Remember when Sweden was held up as a good atheist country example

Religion Kills !!!
Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
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@ Dana
Inciting violence is more than a simple exercise of speech. It is an attempt to commit others to breaking laws and hurting or killing people. It isn't the speech itself that is limited, it is the intent behind that speech.
You are the moron here because (again) you are starting with personal attacks.
Your first post in this topic was a personal attack against the entire site and everyone who comes here, dumb ass. YOU are the moron who started with personal attacks.
Your first comment about the topic indicates without much doubt that you disagree that measures should be taken towards people who do hate speech and that forbidding hate speech is against "free speech" as a human right in democracy
Putting limits on hate speech won't stop hate speech. It'll just drive it into the shadows where it will fester. Better to expose it than to encourage secret societies to form to allow it to continue.
I pointed out and still point out that this is irrational but maybe your mind cannot compreend why
I can't comprehend why because there's nothing rational about limiting free speech.
my freedom ends where yours starts. If you were gay for example, you would have the "freedom" not to be subjected to hate speech.
No I wouldn't. People would direct hate speech at me anyway. Unless I carried a video recorder with me every second, I could never prove it. MY freedom is in being able to return the favour.
I don't know about the laws in Canada, but in many european countries there are laws against defamation of minorities or races.
And all of them are because of idiots who don't realise those laws are ineffective and do harm to their countries.
I'm glad I live in Canada, where I have free speech. Europe is so backwards.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
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I dont think I want to loose much more time on this subject now that the cat has come out. I know where this discussion will lead.
I am actually being once again attacked more vehemently on a theme that I thought I would have more allies here... but it is to be expected given that people look at the badge before replying. If I had atheist there I would be treated differently. Serves me right, I should know better by now. I dont come here because of you though... so I'm going to let you rant about and leave Vastet with his moronic personal attacks and the neo nazi with his ideas. I know I will not change them.
I changed my mind about one thing though. Before this post I thought in a world where atheism was the norm, xenophobic ideas would be no more. After all it is from religious rethoric that most xenophobic comments come from... well I changed my mind. Being atheist has nothing to do with anything else. So basically whether the world is religious or not changes nothing. South Park was right.
Aperently Vastet missed the link I posted before about hate speech laws and forgets that there are laws against hate speech in Canada and you can go to jail for it. Like in most civilized countries. So I guess by his definition, in Canada there is no free speech. Actually there is no free speech anywhere!
Putting limits on hate speech won't stop hate speech.
No I wouldn't. People would direct hate speech at me anyway. Unless I carried a video recorder with me every second, I could never prove it. MY freedom is in being able to return the favour.
But my question was to directed specifically to you and was a relevent question as in how far do you go to define hate speech. Does it include rejecting factual statements as well ? But you avoided answering.
As for your link I'm honestly surprised that I have to educate you. Like I said correlation does not imply causation. One way to work arround this and try to find a cause is by adjusting the data to a variable we want to validate. For example this Governmental study adjusts data by age, so you can see which ages are problematic. However this does not adjust data to the main cause of crime which is consistently shown to be poverty. I would like to see crime incidence by wealth.
Poverty is a vicious cicle that starts often with social exclusion and xenophobia. So by actually doing hate speech and practicing xenophobia you are actually worsening the problem by creating a sharper difference in wealth between races or groups of people, perpetuating this correlation between race and crime. Hate speech causes harm because it tries to persuade others that people from different background should be treated differently and given different opportunities.
You hate people based upon what they think. The difference between you and myself is that I am okay with letting people with whom I disagree with continue to express themselves without having to fear government prosecution with such overblown Orwellian measures as hate speech laws.
You tolerate only what you approve of.
But if you know where this is going why continue? pointless.
I changed my mind about atheism though, so congrats!
Just want to leave you with the following:
Xenophobia is the irrational or unreasoned fear of that which is perceived to be foreign or strange.[1] Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action urges all governments to take immediate measures and to develop strong policies to prevent and combat all forms and manifestations of racism, xenophobia or related intolerance, where necessary by enactment of appropriate legislation including penal measure.[6]
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I am actually being once again attacked more vehemently on a theme that I thought I would have more allies here...
Not all atheists are left wing. Perhaps you stereotype atheists too much.
...but it is to be expected given that people look at the badge before replying. If I had atheist there I would be treated differently.
More bullshit stereotyping. I count as my friends and political allies Christian people who will admit to my face that my atheism will send me to hell. I focus on my similarities with them and overlook their concern for my "lost soul".
Serves me right, I should know better by now. I dont come here because of you though... so I'm going to let you rant about and leave Vastet with his moronic personal attacks and the neo nazi with his ideas.
Anyone who disagrees with your "enlightened" opinions is a Nazi ? I learned something new about myself today, how enlightening !
I changed my mind about one thing though. Before this post I thought in a world where atheism was the norm, xenophobic ideas would be no more. After all it is from religious rethoric that most xenophobic comments come from... well I changed my mind.
