Here's something from
a USMC Bro of mine who writes columns-Fred on Everything net. I got this in the e-mail this morning.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
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Which was the same time that Greek philosophers were stating outright that the Earth was a sphere, not cryptically so that you can read it and knowing that the Earth is a sphere, infer that they might possibly have known/suspected.
Which means they weren't ignorant barbarians. BOOYA!
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
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Beyond Saving wrote:Which was the same time that Greek philosophers were stating outright that the Earth was a sphere, not cryptically so that you can read it and knowing that the Earth is a sphere, infer that they might possibly have known/suspected.
Which means they weren't ignorant barbarians. BOOYA!
Only if your sole definition of whether or not someone is ignorant or a barbarian is their belief in whether or not the world is flat, which brings me back to "what is your point?". I call stoning people barbaric. I call rape barbaric, I call the sacking and mass slaughter of people after taking a city barbaric. Take your list of Hebrew laws, they were extremely barbaric. And certainly, all people back then were ignorant compared to the knowledge available to us today. We have a couple thousand years of knowledge added since then. Troll fails again.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
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JesusLovesYou wrote:
Beyond Saving wrote:Which was the same time that Greek philosophers were stating outright that the Earth was a sphere, not cryptically so that you can read it and knowing that the Earth is a sphere, infer that they might possibly have known/suspected.
Which means they weren't ignorant barbarians. BOOYA!
Only if your sole definition of whether or not someone is ignorant or a barbarian is their belief in whether or not the world is flat, which brings me back to "what is your point?". I call stoning people barbaric. I call rape barbaric, I call the sacking and mass slaughter of people after taking a city barbaric. Take your list of Hebrew laws, they were extremely barbaric. And certainly, all people back then were ignorant compared to the knowledge available to us today. We have a couple thousand years of knowledge added since then. Troll fails again.
We cannot fathom the mind of God and His endless mercy
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
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We cannot fathom the mind of God and His endless mercy
Precisely,'s hard to fathom the mind of something that doesn't exist. BOOYAH !
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Vastet wrote:He has a certain vague correctness, but in general he's an idiot. An evangelical christian might be just fine working with chemistry or technology, but his or her beliefs completely remove the possibility of providing any meaningful results in geology, biology, or astronomy; because he or she disregards the observed facts of the universe that must be accepted in order to obtain useful data. Their approach is inherently biased, and thus useless. He also goes on an ignorant tangent regarding homosexuality, ignoring evidence that it is an evolutionary method of population control. It is certainly true that science cannot answer every possible question, but I have yet to encounter a scientist who asserted otherwise, so the implication that scientists actually do so is quite ridiculous.Because Vastet is a physicist, psychologist, biologist, chemist, geneologist, neurologist, and astronomer all in one. What an extremely knowledgeable and talented guy.
And allit took was a few college courses, paying attention in high school, and doing some of my own research. Too bad you can't be bothered to enlighten yourself.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
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More like this one. It's a circle, with the heavens stretched out over it like a curtain, like a tent for people to live in, on top of four pillars.
Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare
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More like this one. It's a circle, with the heavens stretched out over it like a curtain, like a tent for people to live in, on top of four pillars.
yup, as someone working toward a PhD in religious studies and who had the pleasure of studying under a top-notch old testament scholar during his bachelor years (jewish lady, no less, who knew every semitic language, living and dead), i'll say that's a pretty fair rendition of hebrew cosmology.
"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson
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Interesting that you know this guy. I had been introduced to his website by a former friend and am somewhat familiar with him. I would just as soon live in Liberia as Mexico, though.
He has a certain vague correctness, but in general he's an idiot. An evangelical christian might be just fine working with chemistry or technology, but his or her beliefs completely remove the possibility of providing any meaningful results in geology, biology, or astronomy; because he or she disregards the observed facts of the universe that must be accepted in order to obtain useful data. Their approach is inherently biased, and thus useless.
He also goes on an ignorant tangent regarding homosexuality, ignoring evidence that it is an evolutionary method of population control.
It is certainly true that science cannot answer every possible question, but I have yet to encounter a scientist who asserted otherwise, so the implication that scientists actually do so is quite ridiculous.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
quite a number of email in past times. he has a childhood backgrounf similar to mine. We haven't been in touch for about the last year, he gets so much email he can't keep up with it all. I knew Marines all over the world a while ago (not on religion subjects) anf that's fairly well petered out too. In this column --I agree--he doesn't have a proper grasp of scientists. I pass off many of his columns after reading them half way through, but quite often one gets my attention.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
At least he's a supporter of civilian gun rights in the US and is not some quivering hoplophobe. Plus his glowing description of life in Mexico seems to be at odds with the US State Department which in the past has repeatedly issued warnings to American tourists to refrain from vacationing in Mexico due to rampant crime. Yes, he loves it there and hasn't yet been the target of a serious crime ( as far as I know ) but so what ? There are people who will say they love living in post-apartheid South Africa even though it has devolved into a shit hole under the rule of the ANC.
