Baby found in morgue alive, ""miracle".

Just saw this tease on CNN, no link as of yet, but if someone can get one,
NOW I fucking hate religious people using this shit,
There is a difference between "clinical death" and "permanent death". Clinical death merely means that the vital signs are not being found. That can be due to misdiagnosis or improperly used equipment.
Permanent death is when the window of coming out of the low radar or under the radar, has closed and all motion of cells and elecro-chemical activity has stopped and is beyond reversal.
If the baby had been actually dead, it would have stayed dead. The baby merely got lucky that someone noticed while he was in the morgue.
It was no "miracle" the baby merely got lucky.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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So this in Argentina. You are going to get that miracle stuff. Sorry, but there is nothing else to be said; that is the way they are down there.
BTW - most Americans think, oh.. South America? Central America? They are all christians... well.. sort of.
The people down south are WAY different. They are really in to the miracle stuff, icons, blood, penance.
I went to Costa Rica last year to visit family and they had this "miracle church" where the virgin mary appeared. The story had some thing to do about a doll, visions, water.. well what ever. The church has a "spring" which had appeared and the water was deemed a miracle. Holy. Special. Healing properties.
The "spring" is a pipe which is city water. They run the water up to the surface and to a pool. The pool is surrounded by a rock facade to make it look spring like.
The people pay five dollars for a small 6 oz bottle of the water.
In El Salvador, Mexico, Peru.. it's all the same. I've seen bony fingers of dead "saints", blood smears, hair, fingernails, etc. all worshiped by the locals.
Who cares where this happened or that a baby was involved. The point is that there is no such thing as a "Miracle". One way or another sooner or later we all die.
"Miracle" is a fucking stupid ass superstitious word which ignores the reality that all it is a gap answer avoiding that it is selection bias and sample rate error.
5 million people OF ALL AGES die from all sorts of things world wide. The focus on what feels good and ignore the times where things like this do not happen. And they ignore that we will all die from something.
It is part of life and surviving something is no more a miracle than dying from something.
This baby was merely mistaken for dead, or was not dead long enough and some trigger, like jumping a dead battery, kicked it back. It could have been something as natural and simple as some static electricity in what the baby was covered with. Luck was all it was.
How many women have still borns? How many babies in third world countries die in birth or shortly after birth? How many children a year even after born, die from hunger or disease?
The claim that there was a magic hand saving this baby makes this god a selective deadbeat, inept or cruel. If he can save this baby, what about all the babies in the world. If he is unwilling, then we are just mere property, mere toys, mere lab rats.
I have yet to see any credible refutation of Epicurus and his problem with the omi god claim.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
My point was that shit like this is woven in to their culture. If you cop'd this attitude down there they beat you to an inch of death. It's really a big deal to them.
Don't need to preach to me about what is real and what isn't; miracles aren't supernatural intervention.
I agree. Which is why I am glad I don't live there. But just like Ayaan, why should humanity, much less me as an individual, live in fear of others because they get offended.
They can stupidly look at it as an attack on Jesus, but my attack is on ANY god concept as a claim.
When anyone of any god claim says "Don't pick on my god", I get the image of a midget standing spread eagle in front of the Terminator shouting "DON'T PICK ON MY GOD, YOU MIGHT HURT HIM".
What the hell could I possibly do to hurt an all powerful god? Why would an all powerful god need a mere mortal to defend it?
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
I've said the same thing previously, but christians attempt to skirt around that statement with out answering it or they come up with a lame excuse.
"It's part of god's plan" or "god wouldn't bother with you".
South America and Africa have much in common.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.