Why do you even make such ridiculous assumptions ?
Being atheist has nothing to do with anything else.
You're a quick learner...
But my question was to directed specifically to you and was a relevent question as in how far do you go to define hate speech. Does it include rejecting factual statements as well ? But you avoided answering.
If they are matter of fact proven scientifically then it's not hate speech.
Finally a rational thought.
But you cannot cop-out with meaningless correlations saying "Hispanics have low IQ's and have tendency to commit more crimes than caucasians".
Evolution is an undirected, random process with no safeguards to ensure that equality of outcome ever occurs. Variables exist, not just among humans but all species are subject to this seemingly unfair process. Welcome to reality. Nature isn't fair.
There is a Statistics serves any ideology if you want it to.
But not for people who agree with you, right ?
For example this Governmental study adjusts data by age, so you can see which ages are problematic. However this does not adjust data to the main cause of crime which is consistently shown to be poverty. I would like to see crime incidence by wealth.
So crimes like murder and rape are commited to offset economic disadvantages ? How does killing or raping someone put food in your stomach and money in your pocket ?
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Not all atheists are left wing. Perhaps you stereotype atheists too much.
More bullshit stereotyping. I count as my friends and political allies Christian people who will admit to my face that my atheism will send me to hell. I focus on my similarities with them and overlook their concern for my "lost soul".

Why do you even make such ridiculous assumptions ?
Evolution is an undirected, random process with no safeguards to ensure that equality of outcome ever occurs. Variables exist, not just among humans but all species are subject to this seemingly unfair process. Welcome to reality. Nature isn't fair.
LOL! Yeah so Hitler was right! Aryans are superior race! I concede! How could I been so blind!?
So crimes like murder and rape are commited to offset economic disadvantages ? How does killing or raping someone put food in your stomach and money in your pocket ?
Really?! did I say that?! I dont' recall it! I said poverty is the cause not the motive. The motiv is diverse depending of the nature of the crime often a psychological escape of a hard life, lack of education and social exclusion. All these situations are rampant in poverty. If you adjust socioeconomic status with race there goes your correlation between crime and race down the drain... sorry. You also don't have a biological mechanism explaining how being a race other than white makes you more prone to criminality.
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Not all right wingers are xenophobes.
Strange isn't it ?
This is funny! Like you dont stereotype!!!! LOL how ironic!
If stereotyping is good enough for you, well....
LOL! Yeah so Hitler was right!
Jesus, you see Nazis everywhere.
Aryans are superior race! I concede! How could I been so blind!?
Well good for them, I'm not "Aryan"
So crimes like murder and rape are commited to offset economic disadvantages ? How does killing or raping someone put food in your stomach and money in your pocket ?
Really?! did I say that?! I dont' recall it!
No actually I said it. It was a follow on, commonly referred to as a counterpoint.
I said poverty is the cause not the motive. The motive is diverse depending of the nature of the crime often a psychological escape of a hard life, lack of education and social exclusion. All these situations are rampant in poverty. If you adjust socioeconomic status with race there goes your correlation between crime and race down the drain... sorry.
Do all the "races" perform at the same levels given the same societal disadvantages. If not, then why not ? Immigrants from India, the former South Viet Nam, China, and Cuba some even coming from war- torn nations seem to quickly adapt, master the intracies of American life and prosper. Why do these groups seem to consistently outperform their other disadvantaged competition ?
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I dont think I want to loose much more time on this subject now that the cat has come out. I know where this discussion will lead.
Then quit posting nonsense and save us both some time.
I am actually being once again attacked more vehemently on a theme that I thought I would have more allies here.
You have no allies here because you started off attacking everyone who might be an ally. Plus, to my knowledge, noone who regularly comes to the site would seriously suggest that all or most moslems are rapists. So you're arguing a point noone disagrees with. I don't disagree with it. I disagree with all the shit you brought with it that had nothing to do with the discussion and I disagree with your stupid insult directed at me and everyone else
If I had atheist there I would be treated differently. here.
Bullshit. Ask Prozac here how many times we went head to head over something. Ask Beyond Saving. Ask Brian37 how I treat him. All of us are atheists. They don't get treated with kid gloves just because we agree there's no evidence for a god.
so I'm going to let you rant about and leave Vastet with his moronic personal attacks and the neo nazi with his ideas.
Classic theist projections. You start off with personal attacks and you want facism to return in force, but instead of accepting the logical result of your stupidity you blame someone else for your flaws.
I changed my mind about one thing though. Before this post I thought in a world where atheism was the norm, xenophobic ideas would be no more. After all it is from religious rethoric that most xenophobic comments come from... well I changed my mind. Being atheist has nothing to do with anything else. So basically whether the world is religious or not changes nothing. South Park was right.
Religion certainly exacerbates things, but it isn't responsible for them.
