slovak parliament, Igor Matovic underwent the test, he was questioned whether he ever took a bribe or participated in corruption. He turned out clean and recommended it to everyone. After that 20 people left his party
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Just having some fun. Not like I would do any of those things - though - I would censor the crappy info commercials which sell shit to ignorant people.
Well Brian is simply incapable of having fun with the topic. Bully for him.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I don't want to put a damper on anyone's fun but utopia fantasy brain storming isn't my cup of tea, I get too much of a lip twitch already with people who go beyond simply saying "Just having fun".
Now if you'll excuse me I was in the middle of a dream of Angelina Jolie giving me a hummer.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
Fellow technocrat, evolve your group cohesiveness and unite with the United Collective Consciousness. Assimilation is inevitable.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
I have a few more things that I'd like to do that would also be frowned at. The thing with me is that oddly enough, despite coming across as a tyrant, I am seeking world peace, and I feel the things I'd have to do to get world peace would cause suffering, but in the long run, things would be better. The first generation to go through this change would suffer the most, but with each generation, it would get better and better.
By getting rid of all cars, you know longer have to worry about traffic accidents or pollution or lazy people.
By getting rid of electricity, and eating animals, you know longer have laziness (again) and obesity or the media corrupting people's thinking.
Ideally, I think things would be perfect if we could go back to living the old ways, blended in with some modern things such as medicine and I'd be okay if civil servants still drove such as firefighters, EMT's, the police, etc, and I think that the phone could be used to call for help only. I also think by being more tough on crime, the less likely a crime is to happen.
I think this freedom nonsense has gone too far, and too many rotten human beings take advantage of the freedoms we have. One of the older things I'd like to see brought back is scumbags getting their parts removed, among other things, for crimes they do.
I already wrote something on this. We can only safely have as much technology, as we have ethics. And both have tendency to grow. So keeping either of them back is just wrong. It can never work. Even if it worked, we'd be a bunch of ignorants with primitive technology, ready to develop in a wrong direction at any time. The true solution is to measure up with ethics what we already have in technology. Then that technology will be used safely.
One of things I don't like about some thinkers is their incomplete view of human nature. They see all the barbarism that makes it to textbooks and they already wrote us off as extinct species. They see the seven sins, but not the seven virtues. They think what we are now is what we are, what we ever can be. I see such a nihilism and pesimism as philosophical equivalent of the Emo culture.
I see that our adaptability is so great, that it can even conform to a disorder, a dystopia. If we can adapt to a disorder, why couldn't we adapt to a good order?
Yes, in principle turning down the progress would conserve humanity, but it would solve nothing. We'd stay ignorant, uncivilized and unable to handle a powerful technology peacefully. I recommend you the Orson Scott Card's book series of Homecoming, that is a nice demonstration of the principle, although not explicitly.
I don't know what the criminals did to you, maybe your past traumas make you understandably wish removal of the criminals' limbs, but here you are on a forum and your ideas shall be challenged. You remind me an awful Lot ( pun intended ) of old testament Jews, with their limb-cutting, with their priests holding sacred technologies of ark of covenant and its portable temple (powerhouse) and various healing, paralyzing and water-finding staves granted by God. Is that what you want? Then vote for Rick Santorum.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Just because you're a Scrooge doesn't mean the rest of us are.

Now excuse me while I dream of the greatest gaming tournament of all time.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Why should others enjoy freedom at the expense of others? For example, take the eating of animals. Why should they suffer all for our greed?
Why should a child be neglected at home by parents all because they were not easy to raise?
Creating life is far more important then many realize. Why should sloppy people be allowed to have such power?
Why should someone who assaults someone be free to do it again?
Why should inmates be raped?
Why should pedophiles be allowed to breed? And by that I mean, a pervert rapes a kid and then that kid grows up and rapes another kid and on and on.
Why should bullies be given an education?
Why should those who disrupt peace be allowed to do it again?
Why should so much time and energy be put into reforming a troublemaker?
The problem with this freedom nonsense is that too many take advantage of the freedoms, which in turn infects the others.
A kid can mess around on a school-bus, and if the kid loses the right to ride the bus, Mom can go sue them all because the bus driver needs there to be decorum on the bus.
People grow up and are never disciplined, so they think they can do anything because "This is America, and I have rights."
