Is anyone else here a Weird Al fan?

My favorites are not all the mainstream spoofs people think of.
The "Beach Boys" motif song "Trigger Happy"
"You don't love me anymore"
But my all time favorite is "The Truck Driving Song".
I love most of what he does in any case.
"Another one rides the bus"
"Amish Paradise"
"Smells Like Teen Spirit"
Ect ect
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Yeah, he's alright. He is very good at musical parody but a little bit goes a long way. Seems like a nice guy from what I've seen written about him....
White and Nerdy is hilarious.
Shame how his parents died.
I haven't heard anything about Weird Al in years. I remember him in an interview talking about some of Kurt Cobain's band members telling him, that Cobain found that parody of Teen Spirit hilarious and was laughing uproariously when he saw the video. What has Weird Al been up to lately ?
“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno
I think wierd all is brilliant far beyond the credit he is given for his creative outlet of choice, silly spoofs of popular music. He's one of those guys capable of almost anything adn just chooses to have fun with hid talents. I remeber watching a documentary on his long career, the first song he performed was on the accordian, and all it was was him reciting all the elements on the periodic table almost to fast to even hear over some annoying accordian chords. It was literally just that like "berrililum, plutoniu.... the hole damb thing and nothing else. He would open with this at his small club shows and most people totally didn't get it at all and boo'd or left, very andy koffman like of him. Everyone who's worked with him says he's completely brilliant, everything from his skills in memorizing things to his very real musical ability apparently he is a very good musician. They said sometimes he was almost obsessed with every detail of spoofing/mimicking another artists character/music like right down to the small head movements micheal jackson did when getting out of bed in one of his videos, doing take after take untill it was a perfect spoof. He's a 1 of a kind gifted nutjob in the best of ways.
I remember a friend puttin on the new al cd from about 5 years ago, and this 1 song still makes me laugh just thinking about it. It's a hole song about him ordering food through the drivethrough that could be the one of the stupidest/clever/random/hillarious things I have ever heard. The lyrics were like...:
-and I pulled to the window
-I asked for some ketchup
-she said how many packages
-I said 3, she said only 2 left
-I said 3 ketchup packages please
-She said i'll see what I can do...
And this went on for 3.5 minutes, totally random and completely nuts. Your like "how the fuck did he come up with this." All the "nuts' aside, I think he's a very clever artist with an over the top sense of humor, great character I'm glad we have him around to poke fun at pop stars.
I like the song "I'll Sue Ya!" a lot, and many other as well, but this one is a parody of (I suppose) 'rage against the machine' which is not a reinterpretation, it's all his material, appears.
I love a lot of his songs: "Perform This Way," "Trigger Happy," "Midnight Star," "Amish Paradise," "Everything You Know Is Wrong," "Your Horoscope For Today,"...
...and, of course, my two seasonal favorites: "Christmas At Ground Zero," and "The Night Santa Went Crazy."
I already mentioned it, but look up "Truck Driving Song", funny stuff.
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Big fan. Listened to him since I heard "I'm fat" one day at school or something, back in the 80's. Have most of his albums. Only musician I've actually seen in concert (I don't include artists I saw when working security or the list'd be a LOT longer).
I'm not going to list all my favourites, but I will say that he's the only artist(s) to ever make an album I enjoyed every song on other than Metallica. Early Metallica, that is.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Oh yes, I use to love weird al! I still do. Amish paradise was always one of my favorites, the video cracks me up every time. Smells like Nirvana is great as well. I want to see more of weird al...
I generally like his stuff. Some people seem to think his stuff is 'offensive' but it's really just a parody. I mean, it is usually much tamer than something like Family Guy, and certainly less offensive than South Park.
Secularist, Atheist, Skeptic, Freethinker
I got to see Al in Roanoke Va a long time ago. He ran up the side isles and was 3 seats away from us.
I also got to see Metallica twice. I lost interest in them after And Justice For All, accept for the S&M album which both I and my x wife thought was brilliant.
But as far as Weird Al, that guy is so fucking funny and talented.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
The song you're referring to is "Trapped At The Drive-Thru" and it's a spoof of "Trapped In The Closet" by R. Kelly, which last I heard a few years ago had made it up to 12 parts, could be more now.
The song is funny as hell IMO. I must have listened to it 100 times when it came out.
I'm a huge Weird Al fan. I first discovered him as a child. My parents had his brilliantly hilarious movie "UHF" on VHS and I watched it countless times as a child. I've never bought his full CDs, but I used to keep up with his parodies. I kind of fell off the bandwagon a few years ago, but once in a while I check in to see if he's done anything new.
Some of his funniest stuff is the interview spoofs he used to do. His most famous one was probably Eminem. They're friggin hilarious. I definitely recommend checking them out.
I tried embedding it, but it didn't work.
"Now this ... is the noble truth of the origin of suffering: it is this craving which leads to renewed existence, accompanied by delight and lust, seeking delight here and there, that is, craving for sensual pleasures, craving for existence, craving for extermination." - Buddha, the 2nd Noble Truth
If you remember the sitcom "The Nanny" Fran Drecher(sp) "Fran Fine" was in UHF. If you ever see the episode of "The Nanny" with Bill Clinton's brother Roger Clinton as a guest, I was at that taping. I have an autographed playbill signed by her. And if you ever see it, NOTICE THE HOT FRIGGEN DRESS SHE WAS WEARING! MOMMY!
I did get to see Weird Al In Roanoke VA, we were sitting about half way back but close to the isle. Al ran up about 3 feet from us during the concert.
If I am also correct Kramer from Seinfeld also was in UHF. I like the spoof of Rambo in it.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Correct on both accounts my man. Michael Richards played Stanley Spadowski. The funniest thing about him to me was how he was so obsessed with his mop.
"Now this ... is the noble truth of the origin of suffering: it is this craving which leads to renewed existence, accompanied by delight and lust, seeking delight here and there, that is, craving for sensual pleasures, craving for existence, craving for extermination." - Buddha, the 2nd Noble Truth