Aperently Vastet missed the link I posted before about hate speech laws and forgets that there are laws against hate speech in Canada and you can go to jail for it.
I didn't miss anything. Guess how many people are in jail in Canada for saying something hateful. I'll give you a hint, you can't divide by it.
No, you won't go to jail for hate speech in Canada. You have to do more than just spout off.
And this is so stupid I find hard to comment. "Putting limits on killing people wont stop murder, so why should we penalize murder?"
You win stupid person of the year award, grats!
Murder has been illegal for millennia, and yet somehow it still happens. Obviously making laws doesn't stop anything from happening. All you'll end up with, with hate speech laws, is putting people in prison when they could be working and paying taxes. You should move to America. More than half their population has a criminal record. You should look upon the result of making things illegal that don't need to be illegal. All you end up with is a massive prison population and a huge segment of the population turns into unemployable people who need social services to get by.
Fuck you Hitler. I'll defend my right to say what I want until I die.
I am talking about public denouncement by hate speech, not private rants!!!
LOL as if privacy exists anymore. You not hear about the old guy who owns a basketball team in the US, who had a private rant that someone recorded?
You make laws on hate speech, there will be no distinction between private or public when it goes to court.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
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If I had atheist there I would be treated differently. here.
Bullshit. Ask Prozac here how many times we went head to head over something...
That's true, I still have the bruises, heh heh
...Ask Beyond Saving. Ask Brian37 how I treat him. All of us are atheists. They don't get treated with kid gloves just because we agree there's no evidence for a god.
Well said. I have gained considerable respect for a small group of RRS atheists who just don't see things my way. Of course I get frustrated, but having spent more than 6 years debating certain individuals I now just think of them as the honorable opposition ( except for Brian37, I just want to strangle him. )
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Not all right wingers are xenophobes.
well, i'm not a right-winger, but xena definitely scares the shit out of me.
"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson
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Teralek wrote:If I had atheist there I would be treated differently. here.
Vastet wrote:Bullshit. Ask Prozac here how many times we went head to head over something...
ProzacDeathWish wrote:That's true, I still have the bruises, heh heh
Vastet wrote:...Ask Beyond Saving. Ask Brian37 how I treat him. All of us are atheists. They don't get treated with kid gloves just because we agree there's no evidence for a god.
Well said. I have gained considerable respect for a small group of RRS atheists who just don't see things my way. Of course I get frustrated, but having spent more than 6 years debating certain individuals I now just think of them as the honorable opposition ( except for Brian37, I just want to strangle him.
I couldn't agree more. I too have some bruises that simply won't fade away. lol.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
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Teralek wrote:Not all right wingers are xenophobes.
well, i'm not a right-winger, but xena definitely scares the shit out of me.
I always thought Callisto was the one we should worry about...
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
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No nurture or comfort w/ no one w/ the power to make her feel 'special'
↑ Hey AE ::
↑ I only got like 20 minutes so no edits or Uploads. The whole series many a confused young girl's vehicle, where they died and went to Lesbo-Heaven, with the 'relationship' of the two principle female characters, perhaps it was due to it being set primarily in ancient Greece. Those two other characters from the series Discord and cinematic Hades were too campy to inspire visions of alarm or fear! ''There'll undoubtedly be places where'' you'll cringe in recognition, and ''others where you'll tear up in empathy' 'with the Callisto character. :~
Now she was a piece of work, all because she was cheated the love and nurture of a love from home. The daughter of Arleia and Pankos had this abnormal condition near Psychotic personality brought on by extraordinary trama of watching parents not only being killed , missing out on all the support and nurture she would have received normally. It was shown in the Hercules episode Armageddon and with the death of her family, Callisto's heart was filled with vengeance and mistrust. I vaguely remembering having observed the evil little look on her face from reruns of the series.
Mini-Thought no recognizable segue, sorry about that . .
Don't provoke your children to wrath.
Don't provoke your children to wrath. The rules that safe-guard against sin are from fewer than the overly strict of arbitrary when they aren't receiving the love or affection, they may end up looking for it somewhere else. A single example is Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lappidoth, being that one is unequivocally on God's side and one is g-d's own paradoxical instrument. The interpreters noted that this one among the biblicist's heroines are not necessarily good homemakers did, narrow minded may limit girls to be, in a way there's a moment when one get the message about normal rules and moments when the rules are transcended. For the one's ruled by these fears of breaking a rule; YEAH! What is interesting is the regulation does not appear to prevail is fear is not strong, along with some need to focus on any question is somehow undermining the ultimate goals in the first place.
