Ted Nugent is a douche

I knew this was coming soon enough.
I'm wondering what other nut jobs will be pouring out of the woodwork in the next few weeks?
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Nugent was not alone in his anti-Obama ranting after the incumbent's victory. Donald Trump called for a "revolution." Former "SNL" cast member Victoria Jackson said "America died." And born-again Christian actor Stephen Baldwin tweeted that God's wrath is now upon the U.S.
Victoria Jackson is even worse. She is a fucking loon.
He had a visit from the secret service over some comments he made i think last year or the year before.
He is a loon. . Tubby Buttnugget is just pissed over "Ass kicked Fever"
There is a psychology to hate. In reccessions or depressions, the out of power group becomes very conspiratorial. It is sad and you'd think we'd be beyond idots like him by now. But this is evolution and credulity and gullibility create idiots like him.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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No shit. Why did they come speak to you about him? What's the connection?
wow, victoria jackson. fuck me, i didn't know she'd gone all fundy. you know what else just died, victoria? part of my sweet mid-'90s childhood memories of staying up late to catch SNL. you've just retroactively tainted them with your insane horse-shit. same reason why i can't watch mel gibson movies anymore, even his old ones.
"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson
Yeah Victoria Jackson went looney. I can't stand her or any movie she is in, including UHF.
Mel Gibson is nuts too. I heard the video recording from is rant when working with one of the writers.
Here's some more lunacy...
Holy shit... she wants to kill him? I think it is actually against the law to make threats like that against a person running for President?