Ouija board: what say you?

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sorry, luminon is on hiatus.

sorry, luminon is on hiatus.

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 Ha! Sounds pretty

 Ha! Sounds pretty burly...the report. 

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 Total crap. They did

 Total crap. They did mushrooms and had a freak out.

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Possible other causes:

Possible other causes: measles, rabies, stroke, multiple sclerosis, idiot kids seeking attention, brain tumours, peyote, lsd, hypoparathyroidism, and 50 odd other possibilities. None of which actually include possession.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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Ouija board is a portal to hell.

 ↑ NDE Survivor claims Ouija board is a portal IS a literal Highway to a Hell-state ::


   One dNDE 'Survivor' Accounts (paraphrased)  ''And then I was entirely alone. The circles had moved out of sight, and there was nothing left - the world unreal and gone, and with it my first baby, and this baby who would never be born, and all other babies. Everyone I knew and loved - (but how had I known them, if they were never real?) - gone, and hills, and robins. There was no world, no home, no babies, not even a self to go home to. I thought that no one could bear so much grief, but there seemed no end to it and no way out. Everyone, everything, gone, even God Himself was gone. He cannot find the words or examples necessary to explain this to the other subterranean inhabitants He said that it was too complicated to explain, but he is in hell and at the same time he is in the room with me. He said that he can be in 2 places at one time. He would warn us of demons that are coming through and said that the   Ouija board is a portalto hell. They are still in hell, but half of them are in your home. That is how evil spirits are released through oracles..''

  (Quote) They (the angelic beings) know what each of us needs, so they provide that. In some cases it may be a heavenly meadow, and in another, something else. If a person needs to see a relative, the angels will bring that relative. If the person really likes jewels, they will show the person jewels. We see what is necessary for our introduction into the spirit world, and those things are real, in the heavenly .. Hyperrealism  ~ . Howard Storm


    In the whole NDE 'movement',  Naturally, There's such popularity to the subject, an interesting sociological development is shaping, with distinct patterns of thoughts and consensus, even a type of Theology is forming because of all the efforts of field researches, logging these experiences. Although, it's true for both Skeptics and Non-Skeptics camps, for many, don't put much stock in many of the NDE accounts  . .


   In the Pauline letter to the Church at Corinth church he writes, "I know a man in Christ" (usually interpreted as: himself) "who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know—God knows. And I know that this man—whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, but God knows— was caught up to paradise. He heard inexpressible things, things that man is not permitted to tell."  ''After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you ( ~ I Pet  5)''


  P.S. -- You can fly in the skies without fear ; I am to be with you, my angel

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I remember when I was a kid

I remember when I was a kid that you could buy a Ouija board at Kmart, made at that time by Parker Bros. I don't know if they still sell them at places like Target, but you can definitely get them online. A curious note to make about the board is that up until the 70's it was a harmless parlor game. When The Exorcist came out in '73 it suddenly was a tool of the devil. Fucking morons.

I once had a chance to use a board with some crunchy granola, spiritualists who I wanted to play a joke on. So when we all put our hands on the planchette (the little piece you move), I firmly pressed down on it to make it nearly impossible to move. I also pulled when they pushed; pushed then the pulled, and went left or right when they went right or left. After a few minutes of fucking with them the "leader" of the group said that I was filled with too much negative energy and asked me to let some one else to sit. Of course, as soon as I let some one else sit the "leader" was able to manipulate the "message".

So Penn and Teller did a show with the Ouija board and they had fun with the "experts". They even did a blind fold test but of course the "experts" said that it wouldn't work because the "spirits" need to have use of your eyes to make the board function.


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Since we're sharing, I have

Since we're sharing, I have a story too. I don't remember how old I was, but I was able to work out that I had to have been between 5 and 8. I'm leaning closer to 8 on my estimate (because I lived in a city and my parents were scared out of not constantly watching their kids early by myself, but that's a different story).
It was possibly my first actual experience with some kind of supernatural shit that wasn't some tv show, but real life. I knew magicians were illusionists by then, I took an interest in it as a kid and got pretty good for my age. I'd been in churches but only once or twice, and if there was any sermons I paid 0 attention to them. I'd seen Night of the Living Dead and Star Wars etc and read hundreds of books and I knew they were all just stories. Until this moment I'd never encountered anyone actually believing in bullshit, and happily so. Or if I had previous to this, I didn't notice.
A group of 'older kids' who's ages I won't even pretend to guess at had a ouija board set up behind the condo my buddy lived in, and suggested we try it. I really don't remember much because it was so long ago, but I remember knowing that someone was moving the thing around. There's a difference between a force moving something and a person moving something, as anyone who played with magnets can attest to. If something other than the people there was moving it I would have felt it through the thingy you have your hands on, and I wouldn't have seen the muscles and tendons in someones hands twitching either. Young as I was, and inexperienced as I was, I still very quickly concluded it was bullshit, got bored, and started playing road hockey with my buddies. I didn't really think about it afterwards until I ran into the crazy teacher who made me start paying attention to what weird things a lot of people were believing, and I was about 9 then.
Weird how I managed to go so long without running into that kind of shit. In a sense I did earlier, when I read the series by CS Lewis. But I had 0 direct exposure to christianity when I first read The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe, and it amuses me to say I was probably in my early 20's (many years after I stopped reading the series) before someone pointed out it was steeped in christian bs. I'd never even looked at it as a religious series with a message before then, I just loved the books for the stories they were. I'll never read them again, so I can remember enjoying them in my youthful innocent ignorance.

I got really stoned as I wrote this. I think I rambled a bit. Oh well. Smiling

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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Uploads continue to show purely individualistic interpretations

> People continue to show purely individualistic interpretations of Uploaded Images -- What is interesting is the endless interpretations of any given uploaded image(s).


This is one which is definitely provocative, unmistakably so to one person, I can think of.

If I were to confide in that person by this type of image, to gage what she would make of it . . .




 > IF any does not provide . . he is worse than an 'unbeliever' !!

 ^ Opps  Sorry

  Lol!  You know,  love is such an imperfect concept and imprecise word in English (View the half-dozen  Uploads)

   > IF any does not provide . . he is worse than an 'unbeliever' !!

  RE:: Then IF anyone does not provide FOR THE FAMILY. . is worse than an 'unbeliever'!

 RE:: Then IF anyone does not provide FOR THE FAMILY. . is worse than an 'unbeliever'!


   Remember that communication black out is still very much in place, on two separate fronts, you know !  Strange new motivating factor, but maybe it sort of helps to clarify my posts! To paraphrase Churchill : ''We shall fight her by land; we shall fight her by sea; we shall fight her in the air" Fore these are the times that test men's souls"   Yes! "These are the times that test men's souls"


  View Uploads ::










 P.S. --   Hope that's alright!  Must dash,  got to get some extra strength tums, or stop off to find some lunch right now !



  On-Site ::  Now according to author Kenneth C. Davis, he wrote: "(quote)The six-day Creation in Genesis, for instance, is widely thought to have been influenced by Mesopotamia's Creation epic, first translated a little more than a century ago and rattling religious teacups ever since".


  Non-Labelled --  Safe bet it is not meant for your eyes,  . .  ya think ?!?

  Re::  In a hypercube / Rotation Tesseract, we find 4-dimensional space  [ In a hypercube or  Rotation Tesseract, 4-dimensional space has an extra coordinate axis, which is seen to be an important representation of a 4-D space ]

  View (Uploaded an additional piece of information) --



  In a hypercube / Rotation Tesseract, we find 4-dimensional space . .

  Important  --