Bible Theological QUOTE (Quote) Their is the law of the Spirit .. And I (St. Paul) was alive apart from the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died. .
p.s. -- Off site, Btw, No analysis
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Callisto just needed some love. Poor girl got shit on by everyone.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
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Re :: That reminds me of a comment on a Bible Sch Campus . . I once heard:
Isaiah 58:9b-12 -- ''If you do away with the yoke of oppression, with the pointing finger ( wink -- ἐν πνεύματι δάκτυλος ) and malicious talk, and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. And He will be the guide of you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land ..And You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls''
↑ ~ Mr and Mrs. Behr-Chatham say: But remember in every life a little fertilizer must fall (Smiling)
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As far as I know no one was talking about real jail time for hate speech. This case in Sweden was the same. The guy was fined.
A reminder of hate speech convictions in CANADA so people who are reading this dont' think the Canadian is right on saying no one is convicted for Hate Speech in Canada:
"Keegstra was fined $5000 and his professional teaching certificate was suspended."
"In 2003, in Saskatchewan, the Crown charged David Ahenakew with wilfully inciting hatred because of the remarks he made about Jews to a reporter. In 2005, the Provincial Court convicted Ahenakew, and fined him $1,000.[5]"
"In 2005, the Saskatchewan Human Rights Tribunal fined Bill Whatcott, leader of a small group called the Christian Truth Activists, $17,500 because he distributed flyers that had controversial comments about homosexuals.[32] "
Teralek wrote:Not all right wingers are xenophobes.
well, i'm not a right-winger, but xena definitely scares the shit out of me.
I dont fear her, but she is not my type
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^ A moron making shit up yet again. Nowhere did I say that noone has ever been convicted of hate speech in Canada.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
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"In 2005, the Saskatchewan Human Rights Tribunal fined Bill Whatcott, leader of a small group called the Christian Truth Activists, $17,500 because he distributed flyers that had controversial comments about homosexuals.[32] "
Controversial comments .....surely the greatest threat to civilization mankind has ever known.
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Something for everyone, I saw it . .
{ ProzacDeathWish wrote :: }
Teralek wrote:"In 2005, the Saskatchewan Human Rights Tribunal fined Bill Whatcott, leader of a small group called the Christian Truth Activists, $17,500 because he distributed flyers that had controversial comments about homosexuals.[32] "
Controversial comments .....surely the greatest threat to civilization mankind has ever known.
↑ Re :: How I am tickled by this remark, from one of the gang on this board . . (lurkers may not know all of us that well)
Something for everyone, I saw it . .
↑ It's one of those days where I am obviously just talking too too much but . . Ohhh Then, Scriptural references. Plus, And moody Babe picture to boot, moody babe picture to boot
0 f f - site - (not site specific) -- .. sudden bouts .. to ALMOST keep sanity
p.s. -- Pleeasse each of our very own Gemini Twins are way cuter at least in my eyes, Okay ? They BOTH are way cuter, that's plain to see. . Pleeeaassse, And From a time when Father's Father was very young -- ♪ For love makes anywhere sublime Wherever two may be, together or apart (♪)
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As far as I know no one was talking about real jail time for hate speech. This case in Sweden was the same. The guy was fined.
A reminder of hate speech convictions in CANADA so people who are reading this dont' think the Canadian is right on saying no one is convicted for Hate Speech in Canada:
"Keegstra was fined $5000 and his professional teaching certificate was suspended."
"In 2003, in Saskatchewan, the Crown charged David Ahenakew with wilfully inciting hatred because of the remarks he made about Jews to a reporter. In 2005, the Provincial Court convicted Ahenakew, and fined him $1,000.[5]"
"In 2005, the Saskatchewan Human Rights Tribunal fined Bill Whatcott, leader of a small group called the Christian Truth Activists, $17,500 because he distributed flyers that had controversial comments about homosexuals.[32] "
iwbiek wrote:Teralek wrote:Not all right wingers are xenophobes.
well, i'm not a right-winger, but xena definitely scares the shit out of me.I dont fear her, but she is not my type
Are you saying it is a good thing that those people were fined for saying controversial things? I'm a pacifist, but that kind of shit gets me real close to shooting assholes. The persecution of free speech is the most embarrassing thing that has happened in Canada. If you are willing to use government force to prevent people from saying offensive words, you need to grow the fuck up.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
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Are you saying it is a good thing that those people were fined for saying controversial things? I'm a pacifist, but that kind of shit gets me real close to shooting assholes. The persecution of free speech is the most embarrassing thing that has happened in Canada. If you are willing to use government force to prevent people from saying offensive words, you need to grow the fuck up.
Hear hear.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
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Yes I havent forgot about this post and I am laughing at all that is coming out from the US.
Eugenics was mainly invented by atheits so I am not surprised to see so many here...
"I can't breathe" with all your endemic racism and racial profiling.
The truth is coming out. Racial profiling and apologetic of racism and xenophobia based on epidemological studies is not valid scientifically because law enforcement is biased and many human beings are racists
This not an exclusive US thing though... it's just that you have more iPhones per capita than anyone else and a fairly independent media.
You should come educate yourselves.
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well, maybe you didn't forget about it but i'll wager everyone else here did.
