
Parents 'tried to exorcise daughter, 10'
A couple living in Sweden were charged Friday with child abuse for trying to exorcise their daughter at age 10 because they thought she was a witch, a prosecutor said.
The couple, from the Democratic Republic of Congo, "think their daughter is a witch and reject the accusation" of abuse, Daniel Larson, a prosecutor in the western Swedish town of Boraas, said.
The indictment is based on three alleged acts of abuse committed between February 2007 and February 2008.
The girl, who claims she is not the couple's biological daughter though the parents say otherwise, was allegedly beaten unconscious and forced to drink a concoction made up of a cleaning product and her own urine, according to the charge sheet.
Social services removed the girl, born in 1997, from her parents' custody in 2008 and she has since been living with a foster family. The girl only recently opened up about the alleged abuse "once she felt safe," the prosecutor said.
She had been placed with the foster family because of various reports that she was not being treated well at home. Her school had among other things reported to social services that her parents treated her very differently from her brothers and sisters, for example sending her to school in dirty clothes everyday.
According to the online version of local daily Boraas Tidning, the parents had in 2008 applied for a social welfare cheque to be able to afford a trip to DR Congo to exorcise the girl. The aid was refused and she was shortly thereafter placed in foster care, though the alleged abuse was never investigated at the time.
The trial is due to start in the next few months.
Another similar case went to trial in Boraas last year. The accused, also from DR Congo, were acquitted, and the prosecutor has appealed the verdict.
Source: AFP
Absolutely sick.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
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Strange. The girl is labeled as being 10 but she was born in 1997. That would make her 16.
Here's another one. This seems to be a thing in the Congo :
I love how "expert witnesses" suggest this only went wrong because it happened outside "the supervisory influence of religious leaders".
Makes me wonder what they would have said if there had been some "religious leaders" around : "Hey, stop torturing that kid ! We were only kidding about the witchcraft thing !"
They should take the two ignorant killers, separate them, then stick them in to a cell with several other criminals.
Then they should be accused of sorcery, beaten, then drowned.
Maybe before they die they will be awakened to their stupidity.
It is a common thing in several countries. I saw an episode of National Geogrpahic's Taboo, that covered this topic.
The sheer superstition is rather heartbreaking.
“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno
I think they were counting from 1997 to 2008 when she was taken to foster care, But why is it takeing 5 yours to get it to court?
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
1st world countries will continue to have to deal with 3rd world stupidity until they wake up and realise there's an incompatibility between cultures and start forcing social education on immigrants, and denying entry to failures and stubborn idiots regardless of what they face elsewhere. You can't expect someone from Africa or the middle east to seamlessly set up shop anywhere. They might be able to, but chances are poor.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
According to someone who claims to be an ex-Scientologist:
"Scientology does a huge amount of exorcism, of the still lingering dead souls, who were implanted with huge negative mental debilitating ideas, during the 4th dynamic engram, which occured 75 million years ago.
Scientology is a past lives pseudo-psychotherapy trauma elimination and enlightenment practice. And it is a hugely extensive exorcism practice.
Scientologists in world history have exorcised more dead souls which infest their bodies than any other mystical and religious practice in world history."
And a little light entertainment: