Putting labels on yourself

I've reached the point now where I don't want to put a label on myself and try to tell people what I want to be called. Even if you tell people what label you want, you have no control over what label they use or what image they have in their minds. It is difficult for me to find a label that fits me completely. I agree with a lot of things Humanist say but after going to the American Humanist website and seeing how they advertise themselves as being "GOOD WITHOUT A GOD" really left a sour taste in my mouth. I was also involved with a local Humanist group here but their leadership seems to take a very non confrontational approach and feels the need to prove themselves as "good people" in this community of mostly Christians. Have any of you gone through periods like this where you don't want to identify yourself with a label?
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You're goinmg to get a label like it or not. That's how you become identified by others. The name your parents gave you at birth is a label. Negative personality is labeled "jerk" (plus others) or to that effect. Positve personality is "good guy". The humanists are OK and they basically are good guys but really no different then most others. Good without God"--nope --I don'tthink so. You's have to ask their interpretation of "God". If they say --the one the religions got, we would say they are correct. Considering that there is no intellectual super entity as claimed then that puts them in a quandry.
Everyone exists under the forces that are, and those forces are what we all surcum to. In our bunch , Old Seers. we don't recongnize any God other then the forces in one's life that rule one's life. Under this idea everyone has a God, or, it can be called something else. Humanists then have a God that they call "good", which they are attempting to be ruled by. There are human forces and there are inhuman forces--and these both are the basic rule that make up people.
Not to worry to much about labels I'd say. You'll find that all are judged by their good traits and their bad traits. Just so you're not called"jerk" or something to that effect. If so you'll have to figure out if it's true or not.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
I'm aware that other people will give me labels but I don't really feel the need to give labels to myself or tell people what I want my label to be. The whole positive vs. negative attitude thing is interesting considering that I find annoying a lot of traits that are considered to be positive...but that's another topic.
People like to be able to describe things quickly and efficiently, labels let them do that more effectively. I've never been bothered by it because it makes sense to me.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Labels are going to happen, it is part of human language, they are shortcuts. Unfortunately they are far too viewed as litteral DNA as if you could draw blood and find a gene for that label.
As evedence here too, "atheist" does not mean we are lockstep on every issue. It is a position, not a religion, not a political party, not an economic view.
Get your popcorn bucket out becaue the three stooges use every thread to show their stupidity. Let the crybabies bitch.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian has in some way accepted his status of laughing stock and now advises people to eat popcorn while being entertained by his stupidity. Unfortunately it's never entertaining.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.