These are the types of immature people who disrupt the educational system, by showing no respect in the classroom, and instead of growing our brains, the rest of us have to sit here while this troublemaker argues with the teacher. These are the types who talk in movies, and dance around monuments, when monuments should be quiet and respectful places where people show humility.
They occupy Wall Street, causing tourists to not be able to enjoy Wall Street. These types of troublemakers also blame others for their low income, when the truth is, if they did not mess around so much when they were in school, they too could have high-paying jobs.
These are the types who will go into Wal-Mart with their shirts off, and claim they have that right, not caring there are children near by.
And if there is any type of punishment placed onto these people, these people go crazy, and start screaming that this country is a "police state", that "this is a central government", that "this is fascism", and that "America is not a free country". These people desire anarchy, and wish to live in a world where there is no authority or law and order.
All this drama from these drama queen, shit-disturbers with empty lives react this way all because we ask them to respect the same rights as others.
Freedom and rights should be earned, and reserved only for the ones who deserve it. To live in a country as wonderful as mine is an honor. And those who object to it must be removed in order to keep others safe and so that peace can be obtained.
And the whole purpose of creating religion with hell being included was to coerce the darker side of nature into behaving. This new society is merely following the same lines and acting on things when laws are broken, and believes in enjoying the here and now, where justice does not wait, and where no God will forgive and forget.
I would build a railway that goes around the world and connects to every continents railway systems.
USA's military budget is now the NASA budget.
Huge world wide internet upgrade.
Teachers get a 12% salary bump.
Jail populations are given the oppurtunity to work in exchange for certain prvilages that non working members would not enjoy such as tv, earlier release, proper non corrupt prison guards etc, working members and non working members are kept in separate jails.
Politicians get a 12% salary decrease except myself, I get 1% of world wide tax revenue.
The entire government decision making process must be done on TV including who votes for what. With a nice summary version for people who have lives.
Get rid of most of the current social security instead use the money that would be used on them to teach these people skills and put them into"development crews" to build roads and stuff. Save government money on welfare and pay them with the money that would usually be paid to private companies that do tender work. Naturally people have to right to refuse the job but then they don't get paid.
Kick everyone out of the middle east.. it is now a "Park for war games" reality tv type show where the winner gets a piece of the holy land and when it is all divided up we start again.
Get rid of corporate/business tax but much higher income tax for the rich world wide excluding myself.
Kids at school must be taught they are not special and at best most of them will be average in every aspect of life.
World wide one child policy until the worlds population is low enough.
Marrage is now banned.
David Attenborough is declared a world treasure.
Glen Beck is the new Minister of entertainment.
Giant city of Marble will be build for the "benefit" of everyone but to house the worlds elite.
I would ban movies where the voice audio is low but the sound effects are unreasonably loud in contrast.
Build hundreds of giant statues Lord of the Rings style.
Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
No animal shall wear clothes.
No animal shall sleep in a bed.
No animal shall drink alcohol.
No animal shall kill any other animal.
All animals are equal.
Well if you are into Starcraft 2 IPL Las Vegas is coming up in a few days ($100k prize pool). Starcraft 2 is pretty much the only game I have time for now a days.
Here is the intro trailer for the event.
Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
No animal shall wear clothes.
No animal shall sleep in a bed.
No animal shall drink alcohol.
No animal shall kill any other animal.
All animals are equal.
I am not a Scrooge, but when atheists title a thread like "what would you do if you could rule the world", those morons get images of Stalin and Po Pot and Hitler. I'm not into the guilt by association thing, but humans do lump labels, like it or not, maybe not all, but Fux News certainly likes making enemies out of fear.
Maybe I could put some theists at ease with "what would you do if you won this 640 million megga ball? Then maybe humans can see that WE as humans all have our fantasies, and even they ask the very same question in the title of the thread. But since fear is the bread and butter of mass media, there will always be lemmings.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
Why should we suffer from their's? ALL life consumes life in a spray of blood and sap. You meet a hungry bear in your backyard, who do you think is going to win?
It is quite foolish to assume all life would suddenly be in paradise were humanity to vanish. On the contrary, many thousands of species would be instantly extinctified, such is their dependence on humans and their activities.