Interesting that he used to write for Soldier of Fortune magazine. Although there were sometimes a few interesting articles by Peter G. Kokalis about weapons and elite military units I quit reading SOF back in the early 90's. The magazine was too hokey.
Fred's led an interesting life though. He kind of reminds me of the late journalist Hunter S. Thompson.
By the way Old Seer when you were in the USMC were you ever deployed into an active combat zone ? Any interesting stories to share ?
Right funny how it is ok when you criticize.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
My first duty station was The Stumps (MCB 29 Plams CA. 1st Terriror Missile Bn, 1st MAAMs. then to Pendeltion Support Co B, then back to 29 Palms Sr. Launcher Crewman 1st LAAM (light Anti Aircraft Missle) Bn, Hawk Missile. Discharge rank L/Cpl My best Buddy, Fernando A Pansoy passed away last year. I was just at his obit page. If you care to give salutes google Fernando A Pansoy san fransisco chronicles obit. His father passed about 2 years ago, a Philipine gurrella fighter of ww2. Probo Pansoy obit san fransisco. Andy was one hell of a Marine, a Marine's Marine, and one hell of a hand to hand combatsmen. We would go behind mess halls and bust up apple and orange crates bare handed. I was making out my condolences and punched the wrong button and lost it, so I'll do it over again later, Daughter and grandson are here now. I see in his obit he had to register his hands--so did I after discharge.
I do have a couple of nifty stories. Robinhood at the Stumps. I'll word process them ans paste it. 2 episodes.
Here's something for the meantime.This is a popem I rute which was published in Leatherneck Magazine Oct 2000
The Sentry
In a foxhole not to deep
sits a Grunt in need of sleep
with rifle lying across an arm
at the ready to sound alarm
An ammo belt on his hip
with LBV so it won't slip (load bearing vest)
His eyes roving in an arc
squinting, peering through the dark
Ears listening for any sound
rocks in tin cans all around
barbed wire across the front
nothing scares this 03 grunt
Chilly night winds upon the hill
not enough to deter his will
Head is sheltered in his pot
as such is the 03's lot
And if it rains, thats OK
He's all prepared anyway
heat and hell he takes with a grin
This 03 grunt is trained to win
Any enemy lurking about
had better take another route
The 03 Grunt will deal the cards
with sights set at 300 yards
This 03 grunt has his orders
daring any to cross his borders
he's a creature of the night
soley saying what's wrong or right
If it's tough, he won't be grieved
he's on the job until relieved
wherever he is he owns the land
be it forest or desert sand
Be the place dry or muddy
makes no difference to him or his buddy
wherever it be he'll hold the line
and plant both feet to say---THIS LAND IS MINE.
copyright 2000
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
Small example that diverts the mind from tedious or serious concerns
> Wolverine's claws for Rippin' up or for protecting people ?
Link --
X-men-the-animated-series - Season-4-episode-60
As Logan's once spiritual teacher, the monk Oku, once said, (Dialogue --) ". . Try looking at yourself with NEW Eyes" .. (Dialogue --) Logan "Rippin up people is no purpose''?!! Master Oku, ''. . But, Caring and protecting people is."
SOURCE :: Http:// . .
Brian can't understand that when I criticise something I actually use facts and logic, two things Brian completely ignores all the time.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Thanks, I found him.
Thanks, I found him.
I've never been deployed to a cambat zone. I was Discharged May 28/61 . I find from the 1st LAAM Association that had I reinlisted I would have been deployed 9 months later to VN with 1st LAAMs to provide Anti air cover over Hanoi.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
Robinhood at 29 Palms.
episode 1
MarineCorp Base 29 Palms CA, Approx July 1960
Friday afternoons back then was "Field Day" when the barracks was gone over from stem to stern being cleaned straightened (squared away) and Port holes (windows) washed, and racks (bunks) properly aligned. Enoute back to the squad bay form the Tac area where the company missilelainchers were set up I stopped in at Basr Special Services to check out a bow with 6 arrows. On some week ends Andy and I would head out North of the base on foot into the Mohave Deseert. And go shooting around with our M-1 rifles. Only this time I was going with archery gear.