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well, maybe you didn't forget about it but i'll wager everyone else here did.
I am pretty sure! No argument there!
I will quote from a past core member of this forum that may rest this subject scientifically:
Even more importantly, genetic studies have shown that human genetic diversity is more pronounced between individuals of the same population than between different populations or even continents (4), (5). In fact, it has been known for quite some time that human genetic variation lies largely between individuals within populations, rather than between populations or even between continents. Genetic studies have confirmed this using classical genetic makers to the point that we know that the apportionment of genetic diversity lies 88 to 90% among individuals within populations and 10 to 12% among different populations (6). I use the term population here rather than race, because biologically speaking, at least IMO, race simply does not exist in homo sapiens. In other words, genetically speaking, Africans and Asians are more similar to one another as groups than any two individual Asians are to one another or any two Africans are to on another. The reasons for this lack of genetic variance between populations, races and continents are many; DNA bottlenecks and near extinctions of our species (7), the fact that we are a relatively young species, the fact that we are historically nomadic and intermixing species, but the empirical evidence speaks for itself – we are much more similar to one another than most would imagine and most of our differences really are only skin deep. It is clear that the “races” do not differ genetically in any significant way. Thus it is unreasonable to assume that certain “races” of people would be more genetically predisposed to certain behaviors than other “races”, even if it could be shown that genetic predispositions to behaviors like violence even exist in a conclusive demonstrable capacity – no conclusive evidence exists, that I am aware of, that determinant genetic specific behaviors exist, let alone that they are quantifiable or measurable. Now there are branches of science that do seek to explain behavior in evolutionary ways. Evolutionary psychology seeks to offer explanations of adaptive human cognitive behaviors in light of evolution biology, by primarily focusing on psychological behavior in the scope of natural selection: quite simply these scientists look for and attempt to explain psychological behavior that gets one’s genes passed on (get you laid ). Behaviors such as kin-selection (9), altruism (10), capture-bonding and aversions to incest are all well documented as behaviors that aid in getting one’s genes passed on. Thus in light of evolution and natural selection these psychological behaviors make perfect sense. I personally am unaware of any studies which suggest that inherently violent individuals are more successful breeders. Surely, a measured degree of aggression in individuals has obvious advantages, but I don’t think any evolutionary psychologist would make the argument that inherently violent individuals are more successful. As flawed scientifically and antithetical to the empirical evidence as it is, arguing that certain races have a genetic propensity toward violence or other behaviors or skills becomes even more ridiculous when one tries to assert that a certain people’s historical culture influences genetics. This smacks of Lamarkism, the idea that traits acquired during one’s lifetime are passed on to future generations, and was abandoned by biology well over 100 years ago. An individual’s culture and environment do not affect their genes directly, thus it is a complete non-sequitor to say that an individual in a war-like culture will have violence seeking genes (again if such genes even exist). In the end, it cannot be shown that races even exist in a biological sense, let alone that certain races have certain genetic behavioral tendencies. What’s more, it cannot be shown beyond reasonable doubt that genetic tendencies toward behaviors like violence even exist in a quantifiable capacity separate from cultural, pre-natal, and environmental factors. So there you have it; we are all essentially the same genetically speaking, yet we remain individuals - for it is within individuals and not races that the genetic spice of life really lies. (1) Dawkins, Richard. “River out of Eden” ch.2 (2) Cavalli-Sforza, L. L.(1998). The DNA revolution in population genetics. Trends in Genetics. 14(Feb.), p. 60-65. (3) Wise, C., Sraml, M., Rubinsztein, D., Easteal. S. 1997. Comparative Nuclear and Mitochondrial Genome Diversity in Humans and Chimpanzees. Molecular Biology and Evolution 14:707-716. (4) Jorde, L., Rogers, A., Bamshad, M., Watkins, W.S., Krakowiak, P., Sung, S., Kere, J., Harpending, H. April 1997. Microsatellite Diversity and the Demographic History of Modern Humans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 94:3100-3103. (5) Bowcock. A.M., Ruiz-Linares, A., Tomfohrde, J., Minch, E., Kidd, J.R., Cavalli-Sforza, L.L. 1994. High resolution of human evolutionary trees with polymorphic microsatellites. Nature 368:455-457. (6) Lewontin, R. C. 1972. The apportionment of human diversity. Evolutionary Biology 6:381-398. Cited in Ref. 35. (7)
All humans are fundamentally the same. We all come from a common ancestor; we all share a common genetic history. One of the oldest criticisms of evolutionary theory has always been that such a theory is racist, or could be used to justify racism; however to the contrary evolution tells us that we all come from the same place, from the same ancestor – we are all very distant cousins of one another (1) and have been interbreeding with one another since the dawn of the species (and even before that if you want to get really technical). What’s more, the related field of genetics has shown that at our very core, our DNA, is fundamentally the same across our entire species and that we all came from the same place – Africa around 60,000 years ago (2).