Humans have yet to do anything which is incomparable to the activities of animals. Which makes sense, because we're just another animal.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Yes, you are. Literally. He refused to see or find any fun or good in xmas, and you are doing exactly the same thing with this topic. Which is fine, but if you aren't willing to play, then gtfo. Because we are, and you are bringing it down.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Sweet, I didn't know there were high brow gamers here. Damn Tapey, why'd you take so long to mention it lol. You go to any tournaments? I have yet to play SC2. PC can barely handle Broodwar. And back when I was good enough to try my hand, tournaments were too expensive and far away for me to go to, so I only got into watching them fairly recently.
Lol, problem is I can only watch a game or two before I have to fire up Broodwar.
You catch the RedBull LAN? There were a few interesting games there. And Day [9] is always a hoot. Got to give that kid props.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I have been to few lans where there were local tournaments for various games, nothing serious, just for fun stuff but living in south Africa I can only quote Mark Hamil "If there's a bright center to the universe, you're on the planet that it's farthest from". There is nothing really gaming wise in South Africa, there is a fair community that meets up at big lans but it feels a bit like being luke on tatooine, just so many better places to be and very little reason to stay. Add to this our internet connections are so crap and laggy to the rest of the world unless you are whiling to pay half your salary for a good connection (internet is expensive here) a lot of games aren't worth playing multiplayer. Starcraft 2 is a nice exception, works perfectly despite me having to connect to the EU.
Wow your pc must be a trooper for lasting long enough that it can barely run Brood war. It must be like 14 years old or something. Sc2 is very different from Brood War which is good and bad, I miss brood war , there are things which are better in Brood war than Sc2 but times change, I have played Brood War way to much for me to be playing much anymore. But there is a still fairly active community for brood war on Iccup I believe.
I saw bits and pieces of the redbull lan, it was on at the same time as the lone star clash and my internet connection is not good enough for two streams at once. So I switched between the two periodically. Day[9] is pretty good, probably one of the best esport commentators there is. Him and Tastosis are definitely the best for Sc2.
Just some classic day[9]
Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
No animal shall wear clothes.
No animal shall sleep in a bed.
No animal shall drink alcohol.
No animal shall kill any other animal.
All animals are equal.
Yeah, my pc is around 17. Shit lol. Oh well, it still works. It has and can run the emulators for NES, SNES, Sega MS, Sega Genesis, and all the other systems from that era with little trouble. Lags a bit here and there with Broodwar, a lot with Warcraft 3 and Star Trek Armada, but it still runs them well enough. And that's all I use it for. lol.
Yeah, you pretty well just listed the best commentators out there. It'd be nice if they had a bit more expertise with other games as well, but you can't have everything. And they probably wouldn't be as good SC2 commentators if they did put the effort into such.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I just recently beat the piss out of Skyrim and I got F.E.A.R. 1 and 2 on my Xbox 360; have to get 3 now. My computer is finally up to date enough to check out the next gen shit. I used to go to all kinds of LANs around my area, but no one hosts them anymore because they are so expensive and after the economy went to shit, they became a thing of the past. Used to play Unreal Tournament mostly at those, also Age of Empires 2 (that game's appeal will never die). Still haven't gotten around to playing MW3 yet, but I'm itching to play it. Battlefield 3 was alright, but the ending sucked.
Jesus, my Pc's give out after 4 years. I am putting this down to instituationalized racism, flogging the low quality pc's off to Africa for twice the price (Its a joke, don't take it seriously).
Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
No animal shall wear clothes.
No animal shall sleep in a bed.
No animal shall drink alcohol.
No animal shall kill any other animal.
All animals are equal.
Technology has changed so significantly that I have no way to save data from the PC to anything. It's the only thing I own with a 3.5" disk drive (though a transfer of 1mb at a time is not an option anyway), and it's pre USB 2.0, so no memory stick on Earth with more than a MB of space will work with it. And if that weren't enough, the HDD is too old to be recognised and communicated with, except by other technology from the same era.
It may live forever, but only as a zombie. lol
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Good point.. We are going to need backwards compatible communication protocols that don't cause a loss of brain cells and can be reproduced affordably.
We may be able to modify a text messaging application to accomplish this task..
lol omg i kno so ez 2 txt u now new phone rox
btw u sexy send pix pls
Simulation Status: Successful. Cross breeding accomplished using minimal effort with new linguistics interface. Note to self: locate popular subject codenamed Ms. Fox for futher testing.