After the week end went past Base Services and returned the archery gear. On that morning I would noch an arrow and let it fly far ahead of me and as I walked along do another or so and pick them up as I got to them. As I was passing the company supply building abotu 50 yards to my left I let one go straight up. I stood and watched to see where it would come down. Asit came back in sight on the way down--oh oh, dammit, SOB %#@&&^%$ the wind took it toward the supply buliding. No explanations needed here, right. I was hoping it cleared the building and stuck in a paint locker on the other side of the building. Being I heard it hit I know it didn't hit the dirt. I was fully confident --thats the way it would be. But-no. I checked the lockers and found no arrow. I baccked away from the building until I coul;d see it. And there it was, sticking straight up out of one of the fiberglass panels that serves as a sky light. Now what.
I didn't worry about much at first---until I realized all hands in the barracks knew I checked out the archery gear. So, then it began to bother me, I'm going to be in deep dog shit when Sgt Horn the supply Sargeant discovers this deal. No matter how I fugured or schemed I couldn.t find a way to remedy the problem. I consigned my self to the upcoming fates and ahd to let it go as is. Now, the arrow stuck in the North side of the roof and couldn't be seen from anywhere on the base, and the building was on the extreme South of the base just up from Lake Bandini (the sewage settlement ponds) but I didn't take that into accounts until a few of weeks later. All this time the arrow was stucking up but no one could see it. I got to wondering why Sgt Horn didn't dicover it from the inside of the building, as it was positioned above his desk and slightly behind. So time goes by, but it alway bothered me to know that--that arrow was up there and there's nothing I can do about it. In the mean time on upcomming weeks I would check out the gear again and go shooting arouind the desert.
Low and behold, One mourning at fall out in ranks and after rifle inspection The platoon Sgt Alverez sound's off. I need a volunteer for the supply Sgt this moring. He din'teven get done speaking and my hand was already in the air. Everyone in ranks looked at me like I was nuts. I was already a Lance Corporal and this is a job for lessor ranks. So--off to the supply I go with plan in mind. I remembered from being at supply now and then that there was a stack of foot lockers there. I'm pictureing in my mind to stack them up and if high enough I could pull the arrow through.
I was put to work Surveying (inventory) equipment and looking for an opportunity to stack up those foot lockers. As it got close to noon it looking like that wasn't going to happen, and it was looking at the prospect of my plan not working. About 1130 hrs SGt Horn approaches me --I'm going to chow, you stay here and take care of things until I get back--then you go. Ho boy, goody gumdrop, yuppie doosey. So I wait and watch for Sgt horn to clear ther building and go to the door to watch and make sure he's wellojn his way. Yup, there he goes. I hustle back to the foot lockers and get to stacking in a fever, up and up I go. Ahhh there I am a Marine in all his glory whipping the enemy soundly and no one left alive---yessereee- I pull the arrow through,all lockers get restacked where they belong and savor my victory
Mmmm, well, not for long
After I return from chow and as afternoon goes on there's not much to do. So about the last 2 hours is nothing more then kill time until 1600 hrs., quiting time. As I'm sitting and lolly gawking around I happen to notice--- what da, oh oh. a dot of sunlite has been slowly moving across the deck. As time goes by--sure enough,it's going to go right across the desk with Sgt Horn sitting there. I'm gabberfalsted as the dot slowly gets to his chair, moves up the back on to his neck, proceeds to go across his head. Hot damn. Snidley Whiplashes plan is about to go South. As Horn leans to and fro the beam streaks across his face coming and going. He stops---what da hell he says, turns and looks up. How da %$#@ did that get there, that's irritating. Go down to the other end and get the step ladder and plug that up with something. My heart starts beating again--I can't believe this, what the hell happened. So I get the ladder,set it up, and Sgt Horn hands me a piece of cloth he cut off from a rag--here stuff this in it. So upthe ladder Igo but the rag is a bit big and I can't get it seated in the hole. what to do.I go down the ladder ------Get the arrow (mind you) and use it to stuff the cloth in the hole...
Day is over, time for evening chow and heading back to the squad bay.
Episode 2coming later.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
Ha ha, that's hilarious. That would make a great scene in a movie. Would definitely get laughs.
On ocassion after 1400 hrs I'm heading back to the barraks for the usual Friday field day, and enroute I stop by base special services to check out the archery gear as in episode 1. Arriving at the barraks and upon entering I place the bow with arrows on my rack (bunk). I then proceed to the head* to take a wiz. I'm standing at the urinal (trouph type) and I hers a --thud on the other side of the bulkhead. (wall)I didn'ythink much of it a remained as is.