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well, maybe you didn't forget about it but i'll wager everyone else here did.
It is a much safer bet that some busybody, a PK . . "Off-site" once crafted a sermon suggesting, THAT I have the name of some girl tatooed on either my left or right b-u-t-t cheek!
Oh, And "I" apparently am the who that posted 'this' Sinspiration picture (View Upload) Indicated? ::
>> -- I never talked about it with anyone. So, This is something only four people in my area would EVEN know what I was talking about (SERIOUSLY)!!
Scarcely even close to an intermediate level, at this image . . Scarcely even close to an intermediate level, at this image . .
On site (Only, this part and section . . )
Hint --
Norse Boars are very quick. This first of the Wild Boars with radiating light, often was seen to flitted across the sky, fore he could travel through the air with marvelously great velocity. Apparently, more than willing and able to travel, who could run quicker than a horse, day and night, or by sea by land .. by the name of Gullinborst!
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So there you have it; we are all essentially the same genetically speaking, yet we remain individuals...
So what ? I despise the human race both collectively and individually.
"The leech's kiss, the squid's embrace,
The prurient ape's defiling touch:
And do you like the human race ?
No, not much."
Aldous Huxley
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Yes I havent forgot about this post and I am laughing at all that is coming out from the US.
Eugenics was mainly invented by atheits so I am not surprised to see so many here...
"I can't breathe" with all your endemic racism and racial profiling.
The truth is coming out. Racial profiling and apologetic of racism and xenophobia based on epidemological studies is not valid scientifically because law enforcement is biased and many human beings are racists
This not an exclusive US thing though... it's just that you have more iPhones per capita than anyone else and a fairly independent media.
You should come educate yourselves.
Actually it is theists who have kept the whole racism thing going. Theists who "invented eugenics".
The problem with morons like you is that you ever fail to realise that you are the source of a great many problems. And the solution to none.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
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Eugenics was mainly invented by atheits so I am not surprised to see so many here...
Eugenics was also supported by members of the religious clergy: "Preaching Eugenics" from Oxford Press.
You should come educate yourselves.
I am educating myself, and I just discovered that Eugenics® had it's own group of religious fan boys. Protestant, Catholic and Jewish.
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While continuing to educate myself as you suggested I discovered that Republican President, Theodore Roosevelt ( and a Christian of the Dutch Reformed faith, ) wrote a letter in The Outlook magazine January 3, 1913 to eugenics advocate Charles Davenport and as President of the US was himself in full support of the practice of eugenics.
"My dear Mr. Davenport:
I am greatly interested in the two memoirs you have sent me. They are very instructive, and, from the standpoint of our country, very ominous. You say that those people are not themselves responsible, that it is "society" that is responsible. I agree with you if you mean, as I suppose you do, that society has no business to permit degenerates to reproduce their kind. It is extraordinary that our refuse to apply to human beings such elementary knowledge as every successful farmer is obliged to apply to his own stock breeding. Any group of farmers who permitted their best stock not to breed, and let all the increase come from the worst stock, would be treated as fit inmates for an asylum. Yet we fail to understand that such conduct is rational compared to the conduct of a nation which permits unlimited breeding from the worst stock, physically and morally, while it encourages or connives at the cold selfishness or the twisted sentimentality as a result of which the men and women who ought to marry, and if married have large families, remain celebates or have no children or only one or two. Some day we will realize that the prime duty, the inescapable duty of the good citizen of the right type is to leave his or her blood behind him in the world ! and that we have no business to permit the perpetuation of citizens of the wrong type.
Faithfully yours,
[ signed Theodore Roosevelt ]
Apparently some of those persons ( some quite powerful ) who embraced membership in one of the various monotheistic faiths also had no qualms about also embracing eugenics, regardless of it's filthy, evil, atheist origns.
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how the propagators of these ideas don't take into account that "they" themselves are as likely to be degenerate as anyone else. They're breeding stock produces misfits just as well as any others. From the conditions in the world it is plainly clear that it's the degenerates that are running it. Would sane people create such a mess. :-0
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
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From the conditions in the world it is plainly clear that it's the degenerates that are running it. Would sane people create such a mess. :-0
What's even more baffling is that an allegedly sane god(s), whose attributes embody unlimited creative powers with absolute precognition, would create such a mess. Perhaps it's best that inferior gods not be allowed to reproduce as well.
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Old Seer wrote:From the conditions in the world it is plainly clear that it's the degenerates that are running it. Would sane people create such a mess. :-0
What's even more baffling is that an allegedly sane god(s), whose attributes embody unlimited creative powers with absolute precognition, would create such a mess. Perhaps it's best that inferior gods not be allowed to reproduce as well.
That they are the same as the "spaceman god" they claim to follow . It's nothing more then ancient superstition.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
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That they are the same as the "spaceman god" they claim to follow . It's nothing more then ancient superstition.
