Stolen Babies
Posted on: April 14, 2012 - 8:14am

Stolen Babies
I'm so disgusted by this story it makes me sick.,8599,2112003,00.html?xid=gonewsedit&google_editors_picks=true
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Makes one wonder. Just how many centuries and countries has such a practice been subject to?
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
If the catholic church was involved I suspect dozens of countries over hundreds of years.
Damn, that's terrible.
And that's not the first scandal from Europe. You accuse the clergy of molesting you, they cut your balls off.
The fact is, that sterilisation was a popular politically supported practice around 1950's, a part of eugenic agenda known for example from Sweden. The Roman Catholic Church didn't invent it, it only happily participated.
I hope this is today a thing of past, together with occipital lobotomy, electric shock treatment, electric chair and mainstream racism.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
I went to a catholic church/school for many years. There were several gay priests there and numerous stories about abuse of altar boys. I don't recall any one ever getting in trouble, no castrations but I do remember parents pulling kids from the school because of the bullshit going on. My parents pulled me in the 4th grade.