The barracks at that time was double ended with a squad bay on each end. Each squad bay had 4 hatches (doors)*, one at each corner. When facing the middle there is a wall about 50 to 75 feet away from the ends, witha bulletin board, and on the left there is about a 6 foot doorway leading in to the head on the right, with the wash rack and wash machines and dryers on the left. After the head is the showers and then the utillity bay with air conditioning, water pipes and building heater. The other side of the building is the same but facing the center just as the one opposit.
As I was wizzing I hear another------ thump. I let it pass also---for about a second, and then realized what the thump is. I'm sure you can guess what's going on here. The instant I come to a realization of the situation I automatically make a break for the door on my right, and not getting my wizzer put away in time I pissed all over the front of my utility trousers. I round the corner in a panic slipping and sliding ( the barraks decks were made of very smooth concrete and waxed)(not good for positive tracktion). While zipping up I made it around the wall and---there's PFC Schroder down at the end of the squad bay with another arrow drawn back ready for another strike on the bulletin board. Just as I was about to raise my hand and point to yell--STAND FAST, the arrow went on it's way. Now, the bulletin board was only about 3 feet from me and I put on the brakes trying to back up all at the same time, slipped, and went down flat on my ass ender sitting upright.
At the same time the arrow was loosed and whilst on it's way the door in the opposit corner, right in line with the bulletin borad, opens and in walks the Duty NCO* Gunnery Sgt. Halverson. I'm stareing straight at him from a sitting position. Thwack, the arrow embeds itself in the bulletin board. The Gunny stops ( a korean war vet), is confused for a fraction of a second, then his eyes get as big as half dollars. He panics. As he's looking in the direction the arrow came from and trying to see over the bunks he's slapping his side frantically to get out a Colt M-1911, .45 cal pistol----which he didn't have, and lucky for Schroder to. He points toward Schroder and --as I was going to do---shouts, Stand fast Marine. He walks over to Schroder, grabs the bow, and raps Schroder on the head with it. He then walks down to the bulletin board, pulls out the 3 arrows, then back to Schroder, takes the remining 3 arrows off my rack---and escorts Schroder to the company office for weekend confinement to barraks until monday morning.
Schroder was a tufass Marine weight lifter. He had a reputaion for getting in fights with theMPs at the gate and beating them up when coming back off liberty. The provost marshall office would periodically confiscate the man and escort him to the brig until turning him over to the Company CO (commanding officer) monday morning.
Monday morning Schroder and I find ourselves standing tall before the man. Gunny Halverson marches us into the COs office ---hup one hup two --detail, Halt. Left face, one step forward haw.- Gunnery Sgt Halverson presenting (Me) and Schroder as ordered, sir. Very well Gunny, you're dismissed. The Gunny takes one step to the rear, makes a sharp left face and marches out.
The CO ( I forget his name- Capt somebodyis sitting with hands on the desk and working his fingers in a tapping motion as playing a piano. He looks up at Schroder, then me, than back at Schroder. Well Schroder-----I see you have a new hobby. You've gone from beating up MPs to robinhood shooting arrows in to MY (standing up and sounding off) GOD DAMN BULLETIN BOARD. The he looks at me. How many arrows did you shoot into the bulletin board---none sir. The what the &%$@&^% are you here for. I said, I checked the eqipment out from special services. He--but you didn't shoot arrows into the bulletin board????? No sir. He statred at me for a moment. ---you're dismissed, dissapear, get to the tac area. I said yessir and took one smart step to the rear, and nifty left face, and left. AsI was slinking away I had to go past the XOs office--he wasn't in. then past the 1st Sargeant. I caught him out the corner of my eye --he was pointing at me and and then to the exit with words formed on his mouth but silent---Get the ^%^$# out of here. AsI was leaving through the hatch to out side I could hear the CO sounding like he was reading Schroder the entire uniform code of military justice. About a half hour later Schroder was slinking into the tac area to his launcher. Then----the XO caught him &%$#@ rorroorr oooo arrrgh agd and sshdyerj nhs and dgteun until you fucking die. he was confined to barraks for two weeks--no privilages but only to the mess hall.
For those to know
*Head. a nautical term for waterhead. On the old ships until after WW2 there was a waterpump with an inlet from the bottom of the ship to the urinals and toilets. The urnal was a trouph that went out the side of the ship to flush the contents overboard. The pump is the water head. There were two water heads, the other was the fresh water pump for drinking and cooking. The USMC is within the Dept of the Navy.
*Hatch, a through wayto the outside of a ship. All indoor through ways are doors.
*NCO. Non commisioned Officer. All ranks Lance Corporal on up are non commisiond officers. ALance Corporal is only An NCO when designated. (A Lance Corporeal is one who does everything a PVT and PFC is not trusted to do, and what a Corporal doesn't want to do.