Not my problem. Atheism cures superstition.
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Posted on: April 18th, 2015 #38
Add-on/Addendum --
People, You'll be so sorry! Are you serious . . you dont use the word : 'cute' ( Ref. Nu# 32 )!
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Free speech and democracy are being assailed throughout the entire western hemisphere. I'm not sure they even exist anymore. Cultural issues like this one are getting worse all the time. I wonder when it'll come to a head.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
swedens's the country where you can barely discipline your child without ending up in jail. it started with a ban on spanking (which i do not agree with anyway), then got more and more intrusive. now, surprise surprise, they're ending up with a nation full of brats. i recently read an article where a swedish reporter visited a primary school and saw two small boys really laying into each other, cussing up a storm. she stepped in and told them to behave themselves and they started cussing at her, telling her to mind her business. a country where a kid like that can't legally get the shit smacked out of him is no country i look up to. fuck sweden.
"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson
Talk about exageration and distortions!! I thought this was a "RATIONAL" forum... Well I guess it serves right being in the "irrationalities" part.
"There have been several international comparisons made, placing Sweden at the top end of the number of reported rapes. However, it should be noted that police procedures and legal definitions vary widely across countries, which makes it difficult to compare rape statistics.[6][7] For example, Sweden reformed its sex crime legislation and made the legal definition of rape much wider in 2005,[2][3][6][8] which largely explains a significant increase in the number of reported rapes in the ten-year period of 2004-2013.[9] The Swedish police also record each instance of sexual violence in every case separately, leading to an inflated number of cases compared to other countries;[6][10] this could also explain the paradox of fewer convictions.[2] Additionally, the Swedish police have improved the handling of rape cases, in an effort to increase the number of crimes reported.[6][11][12]
Raised awareness and a shifting attitude of crimes against women in Sweden,[13] which has been ranked as the number one country in gender equality,[14] may also explain the relatively high rates of reported rape.[6][15]
" Increased gender equality leads to higher levels of disclosure about physical and sexual violence against women."
"According to a 2014 study published by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), based on interviews of 42,000 women aged 18–74, approximately one third of all women in the EU were said to have suffered physical and/or sexual abuse. At the top end was Denmark (52%), Finland (47%) and Sweden (46%).[18][19][20] Every second woman in the EU has experienced sexual harassment at least once since the age of 15. In Sweden that figure was 81 per cent, closely followed by Denmark (80%) and France (75%). Included in the definition of "sexual harassment" was — among other things — inappropriate staring or leering and cyber harassment."
"In Sweden there has been this ambition explicitly to record every case of sexual violence separately, to make it visible in the statistics," she says.
"So, for instance, when a woman comes to the police and she says my husband or my fiance raped me almost every day during the last year, the police have to record each of these events, which might be more than 300 events. In many other countries it would just be one record - one victim, one type of crime, one record."
Muslims are not = to evil rapists. I know muslims and I'm friends with some of them. They are nice people. There are rapists everywhere, even atheist rapists.
maybe you want to be Christians now! what do you think? Lets all stop being atheists...
At work I am good friends with an evangelical Christian. We have frequent discussions about our respective world-views. I have repeatedly stated to him that if believing in divine justice is what it takes to keep some people's behavior in line then I have little reason to object to such beliefs. Whether I consider those beliefs to be true or not is completely secondary.
Completely agree
Look who's talking. iwbiek and myself were discussing free speech and democracy and you come in here spouting off about moslems and rape. Where's the posts calling moslems rapists to justify your tirade? Do you even know what rational means?
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I was criticizing the video of the OP, not particularly you guys. Free speech has limits like everything else. If I go on national television saying that Vastet is murderer and a rapist I should be penalized by that. Hate speech has no place in civilization, specially when it's unfounded, like the case here.
My critique to you is that you did not point out this right from the start.
Xenophobic movements are on the rise in Europe and this is very concerning to me. What happened here in the first half of the 20th century can happen again, it is not impossible if things continue to move this way.
The video in the op was neither made by the op nor by the site we are communicating on, yet you directed your tirade against the site. Starting off by questioning our rational capability as if you had any grounds to. Like a dumb little kid might. It's not my job to point out the obvious to you. If you're too stupid to use the internet then stop using the internet.
Also, your comparison and analysis are wrong. You calling me a murderer in print would be libel. On tv it would be defamation. I could sue you, but you won't get in any trouble beyond that.
You calling a cultural group murderers is slightly different, in that you can't get sued by anyone. You don't get punished for making generalisations or claims. Not by the government or police at least. That's because free speech has no limits, nor should it have. It wouldn't be free speech if it did.
Maybe in your social life or at your job you'll face consequences, but that depends on circumstances. Neither the police nor the government will come after you for calling moslems or myself rapists and murderers.
