No drizzlin doggy do do

Old Seer
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No drizzlin doggy do do

Army is removing Social Security numbers from dog tags. When they came out with that idea I predicted they would have to change back to serial numbers. One has to wonder how many Military Floks got thier ID's stolen since. A fine eggzample of a common citizen knowing better then the entire US government. No, I'm not going to run for prezydent. I may be dumb but not that dumb. Handle your own damn problems.   Smiling

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What idiot thought it would

What idiot thought it would be a good idea to do that?

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When I went off to the USMC

When I went off to the USMC in 89 and got my dog tags the first time I often wondered why they put my social on there. Of course back in 89 it wasn't a huge deal but now with it being tied in to so much more... yeah a change is a good thing.

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It goes back quite a

while ago. I think it started during the Veit Nam fiasco. Originally the SS# was to be used only for Social Security purposes. Now every finance outfit and gov agency wants to use it. The people of the US of A were guaranteed that it wouldn't become a serial number. Promises not kept are promises not made.

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It was changed shortly

after I was discharged from active duty 1961

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Incredible. The idea you

Incredible. The idea you would expose your entire first line of defence to identity theft and black mail and who knows what else is completely mind bogglingly monumentally stupid. Even in the 1960's. But especially in the last 20 years. Why not hand every cop a target symbol with their address imprinted on their uniform while you're at it.

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 I don't see much of a

 I don't see much of a point about worrying about securing your social security number, you routinely give it to people who earn low wages. The one time someone attempted to steal my identity, they worked for the credit card company. Funny how $7 an hour doesn't discourage someone from trying to make a little on the side. Tge only way to secure your credit is to freeze it.

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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When the USMC had

Vastet wrote:
Incredible. The idea you would expose your entire first line of defence to identity theft and black mail and who knows what else is completely mind bogglingly monumentally stupid. Even in the 1960's. But especially in the last 20 years. Why not hand every cop a target symbol with their address imprinted on their uniform while you're at it.

serial# when I was on active duty it wasn't connected to anything but the Dept of Defense. It had no connection to finance or personal records outside the military of any kind. When I enlisrted we got paid every 2 weeks---in cash.

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It was really

digitalbeachbum wrote:

When I went off to the USMC in 89 and got my dog tags the first time I often wondered why they put my social on there. Of course back in 89 it wasn't a huge deal but now with it being tied in to so much more... yeah a change is a good thing.

A bad idea. What if an enemy got you SS# off your bod on the battle field. They have access to your entire life--I think. I not a top notch computor type so I don't know what all can be done with that information. The wholething always looked like nutty 2 fruits to me.

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