Duty NCO. The desinated NCO that was assigned to over see the company when Full Grade Officers were off duty.
CO, Commanding Officer
XO, Executive Officer, A second or first leutenant immmediatly next in authority to the CO
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
That really is some funny stuff Old Seer. I was chuckling as I read it. Back in the early 1960's couldn't your DI's actually get away with striking the recruits ? I read a book called Boot about the US Marine Corps that was written in the early 1990's ( I think ) and it was noting how the command staff was now legally forbidden to lay hands on the Marines in order to get the point across. Did you ever see any one get bitch slapped by officers ?
ever seen Full Metal Jacket that was my summer of 1958. My Boot Camp was at MCRD San Diego. There are only 2 Marine recruit depots--at San Diego CA and Parris Island SC. FMJ was filmed at Parris Island. Yes, we did get thumped and somet5imes hard. The DIs at my time knew enough not to go to far. It wasn't just the Marine Corps rules it was the ire of parents also. And, if you ended up in sick bay on accounts of injuries it was investgated, and it didn't make any difference what the cause was. The worst I seen was a recruit getting his rifle smacked up side the head at right shoulder arms and split his ear. But we expected that. At the rime I really didn't know how far a DI could go. In my day if one wanted to be a Marine you accepted the consquences of it. To us it didn't make any difference if your arm got broke going over a wall or for any other reason. Normally, bad things happen from a bad DI being a DI. But that's what marines are trained for, handling bad times. The good one's want to do a good job and not get into hassles about things that didn't go over to well for training purposes. My DI's were pros form WW2 and the Korean war.
I think the most humorus thing was when a DI caught a recruit smiling in ranks. You can imagine what that voice over would sound like so--we had laugh drill. Ready---Laugh--ha ha ha ha ha ah we had to laugh until our jaws were tired--and- the excersie caused all to really laugh for real. Platooooon halt. Everybody smile----- common smile. Wipe wm off and putem in your back pocket, and leave'em there until I say take,em out. Any time or any where it couold be----take'em out and put'em on---ready---LAUGH hah ha ha ha ha. Wipe'em off put'em in your back pocket.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
an evolutionary advantage?
Of course. That's how the physically weak get advantage over the strong, or the greater number of individuals. Liars and decievers are normally the weak, in order to fit in with the strong or the better they have to cheat. Of course the artrtical isn't necessarily about us, but I'd say it still applies. Thw 2008 finacial deal was perpetrated by the deccieves---they won. To big to jail.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
Because Vastet is a physicist, psychologist, biologist, chemist, geneologist, neurologist, and astronomer all in one. What an extremely knowledgeable and talented guy.
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Because Vastet is a physicist, psychologist, biologist, chemist, geneologist, neurologist, and astronomer all in one. What an extremely knowledgeable and talented guy.
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
And you should just stick to be being a sexually repressed electrician.
When you don't waste your time reading the same book 1000 times trying to extract some knowledge from ignorant barbarians, it is possible to become intelligently conversant in a wide range of topics.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
ignorant barbarians?
Need I remind you that the Hebrews knew the earth is round.
Isaiah 40:22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Circles are not spheres.
Your point being? The Greeks had speculated that the Earth was a sphere by 600 BC, it was proven by Erotosthenes around 240 BC, who estimated the circumference of the Earth and was only off by 2-20%, we don't know for sure because the unit of length he used (stadion) wasn't standard. That the Earth was a sphere was widely accepted among educated Greeks. So it wasn't some large revelation in the New Testament that had previously been unknown to the world. For several centuries, it was well accepted by the educated that the Earth was a sphere- although many Christian intellectuals argued about the existence of "antipodes", people they argued over whether they could be living "upside down" on the other side of the world and many Christian scholars argued it was impossible for water to exist on the other side of the world. Because apparently, they only managed to steal a little bit of knowledge from Ancient Greece. It was around the 4th and 5th centuries BC that several bishops started asserting that the world was flat and using bible scripture to support their positions. It wasn't until the 11th century- almost 1300 years after Erotosthenes, that a christian scientist-Hermannus Contractus finally ran the same experiment proving that the world was round, finally catching up to the Ancient Greeks (mostly due to their new interaction with Arab astronomers). See what you can learn when you read more than just the bible?
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
The office of bishop was operating before Christ? new revelation to me!
That Scripture is from Isaiah, which is authored around 700 BC, OT scripture
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
I meant AD, typo.
Which was the same time that Greek philosophers were stating outright that the Earth was a sphere, not cryptically so that you can read it and knowing that the Earth is a sphere, infer that they might possibly have known/suspected.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X