Seems that veganism and theism are just the tip of the iceberg regarding your delusions.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I'm not feeling all that hot, so I'm going to try to let this one fly ::
Not being fair again (hello)!! This is sounding like an absolutist statement now. Limits on Free speech have taken measures ranging from the controversial to the humorous. I am reminded (On-site ONLY) of the cause of inciting violence against minorities by the words issued in these "White Supremacy" groups in the United States of America. Some of their publications HAVE gone very far in providing the fodder and inspiration for violence against blacks and anti-semitic prejudice, and the like; an example is the Turner Diaries were cited in-some-lessor known court cases, state side; and I am fuzzy on the details but I think there was some sort of criminal prosecution as a result (don't quote me on that, I could be very wrong about this fouth hand information), I think. This from the formal police record showing the names of each person brought into custody, the nature of the accusations, especially from statements taken in each of the cases. The Turner Diaries is a novel written in 1978 by William Luther Pierce In the case of the Turner Diaries besides depicts a violent revolution in the United States which leads to the overthrow of the United States federal government, (always pays to fear the federal government FOLKS) it (Pierce's work) ALSO is THIS disgustingly despicable racist document from all accounts (never read any of it). They had the 'right' to express their views but at least two court cases involving 'Hate crimes' Perpetrators directly cited the Turner Diries as the sole impetus for these evils
Color blind, where a person just is
0 f f s i t e --
One step foward, three steps back of late (55555, Lol)! Images part of the going backwards comment --
You are the moron here because (again) you are starting with personal attacks. Sounding like some other guy who usually writes here on the forum.
Your first comment about the topic indicates without much doubt that you disagree that measures should be taken towards people who do hate speech and that forbidding hate speech is against "free speech" as a human right in democracy.
I pointed out and still point out that this is irrational but maybe your mind cannot compreend why... my freedom ends where yours starts. If you were gay for example, you would have the "freedom" not to be subjected to hate speech.
I don't know about the laws in Canada, but in many european countries there are laws against defamation of minorities or races. Precisely because no one can sue you it becomes a public crime. I don't think these laws are putting democracy in danger, far from it. I'm glad I live in Europe. Democracy is in danger, we agree on this point, but it's not because of these laws, I assure you...
maybe this can help you guys...
For the purpose of clarity and factual evidence and not just some random guy supporting Free Speech of Hate Crimes on youtube. This is what the MP wrote on Facebook and why he was fined:
“When are you journalists going to realize that it is deeply ingrained in Islamic culture to rape and mistreat those women who do not abide by the teachings of Islam? [Data] is widely available showing the connection between the rapes in Sweden and number of migrants from Middle Eastern and North African countries,” wrote the SD politician.""The indictment concerned a comment on Facebook that Hess wrote next to an article in Aftonbladet, which was about women who were raped in Tahrir Square in Cairo.
What if critical statements can be substantiated with facts, is that still "hate" speech ?
In the US social pathologies among the various ethnic groups / phenotypes ( "race" ) indicate there are specific communities for whom academic failure, out of wedlock births, gang activity, illegal drug use, animal cruelty, domestic violence etc, is far in excess relative to others.
Is it "hate" to acknowledge these realities ?
Oh, you are against racially homogenous societies ?
I guess you would absolutely hate Japan:
( Japanese 98.5%, Koreans 0.5%, Chinese 0.4. other 0.6% )
I knew there was some sort of xenophobic sentiment behind this post...
Which is not the case of the OP.
Can you please point out these "correlation" studies to me, because I don't know them. And please, avoid referencing "party studies".
I hope I don't need to point the obvious too... Correlation does not imply causation
This is basic stuff.
Is it really hard to see what is the main cause of criminality or do I need to spell it out for you?
Blaming other cultures and the consequent social exclusion that will come from xenophobia will worsen the problem instead of eliminating it.
Did I say I was against racially homogenous societies? I don't hate... I know this is hard for you to understand, I don't hate or steriotype people by their race, nationality, religion and so on. I hate bad ideas, not people. Love the people, hate bad ideas. I hate xenophobic sentiments.
I guess the stunning hipocrisy about all this post is that I assume you are American and live in America. Perhaps the epitome of how diversity makes a great nation. You are probably an alien too unless you are a Native American which I doubt.
dude, that is the oldest, most fallacious cop-out argument ever. if i ever start a debate club where i teach, rule 1 will be hitler and the holocaust are off-limits unless they're actually part of the topic.
"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson
You are right. I was just overwhelmed by the equal fallacity of his previous comment... This was not an argument against. I was just in shock that this type of mentality is ressurging
It is true thought that Hitler regarded Jews as being inferior and the cause of much evil in the world hence the comparison. Weather he trully believed this as a matter of fact (also using statistics) or just used them as scapegoat (like what is happening now is some sectors of the political discourse) does not make much difference.
[quote =Teralek] Can you please point out these "correlation" studies to me, because I don't know them. And please, avoid referencing "party studies"