You can build yourself a replacement for as little as 200USD if you gather the parts yourself. Maybe check Amazon on the shipping if no local stores available. Not sure how expensive this will be to ship, but if you can build your own case shouldn't be too bad.
Eventually I will get something significantly better than what I have, but I can't say I'm in a huge rush. I remember how annoying it is to configure a new computer. There's a lot of shit I need to learn/relearn before I can go through it all confidently. And then there's the added annoyance of having to try and transfer all my shit over the net with an ancient PC. lol.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
If By rule the world means unlimited power. what I would do is:
- Implement a world constitution with unalienable rights for all, in essence it would be an expanse of the human rights bill:
- Free transit of people all over the world.
- Everyone is entitled to a job.
- Everyone should have a house to live and should not starve.
Work would not be mandatory but incentives would be made for people to work and contribute to society. Incentives would be money. If you don't want to work you can still have basic food and a stupid house but no money.
Universal human suffrage and heath care. Education would be mandatory. Military service would be on volunteer basis. There would be only one army.
Termination of corporations. In essence: "to big to fail to big to exist". They would have to break down into smaller parts and spread the risk.
Money has to circulate. So there cannot be large accumulation of wealth. Anyone who earns more than a million a year ($ or € ) would pay an increasing tax that could reach 75% of income on the top.
since I would be in power I would ban lobbyists from the political arena. There would be a full fledged fight against political corruption. The contours of which I'd have to think about... no more millions spent on campaigns anyway.
Work hours would not be arbitrary any more. They would be dependent on the ratio between demand and available workforce. So they would change between sector of activity and over time. There would be an upper ceiling of 40h/week.
By creating a world constitution I would be essentially abolishing political borders, so I would implement these changes all over the world. Thus there would be no sense in stopping globalization. Globalization would progress unimpaired by taxes or whatever.
Universal minimum wage for full time job would be around 800 US$/month, depending on world economic health this could change.
I would start phasing out fossil fuel dependent transportation systems. The goal would be that in 20 years not a single transport would consume fossil fuels. Even if that means that airplanes would have to be replaced by Airships.
I would make laws that would incentive small families for global population control. For example, there would be benefits, as in government checks for the 1st and 2nd child but not the following. The purpose of this would be to reduce population on a long period of time to a number of about 3-5 billion.
I would meet with top economists, scientists and engineers to work out a sustainable model of development that that would be circular and sustainable instead of the model we have today.
There would be access to information, with few exceptions, things like wikileaks would be acceptable. There would not be a thing like corporate or business secrets. Corporations would increasingly be run by worker cooperatives, as a real life example you have the Spanish Mondragon Corporation
There would be a massive rebeautification of the world. Instead of deorganized building we would have planned urban sites. Massive re forestation of land, not with monocultures, but with forests resembling the natural world.
Massive investment in science and technology. Space exploration would be a goal of mankind.
Outlaw associations of hatred, weather political or religious.
I don't know what else... if I think of anything I'll tell you.
Well... good for you I'm not ruling the world!
Anyway... this is Utopia! I couldn't stay in power for long... a mob of crazies would take me out.
... I'm curious to what games do you play?!
You gave me an itch for Contra. > >
Any game I ever played and liked could be picked up and played at any given time, provided I have access to it of course. The list is rather huge.
Mostly console games these days, though there's a few 80's and 90's PC games I'll play now and then.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I started gamming on a ZX Spectrum! Long time ago!. Midnight resistance was one of my favorites!
My all time favorite game is X-com enemy unknown, I still play it today.
But I'm also playing modern games like X3- Terran conflict.
... but we're getting off topic here...
according to how he would rule the world I would need a firearm. This USMC Sniper type would be on the move, out of sight. Target acquired.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
Now you're talking.
Anyway, if I could personally rule the planet the first thing I would do would be to tell the rest of humanity to get the hell off my PLANET !
Mmmmmmm.... pretty..... myyyyyyy preciousssssssssssss. Tell me that is yours and I can bask in the deadly sin of envy (particularly deadly when you are experiencing it on the wrong end of the rifle!)
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
No my Remington .308 is an off the shelf PSS Light Tactical Rifle ( 20" fluted barrel ) but the picture is an actual M40A1. A bit beyond my price range I imagine and certainly worthy of envy.